Programs and Utilities
No Support, No Guarantee!!
Name | Remark |
aar.f | ADF output extraction |
allign.f | Remove rotational motion from a set of geometries (for vibrational function calculation, see surfaces.f and peswf.f |
analyze.f | general |
IRaichfourier.f | 5-member ring coordinates |
beatpgi.f | change Gaussian source so it can better be compiled with g77 |
boltzman.f | general |
bumat.f | symmetry-adapted vibrational coordinates, from Quantum chemistry program exchange |
cct.f | transfer of molecular proeprty tensors in Cartesian coordinates |
cctf.f | compares S-vectors (vibrations) in two molecules |
cctn.f | Cartesian coordinate transfer of force field and intensity tensors |
cctnbig.f | as cctn.f, but for extra large molecules, force field matrix is compressed cctn.doc |
ccts.f | perturbational scaling of FF (obsolete) |
ch3.f | vibrational spectra of toluene and simialr molecules with a free rotating group |
chopg.f | chop Gaussian output |
chopg1.f | chops off Gaussian TDDFT output, unnecessary for RNSOS |
comparemo.f | compare MOs in similar chromophores |
coord.f | internal coordinate generation (obsolete, use new1 instead) |
coord2.f | a variant of coord.f |
corcoef.f | calculates correlation coefficient for two sets of data |
cscale.f | force field perturbational scaling |
cticad5.f | extracts FF from cadpac output (obsolete) |
dar2.f | extracts Dalton output, force field and Raman tensors |
dare.f | dar2.f for Dalton2 |
dc.f | transition dipole oscillator model (VCD and absorption) |
dc_psi.f | dc.f for arbitrary system size |
distr.f | distribution function from a set of data (e.g. torsion angles in MD) |
divide.f | divides Gaussian multi-output into separate files |
dodc.f | supplementary to dc.f, places the vibrational transition dipoles into molecules |
dodcg.f | supplementary to dc.f, places the electronic transition dipoles into molecules, form Gaussian output |
dodcg1.f | supplementary to dc.f, places the electronic transition dipoles into molecules, form Gaussian and Turbomole output |
dog00.f | original program for combining dipole deivatives and vibrational S-vectors |
drive.f | makes a script for B3LYP functional optimization |
dusch.f | makes Duschinsky transformation and other matrices for Franck-Condon factors, see guvcde.doc |
dynamiX.f | computes spectra from MD trajectories in FILE.X by Fourier transformation, form correlation functions |
ea.f | removes selected atoms from force field |
eaten.f | removes contributions of selected atoms from dipole derivatives |
eattt.f | removes contributions of selected atoms from polarizability derivatives |
fco.f | supplementary, compares tensors obtained by Coupled-perturbed and sum-over-states calculations |
findrydberg.f | analyzes electronic transitions in Gaussian output, identifies Rydberg states |
fitnma.f | computes fitting coefficients for the amide group solvation model |
fixper.f | fixes periodic conditions in a coordinate scan output |
fpc.f | fixed partial charge model of IR and VCD |
fphase.f | unifies phases of two vibrational S-vectors |
ftry.f | original force field scaling program |
g94bbb.f | rewrites Gaussian cubes in a file readable by density.pas |
gar.f | extracts force field, atomic polar and axial tensors and polarizability derivatives from Gaussian 03 archive |
gar9.f | extracts force field, atomic polar and axial tensors and polarizability derivatives from Gaussian 09 archive (Josef Kapitan's version) |
garttt.f | extracts frequency-dependent polarizability derivatives from Gaussian output |
garw.f | Gaussian for windows gar.f version |
gcomp.f | a statistical analysis of a set of geometries gcomp.doc |
genchar.f | generates charges around a solute based on a MD solvatation |
getfpc.f | extracts Mulliken charges from Gaussian output |
gg.f | get geometry from Gaussian output |
ggbest.f | gets lowest-energy geometry from Gaussian output |
ggopt.f | gets optimized geometry from Gaussian output |
gjjconf.f | extracts J-coupling constants from Gaussian output |
gnmr.f | extracts shielding from Gaussian output |
gnmrconf.f | extracts shielding from Gaussian output |
goin.f | makes inputs for the original scaling program |
goverlap.f | analyses a set of geometries |
guvcd.f | extracts electronic excitations from Gaussian output |
guvcde.f | extracts electronic excitations from gaussian and calculates CD/MCD by SOS method, see guvcde.doc |
hydr.f | empirical force field water correction |
hypep.f | empirical force field water correction |
hypep_ttt.f | empirical force field water correction |
ict.f | Tensor transfer (see cctn.f), but in internal coordinates |
inco.f | Cartesian-internal coordinate conversion |
inputcage.f | define a grid around a molecule for orbital etc. plotting |
integral.f | a 3D integration |
intt.f | Rewrites tensors into internal bond-based coordinates |
iraich5.f | 5-member ring coordinates |
joinroatab.f | joins many .TAB files |
jointab.f | joins many .TAB files |
kuknasodik.f | analyses Na position around a DNA molecule (for MD) |
kuknauhly.f | analyses DNA torsional angles in MD |
listprna.f | supplementary, statistics of a geometry parameterset |
makebonds.f | generate bonds for a molecule based on inter-atomic distances |
makef.f | extracts Tinker MD geometries into FILE.X |
makef2.f | extracts Tinker MD geometries into FILE.X, atom interval accepted |
makefc.f | extracts CPMD geometries into FILE.X |
mcmtorsion.f | geometry parameters from a list of geometries |
mroa.f | for simulation of rotationally resolved magnetic Raman optical activity (and vibrational circular dichroism) |
mulliken.f | as getfptc.f, gets Mulliken charges |
ndft.f | Displays vibrational harmonic wafefunction/density |
ndft_m4.f | Displays vibrational anharmonic wafefunction/density |
ndft_w.f | fits nuclear charge density form a harmonic wavefunction |
new1.f | defines internal vibrational and symmetry-adapted vibrational coordinates; to obtain potential energy distribution, you need also bumat.f, goin.f, and ftry.f, see also PED.doc and |
new2.f | defines scaling factors and atomic masses for vibrations |
new3.f | calculates vibrational frequencies in internal coordinates |
new4.f | calculates vibrational frequencies in Cartesian coordinates |
new4big.f | calculates vibrational frequencies in Cartesian coordinates, very large molecules (Davidson diagonalization) |
new4ft.f | IR and VCD spectra of large molecules by Fourier propagation (without diagonalization) |
new4ftq.f | IR and VCD spectra of large molecules by Fourier propagation (without diagonalization), parallel version |
new5.f | produces IR and VCD spectra from dipole derivatives and S-matrix |
new5psi.f | produces IR and VCD spectra from dipole derivatives and S-matrix, for arbitrary system size |
new6.f | produces Raman and ROA spectra from polarizability derivatives and S-matrix |
new7.f | inelestic neutron scattering |
newa.f | automatic vibrational spectra generation |
numforce.f | calculates force field (Hessian) from many gradients |
peswf.f | vibrational function for anharmonic molecular motions peswf.doc |
pmz.f | Gaussian input generation, also for numerical differentiations pmz.doc |
prepflex.f | empirical FF correction |
prephyd1.f | " |
prephyd2.f | " |
prephyd3.f | " |
prephyd4.f | " |
prephyd5.f | " |
prephyd6.f | " |
prephydraflex.f | |
prepnumf.f | prepares inputs for a numerical differentiation (obsolete) |
prepq.f | makes script driving optimization in normal modes of many files |
qgrad.f | optimization in normal mode coordinates QGRADoptions.doc runopt script quick start packet |
quicksor.f | sorting programs |
random.f | a random number generator |
rdf.f | radial distribution function for MD simulations |
rdf3d.f | 3-D solvent probability distribution from MD simulations rdf3d.doc |
readnmr.f | extract NMR parameters from Gaussian output |
redim.f | string substitutions if a list of files |
rewritebasis.f | rewrites Gaussian-Turbomole basis formats |
rnsos.tgz | program for Sum Over State Calculations |
rotdip.f | comparemo.f output manipulation |
rtt.f | extracts Turbomole output |
rwbc.f | replace water in Gaussian input by charges |
rxyzt.f | converts Turbomole coord into FILE.X | | anharmonic vibrational energies and properties S4.doc |
sortconf.f | an analysis of multiple conformers in Gaussian output |
specomp.f | optical spectra comparison and fit |
ssd.f | supporting program for ch3.f, normal mode phase correction during the scan |
stretch.f | stretch a molecule according a normal mode displacement |
surfaces.f | PES smoothing, to peswf.f |
tabprnf.f | generates XY spectrum from intensities in .TAB files |
tinkerinp.f | makes Gaussian input form Tinker geometries |
tinkertomcm.f | geometry conversion |
tinkertorsion.f | Tinker MD coordinate statistics |
Tinker with Helical Periodic Boundary Conditions | Tinker 6.2 modified source code |
turbo.f | extracts electronic transitions from Turbomole output |
turbog.f | extracts electronic transitions from Turbomole output |
v3atm.f | defines polarizabilities in internal molecualr frame |
wham.f | calculates the potential of mean forces (PMF) using the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM) in Tinker, see also ham.f, tscan.f, dynamic.f, gethist.f, wrhist.f, and WHAM.doc |
xinp.f | makes Gaussian input from a .x (mcm format) file |
xshell.f | selects a solvent shell around a molecule xshell.doc |
xtorsion.f | calculates internal coordinates for a set of geometries |
zaser.f | writes a big file on the disk |
Name | Remark |
---|---| | orbital and density visualization | | molecular graphics | | liquid chromatography simualtion (MD) | | disk space monitor | | vibrational normal mode displacement visualization | | spectra viewer SC95.doc | | spectra generation from intensity tables |