program xshell implicit none integer*4 ti,tj,i,iargc,ic,ie,ih,ih2,ihe,ii,in,inwmax,io,is, 1ist,it,ite,iuu,iw,ix,iy,iz,j,jj,jjk,k,n22,nat,natt,natu,nw,nwmax, 1natw,ntx,natuo real*8 a1,a2,cov,cov2,dd,dij,dist,distmin,doh,dx,dy,px,py,pz,dz, 1rb,rmax,rmin,rt,x1,xi,xii,xj,xjj,xk,xl,y1,yi,yii,yj,yjj,yk,yl, 1z1,zi,zii,zj,zjj,zk,zl real*4 bonding(88) c derived from atomic radii, some made longer for MD snapshots: c Du H He Li Be B C N O F c Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti c V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As data bonding/ 10.50,0.42,0.98,1.28,0.95,0.87,0.92,0.90,0.88,0.77, 10.76,1.59,1.41,1.23,1.16,1.11,1.20,1.04,1.03,2.08,1.79,1.49,1.37, 11.27,1.23,1.22,1.22,1.21,1.20,1.22,1.30,1.31,1.27,1.25,1.21,1.19, 11.17,2.21,1.96,1.67,1.50,1.39,1.35,1.32,1.30,1.30,1.33,1.39,1.53, 11.49,1.46,1.45,1.41,1.38,1.36,2.40,2.03,1.74,1.70,1.70,1.69,1.68, 11.67,1.90,1.66,1.64,1.64,1.63,1.62,1.61,1.75,1.61,1.49,1.39,1.35, 11.33,1.31,1.32,1.35,1.39,1.54,1.53,1.52,1.51,1.51,1.50,1.49,0.10/ character*50 st character*80 s80 logical llayer,lsolulst,lper,lexcl,lhyd,lrev,ldw,dwb integer*4,allocatable:: as(:),qt(:),isu(:),i22(:),kt(:),ity(:), 1jo(:),jh(:),jt(:),io1(:),io2(:),item(:),isw(:),isuo(:),asx(:) real*8 ,allocatable:: r(:,:),rtem(:,:),rx(:,:) logical, allocatable::lsa(:) write(6,600) 600 format(' Extracts hydration shell from FILE.X',/,/, 1' XSHELL.OPT .... list of options',/, 2' line arguments: rmax rmin (for rmax<0 only)',/) call readopt(cov,lsolulst,lper,lrev,lexcl,nwmax,lhyd,ldw,px,py,pz, 1dwb) call setatmax(ntx) allocate(as(ntx),qt(ntx),isu(ntx),i22(ntx),kt(ntx),ity(ntx), 1jo(ntx),jh(ntx),jt(ntx),io1(ntx),io2(ntx),r(ntx,3),rtem(ntx,3), 1lsa(ntx),item(ntx),isw(ntx),isuo(ntx),rx(ntx,3),asx(ntx)) c if(lsolulst)then c solute defined in SOLU.LST: call ral('SOLU.LST',natuo,isuo) else write(6,*)'Water as solvent supposed' endif c "dead wood" atoms in DW.LST: if(ldw)call ral('DW.LST',natw,isw) rmax=0.0d0 rmin=0.10d0 if(,*)' Maximum number of solvent molecules :', 1nwmax if(lhyd)then write(6,*)' Hydrogen bond solvent only (close to polar atoms) ' else write(6,*)' All solvent' endif write(6,800)cov 800 format(' covalent limit ',f10.2,' A') cov2=cov**2 if(iargc().eq.0)then write(6,*)' Cut-off distance (A):' read(5,*)rmax if(llayer)then rmax=abs(rmax) write(6,*)' rmin:' read(5,*)rmin endif else call getarg(1,st) read(st,*)rmax write(6,602)rmax 602 format(' Cut-off distance:',f8.2,' A') if(llayer)then rmax=abs(rmax) call getarg(2,st) read(st,*)rmin write(6,*)' rmin ',rmin endif endif is=0 inwmax=0 ix=0 open(3,file='FILE.X',status='old') open(33,file='NEWFILE.X') 1 read(3,300,end=999,err=999)s80 300 format(a80) read(3,*,end=999,err=999)nat is=is+1 do 2 i=1,nat 2 read(3,*)as(i),(r(i,k),k=1,3) c remember for later: rx=r asx=as natu=natuo isu=isuo c reduce number of atoms by the read wood list if(ldw)call as2(ntx,nat,natu,natw,isu,isw,lsolulst,as,r) c assign solute atoms: if(lsolulst)call as1(ntx,nat,natu,lsa,isu) c iw ... total number of solvent atoms: iw=0 c numbers of H(-N) and O(=C): do 3 i=1,nat c 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 jt(i)=0 c jt ... indicate, if this atom already taken xi=r(i,1) yi=r(i,2) zi=r(i,3) c c io, in, ih,,it c ... how many covalently bond Os,Ns,Hs,electronegative and any atoms: io=0 in=0 ih=0 ihe=0 it=0 do 4 j=1,nat if( xj=r(j,1) yj=r(j,2) zj=r(j,3) dij=(xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2 if( io=io+1 jo(io)=j endif if( if( ih=ih+1 jh(ih)=j endif if( )it=it+1 endif 4 continue c ity(i)=0 c ity : 0 - general (aliphatic) c ity : 1 - water atom c ity : 2 - (non-water) acidic hydrogen c ity : 3 - (non-water) electronegative atom c ity : 5 - coordinating metal c water oxygen, remember the other two hydrogens if(as(i).eq.8.and.ih.eq.2)then ity(i)=1 iw=iw+1 io1(i)=jh(1) io2(i)=jh(2) endif if(as(i) c check water hydrogen: xk=r(jo(1),1) yk=r(jo(1),2) zk=r(jo(1),3) ih2=0 jjk=0 do 42 jj=1,nat xl=r(jj,1) yl=r(jj,2) zl=r(jj,3) doh=(xk-xl)**2+(yk-yl)**2+(zk-zl)**2 if( c 1.44=(1.2A)**2 ih2=ih2+1 jjk=jj endif 42 continue if(ih2.eq.1)then ity(i)=1 iw=iw+1 c to each water atom, define the other two io1(i)=jo(1) io2(i)=jjk endif endif if(lsolulst.or.ity(i).eq.0)then c hydrogen bonded to electronegative atom if(as(i).eq.1)then do 41 j=1,nat if((as(i) 1 2 xj=r(j,1) yj=r(j,2) zj=r(j,3) dij=(xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2 if( 7) ihe=ihe+1 if( 8) ihe=ihe+1 if( 9) ihe=ihe+1 if( ihe=ihe+1 if( ihe=ihe+1 if( ihe=ihe+1 if( ihe=ihe+1 endif 41 continue if(ihe.eq.1)ity(i)=2 endif c electronegative atom c O N S Se F Cl Br I: if(as(i) 1 2 c Sc-Zn: if(as(i) endif 3 continue c 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 c c number of solute atoms: iuu=0 c number of atoms in the chosen cluster: natt=0 c number of waters in the chosen cluster: nw=0 c c 31313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131 do 31 i=1,nat c atoms not taken yet: if(jt(i).eq.0)then ic=0 c take solute atoms: if(lsolulst)then do 311 ii=1,natu if(isu(ii).eq.i)then ic=1 goto 312 endif 311 continue else c take non-water atoms if solute not defined: if(ity(i).ne.1)ic=1 endif 312 if(ic.eq.1)then iuu=iuu+1 natt=natt+1 do 32 k=1,3 32 rtem(natt,k)=r(i,k) item(natt)=i qt(natt)=as(i) jt(i)=1 else x1=r(i,1) y1=r(i,2) z1=r(i,3) c c look for covalently-bond atoms: n22=1 i22(1)=i if(lsolulst)then do 72 ii=1,nat 72 kt(ii)=0 kt(i)=1 71 do 7 jj=1,n22 x1=r(i22(jj),1) y1=r(i22(jj),2) z1=r(i22(jj),3) tj=as(i22(jj))+1 rb=dble(bonding(tj)) do 7 ii=1,nat if(.not.lsa(ii).and.kt(ii).eq.0)then a1=(r(ii,1)-x1)**2 ti=as(ii)+1 if( if( rt=cov2 else rt=(rb+dble(bonding(ti)))**2 endif if( a2=a1+(r(ii,2)-y1)**2 if( if(a2+(r(ii,3)-z1)** kt(ii)=1 n22=n22+1 i22(n22)=ii goto 71 endif endif endif endif endif 7 continue else c the other two water atoms: n22=3 i22(2)=io1(i) i22(3)=io2(i) endif c clone the geometry for the periodic box: if(lper)then ist=-1 ie=1 else ist=0 ie=0 endif c clonecloneclonecloneclonecloneclonecloneclonecloneclone do 1010 ix=ist,ie dx=px*dble(ix) do 1010 iy=ist,ie dy=py*dble(iy) do 1010 iz=ist,ie dz=pz*dble(iz) c c how far are molecule's atoms from the solute: distmin=9.09d9 it=0 c loop over atoms of molecule of atom i: do 6 jj=1,n22 xjj=r(i22(jj),1)+dx yjj=r(i22(jj),2)+dy zjj=r(i22(jj),3)+dz dist=9.0d9 do 61 ii=1,nat ic=0 if(lsolulst)then if(lsa(ii))then if(lhyd)then c polar solute atom: if(ity(ii).eq.2.or.ity(ii).eq.3.or.ity(ii).eq.5)ic=1 else c any solute atom: ic=1 endif endif else if(lhyd)then c polar solute atom: if(ity(ii).eq.2.or.ity(ii).eq.3)ic=1 c coordinating metal solute atom: if(ity(ii).eq.5)ic=1 else c any solute atom: if(ity(ii).ne.1)ic=1 endif endif if(ic.eq.1)then xii=r(ii,1) yii=r(ii,2) zii=r(ii,3) dd=(xii-xjj)**2+(yii-yjj)**2+(zii-zjj)**2 if( endif 61 continue dist=sqrt(dist) c if( if( 6 continue dist=distmin ite=0 if( c c ite ... for exclusive shells, minimum distance is in the interval c it ... all atoms are in the interval c if((lexcl.and.ite.eq.0).or.(it.eq.0))then do 8 ii=1,n22 8 jt(i22(ii))=1 if((nw+1.eq.nwmax) write(6,*)' Maximum number of waters overflow' else c all atoms close, take them: do 9 ii=1,n22 natt=natt+1 qt(natt)=as(i22(ii)) item(natt)=i22(ii) rtem(natt,1)=r(i22(ii),1)+dx rtem(natt,2)=r(i22(ii),2)+dy 9 rtem(natt,3)=r(i22(ii),3)+dz nw=nw+1 endif endif 1010 continue c clonecloneclonecloneclonecloneclonecloneclonecloneclone endif endif 31 continue c 31313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131 c put dead wood atoms back if they are solute: if(ldw.and.dwb.and.lsolulst)call pbw(natw,isw,natuo,isuo,natu, 1isu,natt,qt,rtem,asx,rx,ntx) call wgne(ntx,s80,natt,natu,item,isu,qt,rtem,lrev,lsolulst) if(lsolulst)iw=nat-iuu write(6,6001)is,iw,nw,iuu 6001 format(i4,': ',i6,' solvent atoms,',i4,' selected molecules.',i4, 1' solute atoms') if( inwmax=nw ix=is endif goto 1 999 close(3) close(33) write(6,6003)is,inwmax,ix 6003 format(/,i4,' structures, maximum of ',i3,' sols in number',i4) end subroutine readopt(cov,lsolulst,lper,lrev,lexcl,nwmax,lhyd,ldw, 1px,py,pz,dwb) implicit none real*8 cov logical lsolulst,lhyd,lper,lrev,lexcl,lopt,ldw,dwb integer*4 nwmax real*8 px,py,pz character*50 st c covalent bond limit: cov=1.8d0 lsolulst=.false. lper=.false. ldw=.false. dwb=.true. lrev=.false. lexcl=.true. nwmax=0 lhyd=.false. px=0.0d0 py=0.0d0 pz=0.0d0 inquire(file='XSHELL.OPT',exist=lopt) if(lopt)then write(6,*)'XSHELL.OPT found' open(44,file='XSHELL.OPT') 101 read(44,440,end=102,err=102)st 440 format(a50) if(st(1:3).eq.'LST')read(44,*)lsolulst if(st(1:3).eq.'EXC')read(44,*)lexcl if(st(1:3).eq.'COV')read(44,*)cov if(st(1:3).eq.'HYD')read(44,*)lhyd if(st(1:3).eq.'NWM')read(44,*)nwmax if(st(1:3).eq.'REV')read(44,*)lrev if(st(1:3).eq.'LDW')read(44,*)ldw if(st(1:3).eq.'DWB')read(44,*)dwb if(st(1:3).eq.'PER')then read(44,*)lper read(44,*)px,py,pz endif if(st(1:3).eq.'END')goto 102 goto 101 102 close(44) endif if(lrev.and.lsolulst) 1write(6,*)'Solvent forced to beginning of NEWFILE.X' if(lper)then write(6,*)'Periodic boundary conditions on' else write(6,*)'Periodic boundary conditions off' endif write(6,*) return end subroutine wgne(ntx,s80,natt,natu,item,isu,qt,rtem,lrev, 1lsolulst) implicit none integer*4 ntx real*8 rtem(ntx,3) integer*4 natt,natu,ic,i,j,k,item(*),isu(*),qt(*) logical lrev,lsolulst character*80 s80 write(33,300)s80 300 format(a80) write(33,*)natt c if required, gather solute atoms first: if(lrev.and.lsolulst)then do 325 i=1,natt do 325 j=1,natu 325 if(item(i).eq.isu(j))write(33,3333)qt(i),(rtem(i,k),k=1,3) do 326 i=1,natt ic=0 do 327 j=1,natu 327 if(item(i).eq.isu(j))ic=1 326 if(ic.eq.0)write(33,3333)qt(i),(rtem(i,k),k=1,3) else do 324 i=1,natt 324 write(33,3333)qt(i),(rtem(i,k),k=1,3) 3333 format(i3,3f12.6) endif return end subroutine ral(f,n,isu) implicit none integer*4 n,isu(*),i character*(*) f open(9,file=f,status='old') read(9,*)n read(9,*)(isu(i),i=1,n) close(9) write(6,*)n,' atoms from '//f return end subroutine setatmax(natmax) implicit none integer*4 natmax,nat,i natmax=0 open(9,file='FILE.X',status='old') 1 read(9,300,end=999,err=999) 300 format(a80) read(9,*,end=999,err=999)nat if( do 2 i=1,nat 2 read(9,*) goto 1 999 close(9) write(6,601)natmax 601 format(i6,': maximal number of atoms in FILE.X') return end subroutine as1(ntx,nat,natu,lsa,isu) implicit none integer*4 nat,i,ii,ntx,natu,isu(ntx) logical lsa(ntx) do 21 i=1,nat lsa(i)=.false. do 211 ii=1,natu if(isu(ii).eq.i)then lsa(i)=.true. goto 21 endif 211 continue 21 continue return end subroutine as2(ntx,nat,natu,natw,isu,isw,lsolulst,as,r) implicit none integer*4 nat,i,ii,ntx,natu,isu(ntx),isw(ntx),natw,as(ntx),ix, 1natnew,natun real*8 r(ntx,3) logical lsolulst integer*4,allocatable::asn(:),jnd(:),isun(:) real*8,allocatable::rn(:,:) allocate(rn(nat,3),asn(nat),jnd(nat),isun(nat)) jnd=0 natnew=0 do 1 i=1,nat do 2 ii=1,natw 2 if(isw(ii).eq.i)goto 1 natnew=natnew+1 jnd(i)=natnew asn(natnew)=as(i) do 3 ix=1,3 3 rn(natnew,ix)=r(i,ix) 1 continue write(6,*)natnew,' atoms left from',nat if(lsolulst)then natun=0 do 5 i=1,natu if(jnd(isu(i)).ne.0)then natun=natun+1 isun(natun)=jnd(isu(i)) endif 5 continue natu=natun do 7 i=1,natu 7 isu(i)=isun(i) endif do 6 i=1,natnew as(i)=asn(i) do 6 ix=1,3 6 r(i,ix)=rn(i,ix) nat=natnew return end subroutine pbw(natw,isw,natuo,isuo,natu,isu,natt,qt,rtem,asx, 1rx,ntx) implicit none integer*4 natw,isw(*),natuo,isuo(*),natu,isu(*),natt,qt(*), 1ntx,i,jj,ii,asx(*),ix,j real*8 rtem(ntx,3),rx(ntx,3) do 10 i=1,natw jj=isw(i) do 11 ii=1,natuo if(isuo(ii).eq.jj)then natu=natu+1 isu(natu)=jj natt=natt+1 do 12 j=natt+1,2,-1 qt(j)=qt(j-1) do 12 ix=1,3 12 rtem(j,ix)=rtem(j-1,ix) qt(1)=asx(jj) do 13 ix=1,3 13 rtem(1,ix)=rx(jj,ix) endif 11 continue 10 continue return end