program wham implicit none integer*4 NH0,NINT0 parameter (NH0=100,NINT0=1000) integer*4 NW,i,j,istart,iend,NNT,ii real*8 TEMP,dis1,dis2,dis3,pmin,vi, 1roi(NH0,NINT0),wi(NH0,NINT0),fi(NH0),xi(NINT0),ro(NINT0), 1an,beta,sum,rob,gg,fiold character*10 so c TEMP=298.0d0 NW=50 NNT=50 write(6,600) 600 format(' WHAM analysis for Tinker',/, 1 ' Input: HAM.OPT') open(9,file='HAM.OPT') 1 read(9,900,end=99,err=99)so 900 format(a10) write(6,900)so if(so(1:4).eq.'NINT')read(9,*)NNT if(so(1:4).eq.'TEMP')read(9,*)TEMP if(so(1:2).eq.'NW' )read(9,*)NW if(so(1:4).eq.'END')goto 99 goto 1 99 close(9) write(6,*)'Options read' c c List of options c --------------- c dynamic the dynamic command, with system path (e.g. /bin/dynamic) c minimize the minimize command, with system path c xmin lower coordinate limit c xmax upper coordinate limit c NEQUI number of equilibrium steps c NPROD number of production steps c NENS ensemble type (2-NVT, 4-NPT) c NFS MD integration step in fs c NPS MD time between dumps in ps --- only one dump per simulation c NINT histogram integration step -- not used here c NW number of weighted histograms c MTOL minimization gradient limit c PRES pressure (for NPT) c PPER periodic period c LPER use periodic coordinate c TEMP temperature c if( report('too many histograms') if( report('too many points') c c beta=1/(kT) beta=1.0d0/(TEMP*8.314d0/4.184d3) c read in all histograms do 2 i=1,NW write(so,'(i10)')i do 21 istart=1,10 21 if(so(istart:istart).ne.' ')goto 22 22 do 23 iend=10,1,-1 23 if(so(iend:iend).ne.' ')goto 24 24 open(9,file=so(istart:iend)//'.prn') do 2 j=1,NNT read(9,*)xi(j),ii,vi wi(i,j)=exp(-beta*vi) 2 roi(i,j)=dble(ii) close(9) write(6,*)NW,' histograms read' c initialize free energies fi = exp(-Fi/kT) do 4 i=1,NW 4 fi(i)=1.0d0 c c this should probably make biased distribution functions: do 5 i=1,NW an=0.0d0 do 6 j=1,NNT 6 an=an+roi(i,j) do 5 j=1,NNT 5 roi(i,j)=roi(i,j)/an write(6,*)'Histograms have been normalized' c density calculation 90000 do 10 j=1,NNT ro(j)=0.0d0 sum=0.0d0 do 11 i=1,NW 11 sum=sum+wi(i,j)/fi(i) do 10 i=1,NW c c biased density rob=roi(i,j) 10 if( c c ensure positive density do 14 j=1,NNT 14 ro(j)=max(1.0d-100,ro(j)) gg=0.0d0 do 8 i=1,NW fiold=fi(i) fi(i)=0.0d0 do 9 j=1,NNT 9 fi(i)=fi(i)+wi(i,j)*ro(j) 8 gg=gg+(fiold-fi(i))**2/fiold**2 write(6,*)gg if( 90000 write(6,*)'converged' c write down the PMF: pmin=-(1.0d0/beta)*log(ro(1)) do 15 j=1,NNT 15 if(-(1.0d0/beta)*log(ro(j)).lt.pmin)pmin=-(1.0d0/beta)*log(ro(j)) open(9,file='pmf.prn') do 12 j=1,NNT 12 write(9,1212)xi(j),-(1.0d0/beta)*log(ro(j))-pmin 1212 format(2g12.4) close(9) write(6,*)'PMF written into pmf.prn' c write down the density: open(9,file='ro.prn') do 16 j=1,NNT 16 write(9,1212)xi(j),ro(j) close(9) write(6,*)'Density written into ro.prn' end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,60) write(6,'(a)')s write(6,60) 60 format(70(1h*)) stop end