program tabprnf implicit none integer*4 np0,ic,npoint,i,i1,iargc,nm,column,length PARAMETER (np0=2000000) real*8 wsmax,wsmin,s(np0),t(np0),x,dw,dd,hw,xx,const,wo,w(np0), 1sf,temp,cm,cmo,sfc,wm,excnm,exccm,coefinv(5),refrindex,roainv(5), 2 dscs_ww,dscs_pw,hck,tc(np0) character*80 fn,s80 character*1 pt character*30 sexpmode,sunit logical LG,lnm,lwe c lwe - weather to use constant bandwidth in cm-1 scale c write(6,6009) 6009 format(' Usage: tabprnf name type npoints min max G T width ri',/, 1' Arguments: 1 name - name of the .tab file ',/, 1' 2 type - type of spectrum (column # in name)',/, 1' 3 npoints - number of spectral points',/, 1' 4 min - wmin',/, 1' 5 max -wmax',/, 1' 6 G - Gaussian peaks instead of Lorentzians',/, 1' 7 T - temperature',/, 1' 8 width - full width at half height',/, 1' negative number: constant bandwidth in reciprocal' 1//' scale (cm-1 or nm)',/, 1' 9 ri - refractive index',/) write(6,6008) 6008 format( 1' Type options:',/, 1' 1 abs,2 vcd, 3 ram-old, 8 roa-old, 20 mcd, 30 ord, 40 nmr',/, 1' negative number above: cm-1 converted to nm or nm to cm-1',/, 2' -RAMROAEXP/UNITTYPE:',/, 2' RAMROAEXP: RAM_SCP_180, RAM_DCPI_180, RAM_DCPII_180, ', 2'ROA_SCP_180',/, 2' UNITTYPE: KA4amu, WWcm6, WWcm2, pWcm2J, ppcm2',/) c 3' -INV/d1,d2,d3,d4,d5/common_denominator/UNITTYPE',/, c 3' d1,d2,d3,d4,d5: tensor invariant coefficients',/, c 3' common_denominator: com. den. for ten.inv.coef',/, c 3' UNITTYPE: as above',/) c lnm=.false. if(iargc().lt.1)then write(6,*)'.TAB filename:' read(5,500)fn 500 format(a80) else call getarg(1,fn) write(6,*)'generating spectra from' write(6,*)fn endif c if(iargc().gt.1)then call getarg(2,s80) else write(6,*)'Type spectra (see above for options):' read(*,'(a)')s80 endif call upper_case(s80) write(*,*)'debug>',s80(1:length(s80)) if(s80(1:2).eq.'-R')then ! option is string (Raman definition) call readramopt(s80,coefinv,sexpmode,sunit) ic=100 write(*,*)'Raman experiment: ',sexpmode write(*,*)' ic: ',ic write(*,*)' invariant coefficients: ',(coefinv(i1),i1=1,5) write(*,*)' output unit: ',sunit else ! option is number read(s80,*)ic if( ic=-ic lnm=.true. write(6,*)'cm-1 converted to nm !!!' endif write(6,*)ic,' column after frequency' if(ic.eq.1 )write(6,*)'absorption' if(ic.eq.2 )write(6,*)'circular dichroism' if(ic.eq.3 )write(6,*)'Raman scattering' if(ic.eq.8 )write(6,*)'Raman optical activity' if(ic.eq.20)write(6,*)'magnetic circular dichroism' if(ic.eq.30)write(6,*)'ORD from Rs in the second column' if(ic.eq.40)write(6,*)'NMR from shifts in the second column' endif c if(iargc().gt.2)then call getarg(3,s80) read(s80,*)npoint write(6,*)npoint,' points' else write(6,*)'number of points:' read(5,*)npoint endif if( report('too many spectral points') if(iargc().gt.3)then call getarg(4,s80) read(s80,*)wsmin call getarg(5,s80) read(s80,*)wsmax write(6,6000)wsmin,wsmax 6000 format(' frequency interval: ',f12.2,' - ',f12.2) else write(6,*)'Wmin:' read(5,*)wsmin write(6,*)'Wmax:' read(5,*)wsmax endif if(iargc().gt.5)then call getarg(6,pt) if(pt.eq.'g''G')then write(6,*)'Gaussian peaks' LG=.true. else write(6,*)'Lorentzian peaks' LG=.false. endif else write(6,*)'peak type (G/L):' read(5,501)pt 501 format(a1) if(pt.eq.'G''g')then LG=.true. else LG=.false. endif endif c if(iargc().gt.6)then call getarg(7,s80) read(s80,*)temp write(6,6001)temp 6001 format(' Temperature: ',f5.1,' K') else write(6,*)'temperature (K):' read(5,*)temp endif c if(iargc().gt.7)then call getarg(8,s80) read(s80,*)hw else write(6,*)'peak width (FWHH):' read(5,*)hw endif c if( lwe=.true. hw=-hw write(6,502)hw c502 format(' FWHH ',f10.3,' cm-1') 502 format(' FWHH ',f10.3,' in reciprocal unit') else lwe=.false. write(6,503)hw c503 format(' FWHH ',f10.3,' nm') 503 format(' FWHH ',f10.3,' constant in same unit') endif c if(iargc().gt.8)then call getarg(9,s80) read(s80,*)refrindex write(6,6002)refrindex 6002 format(' Refractive index: ',f5.1) else write(6,*)'Refractive index:' read(5,*)refrindex endif refrindex=((refrindex**2+2.0d0)/3.0d0)**4 write(*,*)' Lorentz factor^2 = ',refrindex cc column=ic if( if(ic.eq.30)column=2 if(ic.eq.40)column=1 if(ic.eq.13)column=3 if(ic.eq.18)column=8 c open(9,file=fn) nm=0 if( ! simple read from one column do 1 i=1,3 1 read(9,*) 2 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)wo,wo,(x,i=1,column) nm=nm+1 if( report('Too many transitions') if(lnm)wo=1.0d7/wo w(nm)=wo t(nm)=x goto 2 else ! ic.eq.100: multi columnn read (roa invariants) read(9,'(a)')s80 read(s80(28:length(s80)),*)excnm read(9,*) read(9,*) exccm=1.d7/excnm 22 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)wo,wo,(roainv(i),i=1,5) nm=nm+1 if( report('Too many transitions') if(lnm)wo=1.0d7/wo w(nm)=wo t(nm)=1.d0*(roainv(1)*coefinv(1)+roainv(2)*coefinv(2))+ 1 1.d0*(roainv(3)*coefinv(3)+roainv(4)*coefinv(4)+ 2 roainv(5)*coefinv(5)) c Important:note that ROA invariants(3-5) are multiplied by 10**4 c either Raman or ROA invariants can be used in same expression c defined in subroutine readramopt() goto 22 endif 99 close(9) write(6,*)nm, ' modes' c do 3 i=1,npoint 3 s(i)=0.0d0 dw=(wsmax-wsmin)/dble(npoint-1) if(LG)then dd=hw/2.0d0/dsqrt(log(2.0d0)) else dd=hw/2.0d0 endif c do 4 i=1,npoint xx=wsmin+dw*dble(i-1) do 4 i1=1,nm wo=w(i1) const=t(i1) if(lwe)then c lambda in cm-1 (generally reciprocal unit): c 'cm' is not used for output S.PRN, only 'sfc' c!!! normalization of bands is not done properly (wrong unit)!!!! cm=1.0d7/xx cmo=1.0d7/wo sfc=sf(dd,LG,cm,cmo,ic) wm=1.0d7/wo else sfc=sf(dd,LG,xx,wo,ic) wm=wo endif c!!! Following lines for ic=1,2,20,3,8,13,18,30 are not optimal, c!!! since they are recalculated every 'i' step c!!! it is better to calculate them only once and save them into c!!! field tc() as for ic=100 c abs: if(ic.eq.1)const=108.7d0*t(i1)*wm c vcd: if(ic.eq.2)const=435.0d0*t(i1)*wm c mcd - B-terms: if(ic.eq.20)const=-5.98442d-3*t(i1)*wm c Raman: if(ic.eq.3)const=t(i1)/wo/(1.0d0-exp(-(1.44d0*wo/temp))) c roa: if(ic.eq.8)const=t(i1)/wo/(1.0d0-exp(-(1.44d0*wo/temp))) c Raman - absolute: if(ic.eq.13)const=t(i1) c roa - absolute: if(ic.eq.18)const=t(i1) c ord: if(ic.eq.30)const=t(i1)*8.35d18 c nmr: if(ic.eq.40)const=t(i1) if(ic.eq.100)then if(i.eq.1)then dscs_ww = 2.6273379522352304d-44 ! cm5.A-4.amu dscs_pw = 1.3226326663297376d-21 ! cm4.J-1.A-4.amu hck = 1.4387772526779683d0 ! cm.K if(sunit(1:6).eq.'KA4AMU')then ! K*A**4/amu unit - Gaussian16 tc(i1)=t(i1) elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'WWCM6')then ! tc(i1)=t(i1)*dscs_ww/wo/(1.d0-exp(-(hck*wo/temp))) elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'WWCM2')then tc(i1)=t(i1)*dscs_ww*(exccm-wo)**4/wo/ 1 (1.d0-exp(-(hck*wo/temp))) elseif(sunit(1:6).eq.'PWCM2J')then tc(i1)=t(i1)*dscs_pw*(exccm-wo)**3/wo/ 1 (1.d0-exp(-(hck*wo/temp))) c elseif(sunit(1:6).eq.'PWCM5J')then ! same as 'WWCM6/h/c' c tc(i1)=t(i1)*dscs_pw/wo/(1.d0-exp(-(hck*wo/temp))) elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'PPCM2')then tc(i1)=t(i1)*dscs_ww*exccm*(exccm-wo)**3/wo/ 1 (1.d0-exp(-(hck*wo/temp))) c elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'PPCM6')then ! same as 'WWCM6' c tc(i1)=t(i1)*dscs_ww/wo/(1.d0-exp(-(hck*wo/temp))) else write(*,*)'ERROR: wrong sunit:',sunit(1:length(sunit)) endif tc(i1)=tc(i1)*refrindex endif const=tc(i1) endif 4 s(i)=s(i)+sfc*const if(ic.eq.100)then open(10,file='S.TAB') do i1=1,nm 808 format(g25.12,' ',g25.12) write(10,808)w(i1),tc(i1) enddo close(10) write(6,*)'S.TAB written' write(6,*)' units:' if(sunit(1:6).eq.'KA4AMU')then ! K*A**4/amu unit - Gaussian16 write(*,*)'Wavenumber(cm-1) '// 1 'Polarizability_invariant_combinationr(K*A**4/amu)' elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'WWCM6')then ! write(*,*)'Wavenumber(cm-1) '// 1 'R.s.c.s/w**4(cm**6/sr)' elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'WWCM2')then write(*,*)'Wavenumber(cm-1) '// 1 'R.s.c.s(cm**2/sr)' elseif(sunit(1:6).eq.'PWCM2J')then write(*,*)'Wavenumber(cm-1) '// 1 'R.s.c.s(cm**2*photons/J/sr)' elseif(sunit(1:5).eq.'PPCM2')then write(*,*)'Wavenumber(cm-1) '// 1 'R.s.c.s(cm**2/sr)' endif write(*,*)' ROA intensity multiplied by 10**4' write(*,*)'S.PRN unit: as above * cm' endif c call wrspec2('S.PRN',npoint,wsmin,dw,s) end c ================================================================== subroutine wrspec2(sn,nw,wmin,dw,spec) implicit none character*(*) sn integer*4 nw,iw real*8 wmin,dw,spec(*),w open(8,file=sn) c format according to the interval between the points: if(dabs(dw).gt.1.0d-1)then do 1 iw=1,nw w=wmin+dble(iw-1)*dw 1 write(8,805)w,spec(iw) 805 format(f12.2,' ',g25.12) else if(dabs(dw).gt.1.0d-3)then do 2 iw=1,nw w=wmin+dble(iw-1)*dw 2 write(8,806)w,spec(iw) 806 format(f14.4,' ',g25.12) else do 3 iw=1,nw w=wmin+dble(iw-1)*dw 3 write(8,807)w,spec(iw) 807 format(g25.12,' ',g25.12) endif endif close(8) write(6,*)sn,' written' return end c ================================================================== function sf(d,g,x,x0,ic) implicit none logical g integer*4 ic real*8 sf,d,x,x0,dd,ab,normL,normG c pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) c spi=dsqrt(pi) normL=0.63661977236758138d0 ! 2/pi normG=0.93943727869965132d0 ! 2*sqrt(log(2)/pi) dd=((x-x0)/d)**2 c write(6,*)d,x,x0,g if(ic.eq.30)then c ORD, real parts, only Lorentz possible: ab=(x-x0)*(x+x0)*x**2*x0**2 sf=ab/(ab**2+(d**2)**2) else c dispersion spectra, imaginary part if(g)then if( sf=normG*exp(-dd)/d c sf=exp(-dd)/d/spi else sf=0.0d0 endif else if( sf=normL/(d*(dd+1.0d0)) c sf=1.0d0/d/(dd+1.0d0)/pi else sf=0.0d0 endif endif endif return end c ================================================================== subroutine report(s) character*(*)s write(6,*)s stop end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer*4 function length(s) character s*(*) integer*4 i do i=len(s),1,-1 if (s(i:i).ne.' ')goto 99999 enddo 99999 length=i return end c subroutine upper_case(s) character s*(*) integer*4 i,i1,length do i=1,length(s) i1=iachar(s(i:i)) if( s(i:i)=char(i1-32) enddo return end c subroutine lower_case(s) character s*(*) integer*4 i,i1,length do i=1,length(s) i1=iachar(s(i:i)) if( s(i:i)=char(i1+32) enddo return end c subroutine readramopt(s80,coefinv,sexpmode,sunit) integer*4 i1,length real*8 coefinv(5) character*80 s80 character*30 sexpmode,sunit i1=1 10 i1=i1+1 if( then write(*,*)'Error 1 in readramopt:end of str reached,no / found' return endif if(s80(i1:i1).ne.'/') goto 10 sexpmode=s80(2:i1-1) sunit=s80(i1+1:length(s80)) do i1=1,5 coefinv(i1)=0.0d0 enddo if(sexpmode(1:11).eq.'RAM_SCP_180')then coefinv(1)=180.d0 coefinv(2)=28.d0 elseif(sexpmode(1:12).eq.'RAM_DCPI_180')then coefinv(2)=24.d0 elseif(sexpmode(1:13).eq.'RAM_DCPII_180')then coefinv(1)=180.d0 coefinv(2)=4.d0 elseif(sexpmode(1:11).eq.'ROA_SCP_180')then coefinv(4)=96.d0 coefinv(5)=32.d0 elseif(sexpmode(1:9).eq.'ROA_SCP_0')then coefinv(3)=720.d0 coefinv(4)=16.d0 coefinv(5)=-16.d0 else write(*,*)'Error: unknown sexpmode: ', 1 sexpmode(1:length(sexpmode)) endif return end