program specompr c minimize (S-piSi) by random combinations implicit none integer*4 ns,nsn,np1,np,N,js,maxit,nt,i1,i2,i3,ii,i real*8 xs1,xs0,xs2,wmin,wmax,rn, 1norm,s0,eb,er,err,tol,o character*10 s10 real*8,allocatable::sx(:),sy(:),sally(:,:),c(:),cb(:), 1sfit(:),syt(:),sf(:,:),c1(:),c2(:),c3(:) character*80,allocatable::sn(:) logical lstable,unscaled integer*4 ix,iy,iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 tol=1.0d-2 c write(6,6000) 6000 format(/,' Specompr randomly combines spectra in SP.LST', 1 /, ' to reproduce the first spectrum in the list.',/) call iopar(xs0,xs1,xs2,wmin,wmax,maxit,lstable,unscaled) c c getn number of spectra: ns=nsn('SP.LST') write(6,*)ns,' spectra in SP.LST' N=ns-1 allocate(sn(ns)) c load spectral names: call lsn(ns,sn) c get number of points in first np=np1(sn(1),wmin,wmax) write(6,*)np,' points in the first spectrum within wmin...wmax' if(,*)' Warning: np < ns!' c load detailed scaling table: if(lstable)then nt=nsn('STABLE.TXT') allocate(sf(2,nt)) call lstab(nt,sf) endif allocate(sx(np),sy(np),sally(N,np),c(ns),cb(ns), 1sfit(np),syt(np),c1(ns),c2(ns),c3(ns)) c read decomposed spectrum, calculate its norm: call ls(sx,sy,sn(1),wmin,wmax) s0=norm(sy,np) write(6,601)s0 601 format(' Norm0:',g12.4) c read rest, adjust number of points and scale: write(6,*)'Loading subspectra' do 7 js=2,ns call lsr(sx,syt,np,sn(js),xs0,xs1,xs2,lstable,nt,sf) c save it to the buffer: 7 call sav(js-1,np,syt,sally,N) write(6,*)ns-1,' subspectra loaded' call setc(c,N) call mkfit(N,np,sfit,c,sally,s0) eb=err(np,sfit,sy) write(6,619)eb 619 format(' Initial error:',e12.4) ii=0 do 3 i1=1,maxit c random combination of coefficients, first level call setc(c1,N) do 3 i2=1,maxit c random combination of coefficients, second level call modi(N,c1,c2,0.5d0) do 3 i3=1,maxit c random combination of coefficients, third level call modi(N,c2,c3,0.25d0) c fitted spectrum call mkfit(N,np,sfit,c3,sally,s0) er=err(np,sfit,sy) if( eb=er cb=c3 write(6,609)i1,i2,i3,er,(c3(i),i=1,10) 609 format(' Match at ',3i5,e12.4,10f6.3) ii=ii+1 write(s10,80)ii 80 format(i10) do 5 i=1,len(s10) 5 if(s10(i:i).ne.' ')goto 55 55 call wrs(s10(i:10)//'fit.prn',np,sx,sfit) endif 3 continue c fine iterations o=0.5d0 99 call modi(N,cb,c,o) er=err(np,sfit,sy) if( eb=er cb=c write(6,629)o,er 629 format(' Fine natch at ',2e12.4) goto 99 else o=o*0.5d0 if( 99 endif rn=0.0d0 do 1 ii=1,N 1 rn=rn+c(ii) do 2 ii=1,N 2 c(ii)=c(ii)/rn call sort(c,N,sn) open(61,file='COEF.TXT') call wrc(61,N,c,sn) close(61) c fitted spectrum call mkfit(N,np,sfit,c,sally,s0) call wrs('fit.prn',np,sx,sfit) if(unscaled)then write(6,*)'Loading unscaled subspectra ...' do 8 js=2,ns call lsr(sx,syt,np,sn(js),0.0d0,1.0d0,0.0d0,.false.,0,sf) 8 call sav(js-1,np,syt,sally,N) write(6,*)ns-1,' .. loaded' call mkfit(N,np,sfit,c,sally,s0) call wrs('fitu.prn',np,sx,sfit) endif end function err(np,sfit,sy) implicit none integer*4 np,i real*8 sfit(*),s,err,sy(np) s=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,np 1 s=s+dabs(sy(i)-sfit(i)) err=s return end subroutine wrs(s,np,x,y) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 i,np real*8 x(*),y(*) open(67,file=s) do 1 i=1,np 1 write(67,900)x(i),y(i) 900 format(f9.2,g13.5) close(67) write(6,*)s return end function norm(y,np) c norm(s) = int |s| dx implicit none integer*4 i,np real*8 y(*),an,norm an=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,np 1 an = an + dabs(y(i)) norm=an return end subroutine sav(is,np,sy,sally,N) integer*4 is,i,np,N real*8 sy(*),sally(N,np) do 1 i=1,np 1 sally(is,i)=sy(i) return end subroutine ls(xs,ys,name,wmin,wmax) c loads in the spectrum within wmin wmax implicit none integer*4 i real*8 xs(*),ys(*),wmin,wmax,x,y character*(*) name i=0 open(9,file=name) 11 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,y if(wmin.le.x.and.x.le.wmax)then i=i+1 xs(i)=x ys(i)=y endif goto 11 99 close(9) return end subroutine lsf(n,xs,ys,name) c loads in the full spectrum implicit none integer*4 i,n real*8 xs(*),ys(*) character*(*) name open(9,file=name) do 11 i=1,n 11 read(9,*)xs(i),ys(i) close(9) return end function xjf(xj,nt,sf) implicit none integer*4 nt,i real*8 xjf,xj,sf(2,nt),xe1,xe2,xc1,xc2 do 1 i=1,nt-1 xe1=sf(1,i ) xe2=sf(1,i+1) xc1=sf(2,i ) xc2=sf(2,i+1) c xe1,xe2 ... experimental values, xc1,xc2 ... corresponding calc. if(( 1 ( xjf=xe1+(xj-xc1)*(xe2-xe1)/(xc2-xc1) return endif 1 continue if(dabs(xj-sf(2,nt)).lt.dabs(xj-sf(2,1)))then xjf=sf(1,nt)+xj-sf(2,nt) else xjf=sf(1,1)+xj-sf(2,1) endif return end subroutine lsr(xs,ys,np,name,xs0,xs1,xs2,lstable,nt,sf) c loads in the full spectrum, adjust number of points to np c with the scaled xs implicit none integer*4 np,i,npn,j,npall,nt real*8 xs(*),ys(*),xi,xj,xjp,yj,yjp,xs0,xs1,xs2,sf(2,nt),xjf real*8 ,allocatable::sx(:),sy(:) character*(*) name logical lstable npn=npall(name) allocate(sx(npn),sy(npn)) c loads in the full spectrum: call lsf(npn,sx,sy,name) do 1 i=1,np xi=xs(i) ys(i)=0.0d0 do 2 j=1,npn-1 c scaled values: if(lstable)then xj =xjf(sx(j ),nt,sf) xjp=xjf(sx(j+1),nt,sf) else xj =xs0+xs1*sx(j )+xs2*sx(j )*2 xjp=xs0+xs1*sx(j+1)+xs2*sx(j+1)*2 endif if( yj =sy(j ) yjp=sy(j+1) ys(i)=yj+(yjp-yj)/(xjp-xj)*(xi-xj) goto 1 endif 2 continue 1 continue return end function np1(s,wmin,wmax) implicit none integer*4 np1,n real*8 wmin,wmax,x character*(*) s open(9,file=s) n=0 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x if( goto 101 99 close(9) np1=n return end function npall(s) implicit none integer*4 npall,n character*(*) s n=0 open(9,file=s) 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) n=n+1 goto 101 99 close(9) npall=n return end function nsn(fn) implicit none integer*4 nsn,ns character*(*) fn open(9,file=fn,status='old') ns=0 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) ns=ns+1 goto 101 99 close(9) nsn=ns return end subroutine lsn(ns,sn) implicit none integer*4 j,ns character*80 sn(ns) open(9,file='SP.LST') do 1 j=1,ns 1 read(9,9000,end=99,err=99)sn(j) 9000 format(a80) 99 close(9) write(6,*)'names loaded' return end subroutine lstab(ns,sf) implicit none integer*4 j,ns real*8 sf(2,ns) open(9,file='STABLE.TXT') do 1 j=1,ns 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)sf(1,j),sf(2,j) 99 close(9) write(6,*)ns,' assignments loaded' return end subroutine iopar(xs0,xs1,xs2,wmin,wmax,maxit, 1lstable,unscaled) implicit none integer*4 maxit real*8 xs0,xs1,xs2,wmin,wmax logical lex,lstable,unscaled character*10 s10 wmin=0.0d0 wmax=4000.0d0 xs0=0.0d0 xs1=1.0d0 xs2=0.0d0 maxit=100 lstable=.false. unscaled=.true. inquire(file='SP.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(9,file='SP.OPT') 1 read(9,90,end=99,err=99)s10 90 format(a10) if(s10(1:4).eq.'wmax')read(9,*)wmax if(s10(1:4).eq.'wmin')read(9,*)wmin if(s10(1:3).eq.'xs0')read(9,*)xs0 if(s10(1:3).eq.'xs1')read(9,*)xs1 if(s10(1:3).eq.'xs2')read(9,*)xs2 if(s10(1:4).eq.'lsta')read(9,*)lstable if(s10(1:4).eq.'maxi')read(9,*)maxit if(s10(1:4).eq.'unsc')read(9,*)unscaled goto 1 99 close(9) endif write(6,6000) wmin,wmax,maxit,xs0,xs1,xs2, 1lstable,unscaled 6000 format( 1' wmin: : ',f8.1,/, 1' wmax: : ',f8.1,/, 1' maxit: : ',i8,/, 1' xs0 : ',f8.3,/, 1' xs1 : ',f8.3,/, 1' xs2 : ',f8.2,/, 1' scaling table : ',l8,/, 1' unscaling at the end : ',l8,/) return end subroutine wrc(io,N,c,sn) implicit none integer*4 io,N,i real*8 c(*) character*80 sn(*) do 3 i=1,N 3 write(io,678)i,c(i),sn(i+1)(1:40) 678 format(i4,f19.4,1x,a40) return end subroutine sort(co,N,sn) implicit none real*8 co(*),ci,cmax integer*4 n,i,imax,j,it,is integer*4 ,allocatable::ind(:) character*80 sn(*) real*8,allocatable::c(:) allocate(c(N)) do 5 i=1,N 5 c(i)=co(i) allocate(ind(N)) do 10 i=1,N 10 ind(i)=i write(6,*)'sorting' do 1 i=1,N-1 ci=c(i) imax=i cmax=ci**2 it=ind(i) do 2 j=i+1,N if(c(j)** imax=j cmax=c(j)**2 endif 2 continue if( c(i)=c(imax) c(imax)=ci ind(i)=ind(imax) ind(imax)=it endif 1 continue write(6,*)'Largest ' do 3 i=1,min(10,N) is=ind(i)+1 3 write(6,679)i,ind(i),c(i),sn(is)(1:50) 679 format(2i4,f19.4,1x,a50) return end subroutine mkfit(N,np,sfit,c,sally,s0) implicit none integer*4 ii,np,i,N real*8 sfit(*),c(*),sally(N,np),s0,s,sn sn=0.0d0 do 1 ii=1,np s=0.0d0 do 11 i=1,N 11 s=s+c(i)*sally(i,ii) sn=sn+dabs(s) 1 sfit(ii)=s s=s0/sn do 2 ii=1,np 2 sfit(ii)=sfit(ii)*s return end function frandom(i) implicit none real*8 frandom integer*4 i c c Algorithm AS 183 Appl. Statist. (1982) vol.31, no.2 c c Returns a pseudo-random number rectangularly distributed c between 0 and 1. The cycle length is 6.95E+12 (See page 123 c of Applied Statistics (1984) vol.33), not as claimed in the c original article. c c IX, IY and IZ should be set to integer values between 1 and c 30000 before the first entry. c integer*4 ix, iy, iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz c ix = mod(171 * ix, 30269) iy = mod(172 * iy, 30307) iz = mod(170 * iz, 30323) frandom = mod(dble(ix) / 30269.0d0 + dble(iy) / 30307.0d0 + 1 dble(iz) / 30323.0d0, 1.0d0) return end subroutine setc(c,N) implicit none integer*4 N,i real*8 c(*),frandom do 1 i=1,N 1 c(i)=frandom(i) return end subroutine modi(N,c1,c2,o) implicit none integer*4 N,i real*8 c1(*),c2(*),o,frandom do 4 i=1,N 4 c2(i)=c1(i)+o*frandom(i) return end