program specompG implicit none integer*4 ns,nsn,N,np1,np,nt,js,ix,nk,nn,maxit,ndim,nd,ipp1,ipp2 real*8 wmin,wmax,na,norm,xs0,xs1,xs2,an,dev,n1,g, 1xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,temp real*8,allocatable::sf(:,:),sx(:),sy(:),sally(:,:),aa(:),syt(:), 1c(:),sfit(:),xy(:,:),salln(:,:),xyn(:,:),pxy(:),ran(:,:) integer*4,allocatable::ii(:) character*80,allocatable::sn(:) logical lstable,lcon,lwr,leq,lran write(6,6000) 6000 format(/,' SpecompG compares spectra listed in SP.LST to the',/, 1 ' first spectrum in the list, makes a free-energy (G)',/, 1 ' map smoothed by plane waves,',/, 1 ' S1=sum (i>1) pi Si, pi=exp(-Gi/kT',/, 1 ' Gi = cik gk, gk ... plane waves',/,/, 1 ' Input: SP.LST .. list of spectra',/, 1 ' XY.LST .. xy coordinates',/, 1 ' SP.OPT .. options',/, 1 ' Output: COEF.TXT .. coefficients (pi)',/, 1 ' EMAP.TXT .. map of energies and prob.') call readopt(wmin,wmax,lstable,xs0,xs1,xs2,lcon,g,nk,lwr, 1nn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,maxit,temp,ndim,leq,nd,ipp1,ipp2) allocate(pxy(ndim),ran(ndim,2)) call readopt2(pxy,ndim,ran,lran) c getn number of spectra: ns=nsn('SP.LST') write(6,*)ns,' spectra in SP.LST' N=ns-1 c load coordinates allocate(xy(N,ndim)) call lcn(N,xy,ndim) c load spectral names: allocate(sn(ns)) call lsn(ns,sn) c get number of points within wmin wmax in first write(6,*)wmin,wmax np=np1(sn(1),wmin,wmax) write(6,*)np,' points in the first spectrum' if(,*)' Warning: np < ns!' c load detailed scaling table: if(lstable)then nt=nsn('STABLE.TXT') allocate(sf(2,nt)) call lstab(nt,sf) else nt=1 allocate(sf(2,nt)) endif c read decomposed spectrum allocate(sx(np),sy(np)) call ls(sx,sy,sn(1),wmin,wmax) n1=norm(np,sy) write(6,599)n1 599 format(' Decomposed spectrum norm:',e12.4) c normalize call nspe(np,sy,n1) c read rest, adjust number of points and scale: write(6,761) 761 format(' Loading subspectra') allocate(sally(N,np),syt(np),ii(np),aa(np)) ii=0 aa=0.0d0 na=0.0d0 do 7 js=2,ns call lsr(ns,sx,syt,np,js,sn,xs0,xs1,xs2,lstable,nt,sf,lcon,g, 1ii,aa) if(js.eq.2.and.lwr)write(6,76) 76 format(' Spectrum norm coords deviation from the first:') an=norm(np,syt) na=na+an dev=0.0d0 do 77 ix=1,np 77 dev=dev+dabs(sy(ix)-syt(ix)/an) if(lwr)then write(6,78)js,an 78 format(i6,e12.4,$) do 80 ix=1,ndim 80 write(6,481)xy(js-1,ix) 481 format(f12.6,$) write(6,482)dev 482 format(f12.6) endif c save it to the buffer: 7 call sav(js-1,np,syt,sally,N) na=na/dble(N) write(6,598)N,na 598 format(i6,' subspectra loaded, average norm:',E12.4) c scale subspectra by everage norm do 79 js=1,N do 79 ix=1,np 79 sally(js,ix)=sally(js,ix)/na c c simulate spectra equivalently spaced in a coordinate if(leq)then allocate(salln(nd**ndim,np),xyn(nd**ndim,ndim)) deallocate(sn) allocate(sn(1+nd**ndim)) call seteq(N,ndim,np,nd,nk,xy,lwr,sally,salln,xyn,lran,ran, 1 sn,pxy) c re-define N: N=nd**ndim allocate(c(N),sfit(np)) call cg(N,np,c,sy,sfit,salln,n1,nk,sx,xyn,pxy, 1 nn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,lwr,maxit,temp,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) else allocate(c(N),sfit(np)) call cg(N,np,c,sy,sfit,sally,n1,nk,sx,xy,pxy, 1 nn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,lwr,maxit,temp,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) endif call sort(c,N,sn) call wrc(N,c,sn) end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end function ddp(x,y,p) real*8 ddp,x,y,p,a a=dabs(x-y) if(dabs(x-y-p).lt.a)a=dabs(x-y-p) if(dabs(x-y+p).lt.a)a=dabs(x-y+p) ddp=a return end subroutine seteq(N,ndim,np,nd,nk,xy,lwr,sally,salln,xyn,lran,ran, 1sn,pxy) implicit none integer*4 N,ndim,np,nd,nk,ip,ic,i,j,k,nst,ii real*8 xy(N,ndim),q,dn,salln(nd**ndim,np),pxy(ndim),xt, 1sally(N,np),xyn(nd**ndim,ndim),cc,ran(ndim,2),dx,ddp real*8,allocatable::delta(:),xa(:),xi(:),x1(:),x2(:),xc(:) integer*4,allocatable::kk(:) logical lwr,lran character*80 sn(*) allocate(delta(ndim),xa(ndim),xi(ndim),x1(ndim),x2(ndim), 1xc(ndim)) write(6,61)nd**ndim 61 format(i6,' equivalently-spaced subspectra requested') do 20 i=1,nd**ndim do 20 j=1,80 20 sn(i)(j:j)=' ' if( report('nd < nk!') do 1 i=1,ndim xi(i)=xy(1,i) xa(i)=xy(1,i) do 2 j=1,N if(xy(j,i).lt.xi(i))xi(i)=xy(j,i) 2 if(xy(j,i).gt.xa(i))xa(i)=xy(j,i) delta(i)=(xa(i)-xi(i))/dble(nd-1) 1 write(6,60)i,xi(i),xa(i),delta(i) 60 format(' Dimension',i2,', min:',e12.4,', max:',e12.4, 1', step:',e12.4) if(lran)then write(6,*)'Replaced by pre-defined ranges:' do 19 i=1,ndim xi(i)=ran(i,1) xa(i)=ran(i,2) delta(i)=(xa(i)-xi(i))/dble(nd-1) 19 write(6,60)i,xi(i),xa(i),delta(i) endif salln=0.0d0 allocate(kk(ndim)) c loop over the new spectra: do 5 ii=1,nd**ndim call setkk(ndim,nd,ii,kk) write(sn(1+ii)(1:25),611)ii 611 format('Arbitrary spectrum ',i6) c xc,x1,x2: center and borders of ndim dimensional cube: c xyn: new coordinates of spectrum ii do 6 j=1,ndim xc(j)=xi(j)+delta(j)*dble(kk(j)-1) x1(j)=xc(j)-delta(j)/2.0d0 x2(j)=xc(j)+delta(j)/2.0d0 write(6,612)x1(j),x2(j) 612 format(f7.1,'..',f7.1,$) 6 xyn(ii,j)=xc(j) write(6,*) write(6,609)ii 609 format(i6,$) do 7 j=1,ndim 7 write(6,610)kk(j) 610 format(i4,$) c nst: number of supspectra in a brick around xc: nst=0 q=0.0d0 do 8 j=1,N do 9 k=1,ndim xt=xy(j,k) 9 if((xt .lt.x1(k).or.xt .gt.x2(k)).and. 1 (xt+pxy(k).lt.x1(k).or.xt+pxy(k).gt.x2(k)).and. 1 (xt-pxy(k).lt.x1(k).or.xt-pxy(k).gt.x2(k)))goto 8 nst=nst+1 dn=0.0d0 do 10 k=1,ndim dx=ddp(xy(j,k),xc(k),pxy(k)) 10 dn=dn+(dx/delta(k))**2 dn=dsqrt(dn) q=q+1.0d0/(dn+0.25d0) 8 continue if( if(lwr)write(6,62)nst 62 format(' from',i5,' originals') do 11 j=1,N do 12 k=1,ndim xt=xy(j,k) 12 if((xt .lt.x1(k).or.xt .gt.x2(k)).and. 1 (xt+pxy(k).lt.x1(k).or.xt+pxy(k).gt.x2(k)).and. 1 (xt-pxy(k).lt.x1(k).or.xt-pxy(k).gt.x2(k)))goto 11 dn=0.0d0 do 13 k=1,ndim dx=ddp(xy(j,k),xc(k),pxy(k)) 13 dn=dn+(dx/delta(k))**2 dn=dsqrt(dn) do 14 ip=1,np 14 salln(ii,ip)=salln(ii,ip)+1.0d0/(dn+0.25d0)*sally(j,ip)/q c salln .. average spectrum in the rectangle around xc 11 continue else c if nst=0, find closest spectrum from all: ic=1 cc=0.0d0 do 15 k=1,ndim dx=ddp(xy(1,k),xc(k),pxy(k)) 15 cc=cc+dx**2 do 17 j=1,N dn=0.0d0 do 16 k=1,ndim dx=ddp(xy(j,k),xc(k),pxy(k)) 16 dn=dn+dx**2 if( ic=j cc=dn endif 17 continue if(lwr)write(6,63)ic 63 format(' from number',i5) do 18 ip=1,np 18 salln(ii,ip)=sally(ic,ip) endif 5 continue return end subroutine setkk(ndim,nk,k,kk) implicit none integer*4 ndim,nk,k,kk(ndim),ki,up,ii kk=0 do 101 ki=ndim,1,-1 up=k+nk**(ki-1)-1 do 100 ii=ki,ndim-1 100 up=up-nk**ii*(kk(ii+1)-1) 101 kk(ki)=up/nk**(ki-1) c kk(1) .. fastest index, kk(ndim) .. slowest return end function nsn(fn) implicit none integer*4 nsn,ns character*(*) fn open(9,file=fn,status='old') ns=0 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) ns=ns+1 goto 101 99 close(9) nsn=ns return end subroutine lcn(nc,xy,ndim) implicit none integer*4 j,nc,ndim,ix real*8 xy(nc,ndim) open(9,file='XY.LST') do 1 j=1,nc 1 read(9,*)(xy(j,ix),ix=1,ndim) close(9) write(6,*)'coordinates loaded' return end subroutine lsn(ns,sn) implicit none integer*4 j,ns character*80 sn(ns) open(9,file='SP.LST') do 1 j=1,ns 1 read(9,9000,end=99,err=99)sn(j) 9000 format(a80) 99 close(9) write(6,*)'names loaded' return end subroutine readopt(wmin,wmax,lstable,xs0,xs1,xs2,lcon,g,nk, 1lwr,nn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,maxit,temp,ndim,leq,nd,ipp1,ipp2) implicit none integer*4 nk,nn,maxit,ndim,nd,ipp1,ipp2,i real*8 wmin,wmax,xs0,xs1,xs2,g,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,temp,num logical lex,lstable,lcon,lwr,leq character*10 s10,s10c ipp1=1 ipp2=2 ndim=2 nn=20 lstable=.false. leq=.false. wmin=0.0d0 wmax=4000.0d0 lcon=.false. xs0=0.0d0 xs1=1.0d0 xs2=0.0d0 g=20.0d0 nk=5 nd=25 lwr=.false. xmin=0.0d0 ymin=0.0d0 xmax=360.0d0 ymax=360.0d0 maxit=100 temp=293.15d0 c c Option (default) c ---------------- c maxi (maxit=100) maximum number of iterations c wmin (wmin=0 cm-1) start of active spectral interval c wmax (wmax=4000 cm-1) end of active spectral interval c xmin (xmin=0) xmin in degrees. for plotting c xmax (xmax=360) xmax c ymin (ymin=0) ymin c ymax (ymax=360) ymax c ipp1 (ipp1=1) coordinate for 2D plot c ipp2 (ipp1=2) coordinate for 2D plot c nn (nn=20) number of values in one dimension, for plotting c stab (lstable=false) scaling in STABLE.TXT c equi (leq=false) simulate equivalent spectra distance in coords c ndd (nd=25) number of spectra for equivalent distance c conv (lcon=false) convolute spectra with Gaussians (see "ggg") c ggg (g=20 cm-1) bandwidth for convolution (conv) c temp (temp=293.15) temperature in K c xs0 (xs0=0) x-scaling x'=xs0 + xs1*x + xs2*x^2 c xs1 (xs1=1) c xs2 (xs2=0) c lwr (lwr=false) extended output c nk (nk=5) number of plane waves in one dimension c ndim (ndim=2) dimension of the coordinate space inquire(file='SP.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(9,file='SP.OPT') 1 read(9,90,end=99,err=99)s10 90 format(a10) write(6,90)s10 if(s10(1:4).eq.'maxi')read(9,*)maxit if(s10(1:4).eq.'wmax')read(9,*)wmax if(s10(1:4).eq.'wmin')read(9,*)wmin if(s10(1:4).eq.'xmax')read(9,*)xmax if(s10(1:4).eq.'xmin')read(9,*)xmin if(s10(1:4).eq.'ymax')read(9,*)ymax if(s10(1:4).eq.'ymin')read(9,*)ymin if(s10(1:4).eq.'stab')read(9,*)lstable if(s10(1:4).eq.'lsta')read(9,*)lstable if(s10(1:4).eq.'conv')read(9,*)lcon if(s10(1:4).eq.'equi')read(9,*)leq if(s10(1:4).eq.'temp')read(9,*)temp if(s10(1:4).eq.'ndim')read(9,*)ndim if(s10(1:4).eq.'ipp1')read(9,*)ipp1 if(s10(1:4).eq.'ipp2')read(9,*)ipp2 if(s10(1:3).eq.'xs0')read(9,*)xs0 if(s10(1:3).eq.'xs1')read(9,*)xs1 if(s10(1:3).eq.'xs2')read(9,*)xs2 if(s10(1:3).eq.'ggg')read(9,*)g if(s10(1:3).eq.'lwr')read(9,*)lwr if(s10(1:3).eq.'ndd')read(9,*)nd if(s10(1:2).eq.'nk')read(9,*)nk if(s10(1:2).eq.'nn')read(9,*)nn c to be read by readopt2: if(s10(1:4).eq.'peri')read(9,*) if(s10(1:4).eq.'lran')read(9,*) if(s10(1:4).eq.'rang')then do 66 i=1,ndim 66 read(9,*) endif backspace 9 read(9,90)s10c if(s10.eq.s10c)call report(' Unknown option '//s10) goto 1 99 close(9) endif return end function np1(s,wmin,wmax) implicit none integer*4 np1,n real*8 wmin,wmax,x character*(*) s open(9,file=s) n=0 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x if( goto 101 99 close(9) np1=n return end subroutine lstab(ns,sf) implicit none integer*4 j,ns real*8 sf(2,ns) open(9,file='STABLE.TXT') do 1 j=1,ns 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)sf(1,j),sf(2,j) 99 close(9) write(6,*)ns,' assignments loaded' return end subroutine ls(xs,ys,name,wmin,wmax) c loads in the spectrum within wmin wmax implicit none integer*4 i real*8 xs(*),ys(*),wmin,wmax,x,y character*(*) name i=0 open(9,file=name) 11 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,y if(wmin.le.x.and.x.le.wmax)then i=i+1 xs(i)=x ys(i)=y endif goto 11 99 close(9) return end function norm(np,s) implicit none integer*4 i,np real*8 norm,s(*) norm=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,np 1 norm=norm+dabs(s(i)) return end subroutine nspe(np,s,norm) implicit none integer*4 np,i real*8 norm,s(*) do 1 i=1,np 1 s(i)=s(i)/norm return end subroutine lsr(ns,xs,ys,np,js,sn,xs0,xs1,xs2,lstable,nt,sf, 1lcon,g,ii,aa) c loads in the full spectrum, adjust number of points to np c with the scaled xs implicit none integer*4 np,i,js,npn,j,nt,npall,ns,ii(np) real*8 xs(*),ys(*),xi,xj,xjp,xs0,xs1,xs2,sf(2,nt),xjf,g, 1ef,pi,aa(np) real*8 ,allocatable::sx(:),sy(:),sp(:) character*80 sn(ns) logical lstable,lcon pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) npn=npall(sn(js)) allocate(sx(npn),sy(npn),sp(npn)) c loads in the full spectrum: call lsf(npn,sx,sy,sn(js)) c convolute if(lcon)then do 3 i=1,npn sp(i)=0.0d0 do 31 j=1,npn-1 ef=((sx(i)-sx(j))/g)**2 31 if(*sy(j)*dabs(sx(j)-sx(j+1)) 3 sp(i)=sp(i)/dsqrt(pi)/g sy=sp endif c make np points only: if(js.eq.2)then write(6,*)' Resampling x-scale for 2nd spectrum' do 1 i=1,np xi=xs(i) ys(i)=0.0d0 ii(i)=0 do 2 j=1,npn-1 c scaled values: if(lstable)then xj =xjf(sx(j ),nt,sf) xjp=xjf(sx(j+1),nt,sf) else xj =xs0+xs1*sx(j )+xs2*sx(j )*2 xjp=xs0+xs1*sx(j+1)+xs2*sx(j+1)*2 endif if( ii(i)=j aa(i)=(xi-xj)/(xjp-xj) ys(i)=sy(j)+(sy(j+1)-sy(j))*aa(i) goto 1 endif 2 continue 1 continue else do 4 i=1,np j=ii(i) if( ys(i)=sy(j)+(sy(j+1)-sy(j))*aa(i) else ys(i)=0.0d0 endif 4 continue endif return end subroutine sav(is,np,sy,sally,N) integer*4 is,i,np,N real*8 sy(*),sally(N,np) do 1 i=1,np 1 sally(is,i)=sy(i) return end function npall(s) implicit none integer*4 npall,n character*(*) s n=0 open(9,file=s) 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) n=n+1 goto 101 99 close(9) npall=n return end subroutine lsf(n,xs,ys,name) c loads in the full spectrum implicit none integer*4 i,n real*8 xs(*),ys(*) character*(*) name open(9,file=name) do 11 i=1,n 11 read(9,*)xs(i),ys(i) close(9) return end function xjf(xj,nt,sf) implicit none integer*4 nt,i real*8 xjf,xj,sf(2,nt),xe1,xe2,xc1,xc2 do 1 i=1,nt-1 xe1=sf(1,i ) xe2=sf(1,i+1) xc1=sf(2,i ) xc2=sf(2,i+1) c xe1,xe2 ... experimental values, xc1,xc2 ... corresponding calc. if(( 1 ( xjf=xe1+(xj-xc1)*(xe2-xe1)/(xc2-xc1) return endif 1 continue if(dabs(xj-sf(2,nt)).lt.dabs(xj-sf(2,1)))then xjf=sf(1,nt)+xj-sf(2,nt) else xjf=sf(1,1)+xj-sf(2,1) endif return end subroutine inic(N,c) implicit none integer*4 N,i real*8 c(N) do 1 i=1,N 1 c(i)=1.0d0/dble(N) return end subroutine mkfit(N,np,sfit,p,sally) implicit none integer*4 ii,np,i,N real*8 sfit(*),p(*),sally(N,np) do 3 ii=1,np sfit(ii)=0.0d0 do 3 i=1,N 3 sfit(ii)=sfit(ii)+p(i)*sally(i,ii) return end function ef(sy,s,np) implicit none integer*4 i,np real*8 s(np),sy(np),ef ef=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,np 1 ef=ef+(s(i)-sy(i))**2 return end subroutine setg(m,N,np,g,sy,sfit,sally,p,gf,gnorm) implicit none integer*4 N,i,j,m,np real*8 g(m),gnorm,s,sy(np),sfit(np),p(N),gf(m,N),sally(N,np) real*8,allocatable::intg(:) allocate(intg(N)) intg=0.0d0 do 3 j=1,N do 3 i=1,np 3 intg(j)=intg(j)+(sfit(i)-sy(i))*sally(j,i) gnorm=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,m s=0.0d0 do 2 j=1,N 2 s=s+p(j)*gf(i,j)*intg(j) s=-2.0d0*s gnorm=gnorm+s**2 1 g(i)=s gnorm=dsqrt(gnorm) return end function ggf(k1,x,px) implicit none integer*4 k1,kk1 real*8 x,px,ggf,pi pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) kk1=k1/2 if(mod(k1,2).eq.0)then ggf=sin(dble(kk1)*x/px*2.0d0*pi) else ggf=cos(dble(kk1)*x/px*2.0d0*pi) endif return end subroutine fb(gf,m,N,xy,pxy,nk,ndim) implicit none integer*4 N,m,i,nk,k,ndim,ki real*8 gf(m,N),pxy(ndim),xy(N,ndim),ggf,pr integer*4 ,allocatable::kk(:) allocate(kk(ndim)) do 2 k=1,m call setkk(ndim,nk,k,kk) do 2 i=1,N pr=1.0d0 do 102 ki=1,ndim 102 pr=pr*ggf(kk(ki),xy(i,ki),pxy(ki)) 2 gf(k,i)=pr return end function gfx(nk,k,x,y,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) implicit none integer*4 nk,k,ndim,ipp1,ipp2 real*8 gfx,x,y,pxy(ndim),ggf integer*4 ,allocatable::kk(:) allocate(kk(ndim)) call setkk(ndim,nk,k,kk) if(ndim.eq.1)then gfx=ggf(kk(1),x,pxy(1)) else gfx=ggf(kk(ipp1),x,pxy(ipp1))*ggf(kk(ipp2),y,pxy(ipp2)) endif return end subroutine mkp(N,m,c,gf,p) implicit none integer*4 N,m,i,k real*8 c(m),gf(m,N),p(N),dG do 1 i=1,N dG=0.0d0 do 2 k=1,m 2 dG=dG+c(k)*gf(k,i) 1 p(i)=exp(-dG) return end subroutine cg(N,np,p,sy,sfit,sally,n1,nk, 1sx,xy,pxy,nn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,lwr,maxit,temp,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) implicit none integer*4 N,nstep,lstep,i,maxit,np,nk,m,nn,ndim,ipp1,ipp2 real*8 p(N),maxstep,sy(np),sfit(np),sx(np),ef,temp, 1e0,gnorm0,e00,dh,secder,eold,h,hh0,sally(N,np),hh1,e2,hh2, 1e1,gradh,n1,etot,enew,gnorm1,xy(N,ndim),pxy(ndim),xmin,xmax, 1ymin,ymax real*8,allocatable::p0(:),g0(:),h0(:),g(:),c0(:),gf(:,:),ck(:) logical lwr maxstep=0.1d0 nstep=0 c number of parameters to optimize: m=nk**ndim allocate(p0(N),g0(m),h0(m),g(m),c0(m),gf(m,N),ck(m)) c fill basis call fb(gf,m,N,xy,pxy,nk,ndim) c initial values of probabilities: call inic(N,p0) c initial values of pw coefficients: c0=0.0d0 c0(1)=-log(p0(1)) c fitted spectrum Sfit=sum(i) p0(i) Si call mkfit(N,np,sfit,p0,sally) c write initial average, scaled: call nspe(np,sfit,1.0d0/n1) call wrs('aves.prn',np,sx,sfit) call nspe(np,sfit,n1) c "energy" to be minimized" etot=ef(sy,sfit,np) c gradient: call setg(m,N,np,g0,sy,sfit,sally,p0,gf,gnorm0) e0=etot h0=g0 222 e00=etot dh=maxstep/gnorm0 secder=-1.0d0 nstep=nstep+1 if(lwr)write(6,600)nstep,etot 600 format(' Linear search at point ',i6,', E = ',e12.4) eold=etot e0=etot h=0.0d0 hh0=0.0d0 lstep=0 111 lstep=lstep+1 h=h+dh do 1 i=1,m 1 ck(i)=max(0.0d0,c0(i)-h*h0(i)) call mkp(N,m,ck,gf,p) call mkfit(N,np,sfit,p,sally) etot=ef(sy,sfit,np) enew=etot c possibly end of linear search?: if( write(6,*)'Too many linear steps' goto 444 endif if(dabs(enew-eold)<1.0d-5*eold)goto 444 if( lstep.eq.1) then e1=etot hh1=h else if(lstep.eq.2) then e2=etot hh2=h else e0=e1 hh0=hh1 e1=e2 hh1=hh2 e2=etot hh2=h endif if(hh1.eq.hh0.or.hh2.eq.hh0.or.hh2.eq.hh1)then secder=-1.0d0 else secder=-2.0d0*((hh2-hh1)*(e1-e0)-(e2-e1)*(hh1-hh0)) 1 /((hh2-hh0)*(hh1-hh0)*(hh2-hh1)) gradh=(e0-e1-secder/2.0d0*(hh0**2-hh1**2))/(hh0-hh1) endif endif if( dh=-gradh/secder-h if(dabs(dh).gt.maxstep/gnorm0)then if( dh=maxstep/gnorm0 else dh=-maxstep/gnorm0 endif endif eold=enew goto 111 endif if( eold=enew dh=-dh/2 goto 111 endif eold=enew goto 111 444 if(lwr)write(6,601)lstep,etot 601 format(i6,' linear steps ',e12.4) call mkp(N,m,ck,gf,p) call mkfit(N,np,sfit,p,sally) etot=ef(sy,sfit,np) call setg(m,N,np,g,sy,sfit,sally,p,gf,gnorm1) c0=ck do 2 i=1,m h0(i)=g(i)+(gnorm1/gnorm0)**2*h0(i) 2 g0(i)=g(i) write(6,602)gnorm1,etot,etot-e00 602 format(' Grad:',e12.4,' E:',e12.4,' dE:',e12.4) call nspe(np,sfit,1.0d0/n1) call wrs('fit.prn',np,sx,sfit) if(dabs(e00-etot).lt.1.0d-5*e00)then write(6,*)'Optimization converged' goto 555 endif if( write(6,*)'too many steps' goto 555 endif e0=etot gnorm0=gnorm1 goto 222 555 write(6,605)etot 605 format(' Error:',e12.4) call wmap(m,nn,nk,ck,pxy,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,temp,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) return end subroutine wmap(m,nn,nk,ck,pxy,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,temp,ndim, 1ipp1,ipp2) implicit none integer*4 nn,i,j,k,m,nk,ndim,ipp1,ipp2 real*8 ck(m),x,y,dx,dy,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,dG,p,gfx,Gmin, 1temp,kT,pxy(ndim) kT=temp/503.228d0 dx=(xmax-xmin)/dble(nn) open(9,file='EMAP.TXT') open(91,file='EP.PRN') if(ndim.eq.1)then Gmin=0.0d0 do 421 k=1,m 421 Gmin=Gmin+ck(k)*gfx(nk,k,xmin,0.0d0,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) x=xmin-dx do 4 i=1,nn+1 x=x+dx dG=0.0d0 do 42 k=1,m 42 dG=dG+ck(k)*gfx(nk,k,x,0.0d0,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) 4 Gmin=min(dG,Gmin) x=xmin-dx do 5 i=1,nn+1 x=x+dx dG=0.0d0 do 6 k=1,m 6 dG=dG+ck(k)*gfx(nk,k,x,0.0d0,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) c Free Energy in kcal/mol: dG=(dG-Gmin)*kT p=exp(-dG) write(91,941)x,dG 941 format(2e12.4) 5 write(9,94)i,x,dG,p 94 format(i6,3e12.4) else dy=(ymax-ymin)/dble(nn) Gmin=0.0d0 do 321 k=1,m 321 Gmin=Gmin+ck(k)*gfx(nk,k,xmin,ymin,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) x=xmin-dx do 3 i=1,nn+1 x=x+dx y=ymin-dy do 3 j=1,nn+1 y=y+dy dG=0.0d0 do 32 k=1,m 32 dG=dG+ck(k)*gfx(nk,k,x,y,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) 3 Gmin=min(dG,Gmin) x=xmin-dx do 1 i=1,nn+1 x=x+dx y=ymin-dy do 1 j=1,nn+1 y=y+dy dG=0.0d0 do 2 k=1,m 2 dG=dG+ck(k)*gfx(nk,k,x,y,pxy,ndim,ipp1,ipp2) c Free Energy in kcal/mol: dG=(dG-Gmin)*kT p=exp(-dG) 1 write(9,91)i,j,x,y,dG,p 91 format(2i6,4e12.4) endif close(9) return end subroutine wrc(N,c,sn) implicit none integer*4 N,i real*8 c(*) character*80 sn(*) open(61,file='COEF.TXT') do 3 i=1,N 3 write(61,678)i,c(i),sn(i+1)(1:40) 678 format(i4,f19.4,1x,a40) close(61) return end subroutine sort(co,N,sn) implicit none real*8 co(*),ci,cmax,s integer*4 n,i,imax,j,it,is integer*4 ,allocatable::ind(:) character*80 sn(*) real*8,allocatable::c(:) allocate(c(N)) s=0.0d0 do 5 i=1,N s=s+co(i) 5 c(i)=co(i) allocate(ind(N)) do 10 i=1,N 10 ind(i)=i do 1 i=1,N-1 ci=c(i) imax=i cmax=dabs(ci) it=ind(i) do 2 j=i+1,N if(dabs(c(j)).gt.cmax)then imax=j cmax=dabs(c(j)) endif 2 continue if( c(i)=c(imax) c(imax)=ci ind(i)=ind(imax) ind(imax)=it endif 1 continue write(6,*)'Largest cofficients absulute/normalized: ' do 3 i=1,min(10,N) is=ind(i)+1 3 write(6,679)i,ind(i),c(i),c(i)/s,sn(is)(1:50) 679 format(2i4,E12.4,' /',f12.6,1x,a50) return end subroutine wrs(s,np,x,y) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 i,np real*8 x(*),y(*) open(67,file=s) do 1 i=1,np 1 write(67,900)x(i),y(i) 900 format(f9.2,g13.5) close(67) return end subroutine readopt2(pxy,ndim,ran,lran) implicit none integer*4 ndim,i real*8 pxy(ndim),ran(ndim,2) character*10 s10 logical lex,lran c pxy (all 360) periodicity of each coordinate, in degrees pxy=360.0d0 lran=.true. do 3 i=1,ndim ran(i,1)= 0.0d0 3 ran(i,2)=360.0d0 inquire(file='SP.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(9,file='SP.OPT') 1 read(9,90,end=99,err=99)s10 90 format(a10) if(s10(1:4).eq.'peri')read(9,*)pxy if(s10(1:4).eq.'lran')read(9,*)lran if(s10(1:4).eq.'rang')then do 2 i=1,ndim 2 read(9,*)ran(i,1),ran(i,2) endif goto 1 99 close(9) endif return end