program specnorm implicit none integer*4 ns,is,nsf,npmax,iargc,ic,i real*8 wmin,wmax real*8,allocatable::x(:,:),y(:,:) integer*4,allocatable::np(:) character*80 list,s80,fn character*1 kk,ok character*80,allocatable::sn(:) c do 5 i=1,len(s80) 5 s80(i:i)=' ' write(6,6000) 6000 format(/,' Specnorm reads spectra listed in a list,',/, 1 ' normalizes to the highest signal within wmin wmax,',/, 1 ' shifts them from the first and writes into a file',/, 1 ' so that they can be plotted by Sigmaplot etc.',/,/, 1 ' Usage: specnorm ',/,/, 1 ' list of spectra',/, 1 ' output file name',/, 1 ' wmin for normalization',/, 1 ' wmax for normalization',/, 1 ' regular (r) or irregular (i) spacing',/,/) if(iargc().lt.2)stop call getarg(1,list) call getarg(2,fn) s80(1:11)='-10000000.0' if(iargc().gt.2)call getarg(3,s80) read(s80,*)wmin s80(1:11)='+10000000.0' if(iargc().gt.3)call getarg(4,s80) read(s80,*)wmax ok='r' if(iargc().gt.4)call getarg(5,ok) kk='n' if(iargc().gt.5)call getarg(6,kk) c write(6,601)wmin,wmax 601 format(' wmin, wmax:',2f20.2) if(ok.eq.'r')then write(6,602)' Regular spacing' 602 format(1x,a17) else write(6,602)'Irregular spacing' endif if(kk.eq.'y')write(6,*)' Sign inversion requested !!' ns=1 do 2 ic=1,2 if(ic.eq.2)allocate(sn(ns),np(ns)) open(9,file=list) ns=0 1 read(9,9000,end=99,err=99)s80 9000 format(a80) if(s80(1:1).eq.'#')goto 1 ns=ns+1 if(ic.eq.2)sn(ns)=s80 goto 1 99 close(9) 2 continue c npmax=0 do 3 is=1,ns np(is)=nsf(sn(is)) 3 if(np(is).gt.npmax)npmax=np(is) write(6,6003)ns,npmax 6003 format(i4,' spectra, maxinal number of points',i6) allocate(x(ns,npmax),y(ns,npmax)) do 4 is=1,ns call ls(x,y,npmax,np,ns,is,sn(is)) if(kk.eq.'y')then do 7 i=1,np(is) 7 y(is,i)=-y(is,i) endif 4 call norm(wmin,wmax,x,y,npmax,np,ns,is,ok) call ws(x,y,npmax,np,ns,fn) end subroutine ws(x,y,npmax,np,ns,fn) implicit none integer*4 np(ns),ip,is,ns,npmax real*8 x(ns,npmax),y(ns,npmax) character*(*) fn logical xscale open(9,file=fn) do 1 ip=1,npmax do 2 is=1,ns if( xscale=np(is) else xscale=.true. endif if(xscale)then if(np(is).ge.ip)then write(9,91)x(is,ip),y(is,ip) 91 format(2e12.4,$) else write(9,91)x(is,np(is)),y(is,np(is)) endif else if(np(is).ge.ip)then write(9,92)y(is,ip) 92 format(e12.4,$) else write(9,92)y(is,np(is)) endif endif 2 continue 1 write(9,*) close(9) end c function nsf(nm) implicit none integer*4 np,nsf real*8 x character*(*) nm open(9,file=nm) np=0 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,x np=np+1 goto 1 99 close(9) nsf=np return end subroutine norm(wmin,wmax,x,y,npmax,np,ns,is,ok) implicit none integer*4 npmax,np(*),i,is,ns real*8 x(ns,npmax),y(ns,npmax),wmin,wmax,smin,smax character*1 ok smin=0.0d0 smax=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,np(is) if(x(is,i).ge.wmin.and.x(is,i).le.wmax)then if(y(is,i).lt.smin)smin=y(is,i) if(y(is,i).gt.smax)smax=y(is,i) endif 1 continue write(6,600)is,smin,smax 600 format(i6,' Smin:',e12.4,' Smax:',E12.4) do 2 i=1,np(is) 2 y(is,i)=y(is,i)/(smax-smin) c regular/irregular stacking: if(ok.eq.'r')then do 3 i=1,np(is) 3 y(is,i)=y(is,i)+dble(is-1) else if( c minimum of upper spectrum: smin=0.0d0 c maximum of lower spectrum: smax=0.0d0 do 4 i=1,np(is) if(x(is,i).ge.wmin.and.x(is,i).le.wmax)then if(y(is,i).lt.smin)smin=y(is,i) endif if(x(is-1,i).ge.wmin.and.x(is-1,i).le.wmax)then if(y(is-1,i).gt.smax)smax=y(is-1,i) endif 4 continue do 5 i=1,np(is) 5 y(is,i)=y(is,i)+smax-smin endif endif return end subroutine ls(x,y,npmax,np,ns,is,nm) c loads in the spectrum implicit none integer*4 np(ns),i,is,ns,npmax real*8 x(ns,npmax),y(ns,npmax) character*(*) nm open(9,file=nm) do 1 i=1,np(is) 1 read(9,*)x(is,i),y(is,i) close(9) return end