program specave2 c average of N spectra from SP.LST c can also calculate integral of average spectrum in a given interval: c also normalized spectral error er = int |s-save| / int save| c s ... n point average c save ... all point average implicit none integer ns,np,i,j,iargc real*8,allocatable::x(:),sav(:),sr(:),sc(:),dd(:),ee(:) real*8 d,pi,spi,p,ef,dx character*80 s80 character*8 s8 pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) spi=dsqrt(pi) write(6,*)' Spectral average with convolution' if(iargc().lt.1)then write(6,*)' usage: specave2 d' stop endif call getarg(1,s80) read(s80,*)d c number of points from the first spectrum call snp(np) allocate(x(np),sav(np),sr(np),sc(np),ee(np+1),dd(np)) sav=0.0d0 c read first spectrum's scale call xnp(np,x) dx=dabs(x(1)-x(2)) c precalculate exp ee=0.0d0 do 22 j=1,np p=((x(1)-x(j))/d)**2 ef=0.0d0 if( 22 ee(j)=ef/spi/d*dx ns=0 open(9,file='SP.LST') 992 read(9,900,end=918,err=918)s80 900 format(a80) ns=ns+1 c read raw spectrum: open(10,file=s80) do 1 i=1,np 1 read(10,*)x(i),sr(i) close(10) c make convoluted spectrum: c sc(i) = int sr(j) exp -(xi-xj)^2/d^2 sc=0.0d0 do 11 i=1,np do 11 j=1,np 11 sc(i)=sc(i)+sr(j)*ee(abs(i-j)+1) c difference of raw and convoluted do 13 i=1,np 13 dd(i)=sr(i)-sc(i) c record difference of raw and convoluted write(s8,800)ns 800 format(i8) do 5 i=1,len(s8) 5 if(s8(i:i).ne.' ')goto 6 6 call ws(np,x,dd,'_'//s8(i:len(s8))//'.prn') c add difference of raw and convoluted do 12 i=1,np 12 sav(i)=sav(i)+dd(i) goto 992 918 close(9) do 2 i=1,np 2 sav(i)=sav(i)/dble(ns) call ws(np,x,sav,'AVE.PRN') write(6,*)ns,' spectra, AVE.PRN' end subroutine xnp(np,x) real*8 x(*) integer*4 np,i character*80 s80 open(9,file='SP.LST') read(9,900)s80 900 format(a80) close(9) open(10,file=s80) do 1 i=1,np 1 read(10,*)x(i) close(10) return end subroutine snp(np) real*8 x,y integer*4 np character*80 s80 open(9,file='SP.LST') read(9,900)s80 900 format(a80) close(9) open(10,file=s80) np=0 993 read(10,*,end=919,err=919)x,y np=np+1 goto 993 919 close(10) return end subroutine ws(np,x,y,s) integer*4 np,i real*8 x(*),y(*) character*(*) s open(13,file=s) do 1 i=1,np 1 write(13,1313)x(i),y(i) 1313 format(f12.2,e12.4) close(13) return end