program rwbc parameter (nat0=2000) character*80 filename,ts character*2 sy(nat0),sys(nat0) dimension r(3*nat0) LOGICAL*4 notemptyline c qh= 0.42 qo=-0.84 write(6,*)' Replace waters in gaussian input by charges:' write(6,*)'Filename' write(6,*)'N5.INP' c read(5,1000)filename 1000 format(a80) filename='N5.INP' open(10,file=filename) open(11,file='INP.NEW') c c rewrite header 2 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts))then write(11,1000)ts goto 2 else write(11,*)' nosymm charge ' write(11,1000)ts endif c c name 21 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts write(11,1000)ts if(notemptyline(ts))goto 21 c c charge and multiplicity read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts write(11,1000)ts c c Cartesian coordinates ia=0 22 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts))then ia=ia+1 if( write(6,*)'Too many atoms' stop endif do 3 is=1,len(ts) 3 if(ts(is:is).ne.' ')goto 4 4 sy(ia)(1:1)=ts(is:is) sy(ia)(2:2)=ts(is+1:is+1) if(sy(ia).eq.'1 ')sy(ia)='h ' if(sy(ia).eq.'8 ')sy(ia)='o ' if(sy(ia).eq.'H ')sy(ia)='h ' if(sy(ia).eq.'O ')sy(ia)='o ' open(9,file='scr') write(9,1000)ts(is+2:len(ts)) rewind 9 read(9,*)(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3) close(9) goto 22 endif 899 close(10) write(6,*)ia,' atoms read' nat=ia do 61 i=1,ia 61 sys(i)=sy(i) do 5 ia=1,nat if(sy(ia).eq.'o ')then x=r(3*(ia-1)+1) y=r(3*(ia-1)+2) z=r(3*(ia-1)+3) nh=0 do 7 ja=1,nat if(sy(ja).eq.'h ')then xj=r(3*(ja-1)+1) yj=r(3*(ja-1)+2) zj=r(3*(ja-1)+3) d=(x-xj)**2+(y-yj)**2+(z-zj)**2 if(**2)then nh=nh+1 if(nh.eq.1)nh1=ja if(nh.eq.2)nh2=ja endif endif 7 continue if(nh.eq.2)then c we struck water, mark the atoms sys(ia)='OQ' sys(nh1)='HQ' sys(nh2)='HQ' endif endif 5 continue c c write solute atoms ias=0 do 9 ia=1,nat if(sys(ia).ne.'OQ'.and.sys(ia).ne.'HQ')then ias=ias+1 write(11,1010)sy(ia),(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3) 1010 format(a2,2x,3f15.8) endif 9 continue write(11,*) c c write solvent charges iac=0 do 91 ia=1,nat if(sys(ia).eq.'OQ')then iac=iac+1 write(11,1011)(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3),qo 1011 format(3f15.8,f10.4) endif if(sys(ia).eq.'HQ')then iac=iac+1 write(11,1011)(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3),qh endif 91 continue write(11,*) close(11) write(6,*)nat, ' atoms' write(6,*)iac, ' charges' write(6,*)ias, ' solute atoms' write(6,*)' INP.NEW written' stop end function notemptyline(ts) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) LOGICAL*4 notemptyline CHARACTER*(*) ts c l=len(ts) notemptyline=.false. do 1 i=1,l 1 if(ts(i:i).ne.' ')notemptyline=.true. return end