PROGRAM REDIM implicit integer*4 (i-n) parameter (n0ln=50000) character*180 rs,ns,fn,snext character*360 sl(n0ln),ts character*1 ok dimension nline(n0ln) logical lall,lex,lbr c lall=.false. write(6,6000) 6000 format('This program substitutes a string in all the',/, 1 'files listed in REDIM.LST',/,/, 2' Input the string to be replaced (#^ line break):') read(*,'(a)')rs do 1 i=180,1,-1 1 if(rs(i:i).ne.' ')goto 2 2 nrs=i if(rs(nrs-1:nrs).eq.'#^')then lbr=.true. nrs=nrs-2 else lbr=.false. endif write(6,*)' Input the new string (#^ line break at the end):' read(*,'(a)')ns do 3 i=180,1,-1 3 if(ns(i:i).ne.' ')goto 4 4 nns=i iline=0 do 9 i=1,nns-1 9 if(ns(i:i).eq.'#'.and.ns(i+1:i+1).eq.'^')iline=i write(6,*) write(6,6001)rs,nrs,ns,nns 6001 format(' Old string:',/, 1 A80,/,'(',I3,' characters)',/,/, 2 ' New string:',/, 3 A80,/,'(',I3,' characters)',/,/, 4 'Do you want to continue (y/n)?') read(*,'(a)')ok if('y''Y')stop c OPEN(2,FILE='REDIM.LST') 900 READ(2,'(A)',END=999)FN write(6,6002)fn do 61 i=180,1,-1 61 if(fn(i:i).ne.' ')goto 71 71 nfil=i 6002 format(A180) c ichg=0 inquire(FILE=FN, exist=lex) if(.not.lex)then write(6,*)' file does not exist' write(6,*)' input any key ...' read(*,'(a)')ok goto 900 endif OPEN(3,FILE=FN) LINE=0 800 LINE=LINE+1 if( write(6,*)' Too many lines in ',fn close(3) stop endif READ(3,'(a)',END=888)SL(LINE) do 6 i=180,1,-1 6 if(sl(line)(i:i).ne.' ')goto 7 7 nline(line)=i nlineold=i ts=sl(line) do 5 i=1,180-nrs+1 if(sl(line)(i:i+nrs-1) ichg=ichg+1 write(6,6004)(sl(line)(j:j),j=1,nline(line)) 6004 format(180A1) if(iline.eq.0)then sl(line)(i:i+nns-1)=ns nline(line)=nlineold+nns-nrs sl(line)(i+nns:nline(line))=ts(i+nrs:nlineold) if(lbr)then c remove line break READ(3,'(a)',END=888)snext do 81 i1=180,1,-1 81 if(snext(i1:i1).ne.' ')goto 91 91 nnext=i1 sl(line)(nline(line)+1:nline(line)+nnext)=snext(1:nnext) nline(line)=nline(line)+nnext endif write(6,6004)(sl(line)(j:j),j=1,nline(line)) write(6,*) else sl(line)(i:i+iline-1-1)=ns(1:iline-1) nline(line)=i+iline-1-1 write(6,6004)(sl(line)(j:j),j=1,nline(line)) line=line+1 sl(line)(1:nns-iline-1)=ns(iline+2:nns) sl(line)(nns-iline-1+1:1+nns-iline-1+nlineold-i-nrs+1) 1 =ts(i+nrs:nlineold) nline(line)=1+nns-iline-1+nlineold-i-nrs+1 write(6,6004)(sl(line)(j:j),j=1,nline(line)) write(6,*) endif goto 800 endif 5 continue goto 800 888 CLOSE(3) lint=line-1 if( c if(.not.lall)then write(6,6003)ichg,lint,(fn(i:i),i=1,nfil),':',(' ',i=1,180-nfil-1) 6003 format(' String found ',I4,'. times;', I5,' lines.',/,/, 1180A1,/,' Rewrite the file (y/n/a)?') read(*,'(a)')ok if(ok.eq.'a'.or.ok.eq.'A')then ok='y' lall=.true. endif endif c if(lall.or.ok.eq.'y'.or.ok.eq.'Y')then OPEN(3,FILE=FN) do 8 i=1,lint 8 write(3,6004)(sl(i)(j:j),j=1,nline(i)) close(3) write(6,*)' File was rewritten.' endif endif c GOTO 900 999 CLOSE(2) STOP END