program psmooth implicit none integer*4 i,n,np1,iargc,it,maxit real*8 p,smin,smax,a,one,two,ym,y0,yp real*8,allocatable::sx(:),sy(:),sp(:),sn(:) character*80 fn,fnn,s one=1.0d0 two=2.0d0 if(iargc().ne.4)then write(6,600) 600 format('Usage: psmooth maxit p ') stop endif call getarg(1,fn) call getarg(2,s) read(s,*)maxit call getarg(3,s) read(s,*)p call getarg(4,fnn) c number of points: n=np1(fn,-1.d9,1.d9) write(6,*)n,' points' allocate(sx(n),sy(n),sp(n),sn(n)) c read spectrum: call ls(sx,sy,fn,-1.d9,1.d9) smin=sy(1) smax=sy(1) do 1 i=1,n if(sy(i).lt.smin)smin=sy(i) 1 if(sy(i).gt.smax)smax=sy(i) a=p*(smax-smin) sp=sy it=0 101 it=it+1 if( 999 c i=1 sn(1)=min(0.9d0*sp(1)+0.1d0*sp(2),sy(1)) c i=n sn(n)=min(0.9d0*sp(n)+0.1d0*sp(n-1),sy(n)) do 2 i=2,n-1 c sn(i)=min((sp(i)+(sp(i-1)+sp(i+1))/two + a)/two,sy(i)) 2 sn(i)=min((sp(i-1)+sp(i+1))/two + a,sy(i)) sp=sn goto 101 999 call wrs('tem-b.prn',n,sx,sp) do 3 i=1,n 3 sp(i)=sy(i)-sp(i) call wrs(fnn,n,sx,sp) end subroutine wrs(s,np,x,y) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 i,np real*8 x(*),y(*) open(67,file=s) do 1 i=1,np 1 write(67,900)x(i),y(i) 900 format(f9.2,g13.5) close(67) return end function np1(s,wmin,wmax) implicit none integer*4 np1,n real*8 wmin,wmax,x character*(*) s open(9,file=s) n=0 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x if( goto 101 99 close(9) np1=n return end subroutine ls(xs,ys,name,wmin,wmax) c loads in the spectrum within wmin wmax implicit none integer*4 i real*8 xs(*),ys(*),wmin,wmax,x,y character*(*) name i=0 open(9,file=name) 11 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,y if(wmin.le.x.and.x.le.wmax)then i=i+1 xs(i)=x ys(i)=y endif goto 11 99 close(9) return end