program prephyd5 c ECD character*80 ts write(6,600) 600 format(' Prepares driving script (gohyd) for multiple-frequency' 1 ,/, ' MD solvent correction to vacuum peptide frequencies',/, 2 ' file NAMES.LST with the MD configurations expected',/, 2 ' files G.OUT BIJ.SCR DODC.CON DC.PAR',/, 4 ' should be made, too',/, 3 ' see program dc dodcg') is=0 open(8,file='NAMES.LST',status='old') open(9,file='gohyd') 11 read(8,80,end=999,err=999)ts 80 format(A80) is=is+1 do 1 i=1,LEN(ts) 1 if(ts(i:i).ne.' ')goto 2 2 do 3 j=LEN(ts),1,-1 3 if(ts(j:j).ne.' ')goto 4 4 write(9,*)'cp '//ts(i:j)//'' write(9,*)'dodcg' write(9,*)'dc' write(9,*)'cp DC.TAB '//ts(i:j)//'.tab' goto 11 999 close(8) close(9) write(6,*)is,' structures' write(6,*)'gohyd script made' stop end