program prepflex character*80 fn,ts character*10 s10 c write(6,6000) 6000 format(' Making driving script for Raman and IR spectra',/, 1 ' calculation for flexible molecules',/,/, 2 ' Input: STRUCT.LST (list of tinker MD geometries)',/,/, 3 ' Output: goflex (driving script)',/,/, 4 ' Files that have to exist:',/, 5 ' AUTO, CCT.INP (+ source molecules listed therein)',/,/, 6 ' Programs that have to run:',/, 7 ' cctn, new1,new2,new4,new5,new6',/,/, 8 ' Input interval of atoms (N1 N2) in MD geoms:',$) read(5,*)NA1,NA2 istr=0 open(2,file='STRUCT.LST') open(3,file='goflex') 1 read(2,200,end=500,err=500)fn 200 format(a80) c istr=istr+1 do 10 is=1,80 10 if(fn(is:is).ne.' ')goto 11 11 do 12 ie=is,80 12 if(fn(ie+1:ie+1).eq.' ')goto 13 13 ts='tinkertomcm '//fn(is:ie)//' ' write(s10,202)NA1,NA2 202 format(2I5) write(3,201)ts(1:ie-is+1+13)//s10 201 format(a80) write(3,203) 203 format('mv FILE.X BIG.X',/,'cctn',/,'new1',/,'new2',/,'new4',/, 1'new5',/,'new6') ts='cp DOG.TAB '//fn(is:ie)//'.tab' write(3,204)(ts(ii:ii),ii=1,15+ie-is+1) 204 format(80(1a1)) ts='cp ROA.TAB '//fn(is:ie)//'' write(3,204)(ts(ii:ii),ii=1,18+ie-is+1) goto 1 500 close(2) close(3) write(6,*)' goflex made.' write(6,*)istr,' structures' stop end