program pothist c histogram from potential energy distribution implicit none integer*4 nc,ic,it,is,i,j,im,iw,np,ncoord real*8 w,wmin,wmax,dw,an character*80 s80 logical lex real*8,allocatable::h(:,:),p(:) integer*4,allocatable::s(:,:) character*1 norm ncoord=15 c 1 - strecth c 2 - bend c 3 - torsion c 4 - OPLA c 5 - IM, stretch c 6 - IM, bend, 4 types c 7 - IM, torsion c 8 - TX, helix c 9 - TY and TZ, helix c 10 - RX, helix c 11 - RY and RZ, helix c 12 - H-stretch c 13 - H-breath c 14 - H-def c 15 - H-unwinding wmin=0.0d0 wmax=4000.0d0 np=400 dw=(wmax-wmin)/dble(np) allocate(h(ncoord,np),s(ncoord,2)) inquire(file='HIST.TXT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(9,file='HIST.TXT') do 8 i=1,np w=wmin+(i-1)*dw 8 read(9,*)h(1,i),(h(j,i),j=1,ncoord) close(9) else do 5 j=1,ncoord do 5 i=1,np 5 h(j,i)=0.0d0 endif norm='n' if(iargc().gt.0)call getarg(1,norm) if(norm.eq.'y')norm='Y' if(norm.eq.'Y')then c just normalize histograms and quit: do 9 i=1,ncoord an=0.0d0 do 10 j=1,np 10 an=an+h(i,j) if( do 11 j=1,np 11 h(i,j)=h(i,j)/an/dw endif 9 continue write(6,*)'Histograms have been normalized' goto 77 endif do 2 i=1,ncoord do 2 j=1,2 2 s(i,j)=0 open(9,file='FILE.UMA') read(9,*) read(9,*) read(9,*)nc,nc ic=0 1 read(9,90,end=99,err=99)s80 90 format(a80) if(s80(56:62).eq.'STRETCH')then ic=ic+1 if(s(1,1).eq.0)s(1,1)=ic s(1,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:59).eq.'BEND')then ic=ic+1 if(s(2,1).eq.0)s(2,1)=ic s(2,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:62).eq.'TORSION')then ic=ic+1 if(s(3,1).eq.0)s(3,1)=ic s(3,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:59).eq.'OPLA')then ic=ic+1 if(s(4,1).eq.0)s(4,1)=ic s(4,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:62).eq.'INTERMO')then ic=ic+1 read(s80(1:6),*)it if(it.eq.8)is=5 if(it.eq.9)is=6 if(it.eq.10)is=6 if(it.eq.11)is=6 if(it.eq.12)is=6 if(it.eq.13)is=7 if(s(is,1).eq.0)s(is,1)=ic s(is,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-TX')then ic=ic+1 if(s(8,1).eq.0)s(8,1)=ic s(8,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-TY')then ic=ic+1 if(s(9,1).eq.0)s(9,1)=ic s(9,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-TZ')then ic=ic+1 if(s(9,1).eq.0)s(9,1)=ic s(9,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-RX')then ic=ic+1 if(s(10,1).eq.0)s(10,1)=ic s(10,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-RY')then ic=ic+1 if(s(11,1).eq.0)s(11,1)=ic s(11,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-RZ')then ic=ic+1 if(s(11,1).eq.0)s(11,1)=ic s(11,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-stretch')then ic=ic+1 if(s(12,1).eq.0)s(12,1)=ic s(12,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:64).eq.'H-breath.')then ic=ic+1 if(s(13,1).eq.0)s(13,1)=ic s(13,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:61).eq.'H-def.')then ic=ic+1 if(s(14,1).eq.0)s(14,1)=ic s(14,2)=ic endif if(s80(56:63).eq.'H-unwind')then ic=ic+1 if(s(15,1).eq.0)s(15,1)=ic s(15,2)=ic endif goto 1 99 close(9) do 3 i=1,ncoord 3 write(6,600)i,s(i,1),s(i,2) 600 format(i4,':',i4,' - ',i4) if( write(6,*)ic,nc write(6,*)'Some coordinates missed' stop endif allocate(p(nc)) open(9,file='POT_all.LST') do 4 im=1,nc read(9,*,end=88,err=88)w,w,(p(i),i=1,nc) if( 88 iw=int((w-wmin)/dw) if( do 6 i=1,nc do 6 j=1,ncoord 6 if(,1).and.i.le.s(j,2))h(j,iw)=h(j,iw)+p(i) endif 4 continue 88 close(9) 77 open(9,file='HIST.TXT') do 7 i=1,np w=wmin+(i-1)*dw write(9,70)w 70 format(f12.2,$) do 71 j=1,ncoord 71 write(9,73)h(j,i) 73 format(g12.4,$) 7 write(9,*) close(9) end