program pfadd implicit none integer*4 nat,n,iargc,i,j,ig,icav,iz,ico real*8 hartreetoJ,bohr,pau,p,d,cc real*8,allocatable::r(:),r0(:),g(:),f(:,:),f0(:,:) integer*4,allocatable::z(:),ib(:),io(:) character*80 s80 hartreetoJ=4.3597482d-18 bohr=0.529177d0 write(6,600) 600 format(' Makes gradients in FILE.OUT from pressure',/, 1' and PCM cavity, makes FF and adds it to FILE.FC') if(iargc().lt.1)call report('Usage: pfad

') call getarg(1,s80) read(s80,*)p pau=p/hartreetoJ*1.0d-30*bohr**3*1.0d9 cc=0.0d0 if(iargc().gt.1)then call getarg(2,s80) read(s80,*)cc endif allocate(z(1),r0(1)) call rg('FILE.OUT',0,nat,z,r0,.true.) deallocate(z,r0) n=3*nat allocate(z(nat),r0(n),g(n),r(n),f(n,n),ib(n),io(n), 1f0(n,n)) call rg('FILE.OUT',1,nat,z,r0,.true.) f=0.0d0 ig=0 icav=0 iz=0 d=0.0d0 ib=0 io=0 open(2,file='FILE.OUT') 1 call rgf(nat,z,r,.true.,ig) write(6,*) write(6,*) if(,601)' Geometry',ig 601 format(a11,i6) i=ico(n,r,r0,d) call mkg(n,g,pau,r,r0,icav,cc) if(,601)' Cavity',icav if(nat.eq.0)goto 2 write(6,607)i,d 607 format(' Coordinate',i6,', shift',f12.4) if( write(6,602)i,d d=d/bohr 602 format(i6,' coordinate, step ',f10.4,' A') if( ib(i)=ib(i)+1 do 3 j=1,n 3 f(i,j)=f(i,j)-g(j)/2.0d0/dabs(d) else io(i)=io(i)+1 do 31 j=1,n 31 f(i,j)=f(i,j)+g(j)/2.0d0/dabs(d) endif else write(6,601)' Zero geom.' iz=iz+1 endif goto 1 2 close(2) write(6,608)ig,icav 608 format(i6,' gradients,',i6,' cavities') if( write(6,604)iz 604 format(i6,' zero geometries ... check FILE.OUT') stop endif do 4 i=1,n if(ib(i).ne.1)then write(6,605)i,ib(i) 605 format(' Coord.',i6,':',i6,' back geoms, check FILE.OUT') stop endif if(io(i).ne.1)then write(6,606)i,io(i) 606 format(' Coord.',i6,':',i6,' forward geoms, check FILE.OUT') stop endif 4 continue do 5 i=1,n do 5 j=1,i c write(6,609)i,j,f(i,j),f(j,i) c09 format(2i5,2f12.6) f(i,j)=(f(i,j)+f(j,i))/2.0d0 5 f(j,i)=f(i,j) call project(F,r,N) call READFF(N,f0) do 6 i=1,n do 6 j=1,n c minus here because the gradient is actually the force: 6 f0(i,j)=f0(i,j)-f(i,j) call WRITEFF(N,f0) end SUBROUTINE PROJECT(F,r,N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION F(N,N),r(N) real*8,allocatable::TEM(:,:),A(:,:) C allocate(TEM(N,N),A(N,N)) WRITE(*,*)'Projecting transl/rotations from the force field...' call DOMA(A,n,r) DO 11 I=1,N DO 11 J=1,N 11 TEM(I,J)=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,N DO 1 II=1,N if(dabs(A(I,II)).gt.1.0d-10)then DO 12 J=1,N 12 TEM(I,J)=TEM(I,J)+A(I,II)*F(II,J) endif 1 continue DO 22 I=1,N DO 22 J=1,N 22 F(I,J)=0.0d0 DO 2 J=1,N DO 2 II=1,N if(dabs(A(J,II)).gt.1.0d-10)then DO 23 I=1,N 23 F(I,J)=F(I,J)+TEM(I,II)*A(J,II) endif 2 continue WRITE(*,*)' ... done.' RETURN END function ico(n,r,r0,d) implicit none integer*4 ico,n,i real*8 tol,r(n),r0(n),d tol=1.0d-5 do 1 i=1,n d=r(i)-r0(i) if(dabs(d).gt.tol)then ico=i return endif 1 continue ico=0 d=0.0d0 return end subroutine rg(fo,ic,nat,z,r,lzmat) c read first geometry implicit none integer*4 ic,nat,z(*),I,l,ix real*8 r(*),q character*(*) fo character*80 s80 logical lzmat open(2,file=fo) 1 read(2,2000,end=99,err=99)s80 2000 format(a80) IF((lzmat.and.(s80(19:39).EQ.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.OR. 1 s80(26:46).EQ.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.OR. 1 s80(20:37).EQ.'Input orientation:'.OR. 1 s80(27:44).EQ.'Input orientation:')) 1 .OR. 1 ((.not.lzmat).and. 2 (s80(20:40).EQ.'Standard orientation:'.OR. 2 s80(26:46).EQ.'Standard orientation:')))THEN DO 2004 I=1,4 2004 READ(2,*) if(ic.eq.0)then l=0 2005 READ(2,2000)s80 IF(s80(2:4).NE.'---')THEN l=l+1 BACKSPACE 2 READ(2,*)q,q IF(q.EQ.-1)l=l-1 GOTO 2005 ENDIF nat=l else do 2 l=1,nat 2 read(2,*)z(l),z(l),r(1+3*(l-1)),(r(ix+3*(l-1)),ix=1,3) write(6,*)nat,' atoms read' endif close(2) return endif goto 1 99 nat=0 close(2) call report('geometry not found') end subroutine rgf(nat,z,r,lzmat,ig) c read the next geometry implicit none integer*4 nat,z(*),I,l,ix,ig real*8 r(*) character*80 s80 logical lzmat 1 read(2,2000,end=99,err=99)s80 2000 format(a80) IF((lzmat.and.(s80(19:39).EQ.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.OR. 1 s80(26:46).EQ.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.OR. 1 s80(20:37).EQ.'Input orientation:'.OR. 1 s80(27:44).EQ.'Input orientation:')) 1 .OR. 1 ((.not.lzmat).and. 2 (s80(20:40).EQ.'Standard orientation:'.OR. 2 s80(26:46).EQ.'Standard orientation:')))THEN DO 2004 I=1,4 2004 READ(2,*) do 2 l=1,nat 2 read(2,*)z(l),z(l),r(1+3*(l-1)),(r(ix+3*(l-1)),ix=1,3) write(6,*)nat,' atoms read' ig=ig+1 return endif goto 1 99 nat=0 return end subroutine mkg(n,g,p,r,r0,icav,cc) c read tesserea nad make p-gradient implicit none integer*4 n,np,i,j,isp,nat,icav real*8 g(n),x,y,z,s,st,bohr,xij,yij,zij,d,r(n),p,rc,cc,r0(n),dd real*8,allocatable::rs(:) character*80 s80 nat=n/3 allocate(rs(nat)) bohr=0.529177d0 np=0 isp=0 st=0.0d0 g=0.0d0 1 read(2,80,end=88,err=88)s80 80 format(a80) if(s80(4:14).eq.'ISph Re'.or. 1 s80(4:13).eq.'ISph Re')then isp=nat do 3 i=1,isp 3 read(2,*)rs(i),rs(i) endif if(s80(2:26).eq.'GePol: Number of points ')read(s80(56:62),*)np if(s80(4:28).eq.'ITs Coordinates' read(2,*) read(2,*) write(6,603)np 603 format(' Number of points:',i6) do 2 i=1,np read(2,*)x,x,y,z,s c which atom: do 4 j=1,nat rc=rs(j) xij=x-r(1+3*(j-1)) yij=y-r(2+3*(j-1)) zij=z-r(3+3*(j-1)) d=dsqrt(xij**2+yij**2+zij**2) 4 if(dabs(d-rc).lt.1.0d-3)goto 41 write(6,604)i,x,y,z 604 format(i6,3f12.6) call report('unassigned tile') 41 st=st+s c pressure force: g(1+3*(j-1))=g(1+3*(j-1))-xij*s*p/bohr**2/rc g(2+3*(j-1))=g(2+3*(j-1))-yij*s*p/bohr**2/rc g(3+3*(j-1))=g(3+3*(j-1))-zij*s*p/bohr**2/rc c distance-dependent, ad hoc term dd=d-dsqrt((x-r0(1+3*(j-1)))**2+ 1 (y-r0(2+3*(j-1)))**2+ 1 (z-r0(3+3*(j-1)))**2) g(1+3*(j-1))=g(1+3*(j-1))-xij*s*cc/bohr**2/rc*dd g(2+3*(j-1))=g(2+3*(j-1))-yij*s*cc/bohr**2/rc*dd 2 g(3+3*(j-1))=g(3+3*(j-1))-zij*s*cc/bohr**2/rc*dd write(6,600)st 600 format(' Cavity surface area (A^2):',f10.2) c call wg(' Pressure force:',n,g) call pg(n,g,r) c call wg(' Projected:',n,g) icav=icav+1 return endif goto 1 88 nat=0 end subroutine pg(n,g,r) c project translations/rotations from gradient implicit none integer*4 n,i,j real*8 g(n),r(n) real*8,allocatable::A(:,:),t(:) allocate(A(n,n),t(n)) call DOMA(A,n,r) t=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N 1 t(i)=t(i)+A(i,j)*g(j) g=t return end subroutine wg(s,n,g) implicit none character*(*)s integer*4 n,i real*8 g(n) write(6,'(a)')s do 5 i=1,n/3 5 write(6,602)i,g(1+3*(i-1)),g(2+3*(i-1)),g(3+3*(i-1)) 602 format(i6,3f12.6) return end SUBROUTINE DOMA(A,N,r) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION A(N,N),r(N) real*8,allocatable::C(:,:),TEM(:,:) C allocate(C(3,N/3),TEM(N,N)) AMACH=0.00000000000001d0 NAT=N/3 do 11 I=1,NAT do 11 J=1,3 11 C(J,I)=r(J+3*(I-1)) DO 12 I=1,N DO 12 J=1,6 12 A(I,J)=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT A(3*I-2,1)= 1.00d0 A(3*I-1,2)= 1.00d0 A(3*I ,3)= 1.00d0 A(3*I-2,4)=-C(2,I) A(3*I-1,4)= C(1,I) A(3*I-1,5)=-C(3,I) A(3*I ,5)= C(2,I) A(3*I-2,6)= C(3,I) 1 A(3*I ,6)=-C(1,I) N6=6 CALL ORT(A,N6,NAT) ICOL=1 5 IF(ICOL.GT.N6)GOTO 8 S=0.0d0 DO 6 J=1,N 6 S=S+A(J,ICOL)**2 IF(S.LT.1000.0d0*AMACH)THEN DO 7 J=1,N 7 A(J,ICOL)=A(J,N6) N6=N6-1 GOTO 5 ENDIF ICOL=ICOL+1 GOTO 5 8 CONTINUE WRITE(*,*)N6,' coordinates projected' DO 2 I=1,N DO 2 J=1,N TEM(I,J)=0.0d0 DO 2 II=1,N6 2 TEM(I,J)=TEM(I,J)+A(I,II)*A(J,II) DO 3 I=1,N DO 4 J=1,N 4 A(I,J)=-TEM(I,J) 3 A(I,I)=A(I,I)+1.0d0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ORT(A,N6,NAT) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION A(3*NAT,N6) AMACH=0.00000000000001d0 NAT3=3*NAT C=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT3 1 C=C+A(I,1)**2 IF(C.GT.AMACH)C=1.0d0/SQRT(C) DO 2 I=1,NAT3 2 A(I,1)=A(I,1)*C DO 3 IC=2,N6 C Column IC, orthonormalize to previous columns: DO 3 ICP=1,IC-1 SP=0.0d0 DO 5 J=1,NAT3 5 SP=SP+A(J,IC)*A(J,ICP) C Subtract projection to ICP: DO 6 J=1,NAT3 6 A(J,IC)=A(J,IC)-SP*A(J,ICP) C Normalize : SP=0.0d0 DO 7 J=1,NAT3 7 SP=SP+A(J,IC)**2 IF(SP.GT.AMACH)SP=1.0d0/SQRT(SP) DO 3 J=1,NAT3 3 A(J,IC)=A(J,IC)*SP RETURN END SUBROUTINE WRITEFF(N,FCAR) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION FCAR(N,N) open(20,file='FILE.NEW.FC') N1=1 1 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 WRITE(20,17)LN,(FCAR(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(I4,5D14.6) close(20) RETURN END SUBROUTINE READFF(N,FCAR) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION FCAR(N,N) OPEN(20,FILE='FILE.FC',STATUS='OLD') N1=1 1 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 READ(20,17)(FCAR(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(4X,5D14.6) DO 31 I=1,N DO 31 J=I+1,N 31 FCAR(I,J)=FCAR(J,I) CLOSE(20) WRITE(*,*)' Cartesian FF read in ... ' RETURN END subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end