PROGRAM PESWF IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) parameter (nvar0=4,nh0=4100,nbas0=100,ngr0=400,nhdim0=4100, 1ngp0=140000) logical lper(nvar0),lprop,lh,ltime,lwr character*5 s5 dimension ngr(nvar0),ngrh(nvar0),nbase(nvar0),nh(nvar0), 1nbas(nvar0),ic(nvar0),ice(nvar0),ich(nvar0),l1(ngp0),l2(ngp0), 3l3(ngp0),ip(nh0),peri(nvar0) real*8 min(nvar0),max(nvar0),G11k(nbas0),enk(nbas0), 1ens(ngp0),G11s(ngr0),xs(ngr0),enkl(nbas0,nbas0),pns(ngp0), 2G11kl(nbas0,nbas0),G12kl(nbas0,nbas0),G22kl(nbas0,nbas0), 3Gkl(nbas0,nbas0),var(ngp0,nvar0),kelvin,dre,anorm common//h(nhdim0,nhdim0),c(nhdim0,nhdim0),q(nhdim0), 1s(nhdim0,nhdim0),vu(nhdim0,nhdim0),d(nhdim0), 1dn(nhdim0,nhdim0),popul(nhdim0),pa(nhdim0),pa2(nhdim0), 1dre(nhdim0) common/const/pi,bohr common/ho/p(nh0,nh0),ank(nvar0,nh0),w(nvar0),x0(nvar0),am0(nvar0) common/pw/kindpw real*8 dt,xt1,xt2,htocm integer*4 ntstep common/timec/dt,xt1,xt2,ntstep c pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) bohr=0.529177d0 c hartree to cm-1: htocm=219474.63d0 c c angles supposed in deg (o) c other coords in A c write(6,6000) 6000 format(/,' Molecular PESs',/,/, 1' This program reads PES and metric tensor in non-orthogonal',/, 1' coordinates and calculates energies',/,/, 1 ' Input: SURF.OPT ... options',/, 1 ' ENN.LST ... list of variables and energies',/, 1 ' PROPERTYN.LST ... list of properties (Opt)',/) C call getpar(nvar,nvar0,lper,ngr,min,max,nbase,nbas,nh,ngrh, 1ice,ic,ich,wcm,x0,am0,ipl,ip,ikin,kindpw,kinddia,kelvin, 2w,nbas0,nh0,lh,emax1,emax2,peri,ltime,lwr) call check(ipl,ikin,nvar,ic,kindpw) c io=0 do 24 ii=1,nvar 24 if(ic(ii).eq.1.or.ich(ii) if(io.eq.1)then maxb=1 do 25 ii=1,nvar if(nbas(ii).gt.maxb.and.ic(ii).eq.1)maxb=nbas(ii) if(nh(ii).gt.maxb.and.ich(ii).eq.1)maxb=nh(ii) 25 if(nbase(ii) write(6,*)'Initializing HO basis, kmax = ',maxb do 103 ii=1,maxb do 103 jj=1,maxb 103 p(jj,ii)=0.0d0 p(1,1)=1.0d0 do 105 ii=1,nvar 105 ank(ii,1)=dsqrt(dsqrt(am0(ii)*w(ii)/pi)/bohr) k=1 102 k=k+1 akfac=1.0d0 do 101 kk=1,k-1 101 akfac=akfac*dble(kk) do ii=1,nvar ank(ii,k)=dsqrt(dsqrt(am0(ii)*w(ii)/pi)/bohr/2.0d0**(k-1)/akfac) enddo p(k,1 )=-p(k-1,2) do 104 j=2,k-2 104 p(k,j )=(2.0d0*p(k-1,j-1)-dble(j)*p(k-1,j+1)) if(,k-1)=2.0d0*p(k-1,k-2) p(k,k )=2.0d0*p(k-1,k-1) if( 102 endif c do 11 k=1,nbase(1) enk(k)=0.0d0 do 11 l=1,nbase(2) 11 enkl(k,l)=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,nbas(1) G11k(k)=0.0d0 do 1 l=1,nbas(2) Gkl(k,l)=0.0d0 G22kl(k,l)=0.0d0 G12kl(k,l)=0.0d0 1 G11kl(k,l)=0.0d0 c read grid and calculate expansion in the basis open(8,file='ENN.LST') inquire(file='PROPERTYN.LST',exist=lprop) if(lprop)open(86,file='PROPERTYN.LST') write(6,*)'Reading E,G' if(ngr(1) report('Too many grid points') al=max(1)-min(1) dx=al/dble(ngr(1)) x=min(1)-dx if(nvar.eq.1)then ie=0 do 2 ix=0,ngr(1) x=x+dx ie=ie+1 read(8,*)idumm,xdumm,en,G11 if(lprop)read(86,*)xdumm,propn if(lprop)pns(ix+1)=propn xs(ix+1)=x ens(ix+1)=en G11s(ix+1)=G11 if(ix.eq.0.or.ix.eq.ngr(1))then dd=dx/2.0d0 else dd=dx endif do 22 k=1,nbase(1) 22 enk(k) =enk(k) +en *fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al)*dd do 2 k=1,nbas(1) 2 G11k(k)=G11k(k)+G11*fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al)*dd else if(nvar.eq.2)then bl=max(2)-min(2) dy=bl/dble(ngr(2)) ie=0 do 3 ix=0,ngr(1) x=x+dx y=min(2)-dy if(ix.eq.0.or.ix.eq.ngr(1))then ddx=dx/2.0d0 else ddx=dx endif do 3 iy=0,ngr(2) ie=ie+1 y=y+dy if(iy.eq.0.or.iy.eq.ngr(2))then ddy=dy/2.0d0 else ddy=dy endif ds=ddy*ddx read(8,*)idum,idum,xdumm,ydumm,en,G,G11,G12,G22 if( report('Too many grid points') ens(ie)=en if(lprop)read(86,*)xdumm,ydumm,propn if(lprop)pns(ie)=propn var(ie,1)=x var(ie,2)=y do 422 k=1,nbase(1) fk=fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al)*en*ds do 422 l=1,nbase(2) 422 enkl(k,l) =enkl(k,l) +fk*fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) do 3 k=1,nbas(1) fk=fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al)*ds do 3 l=1,nbas(2) fkl=fk*fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) Gkl(k,l)=Gkl(k,l)+G*fkl G22kl(k,l)=G22kl(k,l)+G22*fkl G12kl(k,l)=G12kl(k,l)+G12*fkl 3 G11kl(k,l)=G11kl(k,l)+G11*fkl else call report('higher dimensions not implemented') endif endif close(8) if(lprop)close(86) c c Reproduce ENN: open(8,file='ENNT.LST') x=min(1)-dx if(nvar.eq.1)then do 21 ix=0,ngr(1) x=x+dx if(ice(1) en=ens(ix+1) else en=0.0d0 do 222 k=1,nbase(1) 222 en =en +enk(k)*fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) endif if(ic(1).ne.1.and.ic(1).ne.0)then G11=G11s(ix+1) else G11=0.0d0 do 221 k=1,nbas(1) 221 G11=G11+G11k(k)*fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) endif 21 write(8,808)x,en,G11 endif if(nvar.eq.2)then ie=0 do 31 ix=0,ngr(1) x=x+dx y=min(2)-dy do 31 iy=0,ngr(2) ie=ie+1 y=y+dy if(ice(1) en=ens(ie) else en=0.0d0 do 322 k=1,nbase(1) fk=fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 322 l=1,nbase(2) 322 en=en+enkl(k,l)*fk*fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) endif G11=0.0d0 G12=0.0d0 G22=0.0d0 G=0.0d0 do 321 k=1,nbas(1) fk=fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 321 l=1,nbas(2) fkl=fk*fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) G=G+Gkl(k,l)*fkl G11=G11+G11kl(k,l)*fkl G12=G12+G12kl(k,l)*fkl 321 G22=G22+G22kl(k,l)*fkl 31 write(8,809)x,y,en,G,G11,G12,G22 809 format(3f12.6,4g13.5) endif close(8) nhdim=1 do 27 ii=1,nvar 27 nhdim=nhdim*nh(ii) write(6,6004)nhdim 6004 format(' Dimension of the Hamiltonian = ',i6) if( report(' ... too high.') do 7 i=1,nhdim do 7 j=1,nhdim s(i,j)=0.0d0 7 h(i,j)=0.0d0 t22=0.0d0 v22=0.0d0 t11=0.0d0 v11=0.0d0 c write(6,*)'Making H' open(81,file='ENNTH.LST') if(lprop)open(816,file='PROPERTYNTH.LST') if(nvar.eq.1)then dxh=al/dble(ngrh(1)) x=min(1)-dxh do 217 ix=0,ngrh(1) if(ix.eq.0.or.ix.eq.ngrh(1))then dd=dxh/2.0d0 else dd=dxh endif x=x+dxh if(ic(1).eq.0.or.ic(1).eq.1)then G=0.0d0 Gq=0.0d0 Gqq=0.0d0 do 2217 k=1,nbas(1) G =G +G11k(k)*fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) Gq =Gq +G11k(k)*fik(1,ic(1),1,k,x,min(1),al) 2217 Gqq=Gqq+G11k(k)*fik(1,ic(1),2,k,x,min(1),al) else call find(i1,i2,i3,xs,x,lper(1),ngr(1)+1,peri(1)) call abc(a,b,cc,xs(i1),xs(i2),xs(i3),G11s(i1),G11s(i2),G11s(i3)) G=x*(a*x+b)+cc Gq=2.0d0*a*x+b Gqq=2.0d0*a endif if(ice(1) en=0.0d0 do 22171 k=1,nbase(1) 22171 en =en +enk(k) *fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) else call find(i1,i2,i3,xs,x,lper(1),ngr(1)+1,peri(1)) call abc(a,b,cc,xs(i1),xs(i2),xs(i3),ens(i1),ens(i2),ens(i3)) en=x*(a*x+b)+cc endif write(81,808)x,en,G,Gq,Gqq 808 format(2f12.6,5g13.5) if(lprop)then call find(i1,i2,i3,xs,x,lper(1),ngr(1)+1,peri(1)) call abc(a,b,cc,xs(i1),xs(i2),xs(i3),pns(i1),pns(i2),pns(i3)) pn=x*(a*x+b)+cc write(816,808)x,pn endif c do 217 i=1,nh(1) fi =fik(1,ich(1),0,i,x,min(1),al) fiq =fik(1,ich(1),1,i,x,min(1),al) do 217 j=1,nh(1) fj =fik(1,ich(1),0,j,x,min(1),al) fjq =fik(1,ich(1),1,j,x,min(1),al) fjqq=fik(1,ich(1),2,j,x,min(1),al) if(dabs(G).gt.1.0d-30)then if(ikin.eq.1)then t=0.125d0*G*(4.0d0*fiq*fjq+0.25d0/G**2*Gq**2*fi*fj 1 +(fiq*fj+fi*fjq)*Gq/G)*dd else t=-fi*0.125d0*((-0.25d0*Gq**2/G+Gqq)*fj 1 +4.0d0*Gq*fjq+4.0d0*G*fjqq)*dd endif endif v=fi*en*fj*dd if(i.eq.2.and.j.eq.2)then t22=t22+t v22=v22+v endif if(i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1)then t11=t11+t v11=v11+v endif s(i,j)=s(i,j)+fi*fj*dd 217 h(i,j)=h(i,j)+t+v endif if(nvar.eq.2)then dxh=al/dble(ngrh(1)) dyh=bl/dble(ngrh(2)) if(lh)then write(6,5600)emax1,emax2 5600 format(' Energy limit imposed: ',f12.6,'->',f12.6,' hartree') do 756 i=1,nhdim s(i,i)=1.0d0 756 h(i,i)=emax2 if(kinddia.eq.1)call report('Orthogonalization not allowed'// 1 ' with emax') endif x=min(1)-dxh ipr=0 do 218 ix=0,ngrh(1) if(ix*100/ngrh(1).gt.ipr)then ipr=ix*100/ngrh(1) write(6,6006)ipr 6006 format(i3,'%',$) endif x=x+dxh if(ix.eq.0.or.ix.eq.ngrh(1))then ddx=dxh/2.0d0 else ddx=dxh endif y=min(2)-dyh do 218 iy=0,ngrh(2) y=y+dyh if(iy.eq.0.or.iy.eq.ngrh(2))then ddy=dyh/2.0d0 else ddy=dyh endif ds=ddy*ddx if(ic(1).eq.0.or.ic(1).eq.1)then G=0.0d0 Gp=0.0d0 Gq=0.0d0 Gpq=0.0d0 G11=0.0d0 G12=0.0d0 G22=0.0d0 do 2218 k=1,nbas(1) fk =fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) fkp =fik(1,ic(1),1,k,x,min(1),al) do 2218 l=1,nbas(2) fkl =fk *fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) fklp =fkp*fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) fklq =fk *fik(2,ic(2),1,l,y,min(2),bl) fklpq=fkp*fik(2,ic(2),1,l,y,min(2),bl) G =G +Gkl(k,l)*fkl Gp =Gp +Gkl(k,l)*fklp Gq =Gq +Gkl(k,l)*fklq Gpq=Gpq+Gkl(k,l)*fklpq G11=G11+G11kl(k,l)*fkl G12=G12+G12kl(k,l)*fkl 2218 G22=G22+G22kl(k,l)*fkl else call report('Quadratic G-fit not implemented in 2D') endif if(ice(1) if(lprop)call report('With property E must be with splines') en=0.0d0 do 22181 k=1,nbase(1) fk=fik(1,ic(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 22181 l=1,nbase(2) 22181 en =en+enkl(k,l)*fk*fik(2,ic(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) else call findlist(l1,l2,l3,var,x,lper(1),ie,ngp0,nvar0,peri(1)) q1=var(l1(2),1) q2=var(l2(2),1) q3=var(l3(2),1) if(lper(1))then tp=peri(1) tph=tp/2.0d0 if( if( if( if( if( if( endif c c l1 l2 l3 c c | c | c | p13 c p11 p12 | c p22 | c y-------------p21-----------+---------p23---- f1 f2 f3 values c | from Ps for q1 q2 q3 c p32 | c p31 | p33 c | c | c | c | c q1 q2 | q3 closest calculated points c | c | c x x value c call findy(y,l1,i11,i21,i31,var,lper(2),ngp0,nvar0,peri(2)) p11=var(l1(i11),2) p21=var(l1(i21),2) p31=var(l1(i31),2) call findy(y,l2,i12,i22,i32,var,lper(2),ngp0,nvar0,peri(2)) p12=var(l2(i12),2) p22=var(l2(i22),2) p32=var(l2(i32),2) call findy(y,l3,i13,i23,i33,var,lper(2),ngp0,nvar0,peri(2)) p13=var(l3(i13),2) p23=var(l3(i23),2) p33=var(l3(i33),2) if(lper(2))then tp=peri(2) tph=tp/2.0d0 if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( if( endif g1=ens(l1(i11)) g2=ens(l1(i21)) g3=ens(l1(i31)) call abc(a,b,cc,p11,p21,p31,g1,g2,g3) f1=y*(a*y+b)+cc g1=ens(l2(i12)) g2=ens(l2(i22)) g3=ens(l2(i32)) call abc(a,b,cc,p12,p22,p32,g1,g2,g3) f2=y*(a*y+b)+cc g1=ens(l3(i13)) g2=ens(l3(i23)) g3=ens(l3(i33)) call abc(a,b,cc,p13,p23,p33,g1,g2,g3) f3=y*(a*y+b)+cc call abc(a,b,cc,q1,q2,q3,f1,f2,f3) en=x*(a*x+b)+cc if(lprop)then g1=pns(l1(i11)) g2=pns(l1(i21)) g3=pns(l1(i31)) call abc(a,b,cc,p11,p21,p31,g1,g2,g3) f1=y*(a*y+b)+cc g1=pns(l2(i12)) g2=pns(l2(i22)) g3=pns(l2(i32)) call abc(a,b,cc,p12,p22,p32,g1,g2,g3) f2=y*(a*y+b)+cc g1=pns(l3(i13)) g2=pns(l3(i23)) g3=pns(l3(i33)) call abc(a,b,cc,p13,p23,p33,g1,g2,g3) f3=y*(a*y+b)+cc call abc(a,b,cc,q1,q2,q3,f1,f2,f3) pn=x*(a*x+b)+cc write(816,809)x,y,pn endif endif write(81,809)x,y,en,G,G11,G12,G22 qgpp=0.0d0 qgpq=0.0d0 qgqq=0.0d0 if(dabs(G).gt.0.0d0)then qgpp=0.25d0/G**2*Gp*Gp qgpq=0.25d0/G**2*Gp*Gq qgqq=0.25d0/G**2*Gq*Gq endif c if( i=0 do 2181 ki=1,nh(1) fk =fik(1,ich(1),0,ki,x,min(1),al) fkp=fik(1,ich(1),1,ki,x,min(1),al) do 2181 li=1,nh(2) i=i+1 fl = fik(2,ich(2),0,li,y,min(2),bl) fi =fk *fl fip =fkp*fl fiq =fk* fik(2,ich(2),1,li,y,min(2),bl) j=0 do 2181 kj=1,nh(1) fkj =fik(1,ich(1),0,kj,x,min(1),al) fkjp=fik(1,ich(1),1,kj,x,min(1),al) do 2181 lj=1,nh(2) j=j+1 if(j.le.i)then flj = fik(2,ich(2),0,lj,y,min(2),bl) fj =fkj *flj fjp =fkjp*flj fjq =fkj *fik(2,ich(2),1,lj,y,min(2),bl) fifj=fi*fj dpp=0.0d0 dpq=0.0d0 dqp=0.0d0 dqq=0.0d0 if(dabs(G).gt.0.0d0)then dpp=4.0d0*fip*fjp+qgpp*fifj+Gp*(fip*fj+fjp*fi)/G dpq=4.0d0*fip*fjq+qgpq*fifj+(Gp*fjq*fi+Gq*fip*fj)/G dqp=4.0d0*fiq*fjp+qgpq*fifj+(Gq*fjp*fi+Gp*fiq*fj)/G dqq=4.0d0*fiq*fjq+qgqq*fifj+Gq*(fjq*fi+fiq*fj)/G endif t=0.125d0*(G11*dpp+G12*(dpq+dqp)+G22*dqq)*ds v=en*fifj*ds if(i.eq.2.and.j.eq.2)then t22=t22+t v22=v22+v endif if(i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1)then t11=t11+t v11=v11+v endif if(lh)then h(i,j)=h(i,j)+t+v-emax2*fifj*ds else s(i,j)=s(i,j)+fi*fj*ds h(i,j)=h(i,j)+t+v endif endif 2181 continue endif 218 continue do 219 i=1,nhdim do 219 j=i+1,nhdim s(i,j)=s(j,i) 219 h(i,j)=h(j,i) endif close(81) if(lprop)close(816) c write(6,*)' H done',nhdim write(6,*)t11*htocm,v11*htoc write(6,*)nhdim,nhdim,h(nhdim,nhdim)*htocm,s(nhdim,nhdim) write(6,*) if(lwr)then write(6,*)'Hamiltonian' do 36 j=1,nhdim 36 write(6,601)(h(i,j)*htocm,i=1,nhdim) endif write(6,*) if(kinddia.eq.0)then write(6,*)' Basis not orthogonalized' nfb=nhdim CALL TRED12(nfb,h,c,q,2,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report('diagonalization error') else write(6,*)' Basis orthogonalized' CALL TRED12(nhdim,s,vu,d,2,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report('diagonalization error') write(6,*)'S-eigenvalues:' write(6,601)(d(i),i=1,nhdim) tolb=0.5d0 nfb=0 do 28 k=1,nhdim if(abs(d(k)).gt.tolb)nfb=k dk=dsqrt(d(k)) do 28 i=1,nhdim 28 vu(i,k)=vu(i,k)*dk write(6,7007)nfb,tolb 7007 format(' Final dimension of the basis: ',i5,', tol: ',f12.6) write(6,*)' Transforming H' c c First index trafo -use S as temporary matrix do 29 k=1,nhdim do 29 i=1,nhdim ski=0.0d0 do 30 j=1,nhdim 30 ski=ski+vu(j,k)*h(j,i) 29 s(k,i)=ski c c Second index trafo do 35 k=1,nhdim do 35 l=1,nhdim hkl=0.0d0 do 32 j=1,nhdim 32 hkl=hkl+vu(j,l)*s(k,j) 35 h(k,l)=hkl write(6,*)' Diagonalizing' CALL TRED12(nfb,h,dn,q,2,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report('diagonalization error') do 33 n=1,nfb do 33 k=1,nhdim cnk=0.0d0 do 34 i=1,nfb 34 cnk=cnk+dn(i,n)*vu(k,i) 33 c(k,n)=cnk endif if(lwr)then write(6,*) write(6,*)'Coefficients' do 37 j=1,nhdim 37 write(6,601)(c(i,j),i=1,nhdim) write(6,*) endif c c calculate populations qsum=0.0d0 akt=kelvin*3.16684d-6 do 703 i=1,nfb 703 qsum=qsum+exp(-q(i)/akt) do 704 i=1,nfb 704 popul(i)=exp(-q(i)/akt)/qsum open(8,file='ENERGIES.TXT') do 702 i=1,nfb 702 write(8,723)i,q(i)*htocm,popul(i) 723 format(i4,f12.2,f12.5) close(7) write(6,*)'Energies (cm-1):' write(6,601)(q(i)*htocm,i=1,nfb) 601 format(6f12.6) write(6,*)'Transitions (cm-1):' write(6,602)((q(i)-q(nfb))*htocm,i=1,nfb) 602 format(6f12.2) c c Wave function plots: do 701 ii=1,ipl ist=ip(ii) write(6,*)ii,ist write(s5,990)ist 990 format(i5) do 65 is=1,5 65 if(s5(is:is).ne.' ')goto 651 651 open(81,file=s5(is:5)//'.PRN') open(82,file=s5(is:5)//'b.PRN') x=min(1)-dxh xav=0.0d0 x2av=0.0d0 if(nvar.eq.1)then do 8 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh f=0.0d0 fb=fik(1,ich(1),0,ist,x,min(1),al) do 9 k=1,nhdim if( if(ist.eq.1)then write(6,*)k,c(k,nfb-ist+1),fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) endif endif 9 f=f+c(k,nfb-ist+1)*fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) xav =xav +x *f**2 x2av=x2av+x**2*f**2 write(81,8181)x,f 8 write(82,8181)x,fb 8181 format(2f12.6) xav=xav*dxh x2av=x2av*dxh x2av=dsqrt(x2av-xav**2) write(6,609)xav,x2av 609 format(' Average x: ',f12.5,' average dx: ',f12.5) endif if(nvar.eq.2)then asum=0.0d0 yav=0.0d0 y2av=0.0d0 do 81 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh if(ix.eq.0.or.ix.eq.ngrh(1))then ddx=dxh/2.0d0 else ddx=dxh endif y=min(2)-dyh do 81 iy=0,ngrh(2) y=y+dyh if(iy.eq.0.or.iy.eq.ngrh(2))then ddy=dyh/2.0d0 else ddy=dyh endif ds=ddy*ddx f=0.0d0 ih=0 do 91 k=1,nh(1) fk=fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 91 l=1,nh(2) ih=ih+1 91 f=f+c(ih,nfb-ist+1)*fk*fik(2,ich(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) ps=f**2*ds if( xav =xav +x* ps yav =yav +y* ps y2av=y2av+y**2*ps x2av=x2av+x**2*ps asum=asum+ps 81 write(81,8182)x,y,f 8182 format(3G15.6) write(6,*)'Sum: ',asum x2av=dsqrt(x2av-xav**2) y2av=dsqrt(y2av-yav**2) write(6,6091)xav,yav,x2av,y2av 6091 format(' Average x,y: ',2f12.5,' average dx,dy: ',2f12.5) endif close(81) close(82) 701 continue c c total probability plot: xav=0.0d0 x2av=0.0d0 yav=0.0d0 y2av=0.0d0 it=int(kelvin) write(s5,990)it do 66 is=1,5 66 if(s5(is:is).ne.' ')goto 661 661 open(81,file=s5(is:5)//'P.PRN') x=min(1)-dxh plim=popul(nfb)*1.0d-4 if(nvar.eq.1)then do 82 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh f=0.0d0 do 92 kn=1,nfb if(popul(kn).gt.plim)then fifu=0.0d0 do 923 k=1,nhdim 923 fifu=fifu+c(k,kn)*fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) f=f+popul(kn)*fifu**2 endif 92 continue xav=xav+x*f**2 x2av=x2av+x**2*f**2 82 write(81,8181)x,f xav=xav*dxh x2av=x2av*dxh x2av=dsqrt(x2av-xav**2) write(6,609)xav,x2av endif if(nvar.eq.2)then do 812 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh y=min(2)-dyh do 812 iy=0,ngrh(2) y=y+dyh f=0.0d0 do 912 kn=1,nfb if(popul(kn).gt.plim)then fifu=0.0d0 ih=0 do 9124 k=1,nh(1) fk=fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 9124 l=1,nh(2) ih=ih+1 9124 fifu=fifu+c(ih,kn)*fk*fik(2,ich(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) f=f+popul(kn)*fifu**2 endif 912 continue xav =xav +x* f*dxh*dyh yav =yav +y* f*dxh*dyh y2av=y2av+y**2*f*dxh*dyh x2av=x2av+x**2*f*dxh*dyh 812 write(81,8182)x,y,f x2av=dsqrt(x2av-xav**2) y2av=dsqrt(y2av-yav**2) write(6,6091)xav,yav,x2av,y2av endif close(81) if(lprop)then c c Calculate for all states write(6,*)' Calculating property' do 51 ist=1,nfb pa(ist)=0.0d0 51 pa2(ist)=0.0d0 open(816,file='PROPERTYNTH.LST') x=min(1)-dxh if(nvar.eq.1)then do 52 ix=0,ngrh(1) read(816,*)xdumm,prop x=x+dxh do 52 ist=1,nfb f=0.0d0 do 53 k=1,nhdim 53 f=f+c(k,ist)*fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) pa(ist)=pa(ist)+f**2*prop*dxh 52 pa2(ist)=pa2(ist)+f**2*prop**2*dxh endif if(nvar.eq.2)then do 54 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh y=min(2)-dyh do 54 iy=0,ngrh(2) y=y+dyh read(816,*)xdumm,ydumm,prop do 54 ist=1,nfb f=0.0d0 ih=0 do 55 k=1,nh(1) fk=fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 55 l=1,nh(2) ih=ih+1 55 f=f+c(ih,ist)*fk*fik(2,ich(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) pa(ist)=pa(ist)+f**2*prop*dxh*dyh 54 pa2(ist)=pa2(ist)+f**2*prop**2*dxh*dyh endif write(6,*)' :' write(6,601)(pa(i),i=1,nfb) write(6,*)' :' write(6,601)(dsqrt(pa2(i)-pa(i)**2),i=1,nfb) aave=0.0d0 dave=0.0d0 do 56 ist=1,nfb aave=aave+popul(ist)*pa(ist) 56 dave=dave+popul(ist)*pa2(ist) write(6,603)kelvin,aave,dsqrt(dave-aave**2) 603 format(' T = ',f7.1,', (T) = ',f12.6,', = ',f12.6) endif c c time development of the wavefunction if(nvar.eq.1)nh(2)=1 if(ltime)then write(6,*)'Time propagation' c c initial packet do 57 ist=1,nfb f=0.0d0 if(nvar.eq.1)then do 60 k=1,nh(1) 60 f=f+c(k,ist)*fik(1,ich(1),0,k,xt1,min(1),al) endif if(nvar.eq.2)then ih=0 do 58 k=1,nh(1) fk=fik(1,ich(1),0,k,xt1,min(1),al) do 58 l=1,nh(2) ih=ih+1 58 f=f+c(ih,ist)*fk*fik(2,ich(2),0,l,xt2,min(2),bl) endif dre(ist)=f if(*dsqrt(popul(ist)) 57 continue c anorm=0.0d0 do 61 ist=1,nfb 61 anorm=anorm+dre(ist)**2 anorm=1.0d0/dsqrt(anorm) do 62 ist=1,nfb 62 dre(ist)=dre(ist)*anorm c write(6,*)'Initial packet constructed' c t=0.0d0-dt do 59 it=1,ntstep t=t+dt write(6,8009)it,t 8009 format(i4,' t = ',f22.4) write(s5,990)it do 64 is=1,5 64 if(s5(is:is).ne.' ')goto 641 641 open(81,file=s5(is:5)//'.t.prn') if(nvar.eq.1)then x=min(1)-dxh do 63 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh fr=0.0d0 fi=0.0d0 do 9123 ist=1,nfb f=0.0d0 do 922 k=1,nhdim 922 f=f+c(k,nfb-ist+1)*fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) fr=fr+dre(ist)*f*cos(q(ist)*t) 9123 fi=fi+dre(ist)*f*sin(q(ist)*t) 63 write(81,8184)x,fr,fi,fr**2+fi**2 8184 format(4f12.6) endif if(nvar.eq.2)then x=min(1)-dxh do 811 ix=0,ngrh(1) x=x+dxh y=min(2)-dyh do 811 iy=0,ngrh(2) y=y+dyh fr=0.0d0 fi=0.0d0 do 9121 ist=1,nfb f=0.0d0 ih=0 do 911 k=1,nh(1) fk=fik(1,ich(1),0,k,x,min(1),al) do 911 l=1,nh(2) ih=ih+1 911 f=f+c(ih,ist)*fk*fik(2,ich(2),0,l,y,min(2),bl) fr=fr+dre(ist)*f*cos(q(ist)*t) 9121 fi=fi+dre(ist)*f*sin(q(ist)*t) c wavefunction and probability at time t 811 write(81,8183)x,y,fr,fi,fr**2+fi**2 8183 format(5G15.6) endif 59 close(81) endif stop end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fik(ivar,ic,id,k,x,xs,al) c c basis function: c ic ...0 plane waves c 1 harmonic oscillator c k: 1 2 3 4 c kindpw ... 0 cosinus const cos( pix/L) cos(2pix/L) cos(3pix/L) c 1 cos and sin const sin(2pix/L) cos(2pix/L) sin(3pix/L) c 2 sin sin(pix/L) sin(2pix/L) sin(3pix/L) sin(4pix/L) c id=0 function c id=1,2 first,second derivative c k ...frequency (k=1 ... zero) or HO quantum number c x ... variable c al ... interval or HO frequency c xs ... starting x for plane waves (origin) c x0 ... cetral x for HO implicit none integer nh0,nvar0,kindpw,ivar parameter (nh0=4100,nvar0=4) real*8 fik,pi,x,al,sf,w,hk,hkp,hkpp,p,ank,y,xs,x0,am0,bohr, 1ff,dw common/const/pi,bohr common/ho/p(nh0,nh0),ank(nvar0,nh0),w(nvar0),x0(nvar0),am0(nvar0) common/pw/kindpw integer*4 ic,k,id,kk if(ic.eq.0)then c plane waves: y=x-xs if( sf=1.0d0/dsqrt(al) else sf=dsqrt(2.0d0/al) endif if(id.eq.0)then if(kindpw.eq.0)then c K: 1 2 3 4 c const cos(pix/L) cos(2pix/L) cos(3pix/L) ... fik=sf*cos(dble(k-1)*pi*y/al) else if(kindpw.eq.1)then if(mod(k,2).ne.0)then c K: 1 2 3 4 5 6 c const sin(2pix/L) cos(2pix/L) sin(4pix/L) cos(4pix/L) sin(6pix/L) fik=sf*cos(dble(2*((k-1)/2))*pi*y/al) else fik=sf*sin(dble(2*(k/2))*pi*y/al) endif else if(kindpw.eq.2)then c K: 1 2 3 4 c sin(pix/L) sin(2pix/L) sin(3pix/L) sin(4pix/L) fik=sf*sin(dble(k)*pi*y/al) else write(6,*) call report('unknown function requested') endif endif endif else if(id.eq.1)then if(kindpw.eq.0)then fik=-sf*sin(dble(k-1)*pi*y/al)*dble(k-1)/al*pi else if(kindpw.eq.1)then if(mod(k,2).ne.0)then fik=-sf*sin(dble(2*((k-1)/2))*pi*y/al) 1 *dble(2*((k-1)/2))*pi/al else fik= sf*cos(dble(2*(k/2))*pi*y/al)*dble(2*(k/2))*pi/al endif else fik=sf*cos(dble(k)*pi*y/al)*dble(k)/al*pi endif endif else if(id.eq.2)then if(kindpw.eq.0)then fik=-sf*cos(dble(k-1)*pi*y/al)*(dble(k-1)*pi/al)**2 else if(kindpw.eq.1)then if(mod(k,2).ne.0)then fik=-sf*cos(dble(2*((k-1)/2))*pi*y/al) 1 *(dble(2*((k-1)/2))*pi/al)**2 else fik=-sf*sin(dble(2*(k/2))*pi*y/al)*(dble(2*(k/2))*pi/al)**2 endif else fik=-sf*sin(dble(k)*pi*y/al)*(dble(k)*pi/al)**2 endif endif else call report('higher ders not implemented') endif endif endif else dw=dsqrt(w(ivar)*am0(ivar))/bohr y=dw*(x-x0(ivar)) ff=ank(ivar,k)*exp(-y**2/2.0d0) hk=0.0d0 hkp=0.0d0 hkpp=0.0d0 do 1 kk=1,k 1 hk=hk+p(k,kk)*y**(kk-1) if( do 2 kk=2,k 2 hkp=hkp+dble(kk-1)*p(k,kk)*y**(kk-2) if( do 3 kk=3,k 3 hkpp=hkpp+dble((kk-1)*(kk-2))*p(k,kk)*y**(kk-3) endif endif if(id.eq.0)then fik=ff*hk else if(id.eq.1)then fik=ff*(hkp-y*hk)*dw else if(id.eq.2)then fik=ff*(hk*(y**2-1.0d0)-2.0d0*y*hkp+hkpp)*dw**2 else call report('higher ders not implemented') endif endif endif endif return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE TRED12(N,A,Z,D,IEIG,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) PARAMETER (nhdim0=4100) DIMENSION A(nhdim0,N),Z(nhdim0,N),D(nhdim0),E(nhdim0) COMMON/DIAG/E IF (IEIG .LT. 0) GO TO 110 DO 100 I = 1, N C DO 100 J = 1, I Z(I,J) = A(I,J) 100 CONTINUE C 110 ICODE = IABS(IEIG) IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 320 C :::::::::: FOR I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 2 DO -- :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = N + 2 - II L = I - 1 H = 0.0D0 SCALE = 0.0D0 IF (L .LT. 2) GO TO 130 C :::::::::: SCALE ROW (ALGOL TOL THEN NOT NEEDED) :::::::::: DO 120 K = 1, L 120 SCALE = SCALE + DABS(Z(I,K)) C IF (DABS(SCALE) .GT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 140 130 E(I) = Z(I,L) GO TO 290 C 140 DO 150 K = 1, L F = Z(I,K) / SCALE Z(I,K) = F H = H + F * F 150 CONTINUE C G = -DSIGN(DSQRT(H),F) E(I) = SCALE * G H = H - F * G Z(I,L) = F - G F = 0.0D0 C DO 240 J = 1, L IF (ICODE .EQ. 2) Z(J,I) = Z(I,J) / (SCALE * H) G = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF A*U :::::::::: DO 180 K = 1, J 180 G = G + Z(J,K) * Z(I,K) C JP1 = J + 1 IF (L .LT. JP1) GO TO 220 C DO 200 K = JP1, L 200 G = G + Z(K,J) * Z(I,K) C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF P :::::::::: 220 E(J) = G / H F = F + E(J) * Z(I,J) 240 CONTINUE C HH = F / (H + H) C :::::::::: FORM REDUCED A :::::::::: DO 260 J = 1, L F = Z(I,J) G = E(J) - HH * F E(J) = G C DO 260 K = 1, J Z(J,K) = Z(J,K) - F * E(K) - G * Z(I,K) 260 CONTINUE C DO 280 K = 1, L 280 Z(I,K) = SCALE * Z(I,K) C 290 D(I) = H 300 CONTINUE C 320 D(1) = 0.0D0 E(1) = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: ACCUMULATION OF TRANSFORMATION MATRICES :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 600 DO 500 I = 1, N L = I - 1 IF (DABS(D(I)) .LT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 380 C DO 360 J = 1, L G = 0.0D0 C DO 340 K = 1, L 340 G = G + Z(I,K) * Z(K,J) C DO 360 K = 1, L Z(K,J) = Z(K,J) - G * Z(K,I) 360 CONTINUE C 380 D(I) = Z(I,I) Z(I,I) = 1.0D0 IF (L .LT. 1) GO TO 500 C DO 400 J = 1, L Z(I,J) = 0.0D0 Z(J,I) = 0.0D0 400 CONTINUE C 500 CONTINUE C 620 CALL TQL12 (N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE) RETURN C :::::::::: ALTERNATE FINAL LOOP FOR EIGENVALUES ONLY :::::::::: 600 DO 610 I=1,N 610 D(I) = Z(I,I) GO TO 620 END C SUBROUTINE TQL12(N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) PARAMETER (nhdim0=4100) DIMENSION Z(nhdim0,N),D(nhdim0),E(nhdim0) REAL*8 MACHEP COMMON/DIAG/E EPS = 1.0D0 10 EPS = 0.50D0*EPS TOL1 = EPS + 1.0D0 IF((TOL1.GT.1.0D0).AND.(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0)) GO TO 10 IF(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0) EPS = EPS + EPS MACHEP = EPS C C MACHEP=16.0D0**(-13) C IERR = 0 IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 1001 C DO 100 I = 2, N 100 E(I-1) = E(I) C F = 0.0D0 B = 0.0D0 E(N) = 0.0D0 C DO 240 L = 1, N J = 0 H = MACHEP * (DABS(D(L)) + DABS(E(L))) IF (B .LT. H) B = H C :::::::::: LOOK FOR SMALL SUB-DIAGONAL ELEMENT :::::::::: DO 110 M = L, N IF (DABS(E(M)) .LE. B) GO TO 120 C :::::::::: E(N) IS ALWAYS ZERO, SO THERE IS NO EXIT C THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE LOOP :::::::::: 110 CONTINUE C 120 IF (M .EQ. L) GO TO 220 130 IF (J .EQ. 30) GO TO 1000 J = J + 1 C :::::::::: FORM SHIFT :::::::::: L1 = L + 1 G = D(L) P = (D(L1) - G) / (2.0D0 * E(L)) R = DSQRT(P*P+1.0D0) D(L) = E(L) / (P + DSIGN(R,P)) H = G - D(L) C DO 140 I = L1, N 140 D(I) = D(I) - H C F = F + H C :::::::::: QL TRANSFORMATION :::::::::: P = D(M) C = 1.0D0 S = 0.0D0 MML = M - L C :::::::::: FOR I=M-1 STEP -1 UNTIL L DO -- :::::::::: DO 200 II = 1, MML I = M - II G = C * E(I) H = C * P IF (DABS(P) .LT. DABS(E(I))) GO TO 150 C = E(I) / P R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * P * R S = C / R C = 1.0D0 / R GO TO 160 150 C = P / E(I) R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * E(I) * R S = 1.0D0 / R C = C * S 160 P = C * D(I) - S * G D(I+1) = H + S * (C * G + S * D(I)) C :::::::::: FORM VECTOR :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 200 DO 180 K = 1, N H = Z(K,I+1) Z(K,I+1) = S * Z(K,I) + C * H Z(K,I) = C * Z(K,I) - S * H 180 CONTINUE C 200 CONTINUE C E(L) = S * P D(L) = C * P IF (DABS(E(L)) .GT. B) GO TO 130 220 D(L) = D(L) + F 240 CONTINUE C :::::::::: ORDER EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = II - 1 K = I P = D(I) C DO 260 J = II, N IF (D(J) .LE. P) GO TO 260 K = J P = D(J) 260 CONTINUE C IF (K .EQ. I) GO TO 300 D(K) = D(I) D(I) = P C IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 300 DO 280 J = 1, N P = Z(J,I) Z(J,I) = Z(J,K) Z(J,K) = P 280 CONTINUE C 300 CONTINUE C GO TO 1001 C :::::::::: SET ERROR -- NO CONVERGENCE TO AN C EIGENVALUE AFTER 30 ITERATIONS :::::::::: 1000 IERR = L 1001 RETURN END c ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine order(d1,d2,d3,i1,i2,i3) real*8 d1,d2,d3,t integer*4 i1,i2,i3 if( t=d1 d1=d2 d2=t it=i1 i1=i2 i2=it endif if( t=d1 d1=d3 d3=t it=i1 i1=i3 i3=it endif if( t=d2 d2=d3 d3=t it=i2 i2=i3 i3=it endif return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine abc(a,b,c,q1,q2,q3,x1,x2,x3) real*8 a,b,c,q1,q2,q3,x1,x2,x3,down down=-(q1-q2)*(q2-q3)*(q3-q1) a=(x1*(q2-q3)+x2*(q3-q1)+x3*(q1-q2))/down b=-(x1*(q2**2-q3**2)+x2*(q3**2-q1**2)+x3*(q1**2-q2**2))/down c=(x1*(q2-q3)*q2*q3+x2*(q3-q1)*q1*q3+x3*(q1-q2)*q1*q2)/down return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine find(i1,i2,i3,var,x,lp1,ie,tp) c finds 3 y-arrays in x1 x2 x3 closest to x IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) logical lp1,nonequal real*8 var(*) to=1.0d-4 c c initialize x1 as var(1) i1=1 d1=ddi(lp1,var(i1),x,tp) c c get some x2 different from x1 do 10 i2=2,ie 10 if(nonequal(lp1,var(i2),var(i1),to,tp))goto 11 call report('x2 not found in findlist') 11 d2=ddi(lp1,var(i2),x,tp) c c get x3 different from x1 and x2 do 12 i3=3,ie 12 if(nonequal(lp1,var(i3),var(i1),to,tp).and. 1nonequal(lp1,var(i3),var(i2),to,tp))goto 13 call report('x3 not found in findlist') 13 d3=ddi(lp1,var(i3),x,tp) call order(d1,d2,d3,i1,i2,i3) c look if some points are closer: do 1 ii=4,ie dist=ddi(lp1,var(ii),x,tp) if( d3=d2 i3=i2 d2=d1 i2=i1 d1=dist i1=ii endif if(,var(ii),var(i1),to,tp))then d3=d2 i3=i2 d2=dist i2=ii endif if(,var(ii),var(i1),to,tp).and. 1nonequal(lp1,var(ii),var(i2),to,tp))then d3=dist i3=ii endif 1 continue return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine findx(i1,i2,i3,var,x,lp1,ie,ngp0,nvar0,tp) c finds 3 y-arrays in x1 x2 x3 closest to x IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) logical lp1,nonequal real*8 var(ngp0,nvar0) to=1.0d-4 c c initialize x1 as var(1 i1=1 d1=ddi(lp1,var(i1,1),x,tp) c c get some x2 different from x1 do 10 i2=2,ie 10 if(nonequal(lp1,var(i2,1),var(i1,1),to,tp))goto 11 call report('x2 not found in findx') 11 d2=ddi(lp1,var(i2,1),x,tp) c c get x3 different from x1 and x2 do 12 i3=3,ie 12 if(nonequal(lp1,var(i3,1),var(i1,1),to,tp).and. 1nonequal(lp1,var(i3,1),var(i2,1),to,tp))goto 13 call report('x3 not found in findx') 13 d3=ddi(lp1,var(i3,1),x,tp) call order(d1,d2,d3,i1,i2,i3) c look if some points are closer: do 1 ii=4,ie dist=ddi(lp1,var(ii,1),x,tp) if( d3=d2 i3=i2 d2=d1 i2=i1 d1=dist i1=ii endif if(,var(ii,1),var(i1,1),to,tp))then d3=d2 i3=i2 d2=dist i2=ii endif if(,var(ii,1),var(i1,1),to,tp).and. 1nonequal(lp1,var(ii,1),var(i2,1),to,tp))then d3=dist i3=ii endif 1 continue return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine findlist(l1,l2,l3,var,x,lp1,ie,ngp0,nvar0,tp) c finds 3 y-arrays in x1 x2 x3 closest to x IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) logical lp1,nonequal real*8 var(ngp0,nvar0) dimension l1(*),l2(*),l3(*) to=1.0d-4 call findx(i1,i2,i3,var,x,lp1,ie,ngp0,nvar0,tp) c record list of ys for xs same as x1,x2,x3 nl1=1 nl2=1 nl3=1 do 2 ii=1,ie if(.not.nonequal(lp1,var(ii,1),var(i1,1),to,tp))then nl1=nl1+1 l1(nl1)=ii endif if(.not.nonequal(lp1,var(ii,1),var(i2,1),to,tp))then nl2=nl2+1 l2(nl2)=ii endif if(.not.nonequal(lp1,var(ii,1),var(i3,1),to,tp))then nl3=nl3+1 l3(nl3)=ii endif 2 continue l1(1)=nl1 l2(1)=nl2 l3(1)=nl3 return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine findy(y,l1,i1,i2,i3,var,lp,ngp0,nvar0,tp) c in l1 find y1 y2 y3 closest to y IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) logical lp,nonequal real*8 var(ngp0,nvar0) dimension l1(*) to=1.0d-4 c initalize y1 i1=2 d1=ddi(lp,var(l1(i1),2),y,tp) c find y2 different from y1 do 10 i2=3,l1(1) 10 if(nonequal(lp,var(l1(i2),2),var(l1(i1),2),to,tp))goto 11 call report('y2 not found in findy') 11 d2=ddi(lp,var(l1(i2),2),y,tp) c find y3 different from y1 and from y2 do 12 i3=4,l1(1) 12 if(nonequal(lp,var(l1(i3),2),var(l1(i1),2),to,tp).and. 1nonequal(lp,var(l1(i3),2),var(l1(i2),2),to,tp))goto 13 call report('y3 not found in findy') 13 d3=ddi(lp,var(l1(i3),2),y,tp) call order(d1,d2,d3,i1,i2,i3) c look for closer points: do 1 ii=5,l1(1) dist=ddi(lp,var(l1(ii),2),y,tp) if( d3=d2 i3=i2 d2=d1 i2=i1 d1=dist i1=ii endif if(,var(l1(ii),2),var(l1(i1),2),to,tp 1))then d3=d2 i3=i2 d2=dist i2=ii endif if(,var(l1(ii),2),var(l1(i1),2),to,tp 1).and.nonequal(lp,var(l1(ii),2),var(l1(i2),2),to,tp))then d3=dist i3=ii endif 1 continue return end c --------------------------------------------------------------- function ddi(l,x,y,tp) real*8 x,y,tp,d,ddi logical l d=abs(x-y) if(l)then if( if( endif ddi=d return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function nonequal(l,x,y,to,tp) logical nonequal,l real*8 x,y,to,tp if((l.and.abs(x-y) 1abs(x-y-tp) nonequal=.true. else nonequal=.false. endif return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine getpar(nvar,nvar0,lper,ngr,min,max,nbase,nbas,nh,ngrh, 1ice,ic,ich,wcm,x0,am0,ipl,ip,ikin,kindpw,kinddia,T,w,nbas0,nh0, 2lh,emax1,emax2,peri,ltime,lwr) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) character*4 key c icon=0 ... reads par for surfaces c icon=1 ... reads par for peswf dimension ip(*),ngr(*),min(*),max(*),ngrh(*),nbase(*), 1nbas(*),nh(*),ice(*),ic(*),ich(*),x0(*),am0(*),w(*),lper(*), 2peri(*) logical lper,lh,ltime,lwr real*8 min,max common/timec/dt,xt1,xt2,ntstep lwr=.false. ipl=0 ntstep=10 xt1=0.0d0 xt2=0.0d0 dt=4.30d0 lh=.false. ikin=1 kindpw=1 kinddia=1 T=298.15d0 ltime=.false. il=0 open(8,file='SURF.OPT') 1 read(8,800,end=88,err=88)key 800 format(a4) il=il+1 c c Obligatory Parameters: if(key.eq.'NVAR' read(8,*)nvar if( report('Too many variables') do 2 ii=1,nvar write(6,6005)ii 6005 format(' Variable',i2,':') peri(ii)=360.0d0 read(8,*)lper(ii) read(8,*)ngr(ii) read(8,*)min(ii),max(ii) read(8,*)ngrh(ii) read(8,*)nbase(ii),nbas(ii),nh(ii) read(8,*)ice(ii),ic(ii),ich(ii) read(8,*)wcm,x0(ii),am0(ii) if(ice(ii).eq.0)then write(6,6002)nbase(ii), ' plane waves','E' 6002 format(i4,a12,' for ',a1) else if(ice(ii).eq.1)then write(6,6002)nbase(ii),' harmonics','E' else write(6,*)'Quadratic fit for E' endif endif if(ic(ii).eq.0)then write(6,6002)nbas(ii), ' plane waves','G' else if(ic(ii).eq.1)then write(6,6002)nbas(ii),' harmonics','G' else write(6,*)'Quadratic fit for G' endif endif if(ich(ii).eq.0)then write(6,6002)nh(ii), ' plane waves','H' else if(ich(ii).eq.1)then write(6,6002)nh(ii),' harmonics','H' else call report('Unknown basis option for H') endif endif if(nbase(ii).gt.nbas0)call report('too many E basis functions') if(nbas(ii). gt.nbas0)call report('too many G basis functions') if(nh(ii). gt.nh0 )call report('too many H basis functions') if(ic(ii).eq.1.or.ich(ii).eq.1)write(6,5006)wcm,x0(ii),am0(ii) 5006 format(' HO basis',f12.2,' cm-1, x0 = ',f12.6,' mass = ',f10.2) 2 w(ii)=wcm/htocm else if(il.eq.1)call report('NVAR must be defined at the first line.') endif c c Optional Parameters if(key.eq.'STAT')read(8,*)ipl,(ip(ii),ii=1,ipl) if(key.eq.'KINE')read(8,*)ikin if(key.eq.'PLAN')read(8,*)kindpw if(key.eq.'DIAG')read(8,*)kinddia if(key.eq.'TEMP')read(8,*)T if(key.eq.'TDEP')read(8,*)ltime if(key.eq.'XT10')read(8,*)xt1 if(key.eq.'XT20')read(8,*)xt2 if(key.eq.'NTST')read(8,*)ntstep if(key.eq.'DTST')read(8,*)dt if(key.eq.'PERI')read(8,*)(peri(i),i=1,NVAR) c large output: if(key.eq.'LWRI')read(8,*)lwr if(key.eq.'HOLE')then lh=.true. read(8,*)emax1,emax2 endif goto 1 88 close(8) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine check(ipl,ikin,nvar,ic,kindpw) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) dimension ic(*) write(6,*)ipl,' states will be plotted' if(ikin.eq.2)then write(6,*)' Normal kinetic operator' else if(ikin.eq.1)then write(6,*)' Kinetic operator per partes' else call report('Unknown T') endif endif if( 1call report('Multidimensions and normal kinetic not implemented') if( 1call report('With multidimensions fit required for G') if(kindpw.eq.0)then write(6,*)' Cosinus PW' else if(kindpw.eq.1)then write(6,*)' Cosinus and sinus PW' else if(kindpw.eq.2)then write(6,*)' Sinus PW' else call report('Unknown PW option') endif endif endif return end