program timed C C by Petr Bour, Prague 1994 C C This subroutine finds eigenvectors and eigenvalues C in a frequency band for a matrix A (in file A3.SCR) C Diagonal terms are already divided by two in A C M is soft dimension of the subspace where direct diagonalization is done C NE is number of eigenvectors to be found C MV is the number of eigenvectors found C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) PARAMETER (NM0=99999,fp=0.1d0) DIMENSION axi(NM0),xi(NM0),xr(NM0),xw(NM0),axr(NM0), 1j33(NM0),a33(NM0),tem(1000),is(50) logical lex c do i=1,50 is(i)=0 enddo c write(6,*)'Timed starts' inquire(file='A3.SCR',exist=lex) if(.not.lex)then write(6,*)'A3.SCR not found' stop endif c write(6,*)'Dimension:' read(5,*)n if( write(6,*)'dimension too high' stop endif write(6,*)'Frequency band (wmin wmax):' read(5,*)wmin,wmax write(6,*)' Number of frequency samples nw:' read(5,*)nw write(6,*)'Number of time steps nsteps:' read(5,*)nsteps dt=2.0d0/(wmax+wmin)*fp write(6,6000)dt 6000 format('Time step: ',f10.5) c c initialize time vectors do 1 i=1,nw fac=1.0d0/sqrt(real(n)) do 1 j=1,n xr(j)=fac 1 xi(j)=0.0d0 c c initialize and save w vectors (real) open(48,file='VECTORW.SCR',form='unformatted') do 7 i=0,nw do 2 j=1,n 2 xw(j)=0.0d0 7 write(48)(xw(j),j=1,n) close(48) c c start time propagation c ============================================================ t=0.0d0 do 3 it=1,nsteps t=t+dt c c read A and form a sum X+iAX*dt=X(t+d) do 4 i=1,n axr(i)=xr(i) 4 axi(i)=xi(i) open(49,file='A3.SCR',form='unformatted') DO 204 I=1,n read(49)nn,(j33(ii),ii=1,nn),(a33(ii),ii=1,nn) DO 204 ii=1,nn J=j33(ii) a=a33(ii)*dt axi(I)=axi(I)+a*xr(J) axi(J)=axi(J)+a*xr(I) axr(I)=axr(I)-a*xi(J) 204 axr(J)=axr(J)-a*xi(I) close(49) c c renormalize X(t+dt) and write to xr,xi an=0.0d0 do 8 i=1,n 8 an=an+axi(i)**2+axr(i)**2 fac=1.0d0/sqrt(an) do 9 i=1,n xi(i)=axi(i)*fac 9 xr(i)=axr(i)*fac c c update w vectors open(48,file='VECTORW.SCR',form='unformatted') do 5 iw=0,nw w=wmin+(wmax-wmin)/nw*iw read(48)(xw(j),j=1,n) c=cos(w*t) s=sin(w*t) do 6 i=1,n 6 xw(i)=xw(i)+c*xr(i)+s*xi(i) c c find norm for this w: an=0.0d0 do 10 i=1,n 10 an=an+xw(i)**2 tem(iw+1)=an c backspace 48 5 write(48)(xw(j),j=1,n) close(48) c ax=0 do 11 iw=0,nw 11 if(tem(iw+1) do 12 iw=0,nw w=wmin+(wmax-wmin)/nw*iw item=min(nint(50.0d0*tem(iw+1)/ax),50) 12 write(6,6002)w,(is(i),i=1,item) 6002 format(f10.2,50i1) write(6,*)it c 3 continue c ============================================================ c END c