program splitq c divides INP.NEW into more inputs parameter (nat0=600,nf0=10,nh0=40) character*80 s80,hsi(nh0),hnsi(nh0),cmsi,hosi(nh0), 1hst(nh0,nf0),hnst(nh0,nf0),cmst(nf0),host(nh0,nf0) dimension na(nf0),xi(3*nat0),xt(3*nat0,nf0),nq(nf0), 1xqi(3*nat0),xqt(3*nat0,nf0),cqi(nat0),cqt(nat0,nf0), 2ityi(nat0),ityt(nat0,nf0), 4gxi(3*nat0),nht(nf0),nst(nf0),not(nf0) c open(3,file='SPLITQ.OUT') open(7,file='GLUEQ.OPT') call ru7 read(7,*)nf if( bye('Too many fragments.') write(3,*)nf,' fragments' nat=0 nqt=0 es=0.0 do 1 i=1,nf c call ru7 read(7,*)nai if( bye('Too many atoms') write(3,*)i,nai,' atoms' c c gradient call ru7 read(7,7000)s80 write(3,7000)s80 7000 format(a80) do 6 istart=1,len(s80) 6 if(s80(istart:istart).ne.' ')goto 7 7 do 8 iend=len(s80),1,-1 8 if(s80(iend:iend).ne.' ')goto 9 9 call loadx1(nat0,xi,nai,ityi,nqi,xqi,cqi,s80(istart:iend)) call loadg1(nat0,gxi,nai,ei,s80(istart:iend)) na(i)=nai nat=nat+nai es=es+ei do 4 ii=1,nai 4 ityt(ii,i)=ityi(ii) nq(i)=nqi nqt=nqt+nqi c c gaussian input call ru7 read(7,7000)s80 write(3,7000)s80 do 92 istart=1,len(s80) 92 if(s80(istart:istart).ne.' ')goto 93 93 do 94 iend=len(s80),1,-1 94 if(s80(iend:iend).ne.' ')goto 95 95 call ginp1(nqi,s80(istart:iend),nhi,hsi,nsi,hnsi,cmsi,noi,hosi) nht(i)=nhi do 96 ii=1,nhi 96 hst(ii,i)=hsi(ii) nst(i)=nsi do 97 ii=1,nsi 97 hnst(ii,i)=hnsi(ii) cmst(i)=cmsi not(i)=noi do 98 ii=1,noi 98 host(ii,i)=hosi(ii) c c force field call ru7 read(7,7000)s80 1 continue close(7) c c coordinates from INP.NEW call ginp2(nqt,xt,xqt,cqt,nf,na,nq) c c write them into sepparate inputs open(7,file='GLUEQ.OPT') call ru7 read(7,*)nf do 100 i=1,nf call ru7 read(7,*)nai call ru7 read(7,7000)s80 c gaussian input call ru7 read(7,7000)s80 write(3,7000)s80 do 192 istart=1,len(s80) 192 if(s80(istart:istart).ne.' ')goto 193 193 do 194 iend=len(s80),1,-1 194 if(s80(iend:iend).ne.' ')goto 195 195 open(71,file=s80(istart:iend)) lchk=0 loniom=0 do 50 ii=1,nht(i) call chkchek(hst(ii,i),lchk) call chkoniom(hst(ii,i),loniom) 50 write(71,7000)hst(ii,i) if(lchk.eq.0)write(71,*)'guess=checkpoint' if( bye('oniom not allowed yet') write(71,*) do 51 ii=1,nst(i) 51 write(71,7000)hnst(ii,i) write(71,*) write(71,7000)cmst(i) do 52 ia=1,na(i) 52 write(71,7171)ityt(ia,i),(xt(3*(ia-1)+ix,i),ix=1,3) 7171 format(i4,3f15.8) write(71,*) if(nq(i).ne.0)then do 53 iq=1,nq(i) 53 write(71,7172)(xqt(3*(iq-1)+ix,i),ix=1,3),cqt(iq,i) 7172 format(4f15.7) write(71,*) endif do 54 ii=1,not(i) 54 write(71,7000)host(ii,i) write(71,*) close(71) c c force field call ru7 100 read(7,7000)s80 close(7) call msg('Sepparate inputs written created') close(3) stop end c ====================================================================== subroutine chkchek(ts,lchk) CHARACTER*(*) ts CHARACTER*16 s c l=len(ts) do 1 i=1,l-15 do 2 ii=1,16 ia=ichar(ts(i+ii-1:i+ii-1)) if( 2 s(ii:ii)=char(ia) 1 if(s.eq.'guess=checkpoint')lchk=1 return end c ====================================================================== subroutine chkoniom(ts,loniom) CHARACTER*(*) ts CHARACTER*16 s c l=len(ts) do 1 i=1,l-4 do 2 ii=1,5 ia=ichar(ts(i+ii-1:i+ii-1)) if( 2 s(ii:ii)=char(ia) 1 if(s.eq.'oniom')loniom=1 return end c ====================================================================== subroutine loadg1(NAT0,gx,nat,e,filename) DIMENSION gx(*) character*80 filename,ts c load=0 open(10,file=filename,status='old') 2 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts 1000 format(a80) if(ts(2:29).eq.'ONIOM: extrapolated energy =')then write(3,1000)ts open(12,file='scr') write(12,'(a)')ts(30:80) rewind 12 read(12,*)e close(12) endif if(ts(1:8).eq.' Energy='.and.ts(28:32).eq.'NIter')then write(3,1000)ts open(12,file='scr') write(12,'(a)')ts(9:27) rewind 12 read(12,*)e close(12) endif if(ts(1:10).eq.' SCF Done:')then write(3,1000)ts e=exe(ts) endif if(ts(38:59).eq.'Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)')then read(10,*) read(10,*) load=1 ia=0 3 read(10,1000)ts if(ts(2:3).ne.'--')then ia=ia+1 if( call bye('Too many atoms') stop endif backspace 10 read(10,*)idum,idum,(gx(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3) goto 3 endif endif goto 2 899 close(10) nat=ia if(load.eq.0)then call bye('Gradient not found') else call msg('Cartesian gradient loaded.') cnorm=0.0 cmax=gx(1) do 4 i=1,3*nat cnorm=cnorm+gx(i)**2 4 if(abs(gx(i)).gt.abs(cmax))cmax=gx(i) cnorm=sqrt(cnorm) rms=cnorm/sqrt(real(3*nat)) write(3,3003)cnorm,cmax,rms 3003 format(' Norm ',f15.8,/,' Max ',f15.8,/,' RMS ',f15.8,/) endif return end c ====================================================================== C ============================================================ subroutine loadx1(nat0,x,nat,ity,nq,xq,cq,filename) DIMENSION x(*),ity(*),xq(*),cq(*) character*80 ts character*(*) filename character*4 s4 logical*4 lex,lcharges c nq=0 lcharges=.false. open(10,file='Q.OPT') 1 read(10,1000,end=999,err=999)ts 1000 format(a80) if(ts(1:6).eq.'CHARGE')read(10,*)lcharges goto 1 999 close(10) c inquire(file=filename,exist=lex) if(.not.lex)call bye('Output does not exist') open(10,file=filename,status='old') c c gaussian output 2 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(ts(27:44).eq.'Input orientation:'.or. 1 ts(26:46).eq.'Z-Matrix orientation:')then do 4 i=1,4 4 read(10,*) do 5 i=1,nat read(10,*)idum,ity(i),idum,(x(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3) 5 if(ity(i).lt.0)read(10,*)idum,ity(i),idum,(x(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3) endif if(lcharges.and.ts(2:15).eq.'Point Charges:')then i=0 88 read(10,112)s4 112 format(1x,a4) if(s4.eq.'XYZ=')then backspace 10 i=i+1 if( bye('Too many charges.') read(10,10012)(xq(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3),cq(i) 10012 format(5x,3f10.4,3x,f10.4) goto 88 endif nq=i goto 899 endif goto 2 899 close(10) call msg('Coordinates loaded') if(lcharges.and.nq.eq.0)then call bye('No charges found') else call msg('Charges:') do 7 i=1,nq 7 write(3,301)i,(xq(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3),cq(i) 301 format(i5,3f10.4,' Q = ',f10.4) endif return end C ============================================================ subroutine msg(ts) character*(*) ts c do 1 i=min(80,len(ts)),1,-1 1 if(ts(i:i).ne.' ')goto 2 2 write(3,*)ts(1:i) return end C ============================================================ subroutine bye(ts) character*(*) ts write(3,6001) write(3,'(a)')ts write(3,6001) 6001 format(80(1h*)) write(3,6000) 6000 format('program stopped') close(3) stop end c ====================================================================== function exe(ts) character*(*) ts ns=len(ts) do 1 i1=1,ns 1 if(ts(i1:i1).eq.'=')goto 2 2 do 3 i2=i1,ns 3 if(ts(i2:i2).eq.'A')goto 4 4 open(12,file='scr') write(12,'(a)')ts(i1+1:i2-1) rewind 12 read(12,*)e exe=e close(12) return end c ====================================================================== subroutine ru7 character*1 s1 c c read file 7 until line does not begin with # 1 read(7,7000,err=99,end=99)s1 7000 format(a1) if('#')then backspace 7 return endif goto 1 99 call bye('End of option file') end c ====================================================================== function notemptyline(ts) LOGICAL*4 notemptyline CHARACTER*(*) ts c l=len(ts) notemptyline=.false. do 1 i=1,l 1 if(ts(i:i).ne.' ')notemptyline=.true. return end c ====================================================================== subroutine ginp1(nq,filename,nh,hs,ns,hns,cms,no,hos) PARAMETER (nh0=40) LOGICAL*4 notemptyline CHARACTER*80 filename,ts,hs(nh0),hns(nh0),cms,hos(nh0) c open(10,file=filename) c c header nh=0 lchk=0 2 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts 1000 format(a80) call chkchek(ts,lchk) if(notemptyline(ts))then nh=nh+1 if( bye('too many header lines') hs(nh)=ts goto 2 else if(lchk.eq.0)then nh=nh+1 if( bye('too many header lines') hs(nh)='guess=checkpoint' endif endif c c name ns=0 21 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts))then ns=ns+1 hns(ns)=ts goto 21 endif c c charge and multiplicity read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)cms c c Cartesian coordinates skip 23 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts)) goto 23 c c fix point charges-skip if( 24 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts)) goto 24 endif c c optional parameters until end of file: no=0 31 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts))then no=no+1 hos(no)=ts goto 31 endif c 899 close(10) call msg('Input read') return end c ====================================================================== subroutine ginp2(nqt,xt,xqt,cqt,nf,na,nq) PARAMETER (nat0=600,nf0=10) LOGICAL*4 notemptyline CHARACTER*80 ts dimension xt(3*nat0,nf0),xqt(3*nat0,nf0),cqt(nat0,nf0), 1na(nf0),nq(nf0) c open(10,file='INP.NEW') c header 2 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts 1000 format(a80) if(notemptyline(ts))goto 2 c name 21 read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts if(notemptyline(ts))goto 21 c charge and multiplicity read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts c Cartesian coordinates do 23 i=1,nf do 23 ia=1,na(i) read(10,1000,end=899,err=899)ts c c get rid of the character: do 3 is=1,len(ts) 3 if(ts(is:is).ne.' ')goto 4 4 do 5 ie=is,len(ts) 5 if(ts(ie:ie).eq.' ')goto 6 6 open(45,file='scr') write(45,*)ts(ie+1:len(ts)) rewind 45 read(45,*,end=899,err=899)(xt(3*(ia-1)+ix,i),ix=1,3) 23 close(45) read(10,*) c fix point charges if( do 24 i=1,nf do 24 iq=1,nq(i) 24 read(10,*,end=899,err=899)(xqt(3*(iq-1)+ix,i),ix=1,3),cqt(iq,i) read(10,*) endif c optional parameters skipped close(10) call msg('Input read') return 899 close(10) call bye('INP.NEW could not be read') end c ======================================================================