program specomp3 implicit none integer ns,np,is,k,i,j,iter,istart,iend,kmax,ng,ix,iy,npsi, 1delfi,delpsi,psimin,psimax,fimin,fimax,nbf,n,ifi,ipsi,l,nfi, 1nsp real*8,allocatable::s(:),u(:),se(:),fi(:),si(:), 1coe(:),psi(:),dG(:),ckl(:) real*8 wmin,wmax,dw,sum,gmin,temp,RT,glim,elim,w,wsum,dist,gam, 1maxstep,gkl,mexp,xs0,xs1,xs2,gamma2,dx,dy,x,y,xper,yper,xd,yd, 1xdd character*4 key character*80 s80 logical lex,lwr,lnorm,lodd write(6,5999) 5999 format(/, 1' Spectral decomposion',/,/, 1' ref=sum(pi si)',/, 1' pi=exp(-dG/RT)',/, 1' dG=su(c_kl g_kl)',/, 1' g_kl ... goniometric functions',/, 1' non-linear deviation minimization',/,/, 1' Input: SPECOMP3.OPT options',/, 1' ANGLE.LST options',/, 1' SP.LST spectral list, first is reference',/, 1' pes.txt PES estimate (optional) ',/, 1/, 1' Output: test.prn normalized reference spectrum',/, 1' testf.prn fitted spectrum',/) n=0 c read angles open(9,file='ANGLE.LST') 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) n=n+1 goto 1 99 rewind 9 allocate(fi(n),psi(n)) do 2 i=1,n 2 read(9,*)fi(i),fi(i),psi(i) close(9) write(6,*)n,' angle values' c parameters for smooth plotting delfi=5 delpsi=5 psimin=-185 fimin=-185 fimax=185 psimax=185 c other parameters c maximum frequency: kmax=3 c number of points in working spectra (all are resampled to it): np=1000 c workable range: wmin=200.0d0 wmax=1800.0d0 c maximum number of iterations: iter=20 c temperature in K: temp=273.0d0 c gradient and energy change convergence limits: glim=1.0d-3 elim=1.0d-4 maxstep=0.1d0 c extensive output: lwr=.false. c number of initial guesses: ng=1 c x-scaling x' = xs0 + xs1 * x + xs2 * x^2 xs0=0.0d0 xs1=1.0d0 xs2=0.0d0 c normalize the spectra: lnorm=.true. c uneven distribution in the fi psi plane: lodd=.false. c idealized numbers of points in the uneven case: nfi=20 npsi=20 c distance radius for spectral weights: gam=10.0d0 c periodic conditions, periodicity: xper=360.0d0 yper=360.0d0 inquire(file='SPECOMP3.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(9,file='SPECOMP3.OPT') 993 read(9,900,end=95,err=95)key 900 format(a4) if(key.eq.'IFI ')read(9,*)delfi if(key.eq.'IPSI')read(9,*)delpsi if(key.eq.'PSII')read(9,*)psimin if(key.eq.'PSIA')read(9,*)psimax if(key.eq.'FII ')read(9,*)fimin if(key.eq.'FIA ')read(9,*)fimax if(key.eq.'WMIN')read(9,*)wmin if(key.eq.'WMAX')read(9,*)wmax if(key.eq.'ITER')read(9,*)iter if(key.eq.'TEMP')read(9,*)temp if(key.eq.'GLIM')read(9,*)glim if(key.eq.'ELIM')read(9,*)elim if(key.eq.'KMAX')read(9,*)kmax if(key.eq.'NGUE')read(9,*)ng if(key.eq.'NORM')read(9,*)lnorm if(key.eq.'XPER')read(9,*)xper if(key.eq.'YPER')read(9,*)yper if(key(1:3).eq.'LWR')read(9,*)lwr if(key(1:3).eq.'XS0')read(9,*)xs0 if(key(1:3).eq.'XS1')read(9,*)xs1 if(key(1:3).eq.'XS2')read(9,*)xs2 if(key(1:2).eq.'NP')read(9,*)np if(key(1:3).eq.'ODD')read(9,*)lodd if(key(1:3).eq.'NFI')read(9,*)nfi if(key(1:3).eq.'NPS')read(9,*)npsi if(key(1:3).eq.'GAM')read(9,*)gam goto 993 95 close(9) write(6,*)' SPECOMP3.OPT read' endif inquire(file='SP.LST',exist=lex) if(lex)then ns=0 open(9,file='SP.LST') 992 read(9,*,end=918,err=918) ns=ns+1 goto 992 918 close(9) ns=ns-1 write(6,*)'SP.LST found, ',ns,' spectra' else write(6,*)'SP.LST not found' stop endif if( report('ns <> n') allocate(dG(ns)) nbf=(kmax+kmax+1)**2 write(6,60)kmax,nbf,delfi,delpsi,fimin,fimax, 1psimin,psimax 60 format(' kmax ',i4,/, 1' number of basis functions ',i4,/, 3' smooth pes:',/, 4' delfi delpsi ',2i10,/, 4' fimin fimax ',2i10,/, 4' psimin psimax ',2i10,/) dw=(wmax-wmin)/dble(np-1) RT=temp*8.314d0/4.184d0/1000.0d0 gamma2=gam**2 write(6,5998)wmin,wmax,dw,np,temp,elim,glim,maxstep,lwr, 1iter,xs0,xs1,xs2,lodd,nfi,npsi,gam 5998 format(' ',/, 1 ' frequency interval for decomposition:',/, 1 ' wmin:',f12.2,/, 1 ' wmax:',f12.2,/, 1 ' dw:',f12.2,/, 1 ' number of points in compared spectra:',i12,/, 1 ' (input spectra will be interpolated)',/, 1 ' temperature (K):',f12.2,/, 1 ' dev. change threshold:',g12.4,/, 1 ' grad. change threshold:',g12.4,/, 1 ' max. change:',g12.4,/, 1 ' lwr:',l12,/, 1 ' maximum number of iterations:',i12,/, 1 ' x-scaling 0 1 2:',3f6.3,/, 1 ' uneven plotting Nfi Npsi:',l6,2i6,/, 1 ' gamma:',f12.2,/) allocate(s(ns*np),u(np),se(np),coe(ns)) open(39,file='SP.LST') c read reference: read(39,9980)s80 9980 format(a80) call trim(s80,istart,iend) call reads(wmin,wmax,dw,se,np,s80(istart:iend)) c normalize sum |se_i|=1 if(lnorm)call qnorm(np,se) open(59,file='test.prn') do 991 i=1,np 991 write(59,990)wmin+(i-1)*dw,se(i) 990 format(2G12.4) close(59) write(6,*)' reference read,' write(6,*)' normalized spectrum written to test.prn' write(6,*) do 902 is=1,ns read(39,9980)s80 call trim(s80,istart,iend) call readsx(xs0,xs1,xs2,wmin,wmax,dw,u,np,s80(istart:iend)) do 902 k=1,np 902 s(k+(is-1)*np)=u(k) close(39) write(6,*)' sub-spectra read' if(lodd)then c for uneven distribution create idealized set nsp=nfi*npsi allocate(si(np*nsp)) write(6,*)nsp,' idealized spectra allocated ..' dx=(fimax-fimin)/dble(nfi-1) dy=(psimax-psimin)/dble(nfi-1) x=fimin-dx i=0 do 13 ix=1,nfi x=x+dx y=psimin-dy do 13 iy=1,npsi y=y+dy i=i+1 c idealized spectrum at this point si = sum (w_is s_is) / sum (w_is) do 14 k=1,np 14 si(k+(i-1)*np)=0.0d0 wsum=0.0d0 do 15 is=1,ns xd=xdd(x, fi(is),xper) yd=xdd(y,psi(is),yper) dist=xd**2+yd**2 c effective weight of spectrum is at xy: w=1.0d0/(1.0d0+dist/gamma2) wsum=wsum+w do 15 k=1,np 15 si(k+(i-1)*np)=si(k+(i-1)*np)+w*s(k+(is-1)*np) do 13 k=1,np 13 si(k+(i-1)*np)=si(k+(i-1)*np)/wsum deallocate(s) ns=nsp n=ns allocate(s(ns*np)) do 17 k=1,np*ns 17 s(k)=si(k) deallocate(si) deallocate(fi) allocate(fi(n)) write(6,*)' ... and calculated' c I do not know why the following two lines do not work: deallocate(psi) allocate(psi(n)) x=fimin-dx i=0 do 18 ix=1,nfi x=x+dx y=psimin-dy do 18 iy=1,npsi y=y+dy i=i+1 fi(i)=x 18 psi(i)=y write(6,*)' ... and used as reference' deallocate(coe,dG) allocate(coe(ns),dG(ns)) endif c c normalize all if(lnorm)then sum=0.0d0 do 11 i=1,ns*np 11 sum=sum+s(i)**2 sum=sum/dble(ns) do 12 i=1,ns*np 12 s(i)=s(i)/dsqrt(sum) write(6,*)' sub-spectra normalized' endif c Gibbs energy = sum(ckl*gkl), coefficients: allocate(ckl(nbf)) call minimini(ns,s,se,np,iter,glim,elim,maxstep, 1nbf,kmax,fi,psi,RT,ckl,ng) write(6,*)'Minimization finished' do 904 j=1,ns dG(j)=0.0d0 do 905 k=0,2*kmax do 905 l=0,2*kmax 905 dG(j)=dG(j)+ckl(l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k)*gkl(k,l,fi(j),psi(j)) if(j.eq.1)then gmin=dG(j) else if(dG(j).lt.gmin)gmin=dG(j) endif 904 coe(j)=mexp(-dG(j)/RT) c write composed spectrum: open(9,file='testf.prn') do 39 i=1,np sum=0.0d0 do 391 j=1,ns 391 sum=sum+coe(j)*s(i+(j-1)*np) 39 write(9,901)wmin+dble(i-1)*dw,sum 901 format(f12.2,1x,g20.4) close(9) write(6,*)' fitted spectrum written to testf.prn' c normalize coefficients: call norm(ns,coe) c write PES and coefs to file open(9,file='test.txt') do 7 is=1,ns 7 write(9,6001)is,coe(is),dG(is)-gmin 6001 format(i5,2f12.6) close(9) write(6,*)' coefficients and free energies in test.txt' c fine PES: open(9,file='pes.txt') do 8 ifi=fimin,fimax,delfi do 8 ipsi=psimin,psimax,delpsi sum=0.0d0 do 906 k=0,2*kmax do 906 l=0,2*kmax 906 sum=sum+ckl(l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k)*gkl(k,l,dble(ifi), 1dble(ipsi)) 8 write(9,909)ifi,ipsi,sum-gmin 909 format(2i10,f12.5) close(9) write(6,*)' fine smoothed function in pes.txt' stop end subroutine readsx(xs0,xs1,xs2,wmin,wmax,dw,u,np,fn) c read spectrum with immediate scaling implicit none character*(*) fn integer*4 np,i,j,nmin,nmax real*8 u(*),wmin,wmax,dw,x,xn,y,yn,w,wn,s,sn,ws,xs0,xs1,xs2 do 2 i=1,np 2 u(i)=0.0d0 i=0 xn=0.0d0 yn=0.0d0 open(9,file=fn) 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,y x=xs0+x*(xs1+xs2*x) i=i+1 if( if(( if( w=xn s=yn wn=x sn=y else wn=xn sn=yn w=x s=y endif nmin=int((wn-wmin)/dw)+1 nmax=int((w-wmin)/dw)+2 do 3 j=nmin,nmax ws=wmin+dble(j-1)*dw 3 if(*(ws-wn)/(w-wn) endif endif xn=x yn=y goto 1 99 close(9) return end subroutine reads(wmin,wmax,dw,u,np,fn) implicit none character*(*) fn integer*4 np,i,j,nmin,nmax real*8 u(*),wmin,wmax,dw,x,xn,y,yn,w,wn,s,sn,ws do 2 i=1,np 2 u(i)=0.0d0 i=0 xn=0.0d0 yn=0.0d0 open(9,file=fn) 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,y i=i+1 if( if(( if( w=xn s=yn wn=x sn=y else wn=xn sn=yn w=x s=y endif nmin=int((wn-wmin)/dw)+1 nmax=int((w-wmin)/dw)+2 do 3 j=nmin,nmax ws=wmin+dble(j-1)*dw 3 if(*(ws-wn)/(w-wn) endif endif xn=x yn=y goto 1 99 close(9) return end subroutine norm(n,s) implicit none integer*4 n,i real*8 s(*),sum sum=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,n 1 sum=sum+dabs(s(i)) do 2 i=1,n 2 s(i)=s(i)/sum return end subroutine qnorm(n,s) implicit none integer*4 n,i real*8 s(*),sum sum=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,n 1 sum=sum+s(i)**2 sum=1.0d0/dsqrt(sum) do 2 i=1,n 2 s(i)=s(i)*sum return end function dd(corm,s,ns,se,g,np,ic,gn,ckl,kmax,RT, 1fi,psi) implicit none integer*4 ns,i,k,j,np,ic,kmax,l real*8 dd,s(*),se(*),g(*),sum,sump,mexp, 1sd,gn,fi(*),fj,psi(*),ckl(*),gkl,RT,f1,corm(*) real*8,allocatable:: c(:),m(:,:),dG(:),es(:) allocate(c(ns),m(ns,ns),dG(ns),es(ns)) c c Gibbs energies from goniometric functions: do 1 i=1,ns dG(i)=0.0d0 do 1 k=0,2*kmax do 1 l=0,2*kmax j=l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k 1 dG(i)=dG(i)+ckl(j)*gkl(k,l,fi(i),psi(i)) c precalculate probabilities to run faster: do 2 i=1,ns 2 es(i)=mexp(-dG(i)/RT) c correlation matrix: do 3 i=1,ns f1=es(i) do 3 j=i,ns fj=es(j) m(j,i)=f1*fj*corm(i+(j-1)*ns) 3 m(i,j)=f1*fj*corm(i+(j-1)*ns) c scalar product: do 6 i=1,ns c(i)=0.0d0 f1=es(i) do 6 k=1,np 6 c(i)=c(i)+se(k)*s(k+(i-1)*np)*f1 sum=0.0d0 do 10 i=1,np sd=0.0d0 do 51 j=1,ns 51 sd=sd+es(j)*s(i+(j-1)*np) 10 sum=sum+(se(i)-sd)**2 dd=sum if(ic.eq.0)goto 99 c gradient g, its norm gn: gn=0.0d0 do 7 k=0,2*kmax do 7 l=0,2*kmax sump=0.0d0 do 9 i=1,ns do 8 j=1,ns 8 sump=sump+m(i,j)*gkl(k,l,fi(j),psi(j)) 9 sump=sump-c(i)*gkl(k,l,fi(i),psi(i)) g(l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k)=-2.0d0*sump/RT 7 gn=gn+g(l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k)**2 gn=dsqrt(gn) 99 deallocate(c,m,dG) return end subroutine asa(g0,g,ns) implicit none integer*4 i,ns real*8 g0(*),g(*) do 101 i=1,ns 101 g0(i)=g(i) return end subroutine minimini(ns,s,se,np,nstepmax, 1glim,elim,maxstep,nbf,kmax,fi,psi,RT,ckl,ng) implicit none integer*4 nstep,lstep,ns,i,np,nstepmax,nbf,kmax,ig,ng,k,l real*8 e0,gnorm0,glim,etot,e00,dh,maxstep,eold,h,hh0,elim,e1, 1gn,s(*),se(*),dd,secder,RT,ckl(*),an,eog,fir,psir,gi,delfir,pi, 2gradh,enew,hh1,hh2,e2,gnorm1,fi(*),psi(*),delpsir,gkl,fio,psio real*8,allocatable::g0(:),h0(:),x0(:),g(:),cklold(:),corm(:) integer*4 ix,iy,iz real*8 frandom common /randc/ ix, iy, iz logical lex pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 eog=0.0d0 fio=0.0d0 psio=0.0d0 if( report('nbf>ns is not realistic') c gradient variables: allocate (g0(nbf),h0(nbf),x0(nbf),g(nbf),cklold(nbf),corm(ns*ns)) c try ng initial guesses: do 1000 ig=1,ng write(6,*)' guess ',ig do 201 i=1,nbf 201 g(i)=0.0d0 gn=0.0d0 gnorm1=0.0d0 gnorm0=0.0d0 c initial guess: if(ig.eq.1)then inquire(file='pes.txt',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'first guess from pes.txt' do 364 i=1,nbf 364 ckl(i)=0.0d0 i=0 open(55,file='pes.txt') 551 read(55,*,err=552,end=552)fir,psir,gi do 365 k=0,2*kmax do 365 l=0,2*kmax 365 ckl(l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k)=ckl(l+1+(2*kmax+1)*k)+gi*gkl(k,l,fir,psir) i=i+1 if( .ne.fio )delfir =fir-fio if( fio=fir psio=psir goto 551 552 close(55) write(6,*)i,' points' if(delfir*delpsir.eq.0.0d0)then delfir =20.0d0 delpsir=20.0d0 endif do 366 i=1,nbf 366 ckl(i)=ckl(i)*dabs(delfir*delpsir*pi*pi/180.0d0/180.0d0) else do 36 i=1,nbf 36 ckl(i)=1.0d0/dsqrt(dble(nbf)) endif else do 361 i=1,nbf 361 ckl(i)=frandom(0) endif c precalculate correlation matrix: do 1 k=1,ns do 1 l=1,ns an=0.0d0 do 2 i=1,np 2 an=an+s(i+(k-1)*np)*s(i+(l-1)*np) 1 corm(k+(l-1)*ns)=an nstep=0 etot=dd(corm,s,ns,se,g,np,1,gnorm0,ckl,kmax,RT,fi,psi) write(6,6009)nstep,etot,gnorm0 6009 format(' Iteration',i5,' sig ',g12.4,' grad ',g12.4) e0=etot call asa(g0,g,nbf) call asa(h0,g,nbf) call asa(x0,ckl,nbf) if(gnorm0.le.glim)goto 300 200 e00=etot dh=maxstep/gnorm0 secder=-1.0d0 nstep=nstep+1 write(6,555)nstep 555 format(' Iteration ',i4) eold=etot e0=eold h=0 hh0=0 lstep=0 100 lstep=lstep+1 h=h+dh do 101 i=1,nbf 101 ckl(i)=x0(i)-h*h0(i) etot=dd(corm,s,ns,se,g,np,0,gn,ckl,kmax,RT, 1fi,psi) enew=etot c end of linear search: if(dabs(enew-eold).lt.0.5d0*elim)goto 400 if(dabs((enew-eold)/dh).lt.0.5d0*glim*gnorm0)goto 400 if(lstep.eq.1)then e1=etot hh1=h else if(lstep.eq.2)then e2=etot hh2=h else e0=e1 hh0=hh1 e1=e2 hh1=hh2 e2=etot hh2=h endif if(hh1.eq.hh0.or.hh2.eq.hh0.or.hh2.eq.hh1)then secder=-1.d0 else secder=-2.0d0*((hh2-hh1)*(e1-e0)-(e2-e1)*(hh1-hh0)) 1 /((hh2-hh0)*(hh1-hh0)*(hh2-hh1)) gradh=(e0-e1-secder/2.0d0*(hh0**2-hh1**2))/(hh0-hh1) endif endif if( dh=-gradh/secder-h if(dabs(dh).gt.maxstep/gnorm0)then if( then dh=maxstep/gnorm0 else dh=-maxstep/gnorm0 endif endif eold=enew goto 100 endif if( then eold=enew dh=-dh/2 goto 100 endif eold=enew goto 100 400 write(6,4000)etot,lstep 4000 format(10x,'e = ',g12.4,' after ',i6,' linear steps') etot=dd(corm,s,ns,se,g,np,1,gnorm1,ckl,kmax,RT, 1fi,psi) call asa(x0,ckl,nbf) do 102 i=1,nbf 102 h0(i)=g(i)+(gnorm1/gnorm0)**2*h0(i) call asa(g0,g,nbf) write(6,6005)gnorm1,glim write(6,6006)dabs(e00-etot),elim 6005 format(10x,'Gradient ',g12.4,'; limit ',g14.4) 6006 format(10x,'Change of energy',g12.4,'; limit ',g14.4) if(dabs(e00-etot) 300 e0=etot gnorm0=gnorm1 if( write(6,*)'Too many steps' goto 300 endif goto 200 300 continue if(,600)ig,etot,eog 600 format('guess ',i2,' actual energy : ',g10.2,' old: ',g10.2) if(ig.eq.1)then do 103 i=1,nbf 103 cklold(i)=ckl(i) eog=etot else if( write(6,*)' a previous guess better' etot=eog do 104 i=1,nbf 104 ckl(i)=cklold(i) else write(6,*)' guess kept' do 105 i=1,nbf 105 cklold(i)=ckl(i) eog=etot endif endif 1000 continue return end subroutine trim(fn,is,ie) implicit none character*80 fn integer*4 is,ie do 1 is=1,len(fn) 1 if(fn(is:is).ne.' ')goto 2 2 do 3 ie=len(fn),1,-1 3 if(fn(ie:ie).ne.' ')goto 4 4 return end function gkl(k,l,fi,psi) implicit none integer*4 js,jw,k,l,iw,is real*8 gkl,gk,gl,fi,psi,wj,wi,pi,ak,al pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) jw=(k+1)/2 wj=dble(jw) if(mod(k,2).eq.0)then js=0 else js=1 endif if(js.eq.1)then gk=sin(wj*fi*pi/180.0d0) else gk=cos(wj*fi*pi/180.0d0) endif if(k.eq.0)then ak=1.0d0/dsqrt(2.d0*pi) else ak=1.0d0/dsqrt(pi) endif iw=(l+1)/2 wi=dble(iw) if(mod(l,2).eq.0)then is=0 else is=1 endif if(is.eq.1)then gl=sin(wi*psi*pi/180.0d0) else gl=cos(wi*psi*pi/180.0d0) endif if(l.eq.0)then al=1.0d0/dsqrt(2.d0*pi) else al=1.0d0/dsqrt(pi) endif gkl=ak*al*gk*gl return end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end function mexp(x) implicit none real*8 x,mexp,f if( f=4.8d8 else if( f=2.0d-9 else f=dexp(x) endif endif mexp=f return end function frandom(i) implicit none real*8 frandom integer*4 i c c Algorithm AS 183 Appl. Statist. (1982) vol.31, no.2 c c Returns a pseudo-random number rectangularly distributed c between 0 and 1. The cycle length is 6.95E+12 (See page 123 c of Applied Statistics (1984) vol.33), not as claimed in the c original article. c c IX, IY and IZ should be set to integer values between 1 and c 30000 before the first entry. c integer*4 ix, iy, iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz c ix = mod(171 * ix, 30269) iy = mod(172 * iy, 30307) iz = mod(170 * iz, 30323) frandom = mod(dble(ix) / 30269.0d0 + dble(iy) / 30307.0d0 + 1 dble(iz) / 30323.0d0, 1.0d0) return end function xdd(x1,x2,per) implicit none real*8 d,p2,xdd,x1,x2,per p2=per/2.0d0 d=x2-x1 1 if( d=d-per goto 1 endif 2 if( d=d+per goto 2 endif xdd=d return end