program r468 integer*4 ln,ln0 character*80 s80,filename c write(6,60000) 60000 format('This programs rewrites g98 output for',/, 1 'anharmonic calculations in a more compact form') write(6,*)'Filename:' read(5,'(a)')filename open(2,file=filename) open(3,file='G.XXX') ln=0 ln0=0 nar=0 nzm=0 ncl=0 1 read(2,80,end=999,err=999)s80 80 format(a80) ln0=ln0+1 i1=0 i2=0 do 2 i=1,80 if(s80(i:i).eq.'#')i1=i1+1 2 if(s80(i:i).eq.'\\')i2=i2+1 c c if start of archive is struck, write the archive: if( nar=nar+1 call wl(s80,ln) 4 read(2,80)s80 ln0=ln0+1 call wl(s80,ln) if(s80(2:8).ne.'Job cpu')goto4 goto 1 endif c c command line: if( call wl(s80,ln) ncl=ncl+1 endif c c geometry: if(s80(26:46).eq.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.or. 1 s80(19:39).eq.'Z-Matrix orientation:')then nzm=nzm+1 call wl(s80,ln) do i=1,4 read(2,80)s80 ln0=ln0+1 call wl(s80,ln) enddo 3 read(2,80)s80 ln0=ln0+1 call wl(s80,ln) if(s80(2:3).ne.'--')goto3 endif c goto 1 999 close(2) close(3) write(6,6777)ln ,ln0,nar,nzm,ncl 6777 format(I10,' lines of ',I10,' written to G.XXX',/, 1' Number of archives :',I5,/, 1' Number of geometries:',I5,/, 1' Number of jobs :',I5) write(6,*)'last line:' write(6,80)s80 stop end subroutine wl(s80,ln) integer*4 ln character*80 s80 do 1 i=80,1,-1 1 if(s80(i:i).ne.' ')goto 2 2 write(3,801)(s80(j:j),j=1,i) 801 format(80A1) ln=ln+1 return end