program msg c c makes script for roa differentiation with gaussian implicit integer*4(i-n) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) parameter (nat0=1000) character*80 if,s80,of,af,h,n,sy character*1 s1 character*2 s2 dimension r(nat0,3),h(30),n(nat0),sy(nat0),rr(3) c write(6,*)'.inp input file (WITH the .inp extension):' read(5,'(a)')if open(2,file=if) c c read header ih=0 1 read(2,200,end=888,err=999)s80 200 format(a80) if('')then ih=ih+1 h(ih)=s80 goto 1 endif do 2 i=1,ih 2 write(6,200)h(i) write(6,*) c c read name in=0 3 read(2,200,end=888,err=999)s80 if('')then in=in+1 n(in)=s80 goto 3 endif do 4 i=1,in 4 write(6,200)n(i) write(6,*) c c charge and multiplicity read(2,*,end=888,err=999)icha,imu c c atoms ia=0 51 read(2,200,end=888,err=999)s80 if('')then ia=ia+1 c c where starts and ends a symbol: is=0 5 is=is+1 if( 999 if(s80(is:is).eq.' ')goto 5 ie=is 6 ie=ie+1 if( 999 if(s80(ie:ie).ne.' ')goto 5 ie=ie-1 open(4,file='scr') write(4,200)s80(ie+1:80) rewind 4 read(4,*)(r(ia,ii),ii=1,3) close(4) sy(ia)=' ' sy(ia)(1:1)=s80(is:is) if( goto 51 endif nat=ia write(6,*)nat,' atoms' close(2) c write(6,*)'Step of the differentiation (A):' read(5,*)step write(6,*)'1 or 2 step differentiation (1/2) ?' read(5,*)ic write(6,*)3*nat*ic+1,' points' open(4,file='NAT') write(4,*)nat write(4,*)step write(4,*)ic write(4,*)3*nat*ic+1 close(4) c c gaussian job: open(5,file='DSG') c c roa job: open(7,file='DSR') write(7,*)'rm *.SCR' open(4,file='scr') ii=-1 do 39 i2=1,ic do 39 iat=1,nat iaxstart=1 if(i2.eq.1.and.iat.eq.1)iaxstart=0 do 39 iax=iaxstart,3 ii=ii+1 rewind 4 write(4,40)ii 40 format(i4) rewind 4 read(4,41)of(1:4) 41 format(a4) of(5:8)='.inp' write(5,50)of(1:8) write(5,*)'echo ',ii,' > LOG' 50 format('cp',a20,' tem.inp') write(5,*)'g98 tem.inp tem.out' write(5,*)'chopg' if( if( if( if(ii.le.9)iu=4 write(5,52)of(iu:4) 52 format('cp MOS.SCR ',a4,'MOS.Scr') open(3,file=of(iu:8)) write(7,600)of(iu:4) 600 format('cp ',a4,'.GOT SP') write(7,602)of(iu:4) 602 format('cp ',a4,'MOS.Scr MOS.SCR') c write(7,*)'roa > OUT' write(7,601)of(iu:4),of(iu:4),of(iu:4),of(iu:4),of(iu:4) 601 format('cp A.TEN ',a4,'A.TEN',/,'cp G.TEN ',a4,'G.TEN',/, 1 'cp AL.TEN ',a4,'AL.TEN',/,'cp ALV.TEN ',a4,'ALV.TEN',/, 1 'cp GEO.X ',a4,'.X') write(7,*)'rm -f *.SCR' write(7,*)'echo ',of(iu:4),' > LOG2' c do 49 i=1,ih 49 write(3,200)h(i) write(3,*) do 59 i=1,in 59 write(3,200)n(i) write(3,*) write(3,2000)icha,imu 2000 format(2i4) do 69 ia=1,nat do 691 ix=1,3 691 rr(ix)=r(ia,ix) if( if(i2.eq.1)rr(iax)=rr(iax)+step if(i2.eq.2)rr(iax)=rr(iax)-step endif 69 write(3,300)sy(ia),(rr(ix),ix=1,3) 300 format(a2,1x,3f20.15) write(3,*) close(3) 39 continue write(5,*)'echo finished > LOG' close(4) close(5) close(7) write(6,*)'files DSG and DSR created' goto 777 888 write(6,*)'end of file' 999 write(6,*)'error stop' 777 stop end