program molecule_together real,allocatable::r(:) integer,allocatable::nt(:),bt(:,:),ty(:),ind(:),jnd(:), 1im(:,:) logical,allocatable::used(:) character*3,allocatable::sy(:) character*80 fn,fnn write(6,*)' Renumbers atoms in Tinker files' write(6,*)' so that atoms in molecules are together' write(6,*)' Old filename:' read(5,'(a)')fn write(6,*)' New filename:' read(5,'(a)')fnn open(8,file=fn) read(8,*)nat allocate(r(3*nat),nt(nat),bt(nat,4),ty(nat),used(nat), 1ind(nat),sy(nat),jnd(nat),im(nat,2)) do 1 i=1,nat read(8,801)sy(i),(r(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3),ty(i),(bt(i,ix),ix=1,4) 801 format(8x,a3,3f12.6,5i6) nt(i)=4 used(i)=.false. do 11 ix=4,1,-1 11 if(bt(i,ix).eq.0)nt(i)=ix-1 1 continue close(8) nmol=1 im(nmol,1)=1 im(nmol,2)=1 ind(1)=1 jnd(1)=1 ii=1 used(1)=.true. 44 ic=0 do 3 i=1,nat if(.not.used(i))then c is atom i bond to actual molecule?: do 5 ix=1,nt(i) do 5 jj=im(nmol,1),im(nmol,2) if(ind(jj),ix))then ic=ic+1 ii=ii+1 jnd(i)=ii im(nmol,2)=ii ind(ii)=i used(i)=.true. c write(6,*)nmol,':',i,'(',ii,') added' goto 501 endif 5 continue 501 continue endif 3 continue if( c some atoms were added to nmol,investigate once more: if( 44 c nothing else was found, try to initiate a new molecule: do 6 i=1,nat if(.not.used(i))then used(i)=.true. ii=ii+1 ind(ii)=i jnd(i)=ii nmol=nmol+1 im(nmol,1)=ii im(nmol,2)=ii c write(6,*)nmol,':',i,'(',ii,') started' c read(5,*)i5 goto 44 endif 6 continue endif open(9,file=fnn) write(9,901)nat 901 format(i6) do 7 imol=1,nmol write(6,6000)imol,im(imol,1),im(imol,2) 6000 format(i6,':',i6,' - ',i6) do 7 ii=im(imol,1),im(imol,2) i=ind(ii) 7 write(9,902)ii,sy(i),(r(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3),ty(i), 1(jnd(bt(i,ix)),ix=1,nt(i)) 902 format(i6,2x,a3,3f12.6,5i6) close(9) end