program guvcd3 character*80 fo,s80,output,check,ext*10,ext1*12 character*1 ok parameter (nm0=1000) real*8 d(nm0,3),r(nm0,3),e(nm0),ev(nm0),f(nm0),r0(nm0),ecm(nm0) logical lg09 c c 30. 1. 2006 zmenen zpusob vypoctu dipolove a rotacni sily c a zavedeno vytvareni kontrolniho souboru lg09=.false. write(6,*)' Reads UVCD from G03 output' write(6,*)' and writes it in a TAB file.' write(6,*) if(iargc().eq.0)then write(6,*)' Name of the output:' read(5,'(a)')fo write(6,*)'Length or velocity formalism or both (L/V/B) ?' read(5,'(a)')ok else call getarg(1,fo) call getarg(2,ok) endif if(ok.eq.'l')ok='L' if(ok.eq.'b')ok='B' 14 open(2,file=fo) n=0 line=0 c 1 read(2,2000,end=2,err=2)s80 line=line+1 2000 format(a80) if((s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state Transition electric' 1.and.ok.eq.'L').or. 1 (s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition electric' 1.and.ok.eq.'L').or. 2 (s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition velocity''L'))then write(6,2000)s80 read(2,*) line=line+1 3 read(2,*,end=21,err=21)nd,ax,ay,az,osc line=line+1 n=n+1 if( write(6,*)' Too many transitions ',nm0 close(2) stop endif c 14. 12. 2005 sem dodana korekce znamenek v delkovem formalismu if(ok.eq.'L')then d(n,1)=-ax d(n,2)=-ay d(n,3)=-az else d(n,1)=ax d(n,2)=ay d(n,3)=az endif f(n)=osc goto 3 21 backspace 2 write(6,*)n,' electric transitions' goto 4 endif goto 1 c 4 read(2,2000,end=2,err=2)s80 line=line+1 if(s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition magnetic' 1)then write(6,2000)s80 read(2,*) line=line+1 do 5 i=1,n line=line+1 read(2,*,end=2,err=2)nd,(r(i,j),j=1,3) c korekce Gaussianu - ten nedeli magneticke momenty cislem 2 do 12 j=1,3 12 r(i,j)=r(i,j)/2 5 continue write(6,*)n,' magnetic transitions' ie=0 goto 10 endif goto 4 c 10 read(2,2000,end=22,err=2)s80 if(s80(53:63).eq.'R(velocity)''L') then line=line+1 do 8 i=1,n line=line+1 read(2,2000,end=22,err=22)s80 c g09 output: if(s80(2:6).eq.'Total')then lg09=.true. do 81 ii=1,4 81 read(2,*) else backspace 2 endif 8 read(2,*,end=2,err=2)nd,b1,b2,b3,r0(i) goto 7 endif write(6,*)s80(54:62) if((s80(53:61).eq.'R(length)'.or.s80(54:62).eq.'R(length)') 1.and.ok.eq.'L') then write(6,2000)s80 line=line+1 do 9 i=1,n line=line+1 9 read(2,*,end=2,err=2)nd,b1,b2,b3,r0(i) goto 7 endif c Gaussian 98 does not write R(length) nor R(velocity) goto 10 22 write(6,*) 'G98 version probably used' rewind 2 c 7 read(2,2000,end=2,err=2)s80 line=line+1 if(s80(2:15).eq.'Excited State ')then write(6,2000)s80 c c G03 format: read(s80(15:18),*)nd read(s80(36:44),*,err=9001)ev(nd) read(s80(48:55),*)e(nd) goto 9002 c c G09 format: 9001 lg09=.true. read(s80(38:47),*)ev(nd) read(s80(51:58),*)e(nd) 9002 ie=ie+1 if(nd.eq.n)then write(6,*)ie,' energies' c if(ok.eq.'L')then ext='-gau-l.TAB' ext1='-check.gau-l' else ext='-gau-v.TAB' ext1='-check.gau-v' endif c call titles(fo,ext,output) call titles(fo,ext1,check) write(6,*)fo write(6,*)ext write(6,*)output open(3,file=output) open(4,file=check) c if(ok.eq.'L')then write(3,3000) write(4,3200) 3000 format(' UVCD spectrum from G03 in length formalism', 1 /,' n wavelength (nm) dipole strength (D^2)', 1 ' rotatory strength (cgs/10**-36)',/,80(1h-)) 3200 format(' check of UVCD spectrum from G03 in length formalism', 1 /,' n wavelength (nm) dipole strength (D^2)', 1 ' rotatory strength (cgs/10**-36)',/,80(1h-)) else write(3,3100) write(4,3300) 3100 format(' UVCD spectrum from G03 in velocity formalism', 1 /,' n wavelength (nm) dipole strength (D^2)', 1 ' rotatory strength (cgs/10**-36)',/,80(1h-)) 3300 format(' check of UVCD spectrum from G03 in velocity formalism', 1 /,' n wavelength (nm) dipole strength (D^2)', 1 ' rotatory strength (cgs/10**-36)',/,80(1h-)) endif c do 6 i=1,n ds=2.12689677295232d-30*f(i)/ev(i)/8065.54476345045d0/1e-36 c korekce momentu ve velocity formalismu - deleni frekvenci if('L') then do 11 j=1,3 d(i,j)=d(i,j)/ev(i)*27.211384205943d0 11 continue endif ds1=(d(i,1)*d(i,1)+d(i,2)*d(i,2)+d(i,3)*d(i,3))*2.541765*2.541765 rs=r0(i)*1e-4 rs1=(d(i,1)*r(i,1)+d(i,2)*r(i,2)+d(i,3)*r(i,3)) 1 *2*2.541765*9.2740154d-21*1e-18/1e-36 write(3,3001)i,e(i),ds1,rs 6 write(4,3001)i,e(i),ds,rs1 c 6. 2. 2006 zmeneno psani vypoctene dipolove sily - do souboru TAB psan c vypocet z momentu, do kontrolniho souboru vypocet z oscilatorove sily 3001 format(i4,f12.2,2f20.10) write(3,3002) write(4,3002) 3002 format(80(1h-)) 3003 format 1 (' n energy (eV) wavenumber (cm**-1) oscillator strength') 3004 format(i4,f12.4,f20.6,f17.4) write(4,*) write(4,3003) do 13 i=1,n ecm(i)=ev(i)*8065.54476345045d0 13 write(4,3004)i,ev(i),ecm(i),f(i) close(3) close(4) write(6,*)'Output TAB file written.' goto 2 endif endif goto 7 c 2 close(2) write(6,*) write(6,*)line,' lines read' if(ok.eq.'B')then ok='L' goto 14 endif end c subroutine titles(ti,ext,out) c this subroutine changes the names of output files character*(*) ti,ext character*80 out c do 1 i=1,80 if (ti(i:i).eq.'.'.or.ti(i:i).eq.' ') then k=i-1 goto 2 endif 1 continue c 2 out=ti(1:k)//ext return end