program ruvcd implicit none character*80 fo,s80 character*1 ok integer*4 nm0,nm,n,ne,line,ndumm,i,idal parameter (nm0=10000) real*8 d(nm0,3),r(nm0,3),e(nm0),ax,ay,az,axm,aym,azm,ds(nm0), 1rs(nm0),ev,dv,dl,rv,rl,rlo c write(6,*)' Reads UV CD from g98,g03,dalton' write(6,*)' output and writes it in UVCD.TAB.' write(6,*) write(6,*)' Name of the output:' read(5,'(a)')fo open(2,file=fo) write(6,*)'Length or velocity formalism (L/V) ?' read(5,'(a)')ok if(ok.eq.'l')ok='L' n=0 nm=0 ne=0 line=0 idal=0 c 1 read(2,2000,end=2,err=2)s80 2000 format(a80) line=line+1 if((s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state Transition electric' 1.and.ok.eq.'L').or. 2 (s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition velocity''L'))then write(6,2000)s80 read(2,*) line=line+1 3 read(2,*,end=21,err=21)ndumm,ax,ay,az line=line+1 n=n+1 if( write(6,*)' Too many transitions ',nm0 close(2) stop endif if(ok.eq.'L')then d(n,1)=-ax d(n,2)=-ay d(n,3)=-az else d(n,1)=ax d(n,2)=ay d(n,3)=az endif goto 3 21 backspace 2 goto 1 endif c if(s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition magnetic' 1)then write(6,2000)s80 read(2,*) line=line+1 31 read(2,*,end=211,err=211)ndumm,axm,aym,azm line=line+1 nm=nm+1 r(nm,1)=axm r(nm,2)=aym r(nm,3)=azm if( write(6,*)' Too many transitions ',nm0 close(2) stop endif goto 31 211 backspace 2 endif c if(s80(2:15).eq.'Excited State ')then ne=ne+1 write(6,2000)s80 open(8,file='scr') write(8,800)s80(15:18),s80(48:54) 800 format(a4,1x,a8) rewind 8 read(8,*)ndumm,e(ne) close(8) endif C Dalton output catching: if(s80(20:61).eq.'Oscillator and Scalar Rotational Strengths')then idal=1 write(6,2000)s80 do 7 i=1,8 read(2,*) 7 line=line+1 41 read(2,*,end=212,err=212)ndumm,ndumm,ev,dv,dl,rv,rl,rlo line=line+1 n=n+1 ne=ne+1 nm=nm+1 if( write(6,*)' Too many transitions ',nm0 close(2) stop endif e(ne)=1.0d7/(ev*8065.54093d0) if(ok.eq.'L')then ds(ne)=dl rs(ne)=rl else ds(ne)=dv rs(ne)=rv endif goto 41 212 backspace 2 endif goto 1 c 2 close(2) write(6,*) write(6,*)line,' lines read' write(6,*)n ,' electric dipoles' write(6,*)nm,' magnetic dipoles' write(6,*)ne,' electric transitions' if( open(3,file='UVCD.TAB') write(3,3000) 3000 format(/,'freq dipole strength rotatory strength',/,80(1h-)) do 6 i=1,n if(idal.eq.0)then ds(i)=d(i,1)*d(i,1)+d(i,2)*d(i,2)+d(i,3)*d(i,3) rs(i)=d(i,1)*r(i,1)+d(i,2)*r(i,2)+d(i,3)*r(i,3) endif 6 write(3,3001)i,e(i),ds(i),rs(i) 3001 format(i4,f10.2,2f20.10) write(3,3002) 3002 format(80(1h-)) close(3) write(6,*)'UVCD.TAB written' else write(6,*)'inconsistent input' endif stop end