PROGRAM FCF c compile by FORTRAN 90 c Frank-Condon factors c maxb ... maximum excitation c M3 ... number of oscillators c nk0 ... numer of k-points c dimension of the m-vector batch IMPLICIT none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe,time,tim,NB0 parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 maxn,ii,jj,j,k,kk,nk,n,iq,nv(M3),mv(M3),LEXCL, 1N7,m1,jq,ic,i,imaxu,INDX(M3),GEXCL,EEXCL,IWR,nlim,I2e,J1e,J2e, 1state(M3),staten(M3),IEX,it,NEXC,NNEXC,sm(maxe),sn(maxe), 1ie0,mm,units,NP,ifc,kt,kmax,NOH,ig,NG1,NG2,NE1,NE2,I1g,I2g,I1e, 1kkr(maxb,2*nk0+1),IK,IG1,I0,IE,IG2,NDIM,NST real*8 pi,p,ank,ak,akfac,tp,stp,air,aii,ai,BOXF,OH,Cwork(M3), 1xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1),xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),q,xq,fik,box,Determ, 1w(M3,M3),ww(M3,M3),U(M3),UU(M3),e,es(M3),fcf1,fcf2, 1maxu,fcf3,wt(M3,M3),RSCALE, 1TEMP,Boltzmann,ktcm,EDIF,STRENGTH,EN, 1EE,wcm,wev,wnm,zpeg,zpee,Wi(M3,M3),fcf4,fcf5,fcf6, 1om,XMIN,XMAX,DX,y,yt, 1ykr(maxb,2*nk0+1),yki(maxb,2*nk0+1),ifct real*8,allocatable::akb(:),eeb(:),S(:),BIGC(:) integer*4,allocatable::mvb(:) common/ho/p(maxb,maxb),ank(maxb),e(M3) logical lex,ltest,lspec,ltab,LG,lanharm character*4 so,unitc(3) data unitc/' eV',' nm','cm-1'/ integer*4 ix,iy,iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz integer*4 N7g,Ng,LEXCLg,NHBIGg,MVg,KGg,ISBg integer*4,allocatable::ICCg(:,:),INg(:,:),ISg(:),ISIg(:,:) real*8 WDUMM real*8,allocatable::CFIg(:),EAHg(:),Wg(:) integer*4 N7e,Ne,LEXCLe,NHBIGe,MVe,KGe,ISBe,IDUM integer*4,allocatable::ICCe(:,:),INe(:,:),ISe(:),ISIe(:,:) real*8,allocatable::CFIe(:),EAHe(:),We(:) c Qs excited state normal mode coordinates, qs dimensionless c Ql ground state normal mode coordinates, qs dimensionless c Qs,i=wi,j Ql,j + Ui c qs,i=sqrt(esi/elj)wi,j Ql,j +sqrt(esi) Ui =wwik qli + uui c NG1=1 NG2=1 NE1=0 NE2=0 ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 N7=0 N=0 tim=time() NB0=200 pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi stp=dsqrt(tp) ai=0 do 108 i=1,M3 do 108 j=1,M3 108 w(i,j)=0.0d0 do 109 i=1,M3 nv(i)=1 mv(i)=1 u(i)=0.0d0 w(i,i)=1.0d0 e(i)=1.0d0 109 es(i)=1.0d0 ie0=300 ltest=.false. N7=1 ifc=1 LEXCL=20 nlim=6 IWR=1 NK=6 GEXCL=1 EEXCL=2 M1=10 BOXF=1.0d0 TEMP=298.0d0 NOH=3 EDIF=7.0d0 STRENGTH=1.0d0 lspec=.true. LG=.false. ltab=.true. XMIN=0.3d0 NP=1000 XMAX=2.0d0 DX=0.006d0 kmax=4 c UNITS: 1(eV) 2(nm) 3(cm-1): UNITS=1 RSCALE=1.0d0 maxn=0 inquire(file='g.scr',exist=lanharm) if(lanharm)then c g.scr is EIGEN.SCR from s4 for ground state OPEN(4,FILE='g.scr',FORM='UNFORMATTED') READ(4)N7g,Ng,LEXCLg,NHBIGg,MVg,KGg,ISBg write(6,6401)N7g,Ng,LEXCLg,NHBIGg,MVg,KGg,ISBg 6401 format('N7:',i4,'N:',i4,'LEXCL:',i4,'NHBIG:',i8,'MV:', 1 i4,'KG:',i4,'ISB:',i4) allocate(ICCg(NHBIGg,LEXCLg),INg(NHBIGg,LEXCLg),ISg(NHBIGg), 1 CFIg(NHBIGg),ISIg(KGg,4),EAHg(NHBIGg)) READ(4)(IDUM,I=1,NHBIGg) ,(ISg(I),I=1,NHBIGg), 1 ((ICCg(I,J),I=1,NHBIGg),J=1,LEXCLg) , 1 ((INg(I,J),I=1,NHBIGg),J=1,LEXCLg), 2 (EAHg(I),I=1,MVg),(Wg(I),I=N7g,Ng),(WDUMM,I=N7g,Ng), 3 ((IDUM,K=1,2),J=1,ISBg),((ISIg(J,K),K=1,4),J=1,KGg) CLOSE(4) write(6,*)'Anharmonic parameters read from g.scr' OPEN(4,FILE='e.scr',FORM='UNFORMATTED') READ(4)N7e,Ne,LEXCLe,NHBIGe,MVe,KGe,ISBe write(6,6401)N7e,Ne,LEXCLe,NHBIGe,MVe,KGe,ISBe allocate(ICCe(NHBIGe,LEXCLe),INe(NHBIGe,LEXCLe),ISe(NHBIGe), 1 CFIe(NHBIGe),ISIe(KGe,4),EAHe(NHBIGe)) READ(4)(IDUM,I=1,NHBIGe) ,(ISe(I),I=1,NHBIGe), 1 ((ICCe(I,J),I=1,NHBIGe),J=1,LEXCLe) , 1 ((INe(I,J),I=1,NHBIGe),J=1,LEXCLe), 2 (EAHe(I),I=1,MVe),(We(I),I=N7e,Ne),(WDUMM,I=N7e,Ne), 3 ((IDUM,K=1,2),J=1,ISBe),((ISIe(J,K),K=1,4),J=1,KGe) CLOSE(4) write(6,*)'Anharmonic parameters read from e.scr' NE1=1 NE2=NHBIGe endif inquire(file='FCF.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'FCF.OPT found' open(9,file='FCF.OPT') 92 read(9,919,end=9191,err=9191)so 919 format(a4) if(so.eq.'TEMP')read(9,*)TEMP if(so.eq.'RSCA')read(9,*)RSCALE if(so.eq.'SPEC')read(9,*)lspec if(so.eq.'TABL')read(9,*)ltab if(so.eq.'UNIT')read(9,*)UNITS if(so.eq.'IE0 ')read(9,*)ie0 if(so.eq.'IWR ')read(9,*)IWR if(so.eq.'IFC ')read(9,*)ifc if(so.eq.'GAUS')read(9,*)LG if(so.eq.'TEST')read(9,*)ltest if(so.eq.'EDIF')read(9,*)EDIF if(so.eq.'GEXC')read(9,*)GEXCL if(so.eq.'EEXC')read(9,*)EEXCL if(so.eq.'STRE')read(9,*)STRENGTH if(so.eq.'LEXC')read(9,*)LEXCL if(so.eq.'NLIM')read(9,*)nlim if(so.eq.'NK ')read(9,*)NK if(so.eq.'NP ')read(9,*)NP if(so.eq.'XMIN')read(9,*)XMIN if(so.eq.'NB0 ')read(9,*)NB0 if(so.eq.'XMAX')read(9,*)XMAX if(so.eq.'KMAX')read(9,*)kmax if(so.eq.'DX ')read(9,*)DX if(so.eq.'BOXF')read(9,*)BOXF if(so.eq.'M1 ')read(9,*)M1 if(so.eq.'N7 ')read(9,*)N7 if(so.eq.'N ')read(9,*)N if(so.eq.'NOH ')read(9,*)NOH goto 92 9191 close(9) endif allocate(S(NP)) inquire(file='fg.inp',exist=lex) if(lex)then inquire(file='fe.inp',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'fg.inp and fe.inp found' call ALLIGN(N7,N,WW,UU,e,es,WI,IWR,WT) endif endif inquire(file='NM.TXT',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'NM.TXT found' open(9,file='NM.TXT') read(9,*)(nv(i),i=N7,N) read(9,*)(mv(i),i=N7,N) close(9) maxn=1 do 112 i=N7,N if(mv(i).gt.maxn)maxn=mv(i) 112 if(nv(i).gt.maxn)maxn=nv(i) endif inquire(file='E.TXT',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'E.TXT found' open(9,file='E.TXT') do 110 iq=N7,N 110 read(9,*)e(iq),es(iq) close(9) endif inquire(file='U.TXT',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'U.TXT found' open(9,file='U.TXT') read(9,*)(uu(iq),iq=N7,N) close(9) endif inquire(file='W.TXT',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)'W.TXT found' open(9,file='W.TXT') do 114 iq=N7,N read(9,*)(ww(iq,jq),jq=N7,N) do 114 jq=N7,N wi(iq,jq)=ww(iq,jq) 114 wt(iq,jq)=ww(iq,jq) close(9) endif maxu=0.0d0 imaxu=1 do 1131 iq=N7,N if(dabs(uu(iq)).gt.maxu)then maxu=dabs(uu(iq)) imaxu=iq endif 1131 continue write(6,6500)TEMP,unitc(UNITS),IFC,lspec,ltab,ltest 6500 format(' TEMP: ',f8.2,' UNITS:',4x,a4,' IFC:',i8,/, 1 ' SPEC: ',l8 ,' TABL:',l8 ,' TEST:',l8) write(6,6501)LG,XMIN,XMAX,NP,DX,STRENGTH 6501 format(' GAUSS: ',l8 ,' XMIN:',g8.2 ,' XMAX:',g8.2,/, 1 ' NP: ',i8 ,' DX:',g8.2 ,' STRE:',g8.2) write(6,6502)GEXCL,EEXCL,EDIF,LEXCL,NK,kmax 6502 format(' GEXC: ',i8 ,' EEXC:',i8 ,' EDIF:',g8.2,/, 1 ' LEXC: ',i8 ,' NK:',g8.2 ,' KMAX:',g8.2) OH=10.0d0**(-NOH*(N-N7+1)*2) write(6,6503)ie0,IWR,NLIM,NB0,BOXF,M1,N7,N,NOH,OH 6503 format(' IE0: ',i8 ,' IWR:',i8 ,' NLIM:',i8,/, 1 ' NB0: ',i8 ,' BOXF:',f8.2 ,' M1:',i8,/, 1 ' N7: ',i8 ,' N:',i8 ,' NOH:',i8,/, 1 ' OH: ',g8.2) ktcm=0.69507d0*TEMP c maximu exc number/Hermite polynomial degree: if( report('too many k-points') if( report('Too many excitations required') if(maxn.eq.0)maxn=max(EEXCL,GEXCL)+1 if(*NK+1)call report('KMAX > 2NK+1') write(6,*)'Ground and excited state oscillator energies:' do 111 iq=N7,N 111 write(6,6508)iq,e(iq),es(iq) 6508 format(i4,2f10.1) write(6,6045)maxn-1 6045 format(' Max n :',i5) if( report('maxn too high') write(6,6009)imaxu,maxu 6009 format(' Max shift:',i5,f15.4) box=BOXF*(dsqrt(2.0d0*dble(maxn))*3.0d0*sqrt(2.0d0)+maxu) c iniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniini do 105 k=1,maxn akfac=1.0d0 do 101 kk=1,k-1 101 akfac=akfac*dble(kk) 105 ank(k)=dsqrt(dsqrt(1.0d0/pi)/2.0d0**(k-1)/akfac) do 103 ii=1,maxn do 103 jj=1,maxn 103 p(jj,ii)=0.0d0 p(1,1)=1.0d0 k=1 102 k=k+1 p(k,1 )=-p(k-1,2) do 104 j=2,k-2 104 p(k,j )=(2.0d0*p(k-1,j-1)-dble(j)*p(k-1,j+1)) if(,k-1)=2.0d0*p(k-1,k-2) p(k,k )=2.0d0*p(k-1,k-1) if( 102 c iniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniiniini c c transformation of all basis:x(q) .. harmonic oscillator fcion of q c xk=int(x(q) exp(-ik.q),q=-inf...inf) do 1 k=-nk,nk ak=tp*dble(k)/box do 1 j=1,maxn xkr(j,k+nk+1)=0.0d0 xki(j,k+nk+1)=0.0d0 do 1 ii=1,j c int(q^n exp(-q^2/2-ik.q)/sqrt(2*pi),q=-inf...inf) c air,aii .. real an imag. parts call intq(ii-1,ak,air,aii) xkr(j,k+nk+1)=xkr(j,k+nk+1)+p(j,ii)*ank(j)*air*stp/box 1 xki(j,k+nk+1)=xki(j,k+nk+1)+p(j,ii)*ank(j)*aii*stp/box c c normalize coeffs c do 5 j=1,maxn c akfac=0.0d0 c do 6 k=-nk,nk c akfac=akfac+xkr(j,k+nk+1)**2+xki(j,k+nk+1)**2 c if( c do 7 k=-nk,nk c xki(j,k+nk+1)=xki(j,k+nk+1)/dsqrt(akfac) c xkr(j,k+nk+1)=xkr(j,k+nk+1)/dsqrt(akfac) c endif c continue c write(6,*)'trafo done' open(30,file='0.prn') open(39,file='n.prn') open(40,file='0f.prn') open(49,file='nf.prn') do 2 iq=-500,500 q=dble(iq)/1000.d0*box xq=0.0d0 do 3 kk=-nk,nk ak=tp*dble(kk)/box 3 xq=xq+xkr(1,kk+nk+1)*cos(ak*q)-xki(1,kk+nk+1)*sin(ak*q) write(30,3001)q,xq 3001 format(2f20.3) write(40,3001)q,fik(1,q) xq=0.0d0 do 39 kk=-nk,nk ak=tp*dble(kk)/box 39 xq=xq+xkr(maxn,kk+nk+1)*cos(ak*(q-maxu)) 1 -xki(maxn,kk+nk+1)*sin(ak*(q-maxu)) write(39,3001)q,xq 2 write(49,3001)q,fik(maxn,q-maxu) close(30) close(40) close(39) close(49) write(6,*)' HO transformations done' c order the coefficients according to their size: if(ifc.eq.9)then do 401 j=1,maxn do 4012 k=1,2*nk+1 ykr(j,k)=xkr(j,k) yki(j,k)=xki(j,k) 4012 kkr(j,k)=k-nk-1 do 401 k=1,2*nk+1 do 401 kk=k+1,2*nk+1 if(ykr(j,kk)**2+yki(j,kk)**,k)**2+yki(j,k)**2)then yt=ykr(j,kk) ykr(j,kk)=ykr(j,k) ykr(j,k)=yt yt=yki(j,kk) yki(j,kk)=yki(j,k) yki(j,k)=yt kt=kkr(j,kk) kkr(j,kk)=kkr(j,k) kkr(j,k)=kt endif 401 continue write(6,*)'Coefficients ordered according to their size' endif call DTRM(WT,M3,N-N7+1,Determ,INDX,Cwork) write(6,6111)Determ,N7,N 6111 format(' Transformation determinant:',f10.3,' N7:',i2,' N:',i3) Determ=dsqrt(dabs(Determ)) if(ltest)then write(6,*) write(6,6001) write(6,6002)(nv(iq)-1,iq=N7,N) write(6,6005) write(6,6002)(mv(iq)-1,iq=N7,N) write(6,6004) if(ifc.eq.1)then ak=fcf1(nv,mv,nk,ww,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.2)then ak=fcf2(nv,mv,nk,ww,uu,LEXCL,nlim,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.3)then ak=fcf3(nv,mv,nk,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.4)then ak=fcf4(nv,mv,nk,ww,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.5)then ak=fcf5(nv,mv,nk,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.6)ak=fcf6(nv,mv, 1 nk,wi,uu,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,ai,OH,ie0) endif endif endif endif endif ak=ak*Determ ai=ai*Determ write(6,6003)ifc,ak,ai stop endif it=0 if(ltab)then open(9,file='FCF.TAB') write(9,*) write(9,*) write(9,*) endif if(lspec)then do 400 iq=1,NP 400 S(iq)=0.0d0 endif zpeg=0.0d0 zpee=0.0d0 do 52 iq=N7,N zpeg=zpeg+e(iq)/2.0d0 52 zpee=zpee+es(iq)/2.0d0 ifct=0.0d0 if(lanharm)then c produce ground states: do 503 ig=NG1,NG2 EN=EAHg(ig)*219470.0d0 Boltzmann=exp(-EN/ktcm) if( 503 if(,6112)Boltzmann c find symmetry: KK=0 DO 1001 IK=1,KGg 1001 IF(IG.GE.ISIg(IK,3).AND.IG.LE.ISIg(IK,4))KK=IK I1g=ISIg(KK,1) I2g=ISIg(KK,2) WRITE(6,302)IG,KK,EN 302 format(' Ground state ',i5,', symmetry ',i2,/, 1 ' energy ',f10.2,' cm-1') CALL LOADC('cfig.scr',IG,CFIG,IG2-IG1+1) C Loop over all symmetries DO 501 I0=1,KGe I1e=ISIe(I0,1) I2e=ISIe(I0,2) J1e=ISIe(I0,3) J2e=ISIe(I0,4) NDIM=I2e-I1e+1 NST=J2e-J1e+1 IF(I1e.NE.0)THEN write(6,*)'Symmetry ',I0,NST,NDIM allocate(BIGC(NDIM*NST),akb(NDIM),eeb(NDIM)) DO 816 IE=J1e,J2e ee=EAHe(IE)*219470.0d0 wcm=8065.5d0*EDIF+ee-en+zpee-zpeg wnm=1.0d7/wcm wev=wcm/8065.5d0 if(units.eq.1)then om=wev else if(units.eq.2)then om=wnm else if(units.eq.3)then om=wcm else call report('unknown units') endif endif endif ifct=ifct+1.0d0 eeb(IE)=om CALL LOADC('cfie.scr',IE,CFIe,NDIM) DO 816 I=1,NDIM 816 BIGC(I+(IE-1)*NDIM)=CFIe(I) call fcf8ah(nk,w,u,xkr,xki,N7g,Ng,N7e,Ne,box, 1 akb,OH,ie0,NST,RSCALE,INg,ISg,ISe,INe,CFIG,NHBIGg,LEXCLg, 1 NHBIGe,LEXCLe,I1g,I2g,I1e,I2e,CFIE,maxn,ICCg,ICCe) do 3041 ii=1,NDIM if(dabs(akb(ii)).gt.OH)then ak=akb(ii) ak=ak*Determ om=eeb(ii) y=STRENGTH*ak**2*Boltzmann if(lspec)call tabprnfs(S,XMIN,XMAX,LG,NP,DX,om,y,0) it=it+1 if(ltab)write(9,6011)it,om,y,IG,II 6011 format(i4,f18.9,g17.6,' ',2I8) endif 3041 continue deallocate(BIGC,akb,eeb) ENDIF 501 continue 503 continue if(ltab)write(9,90011) if(ltab)close(9) if(lspec)call tabprnfs(S,XMIN,XMAX,LG,NP,DX,0.0d0,0.0d0,1) write(6,6505)ifct write(6,6504)(time()-tim) deallocate(S) stop c end of anharmonic endif if( allocate(mvb(NB0*M3),akb(NB0),eeb(NB0)) endif c produce ground states c loop start 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 do 31 Nnexc=0,GEXCL do 411 iex=1,Nnexc 411 sn(iex)=N7 51 DO 19661 I=N7,N 19661 STATEn(I)=0 do 44 iex=1,Nnexc 44 staten(sn(iex))=staten(sn(iex))+1 EN=0.0d0 DO 45 I=N7,N 45 EN=EN+dble(staten(I))*E(I) Boltzmann=exp(-EN/ktcm) if( 444 if(,6112)Boltzmann 6112 format(' exp(-E/kt):',f10.6) c do 45 iex=1,Nnexc c5 if(staten(sn(iex)).gt.m1)goto 444 mm=0 c produce excited states c 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 do 311 Nexc=0,EEXCL do 4111 iex=1,Nexc 4111 sm(iex)=N7 511 DO 661 I=N7,N 661 STATE(I)=0 do 441 iex=1,Nexc 441 state(sm(iex))=state(sm(iex))+1 ee=0.0d0 DO 46 I=N7,N 46 ee=ee+dble(state(I))*ES(I) c do 45 iex=1,Nnexc c5 if(staten(sn(iex)).gt.m1)goto 344 do 47 iq=N7,N nv(iq)=staten(iq)+1 47 mv(iq)=state(iq) +1 wcm=8065.5d0*EDIF+ee-en+zpee-zpeg wnm=1.0d7/wcm wev=wcm/8065.5d0 if(units.eq.1)then om=wev else if(units.eq.2)then om=wnm else if(units.eq.3)then om=wcm else call report('unknown units') endif endif endif ifct=ifct+1.0d0 if(ifc.eq.1)then ak=fcf1(nv,mv,nk,ww,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.2)then ak=fcf2(nv,mv,nk,ww,uu,LEXCL,nlim,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.3)then ak=fcf3(nv,mv,nk,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.4)then ak=fcf4(nv,mv,nk,ww,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.5)then ak=fcf5(nv,mv,nk,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,m1,ai,OH) else if(ifc.eq.6)then ak=fcf6(nv,mv,nk,wi,uu,xkr,xki,N7,N,box,ai,OH,ie0) else if(ifc.eq.7.or.ifc.eq.8.or.ifc.eq.9)then if( report('ifc 7, 8 and 9 only for ground 0') mm=mm+1 eeb(mm)=om do 301 iq=N7,N 301 mvb(mm+(iq-1)*NB0)=mv(iq) if(mm.eq.NB0)then if(ifc.eq.7)then call fcf7(nv,mvb,nk,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 m1,akb,OH,mm,NB0) else if(ifc.eq.8)then call fcf8(nv,mvb,nk,wi,uu,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 akb,OH,ie0,mm,NB0,RSCALE) else call fcf9(nv,mvb,nk,kmax,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 akb,OH,mm,ykr,yki,kkr,NB0) endif endif do 303 ii=1,mm if(dabs(akb(ii)).gt.OH)then ak=akb(ii) ak=ak*Determ om=eeb(ii) y=STRENGTH*ak**2*Boltzmann if(lspec)call tabprnfs(S,XMIN,XMAX,LG,NP,DX,om,y,0) if(ltab)then it=it+1 write(9,900)it,om,y write(9,6001) 6001 format('<',$) write(9,6002)(nv(iq)-1,iq=N7,N) 6002 format(i1,$) write(9,6005) 6005 format('|',$) write(9,6002)(mvb(ii+(iq-1)*NB0)-1,iq=N7,N) write(9,6004) 6004 format('>') endif endif 303 continue mm=0 endif else call report('unknown IFC') endif endif endif endif endif endif endif if( ak=ak*Determ ai=ai*Determ if(,6003)ifc,ak,ai 6003 format(' FCF',i1,' = ',2f10.6) if(ltest)stop y=STRENGTH*ak**2*Boltzmann if(lspec)call tabprnfs(S,XMIN,XMAX,LG,NP,DX,om,y,0) it=it+1 if(ltab)then write(9,900)it,om,y 900 format(i4,f18.9,g17.6,' ',$) write(9,6001) write(9,6002)(nv(iq)-1,iq=N7,N) write(9,6005) write(9,6002)(mv(iq)-1,iq=N7,N) write(9,6004) endif endif c344 continue if(Nexc.eq.0)goto 311 do 811 ic=Nexc,1,-1 811 if(sm(ic).lt.N)goto 911 goto 311 911 do 1011 i=ic+1,Nexc 1011 sm(i)=sm(ic)+1 sm(ic)=sm(ic)+1 goto 511 311 continue c loop end 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 c if(ifc.eq.7.or.ifc.eq.8.or.ifc.eq.9)then if(ifc.eq.7)then call fcf7(nv,mvb,nk,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 m1,akb,OH,mm,NB0) else if(ifc.eq.8)then call fcf8(nv,mvb,nk,wi,uu,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 akb,OH,ie0,mm,NB0,RSCALE) else call fcf9(nv,mvb,nk,kmax,wi,uu,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1 akb,OH,mm,ykr,yki,kkr,NB0) endif endif do 304 ii=1,mm if(dabs(akb(ii)).gt.OH)then ak=akb(ii) ak=ak*Determ om=eeb(ii) y=STRENGTH*ak**2*Boltzmann if(lspec)call tabprnfs(S,XMIN,XMAX,LG,NP,DX,om,y,0) it=it+1 if(ltab)then write(9,900)it,om,y write(9,6001) write(9,6002)(nv(iq)-1,iq=N7,N) write(9,6005) write(9,6002)(mvb(ii+(iq-1)*NB0)-1,iq=N7,N) write(9,6004) endif endif 304 continue endif 444 if(Nnexc.eq.0)goto 31 do 81 ic=Nnexc,1,-1 81 if(sn(ic).lt.N)goto 91 goto 31 91 do 402 i=ic+1,Nnexc 402 sn(i)=sn(ic)+1 sn(ic)=sn(ic)+1 goto 51 31 continue c loop end 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 if( deallocate(mvb,akb,eeb) endif if(ltab)write(9,90011) if(ltab)close(9) 90011 format(60(1h-)) if(lspec)call tabprnfs(S,XMIN,XMAX,LG,NP,DX,0.0d0,0.0d0,1) write(6,6505)ifct 6505 format(f20.0,' factors') write(6,6504)(time()-tim) 6504 format(' Time: ',i8,' sec. ') deallocate(S) stop end c ======================================================= subroutine tabprnfs(S,wsmin,wsmax,LG,npoint,hw,wo,x,ic) implicit none integer*4 ic,npoint,i real*8 wsmax,wsmin,s(*),x,dw,dd,hw,xx,wo,sf logical LG dw=(wsmax-wsmin)/dble(npoint-1) if(ic.eq.0)then c disperse value over spectrum if(LG)then dd=hw/2.0d0/dsqrt(log(2.0d0)) else dd=hw/2.0d0 endif do 4 i=1,npoint xx=wsmin+dw*dble(i-1) 4 s(i)=s(i)+sf(dd,LG,xx,wo)*x else c write spectrum call wrspec2('S.PRN',npoint,wsmin,dw,s) endif return end c ================================================================== subroutine wrspec2(sn,nw,wmin,dw,spec) implicit none character*(*) sn integer*4 nw,iw real*8 wmin,dw,spec(*),w open(8,file=sn) do 1 iw=1,nw w=wmin+dble(iw-1)*dw 1 write(8,805)w,spec(iw) 805 format(f18.7,g15.6) close(8) write(6,*)sn,' written' return end c ================================================================== function sf(d,g,x,x0) implicit none logical g real*8 pi,spi,sf,d,x,x0,dd pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) spi=dsqrt(pi) dd=((x-x0)/d)**2 c write(6,*)d,x,x0,g if(g)then if( sf=exp(-dd)/d/spi else sf=0.0d0 endif else if( sf=1.0d0/d/(dd+1.0d0)/pi else sf=0.0d0 endif endif return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fcf1(nv,mv,nk,w,u,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1m1,fcsumi,OH) c via delta-f, standard implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,Nexc,iex,m1,j, 1state(M3),si(maxe),kstate(M3),ic,LEXCL,ii real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcf1,fcsumr,fcsumi,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,prl,pil,box,fim,pi,tp,aw(M3), 1ptr,pti,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,air,aii,ank,p,stp,e common/ho/p(maxb,maxb),ank(maxb),e(M3) c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi stp=dsqrt(tp) fcsumr=0.0d0 fcsumi=0.0d0 c distribute k-"excitations" on electronic excited coeff C "Ground state" zero coeffs. - always: c a.b = (ReaReb-ImaImb) + i (ReaImb+ImaReb): c ps=xs1(0)*xs2(0)...xsN(0) prs= xkr(mv(N7),nk+1) pis= xki(mv(N7),nk+1) do 1 i=N7+1,N t = prs*xkr(mv(i),nk+1)-pis*xki(mv(i),nk+1) pis= prs*xki(mv(i),nk+1)+pis*xkr(mv(i),nk+1) prs=t 1 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 1001 c pl=xl1(0)*xl2(0)...xlN(0) prl= xkr(nv(N7),nk+1) pil= xki(nv(N7),nk+1) do 2 i=N7+1,N t = prl*xkr(nv(i),nk+1)-pil*xki(nv(i),nk+1) pil= prl*xki(nv(i),nk+1)+pil*xkr(nv(i),nk+1) prl=t 2 if(abs(prl)+abs(pil).lt.OH)goto 1001 c ps* x pl: c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*prl+pis*pil)*box fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pil-pis*prl)*box c c distribute LEXCL onto the excited k-expansions N7...N c loop start 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1001 do 3 Nexc=1,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.m1)goto 333 c c odd excitation - positive (N+1)/2 c even excitation - neagtive N/2 do 43 I=N7,N if(mod(state(I),2).eq.0)then kstate(I)=-state(I)/2 else kstate(I)=(state(I)+1)/2 endif if(abs(kstate(i)).gt.nk)goto 333 43 continue c c calculate the phase and product exp(if)xs... fim=0.0d0 do 10 I=N7,N 10 fim=fim+u(I)*kstate(I)*tp/box prs=cos(fim) pis=sin(fim) do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c write(6,*)'ks',kstate(1),prs,pis c c calculate the aw products (skip 2 pi /L multiplier) do 12 i=N7,N aw(i)=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 aw(i)=aw(i)+dble(kstate(j))*w(j,i)*tp/box c c calculate the phase and product (exp(-if)xs*(1)xs*(2)...)xl(1)... ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N ak=aw(i) xkrn=0.0d0 xkin=0.0d0 do 6 ii=1,nv(i) call intq(ii-1,ak,air,aii) xkrn=xkrn+p(nv(i),ii)*ank(nv(i))*air*stp 6 xkin=xkin+p(nv(i),ii)*ank(nv(i))*aii*stp c write(6,*)xkrn,xkin c write(6,*)xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)),xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) t = ptr*xkrn-pti*xkin pti= ptr*xkin+pti*xkrn ptr=t 111 if(abs(ptr)+abs(pti).lt.OH)goto 333 c write(6,*)'kl',kstate(1),ptr,pti c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*ptr+pis*pti) fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pti-pis*ptr) c find index to be changed 333 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 fcf1=fcsumr return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fcf2(nv,mv,nk,w,u,LEXCL,nlim,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1m1,fcsumi,OH) c left sin ... very slow, results virtually sae as fcf1 c not recommended for normal computation implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),nlim,N7,i,nk,N,Nexc,Nnexc,iex,m1,j, 1state(M3),staten(M3),si(maxe),sn(maxe),kstate(M3),kstaten(M3), 1naw(M3),ic,LEXCL real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcf2,fcsumr,fcsumi,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,prl,pil,box,fim,pi,tp,aw(M3), 1dk,sf,ptr,pti,OH,t c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c nlim .. take ground ks only within this limit around excited ks c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi fcsumr=0.0d0 fcsumi=0.0d0 c distribute k-"excitations" on electronic excited coeff C "Ground state" zero coeffs. - always: c a.b = (ReaReb-ImaImb) + i (ReaImb+ImaReb): c ps=xs1(0)*xs2(0)...xsN(0) prs= xkr(mv(N7),nk+1) pis= xki(mv(N7),nk+1) do 1 i=N7+1,N t = prs*xkr(mv(i),nk+1)-pis*xki(mv(i),nk+1) pis= prs*xki(mv(i),nk+1)+pis*xkr(mv(i),nk+1) prs=t 1 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 1001 c pl=xl1(0)*xl2(0)...xlN(0) prl= xkr(nv(N7),nk+1) pil= xki(nv(N7),nk+1) do 2 i=N7+1,N t = prl*xkr(nv(i),nk+1)-pil*xki(nv(i),nk+1) pil= prl*xki(nv(i),nk+1)+pil*xkr(nv(i),nk+1) prl=t 2 if(abs(prl)+abs(pil).lt.OH)goto 1001 c ps* x pl: c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*prl+pis*pil)*box fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pil-pis*prl)*box c c distribute LEXCL onto the excited k-expansions N7...N c loop start 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1001 do 3 Nexc=1,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.m1)goto 333 c c odd excitation - positive (N+1)/2 c even excitation - neagtive N/2 do 43 I=N7,N if(mod(state(I),2).eq.0)then kstate(I)=-state(I)/2 else kstate(I)=(state(I)+1)/2 endif if(abs(kstate(i)).gt.nk)goto 333 43 continue c c calculate the phase and product exp(if)xs... fim=0.0d0 do 10 I=N7,N 10 fim=fim+u(I)*kstate(I)*tp/box prs=cos(fim) pis=sin(fim) do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c write(6,*)'ks',kstate(1),prs,pis c c calculate the aw products (skip 2 pi /L multiplier) do 12 i=N7,N aw(i)=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 aw(i)=aw(i)+dble(kstate(j))*w(j,i) c closest integer value: do 121 i=N7,N 121 naw(i)=NINT(aw(i)) c c take n-k vectors in the vicinity of aw c generate excitations on the n(ground state) site c loop start 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 do 31 Nnexc=1,LEXCL do 411 iex=1,Nnexc 411 sn(iex)=N7 51 DO 19661 I=N7,N 19661 STATEn(I)=0 do 44 iex=1,Nnexc 44 staten(sn(iex))=staten(sn(iex))+1 do 45 iex=1,Nnexc 45 if(staten(sn(iex)).gt.m1)goto 444 do 421 I=N7,N if(mod(staten(I),2).eq.0)then kstaten(I)=-staten(I)/2 else kstaten(I)=(staten(I)+1)/2 endif c take only states that are close to aw if(abs(kstaten(i)).gt.nk)goto 444 421 if(iabs(kstaten(I)-naw(I)).gt.nlim)goto 444 c c calculate the phase and product (exp(-if)xs*(1)xs*(2)...)xl(1)... ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N t = ptr*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstaten(i))-pti*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstaten(i)) pti= ptr*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstaten(i))+pti*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstaten(i)) ptr=t if(abs(ptr)+abs(pti).lt.OH)goto 444 dk=dble(kstaten(i))-aw(i) if(dabs(dk).gt.OH)then sf=2.0d0*sin(pi*dk)/(tp*dk/box) else sf=box endif ptr=ptr*sf 111 pti=pti*sf c write(6,*)'kl',kstaten(1),ptr,pti c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*ptr+pis*pti) fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pti-pis*ptr) c 444 do 81 ic=Nnexc,1,-1 81 if(sn(ic).lt.N)goto 91 goto 31 91 do 101 i=ic+1,Nnexc 101 sn(i)=sn(ic)+1 sn(ic)=sn(ic)+1 goto 51 31 continue c loop end 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 c find index to be changed 333 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 fcf2=fcsumr return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fcf3(nv,mv,nk,w,u,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1m1,fcsumi,OH) c ground state first, otherwise same as fcf1 implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,Nexc,iex,m1,j, 1state(M3),si(maxe),kstate(M3),ic,LEXCL,ii real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcf3,fcsumr,fcsumi,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp, 1ptr,pti,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,air,aii,ank,p,stp,e common/ho/p(maxb,maxb),ank(maxb),e(M3) c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi stp=dsqrt(tp) fcsumr=0.0d0 fcsumi=0.0d0 c distribute k-"excitations" on electronic excited coeff c start with ground as it may need less k-points do 3 Nexc=0,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.m1)goto 333 c c odd excitation - positive (N+1)/2 c even excitation - neagtive N/2 do 43 I=N7,N if(mod(state(I),2).eq.0)then kstate(I)=-state(I)/2 else kstate(I)=(state(I)+1)/2 endif if(abs(kstate(i)).gt.nk)goto 333 43 continue c c calculate the product xl... prs=1.0d0 pis=0.0d0 do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the product xs... ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 fim=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(i,j) ak=ak*tp/box c calculate the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak c c calculate Fourier expansion of excited at ak: xkrn=0.0d0 xkin=0.0d0 do 6 ii=1,mv(i) call intq(ii-1,ak,air,aii) xkrn=xkrn+p(mv(i),ii)*ank(mv(i))*air*stp 6 xkin=xkin+p(mv(i),ii)*ank(mv(i))*aii*stp t = ptr*xkrn-pti*xkin pti= ptr*xkin+pti*xkrn ptr=t 111 if(abs(ptr)+abs(pti).lt.OH)goto 333 t = ptr*cos(fim)-pti*sin(fim) pti= ptr*sin(fim)+pti*cos(fim) ptr=t c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*ptr+pis*pti) fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pti-pis*ptr) c find index to be changed 333 if(Nexc.eq.0)goto 3 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 fcf3=fcsumr return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fcf4(nv,mv,nk,w,u,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1m1,fcsumi,OH) c fcf1, with an interpolation for k-coefficients implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,Nexc,iex,m1,j, 1state(M3),si(maxe),kstate(M3),ic,LEXCL,km real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcf4,fcsumr,fcsumi,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp, 1ptr,pti,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi fcsumr=0.0d0 fcsumi=0.0d0 c c distribute LEXCL onto the excited k-expansions N7...N c loop start 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 do 3 Nexc=0,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.m1)goto 333 c c odd excitation - positive (N+1)/2 c even excitation - neagtive N/2 do 43 I=N7,N if(mod(state(I),2).eq.0)then kstate(I)=-state(I)/2 else kstate(I)=(state(I)+1)/2 endif if(abs(kstate(i)).gt.nk)goto 333 43 continue c c calculate the phase and product exp(if)xs... fim=0.0d0 do 10 I=N7,N 10 fim=fim+u(I)*kstate(I) fim=fim*tp/box prs=cos(fim) pis=sin(fim) do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the phase and product (exp(-if)xs*(1)xs*(2)...)xl(1)... ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index (j) excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(j,i) if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 333 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 333 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk c c Fourier coefficients by interpolation: xkrn=xkr(nv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(nv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(nv(i),nk+1+km+1) t = ptr*xkrn-pti*xkin pti= ptr*xkin+pti*xkrn ptr=t 111 if(abs(ptr)+abs(pti).lt.OH)goto 333 c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*ptr+pis*pti) fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pti-pis*ptr) c find index to be changed 333 if(Nexc.eq.0)goto 3 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 fcf4=fcsumr*box**(N-N7+1) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fcf5(nv,mv,nk,w,u,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1m1,fcsumi,OH) c fcf3 with interpolation for k-coefficients implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,Nexc,iex,m1,j,km, 1state(M3),si(maxe),kstate(M3),ic,LEXCL real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcf5,fcsumr,fcsumi,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp, 1ptr,pti,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi fcsumr=0.0d0 fcsumi=0.0d0 c distribute k-"excitations" on electronic excited coeff c start with ground as it may need less k-points do 3 Nexc=0,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.m1)goto 333 c c odd excitation - positive (N+1)/2 c even excitation - neagtive N/2 do 43 I=N7,N if(mod(state(I),2).eq.0)then kstate(I)=-state(I)/2 else kstate(I)=(state(I)+1)/2 endif if(abs(kstate(i)).gt.nk)goto 333 43 continue c c calculate the product xl... prs=1.0d0 pis=0.0d0 do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the product xs... ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 fim=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(i,j) if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 333 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 333 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk c calculate the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak*tp/box c write(6,*)fim,ak,u(i) c c Fourier coefficients by interpolation: xkrn=xkr(mv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(mv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(mv(i),nk+1+km+1) c t = ptr*xkrn-pti*xkin pti= ptr*xkin+pti*xkrn ptr=t 111 if(abs(ptr)+abs(pti).lt.OH)goto 333 c read(5,*)ic t = ptr*cos(fim)-pti*sin(fim) pti= ptr*sin(fim)+pti*cos(fim) ptr=t c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=fcsumr+(prs*ptr+pis*pti) fcsumi=fcsumi+(prs*pti-pis*ptr) c find index to be changed 333 if(Nexc.eq.0)goto 3 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 fcf5=fcsumr*box**(N-N7+1) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fcf6(nv,mv,nk,w,u,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1fcsumi,OH,ie0) c integration by random number generation implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3 parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,j,km, 1kstate(M3),k, 1ie0 real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcf6,fcsumr,fcsumi,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp, 1ptr,pti,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko, 1it,ip,im,amax,amaxi,frandom,y c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center integer*4 ix,iy,iz,itc common /randc/ ix, iy, iz ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi fcsumr=0.0d0 fcsumi=0.0d0 amax=1.0d0 do 200 i=N7,N amaxi=0.0d0 do 201 k=-nk,nk if(dabs(xkr(nv(i),nk+1+k)).gt.amaxi)amaxi=dabs(xkr(nv(i),nk+1+k)) 201 if(dabs(xkr(mv(i),nk+1+k)).gt.amaxi)amaxi=dabs(xkr(mv(i),nk+1+k)) 200 amax=amax*amaxi**2 it=0 ip=0 im=0 do 4000 itc=1,ie0 do 43 I=N7,N 43 kstate(I)=int(-nk+int(dble(nk+nk)*frandom())) y=-amax+(amax+amax)*frandom() c prs=1.0d0 pis=0.0d0 ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 c calculate the product xl... do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the product xs... fim=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(i,j) if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 4000 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 4000 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk c calculate the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak*tp/box c c Fourier coefficients by interpolation: xkrn=xkr(mv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(mv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(mv(i),nk+1+km+1) c t = ptr*xkrn-pti*xkin pti= ptr*xkin+pti*xkrn ptr=t 111 if(abs(ptr)+abs(pti).lt.OH)goto 333 333 continue t = ptr*cos(fim)-pti*sin(fim) pti= ptr*sin(fim)+pti*cos(fim) ptr=t c a*.b = (ReaReb+ImaImb) + i (ReaImb-ImaReb): fcsumr=prs*ptr+pis*pti if( if( it=it+1.0d0 4000 continue fcf6=(ip-im)/it*(amax+amax)*dble(nk)**(2*(N-N7+1)) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine fcf7(nv,mv,nk,w,u,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1m1,fcsumr,OH,mm,NB0) c fcf3 with interpolation for k-coefficients c and with batch of m mm vectors implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe,NB0 parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,Nexc,iex,m1,j,km, 1state(M3),si(maxe),kstate(M3),ic,LEXCL,mm,ii,im real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcsumr(*),xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp, 1OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko real*8,allocatable,dimension(:)::ptr,pti c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center allocate(ptr(mm),pti(mm)) pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi do 1 i=1,mm 1 fcsumr(i)=0.0d0 c distribute k-"excitations" on electronic excited coeff c start with ground as it may need less k-points do 3 Nexc=0,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.m1)goto 333 c c odd excitation - positive (N+1)/2 c even excitation - neagtive N/2 do 43 I=N7,N if(mod(state(I),2).eq.0)then kstate(I)=-state(I)/2 else kstate(I)=(state(I)+1)/2 endif if(abs(kstate(i)).gt.nk)goto 333 43 continue c c calculate the product xl...ground state the same for all batch prs=box**(N-N7+1) pis=0.0d0 do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the product xs... do 7 ii=1,mm ptr(ii)=1.0d0 7 pti(ii)=0.0d0 fim=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(i,j) c contribution to the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak*tp/box if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 333 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 333 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk do 111 ii=1,mm im=mv(ii+(i-1)*NB0) c coefficients by interpolation: xkrn=xkr(im,nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(im,nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(im,nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(im,nk+1+km+1) t = ptr(ii)*xkrn-pti(ii)*xkin pti(ii)= ptr(ii)*xkin+pti(ii)*xkrn 111 ptr(ii)= t do 6 ii=1,mm t = ptr(ii)*cos(fim)-pti(ii)*sin(fim) pti(ii)= ptr(ii)*sin(fim)+pti(ii)*cos(fim) ptr(ii)= t 6 fcsumr(ii)=fcsumr(ii)+(prs*ptr(ii)+pis*pti(ii)) c find index to be changed 333 if(Nexc.eq.0)goto 3 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 deallocate(ptr,pti) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine fcf8(nv,mv,nk,w,u,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1fcsumr,OH,ie0,mm,NB0,RSCALE) c integration by random number generation c and batch of m mm vectors implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,NB0 parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,nk,N,j,km,kstate(M3),ii,k,imm, 1ie0,mm,iu real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcsumr(*),sumr,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko, 1amaxi,frandom,RSCALE real*8,allocatable::it(:),ip(:),im(:),amax(:),y(:),ptr(:),pti(:) integer*4 ix,iy,iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center allocate(it(NB0),ip(NB0),im(NB0),amax(NB0),y(NB0), 1ptr(NB0),pti(NB0)) pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi do 1 i=1,mm 1 fcsumr(i)=0.0d0 do 200 ii=1,mm amax(ii)=1.0d0 do 200 i=N7,N amaxi=0.0d0 imm=mv(ii+(i-1)*NB0) do 201 k=-nk,nk if(dabs(xkr(nv(i),nk+1+k)).gt.amaxi)amaxi=dabs(xkr(nv(i),nk+1+k)) 201 if(dabs(xkr(imm,nk+1+k)).gt.amaxi)amaxi=dabs(xkr(imm,nk+1+k)) 200 amax(ii)=amax(ii)*amaxi**2*RSCALE do 6 ii=1,mm it(ii)=0.0d0 ip(ii)=0.0d0 6 im(ii)=0.0d0 do 4000 iu=1,ie0 do 43 I=N7,N 43 kstate(I)=int(-nk+int(dble(nk+nk)*frandom())) do 8 ii=1,mm 8 y(ii)=-amax(ii)+(amax(ii)+amax(ii))*frandom() c prs=1.0d0 pis=0.0d0 do 2 ii=1,mm ptr(ii)=1.0d0 2 pti(ii)=0.0d0 c calculate the product xl... do 11 i=N7,N t = prs*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the product xs... fim=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(i,j) if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 4000 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 4000 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk c calculate the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak*tp/box c do 111 ii=1,mm imm=mv(ii+(i-1)*NB0) xkrn=xkr(imm,nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(imm,nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(imm,nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(imm,nk+1+km+1) t =ptr(ii)*xkrn-pti(ii)*xkin pti(ii)=ptr(ii)*xkin+pti(ii)*xkrn 111 ptr(ii)=t 333 continue do 4 ii=1,mm t = ptr(ii)*cos(fim)-pti(ii)*sin(fim) pti(ii)= ptr(ii)*sin(fim)+pti(ii)*cos(fim) ptr(ii)= t sumr=prs*ptr(ii)+pis*pti(ii) if(y(ii).lt.sumr.and.y(ii).gt.0)ip(ii)=ip(ii)+1.0d0 if(y(ii).gt.sumr.and.y(ii).lt.0)im(ii)=im(ii)+1.0d0 4 it(ii)=it(ii)+1.0d0 4000 continue do 5 ii=1,mm 5 fcsumr(ii)= 1(ip(ii)-im(ii))/it(ii)*amax(ii)*2.0d0*dble(nk)**(2*(N-N7+1)) deallocate(it,ip,im,amax,y,ptr,pti) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine fcf8ah(nk,w,u,xkr,xki,N7g,Ng,N7e,Ne,box, 1fcsumr,OH,ie0,NST,RSCALE,INg,ISg,ISe,INe,CFIG,NHBIGg,LEXCLg, 1NHBIGe,LEXCLe,I1g,I2g,I1e,I2e,CFIE,maxn,ICCg,ICCe) c c integration by random number generation c NDIM excited AH states c for mm anharmonic excited states c c nk - maximum k expansion c w u normal mode transformation matrices c xkr xki HO Fourier coefficients c N7g,Ng,N7e,Ne ground and upper normal mode limits c box box size c fsumr the FCF buffer c OH precision limit c ie0 random number cycle generation limit c NST number of excited states in the buffer c RSCALE scale the integration space c INg,ISg,INe,ISe,ICCg,ICCe ground HO state definition c CFIG ground state eigenvector c CFIE excited state eigenvectors (different dimension than CFIG!) c NHBIGg,LEXClg,NHBIGe,LEXCle state dimensions c I1g,I2g,I1e,I2e interval of groudn and excited HO functions c maxn maximum HO excitation implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3 parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200) integer*4 nv(M3),mv(M3),N7g,i,nk,Ng,j,km,kstate(M3),ii,k,imm, 1ie0,iu,NST,NHBIGg,LEXCLg,NHBIGe,LEXCLe,maxn,jj,Ne,N7e,NDIM, 1INg(NHBIGg,LEXCLg),ISg(NHBIGg),INe(NHBIGe,LEXCLe),ISe(NHBIGe), 2ICCg(NHBIGg,LEXCLg),ICCe(NHBIGe,LEXCLe),I1g,I2g,I1e,I2e real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcsumr(*),sumr,xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp,OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko, 1amaxi,frandom,RSCALE,amax,kr,ki,CFIG(*),CFIE(*),ptr,pti real*8,allocatable::it(:),ip(:),im(:),y(:),ker(:),kei(:) integer*4 ix,iy,iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 NDIM=I2e-I1e+1 c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center allocate(it(NST),ip(NST),im(NST),y(NST),ker(NST),kei(NST)) pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi do 1 i=1,NST 1 fcsumr(i)=0.0d0 amax=1.0d0 do 200 i=N7g,Ng amaxi=0.0d0 do 201 k=-nk,nk do 201 ii=1,maxn 201 if(dabs(xkr(ii,nk+1+k)).gt.amaxi)amaxi=dabs(xkr(ii,nk+1+k)) 200 amax=amax*amaxi**2*RSCALE do 6 ii=1,NST it(ii)=0.0d0 ip(ii)=0.0d0 6 im(ii)=0.0d0 do 4000 iu=1,ie0 do 43 I=N7g,Ng 43 kstate(I)=int(-nk+int(dble(nk+nk)*frandom())) do 8 ii=1,NST 8 y(ii)=-amax+(amax+amax)*frandom() c c calculate ground state coeff of k=vector kr=0.0d0 ki=0.0d0 do 501 J=I1g,I2g c retrieve state J: DO 808 ii=N7g,Ng 808 nv(ii)=1 DO 809 ii=1,ISg(J) 809 nv(ICCg(J,ii))=INg(J,ii)+1 prs=1.0d0 pis=0.0d0 c calculate the product xl... do 11 i=N7g,Ng t = prs*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))-pis*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) pis= prs*xki(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i))+pis*xkr(nv(i),nk+1+kstate(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 501 kr=kr+CFIG(J-I1G+1)*prs ki=ki+CFIG(J-I1G+1)*pis 501 continue c do 2 ii=1,NST ker(ii)=0.0d0 2 kei(ii)=0.0d0 do 502 J=I1e,I2e c retrieve state J: DO 818 ii=N7e,Ne 818 mv(ii)=1 DO 819 ii=1,ISe(J) 819 mv(ICCe(J,ii))=INe(J,ii)+1 c calculate the product xs... fim=0.0d0 ptr=1.0d0 pti=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7e,Ne c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 jj=N7g,Ng c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(jj))*w(i,jj) if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 4000 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 4000 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk c calculate the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak*tp/box c xkrn=xkr(mv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(mv(i),nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(mv(i),nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(mv(i),nk+1+km+1) t =ptr*xkrn-pti*xkin pti=ptr*xkin+pti*xkrn 111 ptr=t do 503 ii=1,NST ker(ii)=ker(ii)+CFIE(J+(ii-1)*NDIM)*ptr 503 kei(ii)=kei(ii)+CFIE(J+(ii-1)*NDIM)*pti 502 continue do 4 ii=1,NST t = ker(ii)*cos(fim)-kei(ii)*sin(fim) kei(ii)= ker(ii)*sin(fim)+kei(ii)*cos(fim) ker(ii)= t sumr=prs*ker(ii)+pis*kei(ii) if(y(ii).lt.sumr.and.y(ii).gt.0)ip(ii)=ip(ii)+1.0d0 if(y(ii).gt.sumr.and.y(ii).lt.0)im(ii)=im(ii)+1.0d0 4 it(ii)=it(ii)+1.0d0 4000 continue do 5 ii=1,NST 5 fcsumr(ii)= 1(ip(ii)-im(ii))/it(ii)*amax*2.0d0*dble(nk)**(2*(Ng-N7g+1)) deallocate(it,ip,im,y,ker,kei) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine fcf9(nv,mv,nk,kmax,w,u,LEXCL,xkr,xki,N7,N,box, 1fcsumr,OH,mm,ykr,yki,kkr,NB0) c fcf3 with interpolation for k-coefficients c and with batch of m mm vectors c and for largest coeffs only implicit none integer*4 maxb,nk0,M3,maxe,NB0,nk parameter (maxb=100,M3=100,nk0=200,maxe=200) integer*4 nv(*),mv(*),N7,i,kmax,N,Nexc,iex,j,km, 1state(M3),si(maxe),kstate(M3),ic,LEXCL,mm,ii,im,kkr(maxb,2*nk0+1) real*8 w(M3,M3),u(*),fcsumr(*),xkr(maxb,2*nk0+1), 1xki(maxb,2*nk0+1),prs,pis,box,fim,pi,tp, 1OH,t,xkrn,xkin,ak,dk,dko, 1ykr(maxb,2*nk0+1),yki(maxb,2*nk0+1) real*8,allocatable::ptr(:),pti(:) c fcf Frank-Condon factor c mv,nv excited and ground quantum numbers (1=ground state,nosc=0) c nk number of k-expansion points (k=-nk ... nk) c qs=wql+u c LEXCL maximum sum of k-numbers c xkr,xki real and imaginary parts of the exp. coefficients c N7..N number of oscillators, typically N7=1,N=3*nat-6 c box=L the NM interval (-L/2...L/2) c m1 maximum excitation on one center allocate(ptr(NB0),pti(NB0)) pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tp=2.0d0*pi do 1 i=1,mm 1 fcsumr(i)=0.0d0 c distribute k-"excitations" on electronic excited coeff c start with ground as it may need less k-points do 3 Nexc=0,LEXCL c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=N7 5 DO 1966 I=N7,N 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,Nexc 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 do 42 iex=1,Nexc 42 if(state(si(iex)).gt.kmax)goto 333 c c calculate the product xl...ground state the same for all batch prs=1.0d0 pis=0.0d0 do 11 i=N7,N c 0 .. largest, 1- second largest, ... kstate(I)=kkr(nv(i),state(I)+1) t = prs*ykr(nv(i),1+state(i))-pis*yki(nv(i),1+state(i)) pis= prs*yki(nv(i),1+state(i))+pis*ykr(nv(i),1+state(i)) prs=t 11 if(abs(prs)+abs(pis).lt.OH)goto 333 c c calculate the product xs... do 7 ii=1,mm ptr(ii)=box**(N-N7+1) 7 pti(ii)=0.0d0 fim=0.0d0 do 111 i=N7,N c calculate corresponding ak: ak=0.0d0 do 12 j=N7,N c w-first index excited 12 ak=ak+dble(kstate(j))*w(i,j) c contribution to the phase: fim=fim+u(i)*ak*tp/box if( c nearest lower integer: km=int(ak)-1 else km=int(ak) endif if(abs(km).gt.nk)goto 333 if(abs(km+1).gt.nk)goto 333 dk=ak-dble(km) dko=1.0d0-dk do 111 ii=1,mm im=mv(ii+(i-1)*NB0) c coefficients by interpolation: xkrn=xkr(im,nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xkr(im,nk+1+km+1) xkin=xki(im,nk+1+km)*dko+dk*xki(im,nk+1+km+1) t = ptr(ii)*xkrn-pti(ii)*xkin pti(ii)= ptr(ii)*xkin+pti(ii)*xkrn 111 ptr(ii)= t do 6 ii=1,mm t = ptr(ii)*cos(fim)-pti(ii)*sin(fim) pti(ii)= ptr(ii)*sin(fim)+pti(ii)*cos(fim) ptr(ii)= t 6 fcsumr(ii)=fcsumr(ii)+(prs*ptr(ii)+pis*pti(ii)) c find index to be changed 333 if(Nexc.eq.0)goto 3 do 8 ic=Nexc,1,-1 8 if(si(ic).lt.N)goto 9 goto 3 9 do 102 i=ic+1,Nexc 102 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 3 continue c loop end 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 deallocate(ptr,pti) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine intq(n,k,r,i) c int(q^n exp(-q^2/2-ik.q)/sqrt(2*pi),q=-inf...inf) c r,i .. real and imag. parts implicit none integer*4 n,ni real*8 k,r,i,anir,anii,anipr,anipi,anippr,anippi ni=0 anir=1.0d0 anii=0.0d0 if( r=anir*exp(-k**2/2.0d0) i=anii return endif anipr=0.0d0 anipi=-k if( r=anipr i=anipi*exp(-k**2/2.0d0) return endif c I(n+2) = -i k I(n+1) + (n+1) I(n): 1 anippr= k*anipi+dble(ni+1)*anir anippi=-k*anipr+dble(ni+1)*anii if( r=anippr*exp(-k**2/2.0d0) i=anippi*exp(-k**2/2.0d0) return else ni=ni+1 anir=anipr anii=anipi anipr=anippr anipi=anippi goto 1 endif end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function fik(k,x) implicit none real*8 fik,x,w,hk,p,ank,ff integer maxb,M3 parameter (maxb=100,M3=100) common/ho/p(maxb,maxb),ank(maxb),w(M3) integer*4 k,kk ff=ank(k)*exp(-x**2/2.0d0) hk=0.0d0 do 1 kk=1,k 1 hk=hk+p(k,kk)*x**(kk-1) fik=ff*hk return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine ALLIGN(N7,N,W,UU,e1,e2,Wi,IWR,WT) implicit none INTEGER*4 NTA,MENDELEV,MXB,i,ia,ix,iy,iz,ii,NAT, 1ierr,iter,j,MB,maxiter,itrial, 2IX3,M3,NM,iq,idum,iix,N7,N,IWR PARAMETER (M3=100,NTA=M3/3,MENDELEV=89,MXB=25,maxiter=1000) real*8 pi,A,XS,XB,RTOL,am,WT(M3,M3), 1oxx,amxx,ck,sk,dr1,dr2,fi,fk,pp,rat,wx,yy,z0, 2tol,rr(NTA,3),c,s2r(M3,M3),jmat(M3,M3),kmat(M3),Wi(M3,M3), 3X(NTA),r(NTA,3),rg(NTA,3),d(NTA,3),u(3),re(NTA,3) integer*4 ITY(NTA) real*4 amas dimension amas(MENDELEV) data amas/1.007825,4.003, 2 6.941, 9.012, 10.810,12.0 ,14.003074,15.994915,18.9984,20.179, 3 22.990,24.305, 26.981,28.086,30.9737,31.972,34.968852,39.948, 4 39.098,40.080,44.956,47.900,50.941,51.996,54.938,55.847, 4 58.933,58.700,63.546,65.380, 4 69.720,72.590,74.922,78.960,79.904,83.800, 5 85.468,87.620,88.906,91.220,92.906,95.940,98.906,101.070, 5 102.906,106.400,107.868,112.410, 5 114.82,118.69,121.75,127.600,126.905,131.300, 6 132.905,137.330,138.906, 6 140.120,140.908,144.240,145.000,150.400, 6 151.960,157.250,158.925,162.500,164.930,167.260,168.934, 6 173.040,174.970, 6 178.490,180.948,183.850,186.207,190.200,192.220,195.090, 6 196.967,207.590,204.370,207.200,208.980,210.000,210.001, 6 222.02, 7 223.000,226.025,227.028/ data z0/0.0d0/ COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),XS(MXB,3),XB(MXB,3),RTOL,MB,ITER real*8 s1(M3,M3),s2(M3,M3),e1(M3),e2(M3),UU(*),W(M3,M3), 1tp,clight,const,hpl,nav logical lex C pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) tol=1.0d-7 tp=2.0d0*pi OPEN(4,FILE='fg.inp',STATUS='OLD') READ(4,*)NM,idum,NAT if( report('too many atoms') DO 7 I=1,NAT READ(4,*)ITY(I),(rg(I,ix),ix=1,3) 7 X(I)=dble(AMAS(ITY(I))) read(4,*) do 1 I=1,NAT do 1 iq=1,NM 1 read(4,*)idum,idum,(s1(3*(I-1)+ix,iq),ix=1,3) read(4,*) read(4,*)(e1(iq),iq=1,NM) close(4) CLOSE(4) call ordermodes(e1,s1,NAT,NM,M3) inquire(file='FTRY.INP',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(4,file='FTRY.INP') read(4,*) read(4,*) read(4,444)(X(I),I=1,NAT) read(4,*) read(4,444)(X(I),I=1,NAT) 444 format(6F12.6) close(4) write(6,*)'Masses read from FTRY.INP' endif c AM=z0 do 3 i=1,nat 3 AM=AM+X(i) WRITE(6,609)NAT,AM 609 format(' fg.inp read,',i4,' ATOMS, MOLECULAR MASS ',f10.3) OPEN(4,FILE='fe.inp',STATUS='OLD') READ(4,*) DO 72 I=1,NAT 72 READ(4,*)ITY(I),(re(I,ix),ix=1,3) read(4,*) do 2 I=1,NAT do 2 iq=1,NM 2 read(4,*)idum,idum,(s2(3*(I-1)+ix,iq),ix=1,3) read(4,*) read(4,*)(e2(iq),iq=1,NM) close(4) CLOSE(4) write(6,*)'fe.inp read' call ordermodes(e2,s2,NAT,NM,M3) do 303 ix=1,3 c=z0 do 300 ia=1,NAT 300 c = c+rg(ia,ix)*X(ia) do 303 ia=1,NAT 303 rg(ia,ix)=rg(ia,ix)-c/AM write(6,*)'fg put to origin' do 203 ix=1,3 c=z0 do 200 ia=1,NAT 200 c=c+re(ia,ix)*X(ia) do 203 ia=1,NAT 203 re(ia,ix)=re(ia,ix)-c/AM write(6,*)'fe put to origin' c c rotate re to rg do 2031 ia=1,NAT do 2031 ix=1,3 2031 r(ia,ix)=re(ia,ix) itrial=1 88881 iter=0 8888 iter=iter+1 if( write(6,*)'Maximum number of iterations exceeded' itrial=itrial+1 if( write(6,*)'Trial ',itrial goto 88881 endif write(6,*)'Iteration did not converge' goto 881 endif do 210 ia=1,NAT do 210 ix=1,3 210 d(ia,ix)=r(ia,ix)-rg(ia,ix) c c loop over the three axes,(try three different orderings): do 208 IX3=1,3 IX=itrial+IX3-1 if(IX.eq.4)IX=1 if(IX.eq.5)IX=2 IY=IX+1 if(IY.eq.4)IY=1 IZ=IY+1 if(IZ.eq.4)IZ=1 oxx=z0 amxx=z0 do 209 ia=1,NAT dr1=dsqrt(rg(ia,IY)**2+rg(ia,IZ)**2) dr2=dsqrt( r(ia,IY)**2+ r(ia,IZ)**2) pp=rg(ia,IY)*r(ia,IY)+rg(ia,IZ)*r(ia,IZ) if(dabs(dr1*dr2).gt.1.0d-8)then rat=pp/dr1/dr2 if( 1.0d0-1.0d-13)then fi=z0 else if( fi=pi else fi=acos(rat) endif endif wx=rg(ia,IY)*d(ia,IZ)-rg(ia,IZ)*d(ia,IY) if( c amxx=amxx+X(ia)*fi*(5.0d0*dr1**2+2.0d0*dr2**2-dr1*dr2)/6.0d0 amxx=amxx+X(ia)*fi*(dr1**2+dr2**2+dr1*dr2)/3.0d0 oxx=oxx+X(ia)*dr2**2 endif 209 continue if(dabs(oxx).gt.1.0d-8)then fk=amxx/oxx else fk=z0 endif u(IX)=fk c c rotate back by this angle: ck=cos(-fk) sk=sin(-fk) do 208 ia=1,NAT YY=r(ia,IY) r(ia,IY)=YY*ck-r(ia,IZ)*sk 208 r(ia,IZ)=YY*sk+r(ia,IZ)*ck c write(6,*)iter,u(1)**2+u(2)**2+u(3)**2 if(u(1)**2+u(2)**2+u(3)** 8888 881 write(6,608)iter 608 format(i7,' iterations') open(41,file='tr.x') write(41,*)'rotated coordinates of exc' write(41,*)NAT do 2043 ia=1,NAT 2043 write(41,4141)ITY(ia),(r(ia,ix),ix=1,3) close(41) write(6,*) MB=NAT do 217 ii=1,MB do 217 ix=1,3 XB(ii,ix)=r(ii,ix) 217 XS(ii,ix)=re(ii,ix) call DOMATRIX(IERR) c XB = A XS c rotated Xe = A original Xe write(6,6004)A 6004 format(' Transformation matrix:',/,3(3F10.4,/)) c mass-weighed S-matrices do 214 ia=1,NAT do 214 ix=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1)+ix do 214 iq=1,NM s1(ii,iq)=s1(ii,iq)*dsqrt(X(ia)) 214 s2(ii,iq)=s2(ii,iq)*dsqrt(X(ia)) c now transpose is inverted do 213 ia=1,NAT do 213 ix=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1)+ix rr(ia,ix)=0.0d0 do 2131 iix=1,3 2131 rr(ia,ix)=rr(ia,ix)+A(ix,iix)*r(ia,iix) do 213 iq=1,NM s2r(ii,iq)=0.0d0 do 213 iix=1,3 213 s2r(ii,iq)=s2r(ii,iq)+A(ix,iix)*s2(3*(ia-1)+iix,iq) write(6,*)'fe transformed' open(41,file='xr.x') write(41,*)'rotated coordinates of exc' write(41,*)NAT do 2042 ia=1,NAT 2042 write(41,4141)ITY(ia),(rr(ia,ix),ix=1,3) 4141 format(i4,3f12.6) close(41) open(41,file='xg.x') write(41,*)'ground geometry in origin' write(41,*)NAT do 204 ia=1,NAT 204 write(41,4141)ITY(ia),(rg(ia,ix),ix=1,3) close(41) call fixphase(s1,s2r,NAT,NM,M3) do 215 i=1,NM do 215 j=1,NM w(i,j)=0.0d0 wi(i,j)=0.0d0 jmat(i,j)=0.0d0 do 2151 ii=1,3*nat c w,wi - first index always excited c transformation matrix between dimensionless normal mode coords jmat(i,j)=jmat(i,j)+s2r(ii,i)*s1(ii,j) if(e1(j).gt.0.0d0.and.e2(j).gt.0.0d0)then wi(i,j)=wi(i,j)+s2r(ii,i)*dsqrt(e1(j)/e2(i))*s1(ii,j) w(i,j)=w(i,j)+s2r(ii,i)*dsqrt(e2(i)/e1(j))*s1(ii,j) endif 2151 continue 215 continue clight=3.0d10 nav=6.022d23 hpl=1.054d-34 const=dsqrt(1.0d-3*tp*clight/nav/hpl)*1.0d-10 do 218 i=1,NM uu(i)=0.0d0 kmat(i)=0.0d0 do 218 ia=1,nat do 218 ix=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1)+ix kmat(i)=kmat(i)-s2r(ii,i)*(rg(ia,ix)-rr(ia,ix))*dsqrt(X(ia)) 218 if(e2(i).gt.0)uu(i)=uu(i)+ 1dsqrt(e2(i)*X(ia))*s2r(ii,i)*const*(rg(ia,ix)-rr(ia,ix)) if( write(6,6007) 6007 format(/,' J-matrix:') do 221 j=1,3*NAT-6 221 write(6,6008)(jmat(i,j),i=1,3*NAT-6) write(6,6009) 6009 format(/,' K-vector:') write(6,6008)(kmat(i),i=1,3*NAT-6) 6008 format(10f8.2) write(6,6005) 6005 format(' mode Eg Ee shift',/,'----------------') do 219 i=1,NM 219 write(6,6006)i,e1(i),e2(i),uu(i) 6006 format(i5,2f8.1,f9.3) endif if(N7.eq.0)then N7=7 N=NM endif do 8 i=N7,NM do 8 j=N7,NM 8 wt(i-N7+1,j-N7+1)=wi(i,j) return END SUBROUTINE DOMATRIX(IERR) C This is a Fortran version of Petr Malon's subroutine Amoeba IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXB=25) DIMENSION ANG(3),P(4,3),Y(4),PBAR(3),PR(3),PRR(3) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),XS(MXB,3),XB(MXB,3),RTOL,NAT,ITER IERR=0 C STARTING VALUES FOR THE ITERATION: ANG(1)=0.2d0 ANG(2)=0.0d0 ANG(3)=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,3 1 P(1,I)=ANG(I) Y(1)=FU(ANG) ANG(2)=ANG(1) ANG(1)=0.0d0 DO 2 I=1,3 2 P(2,I)=ANG(I) Y(2)=FU(ANG) ANG(3)=ANG(2) ANG(2)=0.0d0 DO 3 I=1,3 3 P(3,I)=ANG(I) Y(3)=FU(ANG) ANG(1)=ANG(3) ANG(2)=ANG(3) ANG(3)=0.0d0 DO 4 I=1,3 4 P(4,I)=ANG(I) Y(4)=FU(ANG) FTOL=1.0d-7 ITMAX=1500 ITER=0 99999 ILO=1 IF(Y(1).GT.Y(2))THEN IHI=1 INHI=2 ELSE IHI=2 INHI=1 ENDIF DO 5 I=1,4 IF(Y(I).LT.Y(ILO))ILO=I IF(Y(I).GT.Y(IHI))THEN INHI=IHI IHI=I ELSE IF(Y(I).GT.Y(INHI))THEN IF(I.NE.IHI)INHI=I ENDIF ENDIF 5 CONTINUE IF(ABS(Y(IHI))+ABS(Y(ILO)).LT.1.0d-11)THEN RTOL=0.0d0 ELSE RTOL=ABS(Y(IHI)-Y(ILO))/(ABS(Y(IHI))+ABS(Y(ILO)))*2.0d0 ENDIF IF(RTOL.LT.FTOL)RETURN IF(ITER.EQ.ITMAX)THEN WRITE(3,*)' Rotation has not converged !' IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF ITER=ITER+1 DO 55 I=1,3 55 PBAR(I)=0.0d0 DO 6 I=1,4 IF(I.NE.IHI)THEN DO 7 J=1,3 7 PBAR(J)=PBAR(J)+P(I,J) ENDIF 6 CONTINUE DO 8 J=1,3 PBAR(J)=PBAR(J)/3.0d0 8 PR(J)=2.0d0*PBAR(J)-P(IHI,J) YPR=FU(PR) IF(YPR.LE.Y(ILO))THEN DO 9 J=1,3 9 PRR(J)=2.0d0*PR(J)-PBAR(J) YPRR=FU(PRR) IF(YPRR.LT.Y(ILO))THEN DO 10 J=1,3 10 P(IHI,J)=PRR(J) Y(IHI)=YPRR ELSE DO 11 J=1,3 11 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF ELSE IF(YPR.GE.Y(INHI))THEN IF(YPR.LT.Y(IHI))THEN DO 12 J=1,3 12 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF DO 13 J=1,3 13 PRR(J)=0.5d0*P(IHI,J)+0.5d0*PBAR(J) YPRR=FU(PRR) IF(YPRR.LT.Y(IHI))THEN DO 14 J=1,3 14 P(IHI,J)=PRR(J) Y(IHI)=YPRR ELSE DO 15 I=1,4 IF(I.NE.ILO)THEN DO 16 J=1,3 PR(J)=0.5d0*(P(I,J)+P(ILO,J)) 16 P(I,J)=PR(J) Y(I)=FU(PR) ENDIF 15 CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE DO 17 J=1,3 17 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF ENDIF GOTO 99999 END FUNCTION FU(ANG) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXB=25) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),XS(MXB,3),XB(MXB,3),RTOL,NAT,ITER DIMENSION ANG(3) S1=SIN(ANG(1)) S2=SIN(ANG(2)) S3=SIN(ANG(3)) C1=COS(ANG(1)) C2=COS(ANG(2)) C3=COS(ANG(3)) C ang1 = theta C ang2 = phi C ang3 = cappa A(1,1)=C1*C2*C3-S2*S3 A(1,2)=C1*S2*C3+C2*S3 A(1,3)=-S1*C3 A(2,1)=-C1*C2*S3-S2*C3 A(2,2)=-C1*S2*S3+C2*C3 A(2,3)=S1*S3 A(3,1)=S1*C2 A(3,2)=S1*S2 A(3,3)=C1 R=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT TX=A(1,1)*XS(I,1)+A(1,2)*XS(I,2)+A(1,3)*XS(I,3) TY=A(2,1)*XS(I,1)+A(2,2)*XS(I,2)+A(2,3)*XS(I,3) TZ=A(3,1)*XS(I,1)+A(3,2)*XS(I,2)+A(3,3)*XS(I,3) 1 R=R+(TX-XB(I,1))**2+(TY-XB(I,2))**2+(TZ-XB(I,3))**2 FU=R RETURN END c SUBROUTINE DTRM(A,M,N,D,INDX,C) C C Subroutine for evaluating the determinant of a matrix using C the partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination scheme. C implicit none integer*4 M,N,INDX(M),I,MSGN,J real*8 A(M,M),D,C(M) C CALL ELGS(A,M,N,INDX,C) D = 1.0d0 DO 100 I = 1, N 100 D = D*A(INDX(I),I) MSGN = 1 DO 200 I = 1, N DO 150 WHILE (I.NE.INDX(I)) MSGN = -MSGN J = INDX(I) INDX(I) = INDX(J) INDX(J) = J 150 END DO 200 CONTINUE D = dble(MSGN)*D RETURN END C SUBROUTINE ELGS(A,M,N,INDX,C) C C Subroutine to perform the partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination. C A(N,N) is the original matrix in the input and transformed C matrix plus the pivoting element ratios below the diagonal in C the output. INDX(N) records the pivoting order. C implicit none integer*4 M,N,INDX(M),I,J,K,ITMP real*8 A(M,M),C(M),C1,PI1,PI,PJ C DO 50 I = 1, N 50 INDX(I) = I C C Find the rescaling factors, one from each row C DO 100 I = 1, N C1= 0.0d0 DO 90 J = 1, N 90 C1 = MAX(C1,DABS(A(I,J))) 100 C(I) = C1 C C Search the pivoting (largest) element from each column C DO 200 J = 1, N-1 PI1 = 0.0d0 DO 150 I = J, N PI = ABS(A(INDX(I),J))/C(INDX(I)) IF (PI.GT.PI1) THEN PI1 = PI K = I ELSE ENDIF 150 CONTINUE C C Interchange the rows via INDX(N) to record pivoting order C ITMP = INDX(J) INDX(J) = INDX(K) INDX(K) = ITMP DO 170 I = J+1, N PJ = A(INDX(I),J)/A(INDX(J),J) C C Record pivoting ratios below the diagonal C A(INDX(I),J) = PJ C C Modify other elements accordingly C DO 160 K = J+1, N A(INDX(I),K) = A(INDX(I),K)-PJ*A(INDX(J),K) 160 CONTINUE 170 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE C RETURN END c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine ordermodes(e,s,NAT,NM,M3) integer*4 NAT,NM,i,j,k,M3 real*8 s(M3,M3),e(*),t do 1 i=1,NM do 1 j=i+1,NM if(e(j).lt.e(i))then t=e(j) e(j)=e(i) e(i)=t do 2 k=1,3*NAT t=s(k,j) s(k,j)=s(k,i) 2 s(k,i)=t endif 1 continue return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine fixphase(u,s,NAT,NM,M3) integer*4 NAT,NM,i,k,M3 real*8 s(M3,M3),u(M3,M3),t do 1 i=1,NM t=0.0d0 do 2 k=1,3*NAT 2 t=t+s(k,i)*u(k,i) if( do 3 k=1,3*NAT 3 s(k,i)=-s(k,i) endif 1 continue return end c function mclock() c mclock=0 c return c end c ------------------------------------------------------------ function frandom() implicit none real*8 frandom c c Algorithm AS 183 Appl. Statist. (1982) vol.31, no.2 c c Returns a pseudo-random number rectangularly distributed c between 0 and 1. The cycle length is 6.95E+12 (See page 123 c of Applied Statistics (1984) vol.33), not as claimed in the c original article. c c IX, IY and IZ should be set to integer values between 1 and c 30000 before the first entry. c integer*4 ix, iy, iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz c ix = mod(171 * ix, 30269) iy = mod(172 * iy, 30307) iz = mod(170 * iz, 30323) frandom = mod(dble(ix) / 30269.0d0 + dble(iy) / 30307.0d0 + 1 dble(iz) / 30323.0d0, 1.0d0) return end c ------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE LOADC(s,J,CFJ,N) INTEGER*4 J,I,N REAL*8 CFJ(*) character*(*) s OPEN(45,FILE=s,FORM='UNFORMATTED',STATUS='OLD') DO 1 K=1,J-1 1 READ(45) READ(45,err=999)(CFJ(I),I=1,N) CLOSE(45) RETURN 999 write(6,*)J,N,I call report('reading error') END