program numforce IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) parameter (nat0=1000) character*80 filename,st real*8 r0(3,nat0),g0(3,nat0),r(3),g(3,nat0),f(3*nat0,3*nat0), 1pp(nat0,3,3),JJ(nat0,3,3),I0(nat0,3,3),pv(nat0,3,3),p0(3), 2p(3),QQ(nat0*3,6),q0(6),q(6),qqcheck(3,6) dimension iz(nat0) logical lex c bohr=0.529177d0 write(6,*)' FF from gradients' write(6,*)' Z-Matrix orientation required !!!' write(6,*) write(6,*)' Zero-point output filename: ' open(11,file='TEM.OUT') read(5,5000)filename 5000 format(a80) open(15,file=filename) 1 read(15,5000,err=900,end=900)st if(st(26:46).eq.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.or. 1 st(27:44).eq.'Input orientation:')then write(11,5000)st do 14 i=1,4 write(11,*) 14 read(15,*) i=0 2 read(15,5000)st write(11,5000)st if(st(2:3).ne.'--')then backspace 15 i=i+1 if( write(6,*)'too many atoms' close(15) stop endif read(15,*)idum,iz(i),idum,(r0(j,i),j=1,3) goto 2 endif nat=i write(6,*)nat,' atoms read' endif if(st(38:59).eq.'Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)')then write(11,5000)st do 24 i=1,2 write(11,*) 24 read(15,*) do 25 i=1,nat 25 read(15,*)idum,idum,(g0(j,i),j=1,3) do 251 i=1,nat 251 write(11,10000)i,iz(i),(g0(j,i),j=1,3) 10000 format(2i8,3f17.9) write(6,*)'Gradient read' goto 900 endif c c PM3 dipole moment: if(st(1:15).eq.' Dipole moment=')then write(11,*)'point 0' write(11,5000)st backspace 15 read(15,156)(p0(i),i=1,3) 156 format(15x,3f10.6) endif c c c SCF dipole moment: if(st(1:23).eq.' Dipole moment (Debye):'.or. 1 st(1:23).eq.' Dipole moment (field-i')then write(11,*)'point 0' write(11,5000)st read(15,158)(p0(i),i=1,3) 158 format(3(6x,f11.4)) endif c c SCF quadrupole moment: if(st(1:18).eq.' Quadrupole moment')then write(11,*)'point 0' write(11,5000)st read(15,158)(q0(i),i=1,6) write(11,158)(q0(i),i=1,6) c XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ endif goto 1 900 close(15) c inquire(file='FILE.FC',exist=lex) if(lex)then OPEN(20,file='FILE.FC') CALL READFF(3*NAT0,3*NAT,F) CLOSE(20) write(6,*)'Initial FC read from FILE.FC' else do 3 i=1,3*nat do 3 j=1,3*nat 3 f(i,j)=0.0d0 write(6,*)'Initial FC zeroed-out' endif C inquire(file='FILE.TEN',exist=lex) if(lex)then OPEN(15,FILE='FILE.TEN',STATUS='OLD') READ (15,*)NOAT if( write(6,*)'nat <> noat' close(15) stop endif DO 10 L=1,NAT DO 10 J=1,3 10 READ (15,*) (PP(L,J,I),I=1,3) DO 220 L=1,NAT DO 220 J=1,3 220 READ (15,*) (I0(L,J,I),I=1,3) DO 230 L=1,NAT DO 230 J=1,3 230 READ (15,*) (JJ(L,J,I),I=1,3) DO 100 L=1,NAT DO 100 J=1,3 100 READ (15,*) (PV(L,J,I),I=1,3) CLOSE(15) WRITE(*,*)' Dipole derivatives read in' else DO 101 L=1,NAT DO 101 J=1,3 DO 101 I=1,3 JJ(L,J,I)=0.0d0 PV(L,J,I)=0.0d0 I0(L,J,I)=0.0d0 101 PP(L,J,I)=0.0d0 WRITE(*,*)' Dipole derivatives zeroed-out' endif DO 102 L=1,NAT DO 102 J=1,3 DO 102 I=1,6 102 QQ(3*(L-1)+J,I)=0.0d0 WRITE(*,*)' Quadrupole derivatives zeroed-out' c write(6,*)' Num. diff. output filename: ' read(5,5000)filename ixdif=0 iadif=0 diff=0.0d0 open(15,file=filename) 4 read(15,5000,err=901,end=901)st if(st(26:46).eq.'Z-Matrix orientation:'.or. 1 st(27:44).eq.'Input orientation:')then write(11,5000)st do 34 i=1,4 write(11,*) 34 read(15,*) do 35 i=1,nat read(15,*)idum,izi,idum,(r(j),j=1,3) write(11,2000)i,iz(i),0,(r(j),j=1,3) 2000 format(3i6,3f15.6) if( write(6,*)'Zs different' close(15) stop endif do 36 j=1,3 del=r(j)-r0(j,i) if(abs(del).gt.1.0d-5)then iadif=i ixdif=j diff=del endif 36 continue 35 continue write(11,1111) 1111 format(' -----') dd=diff/bohr write(6,600)iadif,ixdif,diff,dd write(11,600)iadif,ixdif,diff,dd 600 format('atom ',i6,' coord ',i2,f15.5,' A,',f15.5,' Bohr') endif if(st(38:59).eq.'Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)')then write(11,5000)st if( write(6,*)'skipped zero point' goto 4 endif do 44 i=1,2 write(11,*) 44 read(15,*) do 45 i=1,nat read(15,*)idum,idum,(g(j,i),j=1,3) 45 write(11,10000)i,iz(i),(g(j,i),j=1,3) write(6,*)'Gradient read' jr=3*(iadif-1)+ixdif do 38 i=1,nat do 38 ix=1,3 ii=3*(i-1)+ix fnew=-(g(ix,i)-g0(ix,i))/dd f1old=f(jr,ii) f2old=f(ii,jr) oo=0.0d0 if(abs(f1old).gt.0.0d0)oo=oo+1.0d0 if(abs(f2old).gt.0.0d0)oo=oo+1.0d0 if( fold=(f1old+f2old)/oo c if(abs((fold-fnew)/fold).gt.1.2d0)then c write(6,6666)iadif,ixdif,i,ix,fold,fnew c6666 format(i4,i2,i4,i2,2f15.10,' big difference - set to 0') c fold=0.0d0 c fnew=0.0d0 c endif fnew=(fold+fnew)*0.05d0 endif f(jr,ii)=fnew 38 f(ii,jr)=fnew write(6,*)'Forces updated' endif c c SCF quadrupole moment: if(st(1:18).eq.' Quadrupole moment')then write(11,5000)st if(abs(diff).lt.1.0d-5)then write(6,*)'skipped zero point q' goto 4 endif read(15,158)(Q(i),i=1,6) write(11,158)(Q(i),i=1,6) c debye-angstrom to au: c quad(ours)=(1/2)quad(from gaussian) const=1.0d0/bohr/2.541767d0*0.5d0 if( do 392 i=1,6 392 QQ((iadif-1)*3+ixdif,i)=(Q(i)-q0(i))/dd*const else write(6,6392)(QQ((iadif-1)*3+ixdif,i),i=1,6) 6392 format(6f11.4) do 393 i=1,6 393 QQ((iadif-1)*3+ixdif,i)= 1 0.5d0*(QQ((iadif-1)*3+ixdif,i)+(Q(i)-q0(i))/dd*const) endif write(6,*)'Quadrupole derivatives updated' endif if(st(1:15).eq.' Dipole moment=')then write(11,5000)st if( write(6,*)'skipped zero point dipole' goto 4 endif backspace 15 read(15,156)(p(i),i=1,3) do 39 i=1,3 39 pp(iadif,ixdif,i)=(p(i)-p0(i))/dd write(6,*)'Dipole derivatives updated' endif if(st(1:23).eq.' Dipole moment (Debye):'.or. 1 st(1:23).eq.' Dipole moment (field-i')then write(11,5000)st if( write(6,*)'skipped zero point dipole' goto 4 endif read(15,158)(p(i),i=1,3) if( do 391 i=1,3 391 pp(iadif,ixdif,i)=(p(i)-p0(i))/dd/2.541767d0 else do 3911 i=1,3 3911 pp(iadif,ixdif,i)=0.5d0*(pp(iadif,ixdif,i) 1 +(p(i)-p0(i))/dd/2.541767d0 ) endif write(6,*)'Dipole derivatives updated' endif goto 4 901 close(15) close(11) OPEN(20,file='FILENEW.FC') CALL WRITEFF(3*NAT0,3*NAT,F) CLOSE(20) write(6,*)'Forces written into FILENEW.FC' c OPEN(15,FILE='FILEQQ.TEN') write(15,1515)NAT 1515 format(i5,' atoms, quadrupole derivatives (au)',/, 1'at. ix XX YY ZZ XY XZ ', 2' YZ') write(6,*)'Checksums:' do 53 ic=1,2 if(ic.eq.2) CALL PROJECTQ(QQ,r0,nat,6) DO 52 J=1,3 do 52 I=1,6 qqcheck(J,I)=0.0d0 DO 52 L=2,NAT 52 qqcheck(J,I)=qqcheck(J,I)-QQ(3*(L-1)+J,I) do 53 k=1,3 write(6,1571)k,k,(QQ(k,I),I=1,6) write(6,1571)k,k,(qqcheck(k,I),I=1,6) 53 write(6,*) DO 50 L=1,NAT DO 50 J=1,3 50 write(15,1571)L,J, (QQ(3*(L-1)+J,I),I=1,6) 1571 format(i4,i2,6f10.4) CLOSE(15) WRITE(*,*)' Quadrupole derivatives written into FILEQQ.TEN' c OPEN(15,FILE='FILENEW.TEN') write(15,*)NAT DO 61 L=1,NAT DO 61 J=1,3 61 write(15,157) (PP(L,J,I),I=1,3),L 157 format(3f14.8,i5) DO 420 L=1,NAT DO 420 J=1,3 420 write(15,157) (I0(L,J,I),I=1,3),l DO 430 L=1,NAT DO 430 J=1,3 430 write(15,157) (JJ(L,J,I),I=1,3),l DO 400 L=1,NAT DO 400 J=1,3 400 write(15,157) (PV(L,J,I),I=1,3),l CLOSE(15) WRITE(*,*)' Dipole derivatives written into FILENEW.TEN' stop end C SUBROUTINE READFF(MX3,N,FCAR) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION FCAR(MX3,N) N1=1 1 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 READ(20,17)(FCAR(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(4X,5D14.6) C c CONST=4.359828/0.5291772/0.5291772 DO 3 I=1,N DO 3 J=I,N 3 FCAR(J,I)=FCAR(J,I) DO 31 I=1,N DO 31 J=I+1,N 31 FCAR(I,J)=FCAR(J,I) WRITE(*,*)' Cartesian FF read in ... ' RETURN END SUBROUTINE WRITEFF(MX3,N,FCAR) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION FCAR(MX3,N) c CONST=4.359828/0.5291772**2 DO 6 I=1,N DO 6 J=1,N 6 FCAR(I,J)=FCAR(I,J) N1=1 1 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 WRITE(20,17)LN,(FCAR(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(I4,5D14.6) RETURN END C SUBROUTINE PROJECTQ(Q,r0,nat,n1) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) parameter (nat0=1000,MX3=3*nat0) DIMENSION Q(nat0*3,n1),T(nat0*3,6),r0(3,nat0),A(MX3,MX3), 1TEM(MX3,MX3) N=3*nat WRITE(*,*)'Projecting transl/rotations' if( report('string too large') CALL DOMA(r0,nat,TEM,A) DO 2 I=1,n1 DO 1 J=1,N T(J,I)=0.0d0 DO 1 II=1,N 1 T(J,I)=T(J,I)+A(J,II)*Q(II,I) do 2 J=1,N 2 Q(J,I)=T(J,I) RETURN END SUBROUTINE DOMA(C,nat,TEM,A) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) PARAMETER (nat0=1000,MX3=3*nat0,MX=MX3/3) DIMENSION C(3,MX),A(MX3,MX3),TEM(MX3,MX3) N=3*nat AMACH=0.00000000000001d0 DO 12 I=1,N DO 12 J=1,6 12 A(I,J)=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT A(3*I-2,1)= 1.00d0 A(3*I-1,2)= 1.00d0 A(3*I ,3)= 1.00d0 A(3*I-2,4)=-C(2,I) A(3*I-1,4)= C(1,I) A(3*I-1,5)=-C(3,I) A(3*I ,5)= C(2,I) A(3*I-2,6)= C(3,I) 1 A(3*I ,6)=-C(1,I) N6=6 CALL ORT(A,MX3,N6,NAT) ICOL=1 5 IF(ICOL.GT.N6)GOTO 8 S=0.0d0 DO 6 J=1,N 6 S=S+A(J,ICOL)**2 IF(S.LT.1000.0d0*AMACH)THEN DO 7 J=1,N 7 A(J,ICOL)=A(J,N6) N6=N6-1 GOTO 5 ENDIF ICOL=ICOL+1 GOTO 5 8 CONTINUE WRITE(*,*)N6,' coordinates projected' DO 2 I=1,N DO 2 J=1,N TEM(I,J)=0.0d0 DO 2 II=1,N6 2 TEM(I,J)=TEM(I,J)+A(I,II)*A(J,II) DO 3 I=1,N DO 4 J=1,N 4 A(I,J)=-TEM(I,J) 3 A(I,I)=A(I,I)+1.0d0 RETURN END C ============================================================ SUBROUTINE ORT(A,NDIM,N6,NAT) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION A(NDIM,N6) AMACH=0.00000000000001d0 NAT3=3*NAT C=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT3 1 C=C+A(I,1)**2 IF(C.GT.AMACH)C=1.0d0/SQRT(C) DO 2 I=1,NAT3 2 A(I,1)=A(I,1)*C DO 3 IC=2,N6 C Column IC, orthonormalize to previous columns: DO 3 ICP=1,IC-1 SP=0.0d0 DO 5 J=1,NAT3 5 SP=SP+A(J,IC)*A(J,ICP) C Subtract projection to ICP: DO 6 J=1,NAT3 6 A(J,IC)=A(J,IC)-SP*A(J,ICP) C Normalize : SP=0.0d0 DO 7 J=1,NAT3 7 SP=SP+A(J,IC)**2 IF(SP.GT.AMACH)SP=1.0d0/SQRT(SP) DO 3 J=1,NAT3 3 A(J,IC)=A(J,IC)*SP RETURN END subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end