program mulliken c c rewrites mullican atomic charges from gaussian output c into tinker ff character*80 fn,fna1,s80,fnaff character*2 sy parameter (nat0=3000) integer bt(nat0,7),ttype(nat0),ind(nat0) dimension nb(nat0), 1iz(nat0),x(nat0),y(nat0),z(nat0),q(nat0) logical lex c if(iargc().eq.0)then write(6,*)'Gaussian output filename:' read(5,'(a)')fn write(6,*)'Tinker geometry:' read(5,'(a)')fna1 write(6,*)'Tinker force field:' read(5,'(a)')fnaff else call getarg(1,fn) call getarg(2,fNA1) call getarg(3,fNAff) endif ic=0 open(8,file=fn) 1 read(8,800,end=888,err=888)s80 800 format(a80) if(s80(2:25).eq.'Mulliken atomic charges:')then read(8,*) 2 read(8,800,end=888,err=888)s80 if(s80(1:4).ne.' Sum')then read(s80(11:21),*,end=888,err=888)qic ic=ic+1 if( write(6,*)'Too many charges' stop endif q(ic)=qic goto 2 else goto 888 endif endif goto 1 888 close(8) nc=ic c do ic=1,nc c write(6,*)ic,q(ic) c enddo write(6,*)nc,' charges read' c read in tinker file: open(4,file=fna1) read(4,*)nat if( write(6,*)'Too many atoms' close(4) close(3) stop endif do 4 ia=1,nat read(4,400)sy,x(ia),y(ia),z(ia),ttype(ia),(bt(ia,ib),ib=1,7) 400 format(7x,a2,2x,3f12.6,i6,7i6) nb(ia)=0 do 3 ib=1,7 3 if(bt(ia,ib).ne.0)nb(ia)=nb(ia)+1 iz(ia)=0 if(sy.eq.' N')iz(ia)=7 if(sy.eq.' O')iz(ia)=8 if(sy.eq.' C')iz(ia)=6 if(sy.eq.' H')iz(ia)=1 if(iz(ia).eq.0)then write(6,*)'Unknown atom ',sy,ia iz(ia)=1 endif 4 continue close(4) write(6,*)nat,' atoms in tinker file' inquire(file='CCT.INP',exist=lex) if(.not.lex)then write(6,*)'CCT.INP not found' stop else open(9,file='CCT.INP') read(9,*) read(9,*) read(9,9000)(ind(i),i=1,nat) read(9,9000)(ind(i),i=1,nat) 9000 format(20i3) close(9) write(6,*)'CCT.INP read' endif do ia=1,nat write(6,600)ia,ttype(ia) 600 format(' atom ',i4,' type ',i4) if(ind(ia).ne.0)then write(6,*)'charge of this atom will be replaced in ff' isub=0 open(9,file=fnaff) 6 read(9,800,end=99,err=99)s80 if(s80(1:4).eq.'atom')read(s80(5:17),*)i1,i2 if(i1.eq.ttype(ia))isub=i2 goto 6 99 close(9) write(6,*)'subtype found: ',isub open(9,file=fnaff) 5 read(9,800,end=991,err=991)s80 if(s80(1:6).eq.'charge')then read(s80(7:27),*)i1,qold if(i1.eq.ttype(ia))then write(6,6009)qold,q(ind(ia)) 6009 format(' Old charge: ',f8.4,' New charge: ',f8.4) backspace 9 write(9,9001)i1,q(ind(ia)) 9001 format('charge',i8,f14.4) endif endif goto 5 991 close(9) endif enddo stop end