program mcdvdiv implicit none integer*4 ln,ig,i,nat0,ib,nat,it parameter (nat0=200) integer*4 ty(nat0) real*8 r(3*nat0),step,x,y,z character*180 s80 c write(6,600) 600 format( 1' Devides gaussian output with numerical differentiation',/, 1' to individual geometries',/, 2' GV.OUT - only one calculation (# .... #) possible.',/) c ln=0 ig=0 ib=0 step=0.001d0 call inif(91,ig) open(9,file='GV.OUT',status='old') 11 read(9,900,end=88,err=88)s80 900 format(a180) ln=ln+1 if(s80(27:44).eq.'Input orientation:')then write(6,900)s80 write(6,*)'Line ',ln read(9,*) read(9,*) read(9,*) read(9,*) nat=0 200 read(9,*,err=87)it,it,x,x,y,z nat=nat+1 if( write(6,*)'too many atoms',nat,nat0 stop endif ty(nat)=it r(1+3*(nat-1))=x r(2+3*(nat-1))=y r(3+3*(nat-1))=z goto 200 87 continue write(6,*)nat,' atoms' if(ig.eq.0)call wrgeo(r,nat,ig,ty,step) goto 11 endif if(s80(2:16).eq.'Standard basis:'.and.ig.eq.0.and.ib.eq.0)then ib=ib+1 open(80,file='basis') call ws80(80,s80) 6 read(9,900)s80 if(s80(2:17).ne.'Integral buffers')then call ws80(80,s80) goto 6 endif close(80) if(ig.eq.0)call wrbas endif call ws80(91,s80) if(s80(2:14).eq.'Nuclear step=')read(s80(15:23),*)step if(s80(2:18).eq.'Cartesian Forces:')then do 1 i=1,6 read(9,900,end=88,err=88)s80 if(s80(2:8).eq.'NDeriv=')then close(91) if(ig.eq.0)close(80) ig=ig+1 call inif(91,ig) if( call wrgeo(r,nat,ig,ty,step) call wrbas endif goto 11 endif 1 continue endif goto 11 88 close(9) close(91) write(6,*)ln,' lines of GV.OUT' write(6,*)ig,' differentiation points' end subroutine wrbas character*180 s80 open(80,file='basis') 5 read(80,900,end=44,err=44)s80 900 format(a180) call ws80(91,s80) goto 5 44 close(80) return end subroutine wrgeo(r,nat,ig,ty,step) implicit none integer*4 nat,ig,ty(*),ia,ar,xr,is real*8 r(*),x,y,z,si,step character*8 yy(2) data yy/'forward ','backward'/ character*1 xy(3) data xy/'x','y','z'/ write(91,1000) 1000 format(26x,'Input orientation:',/, 11x,69(1h-),/, 1' Center Atomic Atomic Coordinates', 1' (Angstroms)',/, 1' Number Number Type X Y', 1' Z',/, 11x,69(1h-)) ar=(ig+5)/6 xr=(ig-6*(ar-1)+1)/2 is=ig-6*(ar-1)-2*(xr-1) if(is.eq.1)then si= step else si=-step endif if(ig.eq.0)then write(6,501) 501 format(' Zero geometry') else write(6,500)ar,xy(xr),yy(is) 500 format('IAt ',i3,1x,a1,2x,a8) endif do 1 ia=1,nat x=r(1+3*(ia-1)) y=r(2+3*(ia-1)) z=r(3+3*(ia-1)) if( if(xr.eq.1)x=x+si if(xr.eq.2)y=y+si if(xr.eq.3)z=z+si endif 1 write(91,1001)ia,ty(ia),0,x,y,z 1001 format(i7,i11,i12,4x,3f12.6) write(91,1002) 1002 format(1x,69(1h-)) return end subroutine inif(io,i) character*10 s10 write(s10,10)i 10 format(i10) do 1 is=1,len(s10) 1 if(s10(is:is).ne.' ')goto 2 2 do 3 ie=len(s10),1,-1 3 if(s10(ie:ie).ne.' ')goto 4 4 call system('mkdir '//s10(is:ie)) open(io,file=s10(is:ie)//'/GV.OUT') return end subroutine ws80(io,s) character*(*) s do 3 ie=len(s),1,-1 3 if(s(ie:ie).ne.' ')goto 4 4 write(io,901)(s(i:i),i=1,ie) 901 format(180a1) return end