program makecc implicit none character*80 fn,s80 character*106 s106 character*1 s1,s2 integer*4 nat,NA1,NA2,it,ig,NN,ia,ix,iz,izf,nal,nt,ii real*8 bohr,x(3),r(3),u(3,3) logical lunit integer*4,allocatable::ll(:) c bohr=0.529177d0 lunit=.false. nat=0 ig=0 it=0 write(6,6000) 6000 format(' Making big FILE.X movie file from CASTEP output',/) if(iargc().gt.0)then call getarg(1,fn) call getarg(2,s80) read(s80,*)NA1 call getarg(3,s80) read(s80,*)NA2 call getarg(4,s80) read(s80,*)NN else write(6,*)'Trajectory filename:' read(5,200)fn 200 format(a80) write(6,6001) 6001 format( 1 'Interval of atoms, geom int (N1 N2 NN, "0 0 0" for all): ',$) read(5,*)NA1,NA2,NN endif if( write(6,*)'SOLU.LST requested by negative N1' open(9,file='SOLU.LST',status='old') read(9,*)nal allocate(ll(nal)) read(9,*)ll close(9) endif c c read separately the first geometry to find number of atoms: s1='X' open(4,file=fn) 11 read(4,900,err=99,end=99)s106 900 format(a106) s2=s106(106:106) if(s2.eq.'R')nat=nat+1 if('R'.and.s1.eq.'R')goto 99 s1=s2 if(s106(26:55).eq.'Total number of ions in cell =')then read(s106(56:60),*)nat goto 99 endif goto 11 99 write(6,*)nat,' atoms' close(4) if(nat.eq.0)stop if(NN.eq.0)NN=1 if(NA1.eq.0)NA1=1 if(NA2.eq.0)NA2=nat if( nt=nal else nt=NA2-NA1+1 endif open(4,file=fn) open(3,file='FILE.X') s1='X' 1 read(4,900,err=999,end=999)s106 c c New format: if(s106(39:47).eq.'Unit Cell')then lunit=.true. read(4,*) read(4,*) read(4,*)u(1,1),u(1,2),u(1,3) read(4,*)u(2,1),u(2,2),u(2,3) read(4,*)u(3,1),u(3,2),u(3,3) endif if(s106(39:69).eq.'Fractional coordinates of atoms')then if(.not.lunit)then write(6,*)'Fractions found, but unit cell unknown' stop endif read(4,*) read(4,*) ig=ig+1 if(mod(ig,NN).eq.0.or.ig.eq.1)then it=it+1 write(6,*)ig,it write(3,203)ig,it write(3,*)nt do 3 ia=1,nat read(4,900)s106 if(s106(16:16).eq.' ')then iz=izf(s106(17:18)) else iz=izf(s106(16:17)) endif read(s106(34:68),*)x do 4 ix=1,3 4 r(ix)=u(1,ix)*x(1)+u(2,ix)*x(2)+u(3,ix)*x(3) if( do 5 ii=1,nal 5 if(ll(ii).eq.ia)write(3,300)iz,(r(ix),ix=1,3) 300 format(i3,3f12.6) else if(,300)iz,(r(ix),ix=1,3) endif 3 continue endif endif c c Old format: s2=s106(106:106) if(s2.eq.'R''R')then ig=ig+1 if((ig/NN)*NN.eq.ig)then it=it+1 write(3,203)ig,it 203 format('CASTEP GEOMETRY ',2I12) write(3,*)nt backspace 4 do 2 ia=1,nat read(4,900)s106 read(s106(19:99),*)x iz=izf(s106(2:3)) if( do 6 ii=1,nal 6 if(ll(ii).eq.ia)write(3,300)iz,(x(ix)*bohr,ix=1,3) else if(,300)iz,(x(ix)*bohr,ix=1,3) endif 2 continue else do 21 ia=1,nat-1 21 read(4,*) endif endif s1=s2 goto 1 999 close(4) close(3) write(6,*)' FILE.X made.' write(6,600)ig,it 600 format(I8,' geometries found;',I8,' written.') stop end function izf(sy) implicit none character*2 sy integer*4 izf,i character*2 as(87) data as/ 1 'H ','He' 1,'Li','Be','B ','C ','N ','O ','F ','Ne' 1,'Na','Mg','Al','Si','P ','S ','Cl','Ar' 1,'K ','Ca','Sc','Ti','V ','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu','Zn', 1 'Ga','Ge','As' 1,'Se','Br','Kr' 1,'Rb','Sr','Y ','Zr','Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd', 1 'In','Sn','Sb' 1,'Te','I ','Xe' 1,'Cs','Ba' 1,'La','Ce','Pr','Nd','Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er', 1 'Tm','Yb','Lu' 1,'Hf','Ta','W ','Re','Os','Ir','Pt','Au','Hg','Tl','Pb','Bi', 1 'Po','At','Rn','L '/ do 1 i=1,87 if( izf=i return endif 1 continue write(6,*)'Unknown atom '//sy izf=0 return end