PROGRAM MAKEBONDS IMPLICIT none integer*4 nt0 parameter (nt0=23000) character*80 fn,name real*8 bonding(88),r(nt0,3),rb,x1,y1,z1,rt,x2,y2,z2 integer*4 i,nat,j,nbt(nt0,7),iz(nt0),nb(nt0),iargc, 1ti,tj c Du H He Li Be B C N O F c Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti c V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As data bonding/ 10.50,0.32,0.98,1.28,0.95,0.87,0.82,0.80,0.78,0.77, 10.76,1.59,1.41,1.23,1.16,1.11,1.20,1.04,1.03,2.08,1.79,1.49,1.37, 11.27,1.23,1.22,1.22,1.21,1.20,1.22,1.30,1.31,1.27,1.25,1.21,1.19, 11.17,2.21,1.96,1.67,1.50,1.39,1.35,1.32,1.30,1.30,1.33,1.39,1.53, 11.49,1.46,1.45,1.41,1.38,1.36,2.40,2.03,1.74,1.70,1.70,1.69,1.68, 11.67,1.90,1.66,1.64,1.64,1.63,1.62,1.61,1.75,1.61,1.49,1.39,1.35, 11.33,1.31,1.32,1.35,1.39,1.54,1.53,1.52,1.51,1.51,1.50,1.49,0.10/ c WRITE(6,3000) 3000 FORMAT(' Makes bond table to an MCM coordinate file',/, 1 ' (old file will be rewritten!!)',/,/, 1 'Filename:') if(iargc().gt.0)then call getarg(1,fn) else read(5,'(a)')fn endif open(2,file=fn) read(2,2000)name 2000 format(a80) read(2,*)nat if( report('too many atoms') do 1 i=1,nat 1 read(2,*)iz(i),(r(i,j),j=1,3) write(6,*)nat,' atoms' do 4 i=1,nat nb(i)=0 do 4 j=1,7 4 nbt(i,j)=0 c do 3 i=1,nat ti=iz(i)+1 if( report('type out of range') rb=bonding(ti) x1=r(i,1) y1=r(i,2) z1=r(i,3) do 3 j=i+1,nat tj=iz(j)+1 if( if( report('type out of range') rt=(rb+bonding(tj))**2 x2=(x1-r(j,1))**2 if( y2=(y1-r(j,2))**2+x2 if( z2=(z1-r(j,3))**2+y2 if( nb(i)=nb(i)+1 nb(j)=nb(j)+1 nbt(i,nb(i))=j nbt(j,nb(j))=i endif endif endif endif 3 continue c rewind 2 write(2,2000)name write(2,*)nat do 2 i=1,nat 2 write(2,20)iz(i),(r(i,j),j=1,3),(nbt(i,j),j=1,7),0.0d0 20 format(i2,3f15.8,7i7,f6.2) close(2) write(6,*)' File ',fn,' was rewritten.' stop end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end