program ham implicit none integer*4 NW,i,NEQUI,NENS,NPROD,i1,i2,i3,i4, 1istart,iend,j,ist,ien real*8 xmin,xmax,TEMP,NFS,NPS,PRES,x,dx,b,MTOL character*10 so,sop character*80 s80,dynamic,minimize logical lex,LPER,lpc,ltinker5 c dynamic='dynamic' minimize='minimize' ltinker5=.false. MTOL=1.0d0 NEQUI=1000 NPROD=10000 NFS=1.0d0 NENS=2 TEMP=298.0d0 PRES=1.0d0 XMIN=0.0d0 XMAX=0.0d0 NW=50 LPER=.false. lpc=.false. write(6,*) write(6,600) 600 format(' Makes the driving script for WHAM analysis in Tinker',/, 1 ' ',/, 1 ' Petr Bour, Academy of Sciences, 2010 ',/, 1 ' ',/, 1 ' Input: HAM.OPT',/, 1 ' KEY.TXT (the .key file torso)',/, 1 ' (for MD)',/, 1 ' ham.prm (for MD)',/, 1 ' ',/, 1 ' Output: goham',/,/) open(9,file='HAM.OPT') 1 read(9,900,end=99,err=99)so 900 format(a10) if(so(1:4).eq.'DYNA')read(9,'(a)')dynamic if(so(1:4).eq.'LPER')read(9,*)LPER if(so(1:4).eq.'TINK')read(9,*)ltinker5 if(so(1:4).eq.'MINI')read(9,'(a)')minimize if(so(1:4).eq.'MTOL')read(9,*)MTOL if(so(1:5).eq.'NEQUI')read(9,*)NEQUI if(so(1:4).eq.'NENS')read(9,*)NENS if(so(1:3).eq.'NFS')read(9,*)NFS if(so(1:4).eq.'NINT')read(9,*) if(so(1:5).eq.'NPROD')read(9,*)NPROD if(so(1:2).eq.'NW' )read(9,*)NW if(so(1:4).eq.'PRES')read(9,*)PRES if(so(1:4).eq.'TEMP')read(9,*)TEMP if(so(1:4).eq.'XMIN')read(9,*)xmin if(so(1:4).eq.'XMAX')read(9,*)xmax if(so(1:4).eq.'END')goto 99 goto 1 99 close(9) write(6,*)'Option read' write(6,*) inquire(file='',exist=lex) if(.not.lex)call report(' not found!') inquire(file='ham.prm',exist=lex) if(.not.lex)call report('ham.prm not found!') inquire(file='KEY.TXT',exist=lex) if(.not.lex)call report('KEY.TXT not found!') c c List of options c --------------- c dynamic the dynamic command, with system path (e.g. /bin/dynamic) c minimize the minimize command, with system path c TINKER VERSION (ltinker5) c xmin lower coordinate limit c xmax upper coordinate limit c NEQUI number of equilibrium steps c NPROD number of production steps c NENS ensemble type (2-NVT, 4-NPT) c NFS MD integration step in fs c NPS MD time between dumps in ps --- only one dump per simulation c NINT histogram integration step -- not used here c NW number of weighted histograms c MTOL minimization gradient limit c PRES pressure (for NPT) c TEMP temperature c c KEY.TXT typically contains periodic boundary condition c definition (A-AXIS ...) and the restricted coordinate c open(9,file='goham') write(9,*)'cp' dx=(xmax-xmin)/dble(NW) x=xmin-dx write(9,*)'rm ham.xyz_* *.dyn ham.0* ham.1* ham.2* ham.3*' write(9,*)'rm ham.4* ham.5* ham.6* ham.7* ham.8* ham.9*' do 2 i=1,NW c write(so,'(i10)')i do 21 istart=1,10 21 if(so(istart:istart).ne.' ')goto 22 22 do 23 iend=10,1,-1 23 if(so(iend:iend).ne.' ')goto 24 24 x=x+dx c c prepare key file open(91,file='ham.key.'//so(istart:iend)) 3 open(92,file='KEY.TXT') read(92,980,end=33,err=33)s80 980 format(a80) c c periodic boundary conditions: if(s80(3:6).eq.'AXIS')lpc=.true. if(s80(1:17).eq.'RESTRAIN-DISTANCE')then read(s80(18:80),*)i1,i2,b write(91,9191)i1,i2,b,x,x 9191 format('RESTRAIN-DISTANCE',2i5,f16.8,2f12.4) else if(s80(1:16).eq.'RESTRAIN-TORSION')then read(s80(18:80),*)i1,i2,i3,i4,b write(91,9192)i1,i2,i3,i4,b,x,x 9192 format('RESTRAIN-TORSION',4i5,f16.8,2f11.2) else write(91,980)s80 endif endif goto 3 33 close(91) close(92) write(9,'(a)')'cp ham.key.'//so(istart:iend)//' ham.key' c c equilibration stage minimization and dynamics do 212 ist=1,80 212 if(minimize(ist:ist).ne.' ')goto 222 222 do 2332 ien=80,1,-1 2332 if(minimize(ien:ien).ne.' ')goto 2412 2412 write(9,9031)(minimize(j:j),j=ist,ien) 9031 format(1a1,$) write(9,9032)MTOL 9032 format(' ham ',f10.2) write(9,*)'mv ham.xyz_2' do 211 ist=1,80 211 if(dynamic(ist:ist).ne.' ')goto 221 221 do 233 ien=80,1,-1 233 if(dynamic(ien:ien).ne.' ')goto 241 241 write(9,*)'rm CURRENT' write(9,9031)(dynamic(j:j),j=ist,ien) NPS=NFS*dble(NEQUI)/1000.0d0 if(lpc)then if(NENS.eq.4)then write(9,903)NEQUI,NFS,NPS,NENS,TEMP,PRES else write(9,903)NEQUI,NFS,NPS,NENS,TEMP 903 format(' ham ',i9,2f7.1,i2,2f7.1) endif else if(ltinker5)then write(9,9041)NEQUI,NFS,NPS,NENS,TEMP 9041 format(' ham ',i9,2f7.1,i2,f7.1) else write(9,904)NEQUI,NFS,NPS,TEMP 904 format(' ham ',i9,3f7.1) endif endif write(9,902) 902 format('mv ham.001') c c production dynamics write(9,*)'echo ',i,' > CURRENT' write(9,9031)(dynamic(j:j),j=ist,ien) NPS=NFS*dble(NPROD)/1000.0d0 if(lpc)then if(NENS.eq.4)then write(9,903)NPROD,NFS,NPS,NENS,TEMP,PRES else write(9,903)NPROD,NFS,NPS,NENS,TEMP endif else if(ltinker5)then write(9,9041)NPROD,NFS,NPS,NENS,TEMP else write(9,904)NPROD,NFS,NPS,TEMP endif endif write(9,902) write(9,*)'cp '//so(istart:iend)//'.xyz' write(9,*)'rm *.dyn' 2 write(9,*) close(9) call report('goham written') end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,60)('*',i=1,len(s)) write(6,*) write(6,'(a)')s write(6,60)('*',i=1,len(s)) 60 format(1a1,$) write(6,*) stop end