PROGRAM GNMR implicit integer*4 (i-n) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) parameter (np0=100000) DIMENSION r(3,300),iz(300) CHARACTER*50 FN,FNT LOGICAL lzmat CHARACTER*1 OK,element,prvek dimension spec(np0) c WRITE(*,*)' Full filename of the Gaussian output:' READ(*,'(A)')FN WRITE(*,*)' Full filename of the NMR table:' READ(*,'(A)')FNT OPEN(2,FILE=FN) OPEN(4,FILE=FNT) NG=0 1 READ(2,2000,END=1000)FN 2000 FORMAT(A50) c 1 H Isotropic = 18.2408 Anisotropy = 11.5688 c234567890123456789012345678901234567890 IF(FN(11:21).EQ.'Isotropic =')then NG=NG+1 WRITE(4,20000)FN(1:32),NG 20000 FORMAT(A32,i5) ENDIF GOTO 1 1000 CLOSE(2) CLOSE(4) write(*,*)ng,' shieldings found' c if( write(6,*)'Simulate spectrum (y/n)? ' read(5,'(a)')ok write(6,*)'Which atom (H, C, N, O, F ...):' read(5,'(a)')element if(ok.eq.'y'.or.ok.eq.'Y')then write(6,*)'Reference value: (put "0" for absulute scale): ' read(5,*)sr write(6,*)'Remember sh = Reference - Absolute !' 999 write(6,*)'Input 4 numbers:' write(6,*)'Smin, smax, number of points, peak width:' read(5,*)si,sa,np,w if( write(6,*)'too many points, max is ',np0 goto 999 endif ds=(sa-si)/real(np-1) do ii=1,np spec(i)=0.0d0 enddo open(4,file=fnt) ifo=0 do i=1,ng read(4,4000)prvek,sigma 4000 format(5x,a1,15x,f11.4) if(prvek.eq.element)then ifo=ifo+1 sigma=sr-sigma s=si-ds do ii=1,np s=s+ds ee=((sigma-s)/w)**2 if( enddo endif enddo close(4) write(6,*)ifo,' of ',element,' found' write(6,*)'Filename (with .PRN):' read(5,'(a)')fn open(4,file=fn) s=si-ds do ii=1,np s=s+ds write(4,4001)s,spec(ii) 4001 format(f9.3,f10.5) enddo close(4) endif endif c STOP END