PROGRAM GJJCONF implicit integer*4 (i-n) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) parameter (NTY0=100,nat0=100) DIMENSION NG(2,NTY0),NA(2,NTY0,10),ash(NTY0), 1ncf(NTY0),ajm(nat0,nat0) CHARACTER*160 ff CHARACTER*4 s4 CHARACTER*16 lb(NTY0) CHARACTER*80 fn c c extract gaussian nmr data - COUPLINGS c NCO number of conformations/molecules c NTY number of COUPLINGS to be extracted, each can include more c chemically equivalent atoms c site 1 site 2 c atoms 1..NG(1 1..NG(2 c NA(1 ...NA(NG(1 NA(2 ...NA(NG(2 c c ncf .. number of found couplings, should be NG(1 x NG(2 if non-redundant nsat=0 open(2,file='GNMR.OPT') 1 read(2,200,end=999,err=999)s4 200 format(a4) if(s4(1:3).eq.'NCO')read(2,*)NCO if(s4(1:3).eq.'NTY')then read(2,*)NTY if( report('Too many shifts.') do 3 i=1,NTY read(2,2001)lb(i) write(6,2001)lb(i) 2001 format(a16) c number of same atoms, their list, for the two coupled moments read(2,*)NG(1,i),(NA(1,i,j),j=1,NG(1,i)) 3 read(2,*)NG(2,i),(NA(2,i,j),j=1,NG(2,i)) endif goto 1 999 close(2) icc=0 open(3,file='NAMES.LST') open(8,file='JJ.TAB') write(8,8002)(lb(i),i=1,NTY) 8002 format(4x,1000(a16)) do 2 ic=1,NCO read(3,3000)fn 3000 format(a80) write(6,3000)fn open(2,file=fn) IR=0 5 READ(2,2002,END=1000,err=1000)ff 2002 FORMAT(A160) if(ff(2:28).eq.'CP coupling constants in SI')IR=0 if(ff(2:28).eq.'CP coupling constants in Hz')IR=1 c c sychrovsky format IF(ff(1:2).EQ.' ('.and.ff(8:8).eq.','.and.ff(14:16).eq.') '.and. 1 IR.eq.1)then icc=icc+1 do 4 is=1,NTY ncf(is)=0 4 ash(is)=0.0d0 open(22,file='scr') write(22,*)ff(5:7)//ff(11:13)//ff(15:120) rewind 22 read(22,*)j1,j2,dso,pso,fc,sd,tot close(22) do 6 is=1,NTY c c does it belong to the coupling is: ibl=0 do 61 ii=1,NG(1,is) 61 if(NA(1,is,ii).eq.j1)ibl=ibl+1 ibr=0 do 62 ii=1,NG(2,is) 62 if(NA(2,is,ii).eq.j2)ibr=ibr+1 if(ibl.eq.1.and.ibr.eq.1)then ncf(is)=ncf(is)+1 ash(is)=ash(is)+tot endif c c does it belong to the coupling is (reversed order): ibl=0 do 63 ii=1,NG(1,is) 63 if(NA(1,is,ii).eq.j2)ibl=ibl+1 ibr=0 do 64 ii=1,NG(2,is) 64 if(NA(2,is,ii).eq.j1)ibr=ibr+1 if(ibl.eq.1.and.ibr.eq.1)then ncf(is)=ncf(is)+1 ash(is)=ash(is)+tot endif 6 continue do 71 is=1,NTY 71 if(ncf(is).gt.0)ash(is)=ash(is)/dble(ncf(is)) write(8,8000)icc,(ash(i),i=1,NTY) ENDIF c c nesychrovsky format IF(ff(2:41).EQ.'Total nuclear spin-spin coupling J (Hz):')then icc=icc+1 do 41 is=1,NTY ncf(is)=0 41 ash(is)=0.0d0 if(nsat.eq.0)then write(6,*)'nat:' read(5,*)N nsat=N else N=nsat endif if( write(6,*)'too many atoms' stop endif N1=1 111 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N read(2,*) DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 READ(2,*)idum,(ajm(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 111 DO 31 I=1,N DO 31 J=I,N 31 ajm(I,J)=ajm(J,I) do 1001 j1=1,N do 1001 j2=j1,N tot=ajm(j1,j2) do 601 is=1,NTY c c does it belong to the coupling is: ibl=0 do 6101 ii=1,NG(1,is) 6101 if(NA(1,is,ii).eq.j1)ibl=ibl+1 ibr=0 do 6201 ii=1,NG(2,is) 6201 if(NA(2,is,ii).eq.j2)ibr=ibr+1 if(ibl.eq.1.and.ibr.eq.1)then ncf(is)=ncf(is)+1 ash(is)=ash(is)+tot endif c c does it belong to the coupling is (reversed order): ibl=0 do 6301 ii=1,NG(1,is) 6301 if(NA(1,is,ii).eq.j2)ibl=ibl+1 ibr=0 do 6401 ii=1,NG(2,is) 6401 if(NA(2,is,ii).eq.j1)ibr=ibr+1 if(ibl.eq.1.and.ibr.eq.1)then ncf(is)=ncf(is)+1 ash(is)=ash(is)+tot endif 601 continue 1001 continue do 7 is=1,NTY 7 if(ncf(is).gt.0)ash(is)=ash(is)/dble(ncf(is)) write(8,8000)icc,(ash(i),i=1,NTY) 8000 format(i4,1000f16.2) ENDIF GOTO 5 1000 CLOSE(2) 2 continue close(3) close(8) open(8,file='') do i=1,NTY write(8,80000)i,lb(i),ash(i) 80000 format(i4,a16,f16.2) enddo close(8) STOP END subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end