program fire implicit none real*8 wmin,wmax,c,l,v0,lexc,lambda,epsc,depsc,epscp,depscp, 1T,hw,dd,v,ee,iroa,ft,iroaicp,iroadcpi,iroadcpii integer*4 np,ne,nd,nt,i,nl,ntpm,ntpp,npc,ntc real*8,allocatable::eps(:),deps(:),xe(:),xd(:),w(:),i0(:),doc(:), 1ram(:),roa(:),x(:),dcpi(:),ramdcpi(:),roaicp(:),roadcpi(:), 1ramdcpII(:),roadcpii(:),dcpII(:) logical LG,lwr write(6,600) 600 format( 1' "Ring of fire" solvent ROA',/,/, 1' Input: EPS.PRN ECD dye, l mol-1 cm-1',/, 1' DEPS.PRN UV-ABS dye, l mol-1 cm-1',/, 1' ROA.TAB solvent',/, 1' IRR-IRL.PRN IRR+IRL.PRN alternative to ROA.TAB',/, 1' FIRE.OPT options',/,/, 1' Output: ram,prn Raman solvent',/, 1' ramdcpi,prn ',/, 1' ramdcpii,prn ',/, 1' roa,prn ROA solvent',/, 1' roaicp,prn ',/, 1' roadcpi,prn ',/, 1' roadcpii,prn ',/) call readopt(wmin,wmax,c,l,np,v0,lexc,T,hw,LG,lwr) ne=nl('EPS.PRN') nd=nl('DEPS.PRN') nt=nl('ROA.TAB')-4 ntpm=nl('IRR-IRL.PRN') ntpp=nl('IRR+IRL.PRN') allocate(eps(ne),xe(ne),deps(nd),xd(nd)) call rs(ne, eps,xe, 'EPS.PRN') call rs(nd,deps,xd,'DEPS.PRN') c excitation: c closest point and value in el spectra: call rc( epsc,lexc,ne, eps,xe) call rc(depsc,lexc,nd,deps,xd) if( write(6,6002)nt 6002 format(i5,' parameters in ROA.TAB') ntc=nt npc=np allocate(w(nt),i0(nt),doc(nt),dcpi(nt),dcpII(nt)) call rt(nt,w,i0,dcpi,dcpII,doc,'ROA.TAB') else if( write(6,6001)ntpm,ntpp 6001 format(2i5,' points in IRR-IRL, IRR+IRL') if( 1 call report('IRR-IRL,IRR+IRL different number of points') npc=ntpm ntc=npc allocate(w(ntc),i0(ntc),doc(ntc),dcpi(ntc),dcpII(ntc)) dcpii=0.0d0 dcpi=0.0d0 call rtprn(ntc,w,i0,doc) else call report('no DOC data') endif endif allocate(x(npc),ram(npc),roa(npc), 1ramdcpi(npc),roadcpi(npc),roaicp(npc),ramdcpII(npc),roadcpii(npc)) call inisp(wmax,wmin,npc,x,roa,roaicp,roadcpi,roadcpii,ramdcpi, 1ramdcpii,ram,LG,dd,hw) if(lwr)write(6,610)c,L 610 format(' c = ',e10.3,' M, L -',e10.3,' cm') do 2 i=1,ntc c absolute wavenumber: v=v0-w(i) c wavelength lambda=1.0d7/v c closest point and value in el spectra: call rc( epscp,lambda,ne, eps,xe) call rc(depscp,lambda,nd,deps,xd) ee=(epsc+epscp)*c*l if( ee=0.0d0 else ee=exp(-ee) endif ft=(1.0d0-ee*(c*l*(epscp+epsc)+1.0d0)) / 1 (2.0d0*(epscp+epsc)*(1.0d0-ee)) c SCP c (de' +DOC de) (1 - exp(-(e+e')cL) (cL(e'+e) +1) c ----------------------------------------------- I0 c 2(e+e')(1- exp(-(e+e')cL)) iroa=(depscp+doc(i)*depsc)*ft*i0(i) if(lwr)write(6,609)i,w(i),lambda,epsc,epscp,depsc,depscp,doc(i), 1ft,i0(i) 609 format(i6,f8.2,' cm-1',f7.2,' nm, e:',e11.3,' ep:', 1e11.3,' de:',e11.3,' dep:',e11.3,' DOC:',e11.3,' ft:', 1e11.3,' I:',e11.3) c ICP c (de +DOC de') (1 - exp(-(e+e')cL) (cL(e'+e) +1) c ----------------------------------------------- I0 c 2(e+e')(1- exp(-(e+e')cL)) iroaicp=(depsc+doc(i)*depscp)*ft*i0(i) c DCPI c (de' + de) (1 - exp(-(e+e')cL) (cL(e'+e) +1) c ----------------------------------------------- I0 c 2(e+e')(1- exp(-(e+e')cL) iroadcpi=(depscp+depsc )*ft*dcpi(i) c DCPI c (de' - de) (1 - exp(-(e+e')cL) (cL(e'+e) +1) c ----------------------------------------------- I0 c 2(e+e')(1- exp(-(e+e')cL) iroadcpii=(depscp-depsc )*ft*dcpii(i) if( c spectral convolution: call spr(iroa ,w(i),dd,x,np,roa, T,LG) call spr(iroaicp ,w(i),dd,x,np,roaicp ,T,LG) call spr(iroadcpi ,w(i),dd,x,np,roadcpi ,T,LG) call spr(iroadcpii,w(i),dd,x,np,roadcpii,T,LG) call spr(dcpi(i) ,w(i),dd,x,np,ramdcpi ,T,LG) call spr(dcpii(i) ,w(i),dd,x,np,ramdcpii,T,LG) call spr(i0(i) ,w(i),dd,x,np,ram ,T,LG) else c directly this point: roa(i)=iroa x(i)=w(i) endif 2 continue call ws('roa.prn',npc,x,roa) if( call ws('ram.prn',npc,x,ram) call ws('ramdcpi.prn',npc,x,ramdcpi) call ws('ramdcpii.prn',npc,x,ramdcpii) call ws('roaicp.prn',npc,x,roaicp) call ws('roadcpi.prn',npc,x,roadcpi) call ws('roadcpii.prn',npc,x,roadcpii) endif end subroutine spr(i0,wo,dd,x,np,s,temp,LG) implicit none integer*4 np,i real*8 i0,wo,x(*),s(*),temp,dd,const,sfc,sf logical LG do 4 i=1,np sfc=sf(dd,LG,x(i),wo) const=i0/wo/(1.0d0-exp(-(1.44d0*wo/temp))) 4 s(i)=s(i)+sfc*const return end c ================================================================== function sf(d,g,x,x0) implicit none logical g real*8 pi,spi,sf,d,x,x0,dd pi=4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) spi=dsqrt(pi) dd=((x-x0)/d)**2 if(g)then if( sf=exp(-dd)/d/spi else sf=0.0d0 endif else if( sf=1.0d0/d/(dd+1.0d0)/pi else sf=0.0d0 endif endif return end subroutine rc(ec,l,ne,e,xe) implicit none integer*4 ne,i real*8 ec,l,e(*),xe(*) do 1 i=1,ne-1 if((xe(i).le.l.and.xe(i+1).ge.l).or. 1 (xe(i).ge.l.and.xe(i+1).le.l))then ec=e(i) return endif 1 continue write(6,*)l call report('no point found') end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end subroutine ws(f,n,x,s) implicit none integer*4 n,i real*8 x(*),s(*) character*(*) f open(9,file=f) do 1 i=1,n 1 write(9,900)x(i),s(i) 900 format(f12.2,e14.4) close(9) write(6,*)f//' written' return end subroutine rt(n,w,r,p,II,d,f) c read TAB file implicit none integer*4 n,i,j real*8 w(*),r(*),d(*),p(*),II(*) character*(*) f open(9,file=f) do 3 i=1,3 3 read(9,*) do 1 i=1,n 1 read(9,*)w(i),w(i),(r(i),j=1,3),(d(i),j=1,6),p(i),II(i),II(i) close(9) return end subroutine rtprn(n,w,r,d) c read PRN files implicit none integer*4 n,i real*8 w(*),r(*),d(*) open(91,file='IRR-IRL.PRN',status='old') open(92,file='IRR+IRL.PRN',status='old') open(93,file='DOC.PRN') do 1 i=1,n read(91,*)w(i),d(i) read(92,*)w(i),r(i) if(dabs(r(i)).gt.dabs(d(i)*1.0d-9))d(i)=d(i)/r(i) 1 write(93,930)w(i),d(i) 930 format(2e13.4) close(91) close(92) close(93) return end subroutine rs(n,s,x,f) implicit none real*8 s(*),x(*) character*(*) f integer*4 n,i open(9,file=f) do 1 i=1,n 1 read(9,*)x(i),s(i) close(9) return end subroutine readopt(wmin,wmax,c,l,np,v0,lexc,T,hw,LG,lwr) implicit none real*8 wmin,wmax,c,l,v0,lexc,hw,T integer*4 np logical LG,lwr character*4 key np=3901 wmin=100.0d0 wmax=4000.0d0 l=0.10d0 lexc=532.0d0 T=293.0d0 hw=10.0d0 LG=.false. lwr=.false. c=1.0d-4 c np number of points c wmin, wmax ... limit for the spectra c lexc excitation wave length / nm c v0 wavenumber in cm-1 c T /K temperature c LG Gaussian peaks c lwr extensive output c hw half width/cm-1 c concentration mol/l open(9,file='FIRE.OPT') 1 read(9,90,end=99,err=99)key 90 format(a4) if(key(1:2).eq.'NP')read(9,*)np if(key.eq.'WMIN')read(9,*)wmin if(key.eq.'WMAX')read(9,*)wmax if(key.eq.'PATH')read(9,*)l if(key.eq.'LEXC')read(9,*)lexc if(key.eq.'TEMP')read(9,*)T if(key.eq.'FWHH')read(9,*)hw if(key.eq.'GAUS')read(9,*)LG if(key.eq.'WRIT')read(9,*)lwr if(key.eq.'CONC')read(9,*)c goto 1 99 close(9) v0=1.0d7/lexc return end function nl(f) c number of lines in a file implicit none character*(*) f integer*4 nl,n open(9,file=f) n=0 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) n=n+1 goto 1 99 close(9) nl=n return end subroutine inisp(wmax,wmin,np,x,roa,roaicp,roadcpi,roadcpii, 1ramdcpi,ramdcpii,ram,LG,dd,hw) implicit none integer*4 np,i real*8 wmax,wmin,dw,wx,x(*),roa(*),roaicp(*),roadcpi(*), 1roadcpii(*),ramdcpi(*),ramdcpii(*),ram(*),dd,hw logical LG dw=(wmax-wmin)/dble(np-1) wx=wmin-dw do 1 i=1,np c wavenumber: wx=wx+dw x(i)=wx roa(i)=0.0d0 roaicp(i)=0.0d0 roadcpi(i)=0.0d0 roadcpii(i)=0.0d0 ramdcpi(i)=0.0d0 ramdcpII(i)=0.0d0 1 ram(i)=0.0d0 if(LG)then dd=hw/2.0d0/dsqrt(log(2.0d0)) else dd=hw/2.0d0 endif return end