program factor implicit none integer i,j,k,np,ns,IERR,ii,nl,np1 real*8,allocatable::x(:),y(:,:),sij(:,:),q(:,:),e(:),ss(:), 1st(:),sf(:,:) real*8 wmin,wmax,xs0,xs1,xs2,norm,a character*170,allocatable::sn(:) character*80 f,s character*10 s10 wmin=400.0d0 wmax=3500.0d0 xs0=0.0d0 xs1=1.0d0 xs2=0.0d0 allocate(sf(2,1)) sf=0.0d0 c fast factor analysis call getarg(1,f) ns=nl(f) allocate(sn(ns)) c load spectral names: call lsn(ns,sn,f) c get number of points within wmin wmax in first np=np1(sn(1),wmin,wmax) write(6,*)sn(1) if(np.eq.0)stop write(6,*)ns,' spectra,',np,' points in first' allocate(x(np),y(ns,np),sij(ns,ns),q(ns,ns),e(ns),ss(np), 1st(np)) open(9,file=f) read(9,80)s 80 format(a80) c read first spectrum call ls(x,st,s,wmin,wmax) c quick fix baseline call qfb(np,x,st) a=norm(np,st) write(6,599)1,a 599 format(' Norm of ',i4,':',e12.4) st=st/a do 21 j=1,np 21 y(1,j)=st(j) c read rest: do 2 i=2,ns call lsr(ns,x,st,np,i,sn,xs0,xs1,xs2,.false.,1,sf,.false.,1.0d0) call qfb(np,x,st) a=norm(np,st) write(6,599)i,a st=st/a do 2 j=1,np 2 y(i,j)=st(j) do 3 i=1,ns do 3 j=1,ns sij(i,j)=0.d0 do 3 k=1,np 3 sij(i,j)=sij(i,j)+y(i,k)*y(j,k) call TRED12(ns,sij,q,e,2,IERR) if( write(6,*)'Diagonalization error' stop endif write(6,*)'Eigenvalues:' write(6,601)e 601 format(6e12.4) do 4 i=1,ns write(s10,400)i 400 format(i10) do 5 ii=1,len(s10) 5 if(s10(ii:ii).ne.' ')goto 6 6 open(9,file=s10(ii:len(s10))//'.sub.prn') ss=0.0d0 do 8 j=1,np do 8 k=1,ns 8 ss(j)=ss(j)+q(k,i)*y(k,j) do 7 j=1,np if(dabs(ss(j)).lt.1.0d-20)ss(j)=0.0d0 7 write(9,900)x(j),ss(j) 900 format(f12.2,e12.4) 4 close(9) end function nl(f) c number of lines in a file implicit none character*(*) f integer*4 nl,n open(9,file=f) n=0 1 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) n=n+1 goto 1 99 close(9) nl=n return end SUBROUTINE TRED12(N,A,Z,D,IEIG,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION A(N,N),Z(N,N),D(*) real*8,allocatable::E(:) allocate(E(N)) IF (IEIG .LT. 0) GO TO 110 DO 100 I = 1, N C DO 100 J = 1, I Z(I,J) = A(I,J) 100 CONTINUE C 110 ICODE = IABS(IEIG) IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 320 C :::::::::: FOR I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 2 DO -- :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = N + 2 - II L = I - 1 H = 0.0D0 SCALE = 0.0D0 IF (L .LT. 2) GO TO 130 C :::::::::: SCALE ROW (ALGOL TOL THEN NOT NEEDED) :::::::::: DO 120 K = 1, L 120 SCALE = SCALE + DABS(Z(I,K)) C IF (DABS(SCALE) .GT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 140 130 E(I) = Z(I,L) GO TO 290 C 140 DO 150 K = 1, L F = Z(I,K) / SCALE Z(I,K) = F H = H + F * F 150 CONTINUE C G = -DSIGN(DSQRT(H),F) E(I) = SCALE * G H = H - F * G Z(I,L) = F - G F = 0.0D0 C DO 240 J = 1, L IF (ICODE .EQ. 2) Z(J,I) = Z(I,J) / (SCALE * H) G = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF A*U :::::::::: DO 180 K = 1, J 180 G = G + Z(J,K) * Z(I,K) C JP1 = J + 1 IF (L .LT. JP1) GO TO 220 C DO 200 K = JP1, L 200 G = G + Z(K,J) * Z(I,K) C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF P :::::::::: 220 E(J) = G / H F = F + E(J) * Z(I,J) 240 CONTINUE C HH = F / (H + H) C :::::::::: FORM REDUCED A :::::::::: DO 260 J = 1, L F = Z(I,J) G = E(J) - HH * F E(J) = G C DO 260 K = 1, J Z(J,K) = Z(J,K) - F * E(K) - G * Z(I,K) 260 CONTINUE C DO 280 K = 1, L 280 Z(I,K) = SCALE * Z(I,K) C 290 D(I) = H 300 CONTINUE C 320 D(1) = 0.0D0 E(1) = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: ACCUMULATION OF TRANSFORMATION MATRICES :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 600 DO 500 I = 1, N L = I - 1 IF (DABS(D(I)) .LT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 380 C DO 360 J = 1, L G = 0.0D0 C DO 340 K = 1, L 340 G = G + Z(I,K) * Z(K,J) C DO 360 K = 1, L Z(K,J) = Z(K,J) - G * Z(K,I) 360 CONTINUE C 380 D(I) = Z(I,I) Z(I,I) = 1.0D0 IF (L .LT. 1) GO TO 500 C DO 400 J = 1, L Z(I,J) = 0.0D0 Z(J,I) = 0.0D0 400 CONTINUE C 500 CONTINUE C 620 CALL TQL12 (N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE,E) RETURN C :::::::::: ALTERNATE FINAL LOOP FOR EIGENVALUES ONLY :::::::::: 600 DO 610 I=1,N 610 D(I) = Z(I,I) GO TO 620 END C SUBROUTINE TQL12(N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE,E) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION Z(N,N),D(*),E(*) REAL*8 MACHEP EPS = 1.0D0 10 EPS = 0.50D0*EPS TOL1 = EPS + 1.0D0 IF((TOL1.GT.1.0D0).AND.(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0)) GO TO 10 IF(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0) EPS = EPS + EPS MACHEP = EPS C C MACHEP=16.0D0**(-13) C IERR = 0 IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 1001 C DO 100 I = 2, N 100 E(I-1) = E(I) C F = 0.0D0 B = 0.0D0 E(N) = 0.0D0 C DO 240 L = 1, N J = 0 H = MACHEP * (DABS(D(L)) + DABS(E(L))) IF (B .LT. H) B = H C :::::::::: LOOK FOR SMALL SUB-DIAGONAL ELEMENT :::::::::: DO 110 M = L, N IF (DABS(E(M)) .LE. B) GO TO 120 C :::::::::: E(N) IS ALWAYS ZERO, SO THERE IS NO EXIT C THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE LOOP :::::::::: 110 CONTINUE C 120 IF (M .EQ. L) GO TO 220 130 IF (J .EQ. 30) GO TO 1000 J = J + 1 C :::::::::: FORM SHIFT :::::::::: L1 = L + 1 G = D(L) P = (D(L1) - G) / (2.0D0 * E(L)) R = DSQRT(P*P+1.0D0) D(L) = E(L) / (P + DSIGN(R,P)) H = G - D(L) C DO 140 I = L1, N 140 D(I) = D(I) - H C F = F + H C :::::::::: QL TRANSFORMATION :::::::::: P = D(M) C = 1.0D0 S = 0.0D0 MML = M - L C :::::::::: FOR I=M-1 STEP -1 UNTIL L DO -- :::::::::: DO 200 II = 1, MML I = M - II G = C * E(I) H = C * P IF (DABS(P) .LT. DABS(E(I))) GO TO 150 C = E(I) / P R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * P * R S = C / R C = 1.0D0 / R GO TO 160 150 C = P / E(I) R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * E(I) * R S = 1.0D0 / R C = C * S 160 P = C * D(I) - S * G D(I+1) = H + S * (C * G + S * D(I)) C :::::::::: FORM VECTOR :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 200 DO 180 K = 1, N H = Z(K,I+1) Z(K,I+1) = S * Z(K,I) + C * H Z(K,I) = C * Z(K,I) - S * H 180 CONTINUE C 200 CONTINUE C E(L) = S * P D(L) = C * P IF (DABS(E(L)) .GT. B) GO TO 130 220 D(L) = D(L) + F 240 CONTINUE C :::::::::: ORDER EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = II - 1 K = I P = D(I) C DO 260 J = II, N IF (D(J) .LE. P) GO TO 260 K = J P = D(J) 260 CONTINUE C IF (K .EQ. I) GO TO 300 D(K) = D(I) D(I) = P C IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 300 DO 280 J = 1, N P = Z(J,I) Z(J,I) = Z(J,K) Z(J,K) = P 280 CONTINUE C 300 CONTINUE C GO TO 1001 C :::::::::: SET ERROR -- NO CONVERGENCE TO AN C EIGENVALUE AFTER 30 ITERATIONS :::::::::: 1000 IERR = L 1001 RETURN END subroutine lsn(ns,sn,s) implicit none integer*4 j,ns character*(*) s character*170 sn(ns) open(9,file=s) do 1 j=1,ns 1 read(9,9000,end=99,err=99)sn(j) 9000 format(a170) 99 close(9) write(6,*)'names loaded' return end subroutine lsr(ns,xs,ys,np,js,sn,xs0,xs1,xs2,lstable,nt,sf, 1lcon,g) c loads in the full spectrum, adjust number of points to np c with the scaled xs implicit none integer*4 np,i,js,npn,j,nt,npall,ns real*8 xs(*),ys(*),xi,xj,xjp,xs0,xs1,xs2,sf(2,nt),xjf,g, 1ef,pi real*8 ,allocatable::sx(:),sy(:),sp(:) character*170 sn(ns) logical lstable,lcon pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) npn=npall(sn(js)) allocate(sx(npn),sy(npn),sp(npn)) c loads in the full spectrum: call lsf(npn,sx,sy,sn(js)) c convolute if(lcon)then do 3 i=1,npn sp(i)=0.0d0 do 31 j=1,npn-1 ef=((sx(i)-sx(j))/g)**2 31 if(*sy(j)*dabs(sx(j)-sx(j+1)) 3 sp(i)=sp(i)/dsqrt(pi)/g sy=sp endif do 1 i=1,np xi=xs(i) ys(i)=0.0d0 do 2 j=1,npn-1 c scaled values: if(lstable)then xj =xjf(sx(j ),nt,sf) xjp=xjf(sx(j+1),nt,sf) else xj =xs0+xs1*sx(j )+xs2*sx(j )*2 xjp=xs0+xs1*sx(j+1)+xs2*sx(j+1)*2 endif if( ys(i)=sy(j)+(sy(j+1)-sy(j))*(xi-xj)/(xjp-xj) goto 1 endif 2 continue 1 continue return end function xjf(xj,nt,sf) implicit none integer*4 nt,i real*8 xjf,xj,sf(2,nt),xe1,xe2,xc1,xc2 do 1 i=1,nt-1 xe1=sf(1,i ) xe2=sf(1,i+1) xc1=sf(2,i ) xc2=sf(2,i+1) c xe1,xe2 ... experimental values, xc1,xc2 ... corresponding calc. if(( 1 ( xjf=xe1+(xj-xc1)*(xe2-xe1)/(xc2-xc1) return endif 1 continue if(dabs(xj-sf(2,nt)).lt.dabs(xj-sf(2,1)))then xjf=sf(1,nt)+xj-sf(2,nt) else xjf=sf(1,1)+xj-sf(2,1) endif return end function npall(s) implicit none integer*4 npall,n character*(*) s n=0 open(9,file=s) 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99) n=n+1 goto 101 99 close(9) npall=n return end function np1(s,wmin,wmax) implicit none integer*4 np1,n real*8 wmin,wmax,x character*(*) s open(9,file=s) n=0 101 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x if( goto 101 99 close(9) np1=n return end subroutine ls(xs,ys,name,wmin,wmax) c loads in the spectrum within wmin wmax implicit none integer*4 i real*8 xs(*),ys(*),wmin,wmax,x,y character*(*) name i=0 open(9,file=name) 11 read(9,*,end=99,err=99)x,y if(wmin.le.x.and.x.le.wmax)then i=i+1 xs(i)=x ys(i)=y endif goto 11 99 close(9) return end function norm(np,s) implicit none integer*4 i,np real*8 norm,s(*) norm=0.0d0 do 1 i=1,np 1 norm=norm+s(i)**2 norm=dsqrt(norm) return end subroutine lsf(n,xs,ys,name) c loads in the full spectrum implicit none integer*4 i,n real*8 xs(*),ys(*) character*(*) name open(9,file=name) do 11 i=1,n 11 read(9,*)xs(i),ys(i) close(9) return end subroutine qfb(np,x,y) implicit none integer*4 np,i real*8 x(np),y(np),x1,x2,y1,y2,xa,xb,aa,bb xa=1900.0d0 xb=2600.0d0 aa=dabs(x(1)-xa) bb=dabs(x(1)-xb) x1=x(1) x2=x(1) y1=y(1) y2=y(2) do 1 i=1,np if(dabs(x(i)-xa).lt.aa)then aa=dabs(x(i)-xa) x1=x(i) y1=y(i) endif if(dabs(x(i)-xb) bb=dabs(x(i)-xb) x2=x(i) y2=y(i) endif 1 continue do 2 i=1,np 2 y(i)=y(i)-y1-(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)*(x(i)-x1) return end