program dynalook implicit none integer*4 nat0 parameter (nat0=100000) real*8 r(nat0,3),dist,tstep,p(3),cm(3),cs(3),rd(nat0),dj integer*4 isu(nat0),natu,natsolv,nat,as(nat0),nin,nout,nouttot, 1nintot,list(nat0),list1(nat0),listold(nat0),nlist1,nlist,nlistold, 1ix,is,k,i,ii,j,nav character*50 st character*80 s80 logical lper,lopt,lwr lper=.false. lwr=.false. dist=3.6 tstep=0.1d0 nlistold=0 do 16 i=1,nlistold 16 listold(i)=0 write(6,600) 600 format(' Looks at changes in a hydration shell, in FILE.X',/,/, 1' DLOOK.OPT .... list of options') c c Options in DLOOK.OPT: c c TSTEP c t time step in ps separating the snapshots at FILE.X c PERIODIC c lper true for periodic c a b c the dimensions of the periodic box c SOLUTE c nats c is1 ...isnat number of solute atoms and their list c SOLVENT c natsolv number of atoms in ONE solvent molecule c regular numbering supposed except for the solute !! c DIST c dist dimension of the first solvation shell in A c LWR c lwr detailed output c inquire(file='DLOOK.OPT',exist=lopt) if(lopt)then write(6,*)'DLOOK.OPT found' open(44,file='DLOOK.OPT') 101 read(44,440,end=102,err=102)st 440 format(a50) if(st(1:5).eq.'TSTEP')read(44,*)tstep if(st(1:6).eq.'SOLUTE')then read(44,*)natu if( report('Too many atoms') read(44,*)(isu(i),i=1,natu) endif if(st(1:3).eq.'PER')then read(44,*)lper read(44,*)(p(ix),ix=1,3) endif if(st(1:7).eq.'SOLVENT')read(44,*)natsolv if(st(1:3).eq.'LWR')read(44,*)lwr if(st(1:4).eq.'DIST')read(44,*)dist goto 101 102 close(44) else call report('DLOOK.OPT not found') endif c c total change in the solvation shell and in the vicinity of solute atoms: open(10,file='FLIP.LST') c distances of initial solvent molecules in the shell from the solvent: open(11,file='DIST.PRN') is=0 nav=0 nintot=0 nouttot=0 open(3,file='FILE.X',status='old') 1 read(3,300,end=999,err=999)s80 300 format(a80) read(3,*,end=999,err=999)nat if( report('too many atoms') is=is+1 do 2 i=1,nat 2 read(3,*)as(i),(r(i,k),k=1,3) c center of solute molecule: do 7 ix=1,3 cs(ix)=0.0d0 do 8 j=1,natu 8 cs(ix)=cs(ix)+r(isu(j),ix) 7 cs(ix)=cs(ix)/dble(natu) c determine solvent molecules in the shell (nsm): nlist=0 k=0 i=0 c loop aver all atoms: 3 i=i+1 c skip solute atoms: do 4 j=1,natu 4 if(isu(j).eq.i)goto 3 c center of solvent molecule number k: k=k+1 do 5 ix=1,3 cm(ix)=0.0d0 do 6 ii=i,i+natsolv-1 6 cm(ix)=cm(ix)+r(ii,ix) 5 cm(ix)=cm(ix)/dble(natsolv) c correct to periodicity: if(lper)then do 9 ix=1,3 if(cm(ix).gt.cs(ix)+p(ix)/2.0d0)cm(ix)=cm(ix)-p(ix) 9 if(cm(ix).lt.cs(ix)-p(ix)/2.0d0)cm(ix)=cm(ix)+p(ix) endif c distance of molecule k from the solute rd(k)=10000.0d0 do 17 j=1,natu dj=dsqrt((cm(1)-r(isu(j),1))**2+(cm(2)-r(isu(j),2))**2 1+(cm(3)-r(isu(j),3))**2) 17 if( c if in shell, add to list: if(rd(k).lt.dist)then nlist=nlist+1 list(nlist)=k c write(6,*)k,i,i+natsolv-1,rd(k) c write(6,*)(cm(ix),ix=1,3) c write(6,*)(r(i,ix),ix=1,3) c read(5,*)ii endif i=i+natsolv-1 if( 3 nav=nav+nlist if(lwr)write(6,6001)is,nlist,(list(i),i=1,nlist) 6001 format(' step',i7,',',i3,' shell molecules:',200i4) c remember initial list: if(is.eq.1)then nlist1=nlist do 10 i=1,nlist 10 list1(i)=list(i) endif c take distances of initial molecules and write to DIST.PRN: write(11,1110)is,(rd(list1(i)),i=1,nlist1) 1110 format(i9,40f10.4) c compare with old list: c nin ... number of new molecules in the shell c nout ... number of molecules that left the shell nin=0 do 11 i=1,nlist do 12 j=1,nlistold 12 if(listold(j).eq.list(i))goto 11 nin=nin+1 11 continue nout=0 do 13 i=1,nlistold do 14 j=1,nlist 14 if(listold(i).eq.list(j))goto 13 nout=nout+1 13 continue write(10,1000)is,nin,nout 1000 format(6i6) nintot=nintot+nin nouttot=nouttot+nout c save current list nlistold=nlist do 15 i=1,nlist 15 listold(i)=list(i) goto 1 999 close(3) close(10) close(11) write(6,6003)is,nintot,nouttot,dble(nintot)/dble(is)/tstep, 1dble(nav)/dble(is), 11.0d0/(dble(nintot)/dble(is)/tstep/dble(nav)*dble(is)), 1tstep*dble(is),dist 6003 format(i8,' geometries,'i6,' in',i6,' out ',f10.4,'ps-1', 1/,' average size of the shell :',f10.1, 1/,' average resident time :',f10.4,' ps', 1/,' total simulation time :',f10.4,' ps', 1/,' shell radius :',f10.4,' A') stop end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end