program dusch c Duschinsky transformation implicit none real*8 bohr,u(3,3),fac,TOL,facv,wlim,wfix, 1overlap,wmin,TOLN,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,kfac integer*4 ia,N,nat,NE,NQ,IERR,maxit,NB,NP,nps,ncut,LEXCL,isu, 1ifx,NF real*8,allocatable::rg(:),re(:),se(:,:),sg(:,:),JT(:,:),sgf(:,:), 1eg(:),ep(:),K(:),m(:),F(:,:),G(:,:),GP(:,:),T(:,:),TP(:,:), 1FI(:,:),E2(:,:),GH(:,:),GHP(:,:),A(:,:),TV(:),TU(:), 1B(:),J(:,:),C(:,:),D(:),E(:,:),ref(:),rgf(:),K0(:) integer*4,allocatable::z(:) real amas(89) data amas/1.007825,4.002603, 2 6.941, 9.012, 10.810,12.000,14.003074,15.9949,18.998,20.179, 3 22.990,24.305, 26.981,28.086,30.974,32.060,35.453,39.948, 4 39.098,40.080,44.956,47.900,50.941,51.996,54.938,55.847, 4 58.933,58.700,63.546,65.380, 4 69.720,72.590,74.922,78.960,79.904,83.800, 5 85.468,87.620,88.906,91.220,92.906,95.940,98.906,101.070, 5 102.906,106.400,107.868,112.410, 5 114.82,118.69,121.75,127.600,126.905,131.300, 6 132.905,137.330,138.906, 6 140.120,140.908,144.240,145.000,150.400, 6 151.960,157.250,158.925,162.500,164.930,167.260,168.934, 6 173.040,174.970, 6 178.490,180.948,183.850,186.207,190.200,192.220,195.090, 6 196.967,207.590,204.370,207.200,208.980,210.000,210.001, 6 222.02, 7 223.000,226.025,227.028/ logical lit,lwr,lfix,lmscan,lspec,lshifte,lshifti,lshiftq, 1llin,lcor,lonly,lsfix,lcre,lcom,ldz bohr=0.529177d0 TOL=1.0d-10 call readopt(lit,maxit,lwr,wmin,lfix,lmscan,NB,NP,TOLN, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,lshifte,lshifti,lshiftq, 1ncut,LEXCL,isu,llin,ifx,wlim,lcor,lonly,lsfix,lcre,kfac, 1lcom,wfix,ldz) c c Read Geometry of the ground and excited states: allocate(z(1),rg(1)) if(lfix)then call rdxx('ground/fixed.x',0,nat,z,rg) else call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',0,nat,z,rg) endif deallocate(z,rg) N=3*nat allocate(rg(N),z(nat),re(N),sg(N,N),se(N,N),eg(N),ep(N),m(nat), 1ref(N),rgf(N),sgf(N,N)) if(lfix)then call rdxx('ground/fixed.x',1,nat,z,rg) call rdxx('excited/fixed.x',1,nat,z,re) else call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',1,nat,z,rg) call rdxx('excited/FILE.X',1,nat,z,re) endif c assign masses, eventually do isotopic substitution: do 6 ia=1,nat 6 m(ia)=dble(amas(z(ia))) call readm(m) c read the ground (sg) and excited (se) S-matrices: write(6,*)'reading ground state S-matrix' call readsi(N,sg,eg,NQ,'ground/F.INP',rgf,ldz) if(llin)then write(6,*)'excited state S-matrix same as ground' call readsi(N,se,ep,NE,'ground/F.INP',ref,ldz) else write(6,*)'reading excited state S-matrix' call readsi(N,se,ep,NE,'excited/F.INP',ref,ldz) endif call ortog(N,NE,se,m) call ortog(N,NQ,sg,m) write(6,*)'S-matrices corrected' call fixmodes(N,NQ,NE,eg,sg,ep,se,amas,z,ifx,wlim,lcor,lonly, 1sgf,NF,wfix) c fix se for deleted modes: if( seproj(N,NF,NQ,se,sgf,m) if(lfix)then c Find the transformation matrix from rgf to rg call xst(nat,rg,rgf,m,z,u) c transform ground S-matrix to the rg system: call trse(N,sg,NQ,u) c Find the transformation matrix from ref to re call xst(nat,re,ref,m,z,u) c transform excited S-matrix to the re system: call trse(N,se,NQ,u) else c Find the transformation matrix, transform and shift re to rg: call xst(nat,rg,re,m,z,u) c transform se to the ground system: call trse(N,se,NQ,u) endif c experimental option-correct excited state so that it can be c reached with available modes if(lcre)then call cre(N,NQ,m,rg,re,se,'e') call wrx(nat,re,z,'test2.x','test') call cre(N,NQ,m,rg,re,sg,'g') call wrx(nat,re,z,'test3.x','test') endif c if required, replace excited S-vectors by ground: if(lcom)call rpl(N,NQ,nat,m,sg,se) c Make Duschinsk's and derived matrices and vectors: allocate(JT(NQ,NQ),K(NQ),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ), 1A(NQ,NQ),B(NQ),TV(NQ),TU(NQ),C(NQ,NQ),D(NQ),E(NQ,NQ),K0(NQ)) call zzz(NQ,JT,K,G,GP,GH,GHP,J,T,TP,F,FI,E2,A,B,TV,TU,C,D,E,K0) IERR=0 fac=overlap(1,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) write(6,300)fac,fac*fac*100.0d0 300 format('<0|0*> = ',g12.4,' (',f6.2,'%)') write(6,*)' Vertical approximation:' call dofac(NQ,facv,J,JT,F,FI,G,GP,K0) write(6,300)facv,facv*facv*100.0d0 if(lit)call iterate(maxit,NQ,lwr,wmin, 1N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) c calculate normal mode gradient: call gradq(nat,N,m,ldz) c normal mode gradient in excited state but ground state geometry: call grade(nat,N,ldz) c calculate normal mode shift corresponding to geometry change: if(lshiftq)call shiftq(nat,N,NQ,se,ep,sg,eg) c different route: if(lshifti)call shifti(nat,N,NQ,se,ep) c different route, excited n's: if(lshifte)call shifte(nat,N,NQ,sg,se,eg,ep,m,lmscan,fac, 1A,B,C,D,E,F,FI,G,GP,GH,GHP,J,JT,K,NB,NP,TOLN, 2lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ncut,LEXCL, 1isu) end c ============================================================== subroutine ortog(N,NQ,s,m) c orthogonalize s-vectors, to correct numerical inaccuracies: implicit none integer*4 N,NQ,i,j,ii,a real*8 s(N,N),m(N/3),sij,sn,dm real*8,allocatable::st(:,:) allocate(st(N,N)) do 1 a=1,N/3 dm=dsqrt(m(a)) do 1 i=1,3 ii=i+3*(a-1) do 1 j=1,NQ 1 st(ii,j)=dm*s(ii,j) do 15 i=1,NQ do 16 j=1,i-1 sij=0.0d0 do 17 ii=1,N 17 sij=sij+st(ii,i)*st(ii,j) do 16 ii=1,N 16 st(ii,i)=st(ii,i)-sij*st(ii,j) sn=0.0d0 do 18 ii=1,N 18 sn=sn+st(ii,i)**2 sn=1.0d0/dsqrt(sn) do 15 ii=1,N 15 st(ii,i)=st(ii,i)*sn do 2 a=1,N/3 dm=dsqrt(m(a)) do 2 i=1,3 ii=i+3*(a-1) do 2 j=1,NQ 2 s(ii,j)=st(ii,j)/dm return end c ============================================================== subroutine cre(N,NQ,m,rg,re,s,y) implicit none integer*4 N,NQ,i,j,ia,ii real*8 rg(N),re(N),s(N,N),xn,sp,t(3,3),m(N/3),dm real*8, allocatable::x(:),xv(:),v(:),st(:,:) character*1 y allocate(x(N),xv(NQ),v(N),st(N,N)) if(y.eq.'e')then open(44,file='TMX.TXT') do 9 i=1,3 9 read(44,*)(t(j,i),j=1,3) close(44) c excited state S-matrix in ground-like orientation: do 14 ia=1,N/3 dm=dsqrt(m(ia)) do 14 j=1,NQ do 14 i=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1) 14 st(i+ii,j)=(s(1+ii,j)*t(1,i)+s(2+ii,j)*t(2,i)+s(3+ii,j)*t(3,i)) 1 *dm else do 141 ia=1,N/3 dm=dsqrt(m(ia)) do 141 j=1,NQ do 141 i=1,3 141 st(i+3*(ia-1),j)=s(i+3*(ia-1),j)*dm endif x=re-rg xn=sp(x,x,N) write(6,600)xn 600 format(' Correcting excited geometry, old shift',f12.3) do 1 i=1,NQ do 2 j=1,N 2 v(j)=st(j,i) 1 xv(i)=sp(x,v,N) x=0.0d0 do 3 i=1,NQ do 4 j=1,N 4 v(j)=st(j,i) do 3 j=1,N 3 x(j)=x(j)+xv(i)*v(j) xn=sp(x,x,N) write(6,601)xn 601 format(' new shift',f12.3) re=rg+x return end c ============================================================== subroutine wdxx(s,n,z,r) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 n,z(*),ia,ix real*8 r(*) open(9,file=s) write(9,*)'geometry' write(9,*)n do 1 ia=1,n 1 write(9,90)z(ia),(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3) 90 format(i3,3f12.6) close(9) return end c ============================================================== subroutine rdxx(s,ic,n,z,r) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 ic,n,z(*),ia,ix real*8 r(*) open(9,file=s) read(9,*) read(9,*)n if( do 1 ia=1,n 1 read(9,*)z(ia),(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3) endif close(9) return end c ============================================================== function sp(A,C,N) c scalar product of two vectors implicit none integer*4 N,k real*8 A(*),C(*),sp sp=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,N 1 sp=sp+A(k)*C(k) return end c ============================================================== subroutine norm(v,n) implicit none integer*4 n real*8 v(n),sp,vn vn=dsqrt(sp(v,v,n)) v=v/vn return end c ============================================================== FUNCTION LOGDET(A,N,NQ) c logarithm of a determinant of a matrix IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,I,J,K,NQ logical DETEXISTS real*8 A(N,N),M,TEMP,LOGDET real*8, allocatable::ELEM(:,:) allocate(ELEM(NQ,NQ)) DO 1 I=1,NQ DO 1 J=1,NQ 1 ELEM(I,J)=A(I,J) DETEXISTS=.TRUE. c L=1.0d0 DO 2 K=1,NQ-1 IF(ABS(ELEM(K,K)).LE.1.0d-20)THEN DETEXISTS=.FALSE. DO 3 I=K+1,NQ IF(ELEM(I,K).NE.0.0d0)THEN DO 4 J=1,NQ TEMP=ELEM(I,J) ELEM(I,J)=ELEM(K,J) 4 ELEM(K,J)=TEMP DETEXISTS=.TRUE. c L=-L EXIT ENDIF 3 CONTINUE IF (DETEXISTS.EQV..FALSE.)THEN LOGDET = 0.0d0 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF DO 2 J=K+1,NQ M=ELEM(J,K)/ELEM(K,K) DO 2 I=K+1,NQ 2 ELEM(J,I)=ELEM(J,I)-M*ELEM(K,I) LOGDET =0.0d0 DO 5 I=1,NQ if(ELEM(I,I).lt.0.0d0)then c L=-L LOGDET=LOGDET+log(-ELEM(I,I)) else LOGDET=LOGDET+log( ELEM(I,I)) endif 5 continue RETURN END c ============================================================== subroutine mv(A,B,C,N) c multiplication of matrix B by vector C, A = B . C implicit none integer*4 N,i,k real*8 A(*),B(N,N),C(*) do 1 i=1,N A(i)=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,N 1 A(i)=A(i)+B(i,k)*C(k) return end c ============================================================== subroutine mm(A,B,C,N) c matrix multiplication A = B x C implicit none integer*4 N,i,j,k real*8 A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N A(i,j)=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,N 1 A(i,j)=A(i,j)+B(i,k)*C(k,j) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wdv(io,N,V,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,io,LN real*8 V(*) character*(*) s call wlabel(io,s) write(io,501)1 501 format(i14) DO 130 LN=1,N 130 write(io,500)LN,V(LN) 500 format(i7,1x,D14.6) return end c ============================================================== subroutine ms(A,B,C,N) c matrix sum A = B + C implicit none integer*4 N,i,j real*8 A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N 1 A(i,j)=B(i,j)+C(i,j) return end c ============================================================== subroutine mt(AT,A,N) c matrix transposition AT = A^T implicit none integer*4 N,i,j real*8 A(N,N),AT(N,N) do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N 1 AT(i,j)=A(j,i) return end c ============================================================== subroutine vz(A,N) implicit none integer*4 n,i real*8 A(*) do 3 i=1,N 3 A(i)=0.0d0 return end c ============================================================== subroutine mz(A,N) implicit none integer*4 n,i,j real*8 A(N,N) do 3 i=1,N do 3 j=1,N 3 A(i,j)=0.0d0 return end c ============================================================== subroutine trse(N,s,NQ,t) implicit none integer*4 N,NQ,i,a,ia,ix real*8 s(N,N),t(3,3),v(3) do 1 i=1,NQ do 1 ia=1,N/3 a=3*(ia-1) do 2 ix=1,3 2 v(ix)=s(ix+a,i) do 1 ix=1,3 1 s(ix+a,i)=t(1,ix)*v(1)+t(2,ix)*v(2)+t(3,ix)*v(3) return end c ============================================================== subroutine wlabel(io,s) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 J,io write(io,*) write(io,101) do 1 J=1,len(s) 1 write(io,103)s(J:J) write(io,*) write(io,101) 101 format(' ',$) do 2 J=1,len(s) 2 write(io,103)'-' 103 format(a1,$) write(io,*) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wwm(io,N,e,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 io,N,i real*8 e(*),CM character*(*) s CM=219474.630d0 call wlabel(io,s) write(io,100)(e(i)*CM,i=1,N) 100 format(6f11.2) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wds(io,N0,N,M,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,N1,N3,io,LN,J,N0 real*8 M(N0,N0) character*(*) s call wlabel(io,s) N1=1 1 N3=min(N1+4,N) write(io,100)(J,J=N1,N3) 100 format(10x,5i14) DO 130 LN=1,N0 130 write(io,200)LN,(M(LN,J),J=N1,N3) 200 format(i7,1x,5e14.6) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wdm(io,N,M,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,N1,N3,io,LN,J real*8 M(N,N) character*(*) s call wlabel(io,s) N1=1 1 N3=min(N1+4,N) write(io,100)(J,J=N1,N3) 100 format(10x,5i14) DO 130 LN=1,N 130 write(io,200)LN,(M(LN,J),J=N1,N3) 200 format(i7,1x,5e14.6) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 return end c ============================================================== subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end c ============================================================== subroutine readm(m) IMPLICIT none real*8 m(*) logical lex character*3 key integer*4 i inquire(file='DUSCH.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(11,file='DUSCH.OPT') 1 read(11,900,end=11,err=11)key 900 format(a3) if(key.eq.'MAS')read(11,*)i,m(i) goto 1 11 close(11) endif return end c ============================================================== subroutine readopt(lit,maxit,lwr,wmin,lfix,lmscan,NB,NP,TOL, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,lshifte,lshifti,lshiftq,ncut, 1LEXCL,isu,llin,ifx,wlim,lcor,lonly,lsfix,lcre,kfac,lcom,wfix, 1ldz) IMPLICIT none integer*4 maxit,NB,NP,nps,ncut,LEXCL,isu,ifx,nblo real*8 wmin,TOL,e00,wsmin,wsmax,del,wlim,kfac,wfix logical lit,lwr,lex,lfix,lmscan,lspec,lshifte,lshifti,lshiftq, 1llin,lcor,lonly,lsfix,lcre,lcom,ldz character*13 key c delete zero modes: ldz=.true. c replace negative modes by this value if required (in cm-1): wfix=100.0d0 c ensure that Q Q' and K are in the same space lcom=.false. c factor for K shift kfac=1.0d0 c fix final geometry according to available modes: lcre=.false. c c fix se matrix for deleted modes: lsfix=.false. c c ilinear shift = excited modes same as ground llin=.false. c c type of FC sum isu=2 c maximal excitation for statesum1: LEXCL=3 c if ncut>0, modify excited q definition according to the shift ncut=0 c various paths to get the normal modeshift: lshifte=.true. lshifti=.true. lshiftq=.true. c make a spectrum: lspec=.false. c spectral parameters:e00,wmin,wmax (all cm-1) and number of points: e00=0.0d0 wsmin=-1000.0d0 wsmax= 1000.0d0 nps=4001 c spectral bandwidth: del=10.0d0 c reorder excited modes according to ground: lcor=.false. c to CORREL, only show best match, no action: lonly=.false. c use fixed geometries, do not alling: lfix=.false. c scan modes -NP...NP: NP=10 c quantum number biffer size: NB=10 c take quantum number cut off: TOL=0.1d0 lit=.false. wmin=1.0d0 maxit=100 lwr=.true. lmscan=.false. c what to do with negative modes: c ifx = 1 make them +100 cm-1 c 2 delete c 3 borrow ground or excited state frequency c 4 delete if w < wlim ifx=1 c limit for mode deletion cm-1: wlim=600.0d0 inquire(file='DUSCH.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(11,file='DUSCH.OPT') 1 read(11,900,end=11,err=11)key 900 format(a13) if(key(1:3).eq.'BLO')then write(6,*)' Bloccked modes will be read again in fixmodes' read(11,*)nblo read(11,*) if(,*) endif if(key(1:3).eq.'LDZ')read(11,*)ldz if(key(1:3).eq.'COR')read(11,*)lcor if(key(1:3).eq.'DEL')read(11,*)del if(key(1:3).eq.'E00')read(11,*)e00 if(key(1:3).eq.'FIX')read(11,*)ifx if(key(1:3).eq.'ISU')read(11,*)isu if(key(1:3).eq.'ITE')read(11,*)lit if(key(1:3).eq.'MAX')read(11,*)maxit if(key(1:2).eq.'NB')read(11,*)NB if(key(1:4).eq.'NCUT')read(11,*)ncut if(key(1:2).eq.'NP')read(11,*)NP if(key(1:3).eq.'NSP')read(11,*)nps if(key(1:5).eq.'LEXCL')read(11,*)LEXCL if(key(1:4).eq.'KFAC')read(11,*)kfac if(key(1:4).eq.'LCOM')read(11,*)lcom if(key(1:4).eq.'WFIX')read(11,*)wfix if(key(1:3).eq.'LFI')read(11,*)lfix if(key(1:5).eq.'LINEA')read(11,*)llin if(key(1:3).eq.'LWR')read(11,*)lwr if(key(1:3).eq.'ONL')read(11,*)lonly if(key(1:3).eq.'SCA')read(11,*)lmscan if(key(1:5).eq.'LSFIX')read(11,*)lsfix if(key(1:4).eq.'LCRE')read(11,*)lcre if(key(1:6).eq.'SHIFTQ')read(11,*)lshiftq if(key(1:6).eq.'SHIFTI')read(11,*)lshifti if(key(1:6).eq.'SHIFTE')read(11,*)lshifte if(key(1:5).eq.'SPECT')read(11,*)lspec if(key(1:3).eq.'TOL')read(11,*)tol if(key(1:3).eq.'WLI')read(11,*)wlim if(key(1:3).eq.'WMI')read(11,*)wmin if(key(1:5).eq.'WSMIN')read(11,*)wsmin if(key(1:5).eq.'WSMAX')read(11,*)wsmax goto 1 11 close(11) endif return end c ============================================================== subroutine fixmodes(N,NQ,NE,g,sg,p,se,amas,z,ifx,wlim,lcor,lonly, 1sgf,NF,wfix) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,NE,NQ,I,iz,ifx,j,ix,no,jmin,nblo,z(*),NU,NF real*8 g(*),p(*),sg(N,N),se(N,N),CM,wlim,dij,dmin,t,sgf(N,N), 1wfix real amas(*) integer*4,allocatable::bl(:),be(:) character*3 key logical lex,lcor,lonly CM=219474.630d0 no=NQ write(6,6009)ifx,NQ 6009 format(/,' Fixmodes',/,' IFIX = ',I4,/,' NQ = ',I4) if( NU=min(NE,NQ) write(6,60091)NU 60091 format(' NE<>NQ, take minimum ',i4,' modes') NE=NU NQ=NU endif if(lcor)then write(6,*)'Correlating ground and excited state modes' if(lonly)then write(6,*)'Correlation only, no action' do 121 i=NQ,1,-1 call findbest(i,NQ,jmin,dmin,dij,sg,se,N,amas,z) 121 write(6,609)i,jmin,dmin 609 format(' Ground mode',i4,' corresponds to',i4,' s =',f10.4) write(6,*) do 122 i=NQ,1,-1 call findbest(i,NQ,jmin,dmin,dij,se,sg,N,amas,z) 122 write(6,6091)i,jmin,dmin 6091 format(' Exc. mode',i4,' corresponds to',i4,' s =',f10.4) else c loop starting from higher modes that migh be more reliable: do 12 i=NQ,1,-1 c find best match for i within i...1: call findbest(i,i,jmin,dmin,dij,se,sg,N,amas,z) if( t=g(i) g(i)=g(jmin) g(jmin)=t do 15 ix=1,N t=sg(ix,i) sg(ix,i)=sg(ix,jmin) 15 sg(ix,jmin)=t write(6,619)i,jmin,dmin 619 format(' Exc. mode',i4,' corresponds to',i4,' s =',f10.4, 1 ' modes switched') else write(6,6091)i,jmin,dmin endif 12 continue endif endif c ifx = 0 do nothing c 1 change negative frequencies to wfix c 2 delete negatives c 3 borrow exc freqs from ground and vice versa c 4 delete smaller than a limit c c how many modes deleted: NF=0 if(ifx.eq.1)then iz=0 do 2 I=1,NQ if(g(I).lt.0.0d0)then g(I)=wfix/CM iz=iz+1 endif if(p(I).lt.0.0d0)then p(I)=wfix/CM iz=iz+1 endif 2 continue if(,46)iz,wfix 46 format(i6,' neg. modes made',f12.2,' cm-1 ') endif if(ifx.eq.2)then iz=0 66 do 3 I=1,NQ if(g(I).lt.0.0d0.or.p(i).lt.0.0d0)then c save deleted sg vector: NF=NF+1 do 41 ix=1,N 41 sgf(ix,NF)=sg(ix,i) do 4 j=i,NQ-1 g(j)=g(j+1) p(j)=p(j+1) do 4 ix=1,N sg(ix,j)=sg(ix,j+1) 4 se(ix,j)=se(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 66 endif 3 continue if(,*)iz,' neg. modes deleted' endif if(ifx.eq.3)then iz=0 do 5 I=1,NQ if(p(i).lt.0.0d0)then if(g(I).gt.0.0d0)then p(i)=g(i) iz=iz+1 else write(6,*)I call report(' mode cannot be fixed') endif endif if(g(i).lt.0.0d0)then if(p(I).gt.0.0d0)then g(i)=p(i) iz=iz+1 else write(6,*)I call report(' mode cannot be fixed') endif endif 5 continue if(,*)iz,' neg. modes borrowed' endif if(ifx.eq.4)then iz=0 67 do 6 i=1,NQ if(g(i)** c save deleted sg vector: NF=NF+1 do 71 ix=1,N 71 sgf(ix,NF)=sg(ix,i) do 7 j=i,NQ-1 g(j)=g(j+1) p(j)=p(j+1) do 7 ix=1,N sg(ix,j)=sg(ix,j+1) 7 se(ix,j)=se(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 67 endif 6 continue if(,*)iz,' small modes skipped' endif nblo=0 inquire(file='DUSCH.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(11,file='DUSCH.OPT') 1 read(11,900,end=11,err=11)key 900 format(a3) if(key.eq.'BLO')then read(11,*)nblo allocate(bl(abs(nblo)),be(abs(nblo))) read(11,*)bl if(,*)be endif goto 1 11 close(11) endif if( call dm(N,NQ,abs(nblo),bl,sg,g) if( c blocked same modes in excited: call dm(N,NQ,abs(nblo),bl,se,p) else c special list for excited: call dm(N,NQ,abs(nblo),be,se,p) endif NQ=NQ-abs(nblo) if(,*)NQ,' modes now' endif return end subroutine dm(N,NQO,nblo,b,s,e) implicit none integer*4 nblo,N,NQ,i,j,ix,b(nblo),NQO real*8 s(N,N),e(N) NQ=NQO do 1 i=1,NQ do 1 j=1,nblo 1 if(i.eq.b(j))e(i)=-3.333d0 68 do 2 i=1,NQ if(e(i).eq.-3.333d0)then do 3 j=i,NQ-1 e(j)=e(j+1) do 3 ix=1,N 3 s(ix,j)=s(ix,j+1) NQ=NQ-1 goto 68 endif 2 continue write(6,*)nblo,' modes blocked (deleted)' return end SUBROUTINE readsi(N3,S,E,NQ,fn,r,ldz) c switch order of modes to match Gaussian convention: IMPLICIT none integer*4 N3,NQ,nat,i,J,ix,iz real*8 S(N3,N3),E(*),CM,r(*) logical ldz character*(*) fn CM=219474.630d0 C 1 a.u.= 2.1947E5 cm^-1 open(4,file=fn) read(4,*)NQ,nat,nat do 1 i=1,NAT 1 read(4,*)r(3*(i-1)+1),(r(3*(i-1)+ix),ix=1,3) read(4,*) DO 2 I=1,NAT DO 2 J=1,NQ 2 read(4,*)(s(3*(i-1)+ix,NQ-J+1),ix=1,2), 1(s(3*(i-1)+ix,NQ-J+1),ix=1,3) read(4,*) READ(4,4000)(E(NQ-J+1),J=1,NQ) 4000 FORMAT(6F11.6) close(4) c write(6,*)NQ,' modes found' c delete zero modes if exist: if(ldz)then iz=0 66 do 6 i=1,NQ if(dabs(E(i)).lt.0.1d0)then do 7 j=i,NQ-1 E(j)=E(j+1) do 7 ix=1,N3 7 s(ix,j)=s(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 66 endif 6 continue if(,*)iz,' zero modes: deleted' endif write(6,*)NQ,' vibrational modes considered' DO 3 I=1,NQ 3 E(I)=E(I)/CM RETURN end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE writesi(NAT,N3,S,E,NQ,fn,x,z) c switch order of modes to match Gaussian convention: IMPLICIT none integer*4 N3,NQ,nat,i,J,ix,z(*) real*8 S(N3,N3),E(*),CM,x(*) character*(*) fn CM=219474.630d0 C 1 a.u.= 2.1947E5 cm^-1 open(4,file=fn) write(4,*)NQ,nat,nat do 1 i=1,NAT 1 write(4,401)z(i),(x(ix+3*(i-1)),ix=1,3) 401 format(i6,3f12.6) write(4,*)'Atom mode x y z' DO 2 I=1,NAT DO 2 J=1,NQ 2 write(4,402)I,J,(s(3*(i-1)+ix,NQ-J+1),ix=1,3) 402 format(2i6,3f12.6) write(4,402)NQ write(4,4000)(E(NQ-J+1)*CM,J=1,NQ) 4000 FORMAT(6F11.3) close(4) RETURN end c ============================================================== subroutine xst(nat,rgo,re,m,z,t) c standard orientation of re with respect to rg c J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 5326-5333 implicit none integer*4 nat,i,j,ia,IERR,ix,iy,iz,ii,ib,ic,z(*) real*8 rgo(*),re(*),c(3,3),m(*),cc(3,3),r(3,3),l(3),ci(3,3), 1TOL,e(3,6),lrc(3,3),bl(3),rc(3,3),err,t0(3,3),det,t(3,3),em, 1cmg(3),cme(3),mass real*8,allocatable::rn(:),rg(:) TOL=1.0d-10 allocate(rg(3*nat)) c calculate mass centers: do 14 i=1,3 cmg(i)=0.0d0 cme(i)=0.0d0 mass=0.0d0 do 16 ia=1,nat mass=mass+m(ia) cmg(i)=cmg(i)+m(ia)*rgo(i+3*(ia-1)) 16 cme(i)=cme(i)+m(ia)* re(i+3*(ia-1)) cmg(i)=cmg(i)/mass 14 cme(i)=cme(i)/mass write(6,603)cmg,cme 603 format(' Mass centers: g: ',3f12.4,/, 1 ' e: ',3f12.4) c mass-center coordinates: do 15 ia=1,nat do 15 i=1,3 rg(i+3*(ia-1))=rgo(i+3*(ia-1))-cmg(i) 15 re(i+3*(ia-1))= re(i+3*(ia-1))-cme(i) c form C =X M X': do 1 i=1,3 do 1 j=1,3 c(i,j)=0.0d0 do 1 ia=1,nat 1 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+rg(i+3*(ia-1))*m(ia)*re(j+3*(ia-1)) c correction for planar molecules: do 2 i=1,3 2 if(dabs(c(i,i)).lt.1.0d-9)c(i,i)=1.0d0 c C^TC: call mm3(c,c,cc) CALL TRED12(3,cc,r,l,2,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report(' cannot diagonalize C^TC') call INV(3,c,ci,3,TOL,e,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report(' cannot invert C') c R^TC^-1: call mm3(r,ci,rc) c temporary coordinate string: allocate(rn(3*nat)) c exlore all eight axis switching possibilities: ib=0 ic=0 do 4 ix=-1,1,2 do 4 iy=-1,1,2 do 4 iz=-1,1,2 ic=ic+1 bl(1)=dble(ix) bl(2)=dble(iy) bl(3)=dble(iz) c L l^(1/2)R^TC^-1: do 6 i=1,3 do 6 j=1,3 6 lrc(i,j)=bl(i)*dsqrt(l(i))*rc(i,j) call md(r,lrc,t0) call trx(nat,rn,re,t0) err=0.0d0 do 8 ii=1,3*nat 8 err=err+(rn(ii)-rg(ii))**2 if(ic.eq.1)then em=err do 9 i=1,3 do 9 j=1,3 9 t(i,j)=t0(i,j) ib=ic endif if(det(t0) em=err do 11 i=1,3 do 11 j=1,3 11 t(i,j)=t0(i,j) ib=ic endif 4 write(6,600)ix,iy,iz,err,det(t0) 600 format(3i2,'err:',f10.3,' det:',f10.3) write(6,601)ib 601 format(' Best trial number ',i2) write(6,604)t 604 format(' Transformation matrix:',/,3(3f10.3,/)) open(44,file='TMX.TXT') do 17 i=1,3 17 write(44,605)(t(j,i),j=1,3) 605 format(3f10.3) close(44) call trx(nat,rn,re,t) do 131 ia=1,nat do 131 i=1,3 131 re(i+3*(ia-1))=cmg(i)+rn(i+3*(ia-1)) call wrx(nat,re,z,'', 1'Excited orientation to match the ground:') write(6,*)' written' return end c ============================================================== subroutine wrx(nat,r,z,s,sp) implicit none integer*4 nat,z(nat),a,i real*8 r(3*nat) character*(*) s,sp open(44,file=s) write(44,'(a)')sp write(44,*)nat do 13 a=1,nat 13 write(44,602)z(a),(r(i+3*(a-1)),i=1,3) 602 format(i4,3f12.6) close(44) return end c ============================================================== subroutine trx(nat,n,e,t) implicit none integer*4 nat,ia,i,a real*8 n(*),e(*),t(3,3) do 7 ia=1,nat a=3*(ia-1) do 7 i=1,3 7 n(i+a)=t(1,i)*e(1+a)+t(2,i)*e(2+a)+t(3,i)*e(3+a) return end c ============================================================== function det(t) implicit none real*8 det,t(3,3) det=t(1,1)*(t(2,2)*t(3,3)-t(2,3)*t(3,2)) 1 -t(1,2)*(t(2,1)*t(3,3)-t(2,3)*t(3,1)) 1 +t(1,3)*(t(2,1)*t(3,2)-t(2,2)*t(3,1)) return end c ============================================================== subroutine md(a,b,c) implicit none c c=a.b real*8 a(3,3),b(3,3),c(3,3) integer*4 i,j,ii do 3 i=1,3 do 3 j=1,3 c(i,j)=0.0d0 do 3 ii=1,3 3 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(i,ii)*b(ii,j) return end c ============================================================== subroutine mm3(a,b,c) implicit none c c=aT.b real*8 a(3,3),b(3,3),c(3,3) integer*4 i,j,ii do 3 i=1,3 do 3 j=1,3 c(i,j)=0.0d0 do 3 ii=1,3 3 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(ii,i)*b(ii,j) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE TRED12(N,A,Z,D,IEIG,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION A(N,N),Z(N,N),D(*) real*8,allocatable::E(:) allocate(E(N)) IF (IEIG .LT. 0) GO TO 110 DO 100 I = 1, N C DO 100 J = 1, I Z(I,J) = A(I,J) 100 CONTINUE C 110 ICODE = IABS(IEIG) IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 320 C :::::::::: FOR I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 2 DO -- :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = N + 2 - II L = I - 1 H = 0.0D0 SCALE = 0.0D0 IF (L .LT. 2) GO TO 130 C :::::::::: SCALE ROW (ALGOL TOL THEN NOT NEEDED) :::::::::: DO 120 K = 1, L 120 SCALE = SCALE + DABS(Z(I,K)) C IF (DABS(SCALE) .GT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 140 130 E(I) = Z(I,L) GO TO 290 C 140 DO 150 K = 1, L F = Z(I,K) / SCALE Z(I,K) = F H = H + F * F 150 CONTINUE C G = -DSIGN(DSQRT(H),F) E(I) = SCALE * G H = H - F * G Z(I,L) = F - G F = 0.0D0 C DO 240 J = 1, L IF (ICODE .EQ. 2) Z(J,I) = Z(I,J) / (SCALE * H) G = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF A*U :::::::::: DO 180 K = 1, J 180 G = G + Z(J,K) * Z(I,K) C JP1 = J + 1 IF (L .LT. JP1) GO TO 220 C DO 200 K = JP1, L 200 G = G + Z(K,J) * Z(I,K) C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF P :::::::::: 220 E(J) = G / H F = F + E(J) * Z(I,J) 240 CONTINUE C HH = F / (H + H) C :::::::::: FORM REDUCED A :::::::::: DO 260 J = 1, L F = Z(I,J) G = E(J) - HH * F E(J) = G C DO 260 K = 1, J Z(J,K) = Z(J,K) - F * E(K) - G * Z(I,K) 260 CONTINUE C DO 280 K = 1, L 280 Z(I,K) = SCALE * Z(I,K) C 290 D(I) = H 300 CONTINUE C 320 D(1) = 0.0D0 E(1) = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: ACCUMULATION OF TRANSFORMATION MATRICES :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 600 DO 500 I = 1, N L = I - 1 IF (DABS(D(I)) .LT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 380 C DO 360 J = 1, L G = 0.0D0 C DO 340 K = 1, L 340 G = G + Z(I,K) * Z(K,J) C DO 360 K = 1, L Z(K,J) = Z(K,J) - G * Z(K,I) 360 CONTINUE C 380 D(I) = Z(I,I) Z(I,I) = 1.0D0 IF (L .LT. 1) GO TO 500 C DO 400 J = 1, L Z(I,J) = 0.0D0 Z(J,I) = 0.0D0 400 CONTINUE C 500 CONTINUE C 620 CALL TQL12 (N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE,E) RETURN C :::::::::: ALTERNATE FINAL LOOP FOR EIGENVALUES ONLY :::::::::: 600 DO 610 I=1,N 610 D(I) = Z(I,I) GO TO 620 END C SUBROUTINE TQL12(N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE,E) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION Z(N,N),D(*),E(*) REAL*8 MACHEP EPS = 1.0D0 10 EPS = 0.50D0*EPS TOL1 = EPS + 1.0D0 IF((TOL1.GT.1.0D0).AND.(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0)) GO TO 10 IF(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0) EPS = EPS + EPS MACHEP = EPS C C MACHEP=16.0D0**(-13) C IERR = 0 IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 1001 C DO 100 I = 2, N 100 E(I-1) = E(I) C F = 0.0D0 B = 0.0D0 E(N) = 0.0D0 C DO 240 L = 1, N J = 0 H = MACHEP * (DABS(D(L)) + DABS(E(L))) IF (B .LT. H) B = H C :::::::::: LOOK FOR SMALL SUB-DIAGONAL ELEMENT :::::::::: DO 110 M = L, N IF (DABS(E(M)) .LE. B) GO TO 120 C :::::::::: E(N) IS ALWAYS ZERO, SO THERE IS NO EXIT C THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE LOOP :::::::::: 110 CONTINUE C 120 IF (M .EQ. L) GO TO 220 130 IF (J .EQ. 30) GO TO 1000 J = J + 1 C :::::::::: FORM SHIFT :::::::::: L1 = L + 1 G = D(L) P = (D(L1) - G) / (2.0D0 * E(L)) R = DSQRT(P*P+1.0D0) D(L) = E(L) / (P + DSIGN(R,P)) H = G - D(L) C DO 140 I = L1, N 140 D(I) = D(I) - H C F = F + H C :::::::::: QL TRANSFORMATION :::::::::: P = D(M) C = 1.0D0 S = 0.0D0 MML = M - L C :::::::::: FOR I=M-1 STEP -1 UNTIL L DO -- :::::::::: DO 200 II = 1, MML I = M - II G = C * E(I) H = C * P IF (DABS(P) .LT. DABS(E(I))) GO TO 150 C = E(I) / P R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * P * R S = C / R C = 1.0D0 / R GO TO 160 150 C = P / E(I) R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * E(I) * R S = 1.0D0 / R C = C * S 160 P = C * D(I) - S * G D(I+1) = H + S * (C * G + S * D(I)) C :::::::::: FORM VECTOR :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 200 DO 180 K = 1, N H = Z(K,I+1) Z(K,I+1) = S * Z(K,I) + C * H Z(K,I) = C * Z(K,I) - S * H 180 CONTINUE C 200 CONTINUE C E(L) = S * P D(L) = C * P IF (DABS(E(L)) .GT. B) GO TO 130 220 D(L) = D(L) + F 240 CONTINUE C :::::::::: ORDER EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = II - 1 K = I P = D(I) C DO 260 J = II, N IF (D(J) .LE. P) GO TO 260 K = J P = D(J) 260 CONTINUE C IF (K .EQ. I) GO TO 300 D(K) = D(I) D(I) = P C IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 300 DO 280 J = 1, N P = Z(J,I) Z(J,I) = Z(J,K) Z(J,K) = P 280 CONTINUE C 300 CONTINUE C GO TO 1001 C :::::::::: SET ERROR -- NO CONVERGENCE TO AN C EIGENVALUE AFTER 30 ITERATIONS :::::::::: 1000 IERR = L 1001 RETURN END C SUBROUTINE INV(nr,a,ai,n,TOL,e,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) dimension ai(nr,nr),a(nr,nr),e(nr,2*nr) C 10000 IERR=0 DO 1 ii=1,n DO 1 jj=1,n e(ii,jj)=a(ii,jj) 1 e(ii,jj+n)=0.0D0 do 13 ii=1,n 13 e(ii,ii+n)=1.0D0 c DO 2 ii=1,n-1 if (ABS(e(ii,ii)).LE.TOL) then DO 3 io=ii+1,n 3 if (ABS(e(io,ii)).GT.TOL) goto 11 IERR=1 write(6,*)ii write(6,*)'tol = ',tol tol=tol*0.50d0 if( 10000 RETURN c 11 CONTINUE DO 4 kk=1,2*n w=e(ii,kk) e(ii,kk)=e(io,kk) 4 e(io,kk)=w ENDIF eii=e(ii,ii) DO 5 jj=ii+1,n e1=e(jj,ii)/eii DO 6 kk=ii+1, 2*n 6 e(jj,kk)=e(jj,kk)-e(ii,kk)*e1 5 e(jj,ii)=0.0D0 2 CONTINUE c DO 7 i2=n,2,-1 eii=e(i2,i2) DO 7 j2=i2-1,1,-1 e1=e(j2,i2)/eii DO 9 kk=1, n 9 e(j2,kk+n)=e(j2,kk+n)-e(i2,kk+n)*e1 7 e(j2,i2)=0.0d0 c DO 10 ii=1,n ei=1.0d0/e(ii,ii) DO 12 jj=1,n 12 ai(ii,jj)=e(ii,jj+n)*ei 10 CONTINUE c RETURN END c ============================================================ subroutine makeG(NQ,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep) implicit none real*8 eg(*),ep(*),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ) integer*4 ix,NQ call mz(G,NQ) call mz(GP,NQ) call mz(GH,NQ) call mz(GHP,NQ) do 10 ix=1,NQ G(ix,ix)=eg(ix) GP(ix,ix)=ep(ix) GH(ix,ix) =dsqrt(eg(ix)) 10 GHP(ix,ix)=dsqrt(ep(ix)) return end c ============================================================ function overlap(ic,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) c calculates <0|0'> c ic ... 0 only the overlap c 1 also write DUSCH.OUT implicit none integer*4 ic,NQ,N,ig,ie,ia,nat,ix,jx,ii,IERR real*8 eg(*),ep(*),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),sg(N,N),se(N,N),m(*),k(*),rg(*),re(*), 2bohr,T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ),TOL, 3A(NQ,NQ),TV(*),TU(*),B(*),C(NQ,NQ),D(*),E(NQ,NQ),overlap, 4fac,kfac call makeG(NQ,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep) c K = s'^-1 sqrt(M) dX do 4 ig=1,NQ k(ig)=0 do 4 ia=1,nat do 4 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 4 k(ig)=k(ig)+sg(ii,ig)*(re(ii)-rg(ii))/bohr 1*m(ia)*dsqrt(1822.89d0) c Duschinsky transformation: c Q' = JQ'' + K (Q' initial, Q'' final) c J = s'^-1 s'', JT = J^t do 3 ig=1,NQ do 3 ie=1,NQ JT(ie,ig)=0.0d0 do 3 ia=1,nat do 3 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 3 JT(ie,ig)=JT(ie,ig)+sg(ii,ig)*m(ia)*se(ii,ie) c scale the shift if kfac <> 1: do 41 ig=1,NQ 41 k(ig)=k(ig)*kfac call mt(J,JT,NQ) call mm(T,G,J,NQ) call mm(TP,JT,T,NQ) call ms(F,TP,GP,NQ) c F = Jt G J + GP call INV(NQ,F,FI,NQ,TOL,E2,IERR) if( report('Inversion error') call mm(T,JT,GH,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,J,TP,NQ) call mm(TP,GH,T,NQ) do 11 ix=1,NQ do 11 jx=1,NQ 11 A(ix,jx)=2.0d0*TP(ix,jx) do 12 ix=1,NQ 12 A(ix,ix)=A(ix,ix)-1.0d0 c A=2 G^1/2 J Fi Jt G^1/2 - I call mm(T,JT,G,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,J,TP,NQ) do 13 ix=1,NQ 13 T(ix,ix)=T(ix,ix)-1.0d0 call mv(TV,T,K,NQ) call mv(TU,GH,TV,NQ) do 14 ix=1,NQ 14 B(ix)=-2.0d0*TU(ix) c B= - 2 G^1/2 ( J Fi Jt G - I) K call mm(T,FI,GHP,NQ) call mm(TP,GHP,T,NQ) do 15 ix=1,NQ do 15 jx=1,NQ 15 C(ix,jx)=2.0d0*TP(ix,jx) do 16 ix=1,NQ 16 C(ix,ix)=C(ix,ix)-1.0d0 c C= 2 GP^1/2 Fi GP^1/2 - I call mv(TV,G,K,NQ) call mv(TU,JT,TV,NQ) call mv(TV,FI,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,GHP,TV,NQ) do 17 ix=1,NQ 17 D(ix)=-2.0d0*TU(ix) c D= - 2 GP^1/2 Fi Jt G K call mm(T,JT,GH,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,GHP,TP,NQ) do 18 ix=1,NQ do 18 jx=1,NQ 18 E(ix,jx)=4.0d0*T(ix,jx) c E= 4 GP^1/2 Fi Jt G^1/2 write(6,6555)'A ',1,1,NQ,NQ,A(1,1),A(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'B ',1,1,NQ,NQ,B(1),B(NQ) write(6,6555)'C ',1,1,NQ,NQ,C(1,1),C(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'D ',1,1,NQ,NQ,D(1),D(NQ) write(6,6555)'E ',1,1,NQ,NQ,E(1,1),E(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'F ',1,1,NQ,NQ,F(1,1),F(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'Fi',1,1,NQ,NQ,FI(1,1),FI(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'G ',1,1,NQ,NQ,G(1,1),G(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'GP',1,1,NQ,NQ,GP(1,1),GP(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'J ',1,1,NQ,NQ,J(1,1),J(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'JT',1,1,NQ,NQ,JT(1,1),JT(NQ,NQ) write(6,6555)'K ',1,1,NQ,NQ,K(1),K(NQ) 6555 format(1x,a2,2i3,1x,2i3,2f12.6) call mm(T,G,GP,NQ) call dofac(NQ,fac,J,JT,F,FI,G,GP,K) overlap=fac if(ic.eq.1) 1call wdusch(NQ,N,A,B,C,D,E,JT,K,eg,ep,sg,se,rg,re,m) return end c ============================================================ subroutine iterate(maxit,NQ,lwr,wmin, 1N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) implicit none integer*4 iter,maxit,iw,NQ,ichange,IERR,N,nat real*8 dd,wp,wm,o,om,op,w,CM,wmin,delw,oold,kfac real*8 eg(*),ep(*),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),sg(N,N),se(N,N),m(*),k(*),rg(*),re(*), 2bohr,T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ),TOL, 3A(NQ,NQ),TV(*),TU(*),B(*),C(NQ,NQ),D(*),E(NQ,NQ),overlap logical lwr CM=219474.630d0 dd=0.5d0 oold=1.0d0 do 1 iter=1,maxit ichange=0 if(lwr)write(6,*)'Iteration ',iter,' of ',maxit if(lwr)write(6,601) 601 format(3x,'iw',11x,'w',10x,'wp',10x,'wm',11x,'o',10x,'op', 110x,'om') do 2 iw=1,NQ w=ep(iw) delw=max(wmin/CM,dd*w) o=overlap(0,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) wp=w+delw ep(iw)=wp op=overlap(0,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) wm=max(wmin/CM,w-delw) ep(iw)=wm om=overlap(0,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E,kfac) if(lwr)write(6,600)iw,w*CM,wp*CM,wm*CM,o,op,om 600 format(i5,3f12.3,3g12.3) if( if( ep(iw)=wm else ep(iw)=wp endif ichange=ichange+1 else ep(iw)=w endif 2 continue if(ichange.eq.0)dd=dd/2.0d0 if(oold.eq.o)return 1 oold=o return end c ============================================================ function spsv(sg,se,i,j,amas,z,N) implicit none integer*4 N,z(*),i,j,ix real*8 spsv,sg(N,N),se(N,N),dij real amas(*) dij=0.0d0 do 1 ix=1,N 1 dij=dij+sg(ix,i)*se(ix,j)*dble(amas(z((ix-1)/3+1))) spsv=dij return end c ============================================================ subroutine findbest(i,jstart,jmin,dmin,dij,sg,se,N,amas,z) implicit none integer*4 i,jstart,jmin,N,z(*),j real*8 dmin,dij,sg(N,N),se(N,N),spsv real amas(*) c find best match for i within jstart...1 jmin=0 dmin=0.0d0 dij=0.0d0 do 14 j=jstart,1,-1 dij=spsv(sg,se,i,j,amas,z,N) if(dabs(dij).gt.dmin.or.j.eq.jstart)then dmin=dabs(dij) jmin=j endif 14 continue return end c ============================================================ subroutine gradq(nat,N,m,ldz) implicit none integer*4 nat,ia,ix,N,NQ,iq,i,j real*8 SFAC,CM,wep,a,ap,x0,ef,o,m(*) logical lexg,lexe,ldz real*8,allocatable::g(:),q(:),u(:,:),qe(:),qt(:),r(:), 1sg(:,:),se(:,:),eg(:),ep(:) allocate(sg(N,N),se(N,N),eg(N),ep(N)) SFAC=0.0234280d0 CM=219474.0d0 inquire(file='ground/FILE.GR',exist=lexg) if(lexg)then write(6,*) write(6,*)' Ground state gradient found' write(6,*)' GG.TXT opened' open(66,file='GG.TXT') allocate(g(N),q(N),r(N)) open(8,file='ground/FILE.GR') do 1 ia=1,nat 1 read(8,*)(g(ix+3*(ia-1)),ix=1,3) close(8) call readsi(N,sg,eg,NQ,'ground/F.INP',r,ldz) do 2 iq=1,NQ q(iq)=0.0d0 do 2 ia=1,nat do 2 ix=1,3 2 q(iq)=q(iq)+sg(ix+3*(ia-1),iq)*g(ix+3*(ia-1))*SFAC write(66,*)' ground state:' write(66,*)' mode wg gradient (au)' do 3 iq=1,NQ 3 write(66,600)iq,eg(iq)*CM,q(iq) 600 format(i4,f12.2,f12.7) inquire(file='excited/FILE.GR',exist=lexe) if(lexe)then write(6,*)' Excited state gradient found, too' allocate(qe(N),qt(N)) open(8,file='excited/FILE.GR') do 4 ia=1,nat 4 read(8,*)(g(ix+3*(ia-1)),ix=1,3) close(8) c reload because se might be transformed: call readsi(N,se,ep,NQ,'excited/F.INP',r,ldz) do 5 iq=1,NQ qe(iq)=0.0d0 do 5 ia=1,nat do 5 ix=1,3 5 qe(iq)=qe(iq)+se(ix+3*(ia-1),iq)*g(ix+3*(ia-1))*SFAC write(66,*)' excited state:' write(66,*)' mode we gradient (au)' do 6 iq=1,NQ 6 write(66,600)iq,ep(iq)*CM,qe(iq) write(6,*)' .... gradient written' write(66,*)' Independent mode approximation:' write(66,*)' Excited state in ground state modes:' c u=se.s transformation matrix between ground and excited modes: allocate(u(NQ,NQ)) do 7 i=1,NQ do 7 j=1,NQ u(i,j)=0.0d0 do 7 ia=1,nat do 7 ix=1,3 7 u(i,j)=u(i,j)+sg(ix+3*(ia-1),i)*m(ia)*se(ix+3*(ia-1),j) write(66,602) 602 format(' mode wg wep gradient (au)' 1 //' q0 ') do 8 iq=1,NQ qt(iq)=0.0d0 c diagonal part of Wij: wep=0.0d0 do 9 i=1,NQ qt(iq)=qt(iq)+u(iq,i)*qe(i) 9 wep =wep +u(iq,i)*ep(i)*u(iq,i) a =eg(iq)/2.0d0 ap=wep /2.0d0 x0=-qe(iq)/wep**2 if( if( ef=x0**2*a*ap/(a+ap) if( o=0.0d0 else o=dsqrt(2.0d0*dsqrt(a*ap)/(a+a))*exp(-ef) endif else o=-999.99d0 endif 8 write(66,601)iq,eg(iq)*CM,wep*CM,qe(iq),x0,o 601 format(i4,2f12.2,3g12.4) write(6,*)' .... transformed into ground modes' endif close(66) write(6,*)' GG.TXT closed' write(6,*) endif return end c ============================================================ subroutine grade(nat,N,ldz) implicit none integer*4 nat,ia,ix,N,NQ,iq,ii real*8 SFAC,CM,y,ani,w,bohr logical lex,ldz real*8,allocatable::g(:),q(:),rg(:),x(:),qt(:),ee(:),r(:), 1sg(:,:),eg(:) integer*4 ,allocatable::z(:) allocate(sg(N,N),eg(N)) SFAC=0.0234280d0 CM=219474.0d0 y=50.0d0/CM bohr=0.529177d0 inquire(file='groundtd/FILE.GR',exist=lex) if(lex)then write(6,*)' Excited state gradient for ground state geometry' allocate(g(N),q(N),qt(N),ee(N),r(N)) c cartesian gradient: open(8,file='groundtd/FILE.GR') do 1 ia=1,nat 1 read(8,*)(g(ix+3*(ia-1)),ix=1,3) close(8) call readsi(N,sg,eg,NQ,'groundtd/F.INP',r,ldz) c normal mode gradient: do 2 iq=1,NQ q(iq)=0.0d0 do 2 ii=1,N 2 q(iq)=q(iq)+sg(ii,iq)*g(ii)*SFAC open(9,file='PGRAD') write(6,*)' mode wg wgp gradient (au) Qt n' write(9,*)' mode wg wgp gradient (au) Qt n' do 3 iq=1,NQ if(eg(iq).lt.y)then w=(q(iq)**2/2.0d0)**(1.0d0/3.0d0) else w=eg(iq) endif ee(iq)=w qt(iq)=q(iq)/w**2 ani=w*qt(iq)**2/2.0d0-0.50d0 write(9,600)iq,eg(iq)*CM,w*cm,q(iq),qt(iq),nint(ani+0.50d0) 3 write(6,600)iq,eg(iq)*CM,w*cm,q(iq),qt(iq),nint(ani+0.50d0) 600 format(i4,2f12.2,2g12.4,i6) close(9) write(6,*)'PGRAD written' allocate(z(nat),rg(N),x(N)) call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',1, nat,z,rg) do 4 ii=1,N x(ii)=rg(ii) do 4 iq=1,NQ 4 x(ii)=x(ii)+qt(iq)*sg(ii,iq)*SFAC*bohr call system('mkdir virtual') call wdxx('virtual/FILE.X',nat,z,x) call writesi(nat,N,sg,ee,NQ,'virtual/F.INP',x,z) write(6,*)'virtual geometry made' endif return end c ============================================================ subroutine shiftq(nat,N,NQ,se,ep,sg,eg) implicit none integer*4 nat,N,NQ,i,j,ii,IERR,nt,it,jc,ia,jp real*8 se(N,N),ep(*),CM,ani,d,bohr,SFACR,TOL,t(3,3),pt, 1sp,sg(N,N),eg(*),dc,pj,sgn,sn real*8,allocatable::sms(:,:),qt(:),xt(:),re(:),rg(:),x(:), 1v(:),si(:,:),e(:,:),pc(:),st(:,:),u(:) integer*4,allocatable::z(:),iind(:) TOL=1.0d-10 CM=219474.0d0 bohr=0.529177d0 SFACR=0.02342179d0 allocate(sms(NQ,NQ),qt(NQ),xt(N),z(nat),re(N),rg(N),x(N), 1v(NQ),si(NQ,NQ),e(NQ,2*NQ),pc(NQ),u(N),iind(NQ),st(N,NQ)) call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',1, nat,z,rg) call rdxx('',1,nat,z,re) d=0.0d0 do 5 i=1,N x(i)=(rg(i)-re(i))/bohr 5 d=d+x(i)**2 write(6,607)d 607 format(' d = ',g12.4) do 1 i=1,NQ v(i)=0.0d0 do 11 ii=1,N 11 v(i)=v(i)+x(ii)*se(ii,i)*SFACR do 1 j=1,NQ sms(i,j)=0.0d0 do 1 ii=1,N 1 sms(i,j)=sms(i,j)+se(ii,i)*SFACR**2*se(ii,j) call INV(NQ,sms,si,NQ,TOL,e,IERR) if( report('inverson matrix cannot be found') do 2 i=1,NQ qt(i)=0.0d0 do 2 j=1,NQ 2 qt(i)=qt(i)+si(i,j)*v(j) d=0.0d0 do 7 ii=1,N xt(ii)=re(ii)/bohr do 71 j=1,NQ 71 xt(ii)=xt(ii)+se(ii,j)*SFACR*qt(j) d=d+(rg(ii)/bohr-xt(ii))**2 7 xt(ii)=xt(ii)*bohr write(6,607)d open(44,file='test1.x') write(44,*)'Excited orientation to match the ground:' write(44,*)nat do 13 i=1,nat 13 write(44,608)z(i),(xt(ii+3*(i-1)),ii=1,3) 608 format(i4,3f12.6) close(44) nt=0 open(9,file='QSTATE') write(9,600) 600 format(/,' mode freq Qt n nround:') do 3 i=1,NQ ani=ep(i)*qt(i)**2/2.0d0-0.50d0 nt=nt+nint(ani+0.50d0) 3 write(9,601)i,ep(i)*CM,qt(i),ani,nint(ani+0.50d0) 601 format(i4,f12.2,2G12.4,i6) close(9) write(6,*)nt,' - excited' write(6,*)'QSTATE written' write(6,610)'Excited state vibrations' 610 format(a24,'Projection of geometry difference to normal modes') open(44,file='TMX.TXT') do 9 i=1,3 9 read(44,*)(t(j,i),j=1,3) close(44) c excited state S-matrix in ground-like orientation: do 14 j=1,NQ do 14 ia=1,N/3 do 14 i=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1) 14 st(i+ii,j)=se(1+ii,j)*t(1,i)+se(2+ii,j)*t(2,i)+se(3+ii,j)*t(3,i) c as_ground_ai=tj,i exc_aj do 4 j=1,NQ iind(j)=j c unit vector along the mode: do 17 i=1,N 17 u(i)=st(i,j) call norm(u,N) c projection to the geometry change: pc(j)=dabs(sp(u,x,N)) c in units of normal mode amplitude (~ 1/sqrt(w)): 4 pc(j)=pc(j)*dsqrt(ep(j)) c normalize: call norm(pc,NQ) c order do 10 j=1,NQ-1 do 10 jp=j+1,NQ if(pc(jp).gt.pc(j))then pt=pc(jp) pc(jp)=pc(j) pc(j)=pt it=iind(jp) iind(jp)=iind(j) iind(j)=it endif 10 continue write(6,609) 609 format(' Mode exc contrinution (%) closest ground' ) do 12 ii=1,NQ j=iind(ii) c most similar ground state mode: sgn=0.0d0 sn=0.0d0 jc=1 dc=0.0d0 do 15 i=1,N sgn=sgn+sg(i,1)**2 sn =sn +st(i,j)**2 15 dc=dc+sg(i,1)*st(i,j) dc=dabs(dc)/dsqrt(sn*sgn) do 19 jp=2,NQ pj=0.0d0 sgn=0.0d0 sn=0.0d0 do 16 i=1,N sgn=sgn+sg(i,jp)**2 sn =sn +st(i,j)**2 16 pj=pj+sg(i,jp)*st(i,j) pj=dabs(pj)/dsqrt(sn*sgn) if( dc=pj jc=jp endif 19 continue 12 write(6,612)ii,j,ep(j)*CM,pc(ii)**2*100.0d0,jc,eg(jc)*CM 612 format(2i5,'(',f12.3,' cm-1)',f10.2,i6,'(',f12.2,' cm-1)') write(6,610)'Ground state vibrations ' do 20 j=1,NQ iind(j)=j do 21 i=1,N 21 u(i)=sg(i,j) call norm(u,N) pc(j)=dabs(sp(u,x,N)) 20 pc(j)=pc(j)*dsqrt(eg(j)) call norm(pc,NQ) do 24 j=1,NQ-1 do 24 jp=j+1,NQ if(pc(jp).gt.pc(j))then pt=pc(jp) pc(jp)=pc(j) pc(j)=pt it=iind(jp) iind(jp)=iind(j) iind(j)=it endif 24 continue write(6,619) 619 format(' Mode gr contrinution (%) closest exc' ) do 25 ii=1,NQ j=iind(ii) sgn=0.0d0 sn=0.0d0 jc=1 dc=0.0d0 do 26 i=1,N sgn=sgn+st(i,1)**2 sn =sn +sg(i,j)**2 26 dc=dc+st(i,1)*sg(i,j) dc=dabs(dc)/dsqrt(sn*sgn) do 27 jp=2,NQ pj=0.0d0 sgn=0.0d0 sn=0.0d0 do 28 i=1,N sgn=sgn+st(i,jp)**2 sn =sn +sg(i,j)**2 28 pj=pj+st(i,jp)*sg(i,j) pj=dabs(pj)/dsqrt(sn*sgn) if( dc=pj jc=jp endif 27 continue 25 write(6,612)ii,j,eg(j)*CM,pc(ii)**2*100.0d0,jc,ep(jc)*CM return end c ============================================================ subroutine shifti(nat,N,NQ,se,ep) c iterative way implicit none integer*4 nat,ia,N,NQ,i,j,ii real*8 se(N,N),ep(*),CM,ani,sx,bohr,s2,SFACR,d real*8,allocatable::qt(:),rg(:),re(:),x(:),xt(:) integer*4,allocatable::z(:) CM=219474.0d0 bohr=0.529177d0 SFACR=0.02342179d0 allocate(z(nat),rg(N),re(N),x(N),xt(N)) call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',1 ,nat,z,rg) call rdxx('',1,nat,z,re) d=0.0d0 do 5 i=1,N x(i)=(rg(i)-re(i))/bohr 5 d=d+x(i)**2 write(6,607)d 607 format(' d = ',g12.4) c delta(i,j)=se(ii,j)*se(ii,i)*m(ia) c m is in g/mol allocate(qt(NQ)) call vz(qt,NQ) do 1 i=1,NQ sx=0.0d0 do 2 ii=1,N sx=sx+x(ii)*se(ii,i)*SFACR do 2 j=1,i-1 2 sx=sx-se(ii,i)*SFACR**2*se(ii,j)*qt(j) s2=0.0d0 do 6 ii=1,N 6 s2=s2+se(ii,i)**2*SFACR**2 1 qt(i)=sx/s2 d=0.0d0 do 7 ii=1,N xt(ii)=re(ii)/bohr do 71 j=1,NQ 71 xt(ii)=xt(ii)+se(ii,j)*SFACR*qt(j) d=d+(rg(ii)/bohr-xt(ii))**2 7 xt(ii)=xt(ii)*bohr write(6,607)d open(44,file='test.x') write(44,*)'Excited orientation to match the ground:' write(44,*)nat do 13 ia=1,nat 13 write(44,608)z(ia),(xt(ii+3*(ia-1)),ii=1,3) 608 format(i4,3f12.6) close(44) open(9,file='ISTATE') write(9,600) 600 format(/,' mode freq Qt n nround:') do 3 i=1,NQ ani=ep(i)*qt(i)**2/2.0d0-0.50d0 3 write(9,601)i,ep(i)*CM,qt(i),ani,nint(ani+0.50d0) 601 format(i4,f12.2,2G12.4,i6) close(9) write(6,*)'ISTATE written' return end c ============================================================ subroutine shifte(nat,N,NQ,sg,se,eg,ep,m,lmscan,fac, 1A,B,C,D,E,F,FI,G,GP,GH,GHP,J,JT,K,NB,NP,TOL, 2lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ncut,LEXCL, 1isu) implicit none integer*4 nat,N,NQ,i,ii,nt,ia,ix,NB,NP,nps,ncut,LEXCL,isu real*8 se(N,N),ep(*),CM,bohr,m(*),fac,TOL,EH, 1del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,sg(N,N),eg(*) real*8 A(NQ,NQ),B(*),C(NQ,NQ),D(*),E(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ), 1G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ),J(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),K(*) real*8,allocatable::qt(:),re(:),rg(:),x(:),KT(:),EK(:),ani(:) integer*4,allocatable::z(:),nopt(:),noptnew(:) logical lmscan,lspec CM=219474.0d0 bohr=0.529177d0 allocate(qt(NQ),z(nat),re(N),rg(N),x(N),EK(NQ)) call vz(EK,NQ) c x = xe - xg: call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',1, nat,z,rg) call rdxx('',1,nat,z,re) do 5 ii=1,N 5 x(ii)=(re(ii)-rg(ii))/bohr c qt(e) = -se^(-1) x: do 2 i=1,NQ qt(i)=0.0d0 do 2 ia=1,nat do 2 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 2 qt(i)=qt(i)-se(ii,i)*x(ii)*m(ia)*dsqrt(1822.89d0) c Energy = 0.5 sum(i) wi^2 qti^2 EH=0.d0 do 4 i=1,NQ 4 EH=EH+0.50d0*qt(i)**2*ep(i)**2 write(6,6007)EH,EH*219474.0d0 6007 format('EH = ',f12.6,'au = ',f10.2,' cm-1') nt=0 allocate(nopt(NQ),noptnew(NQ),ani(NQ)) do 3 i=1,NQ ani(i)=0.5d0*(ep(i)*qt(i)**2-1.0d0) nopt(i)=max(0,nint(ani(i)+0.50d0)) noptnew(i)=nopt(i) 3 nt=nt+nopt(i) write(6,*)nt,' - excited' if( allocate(KT(NQ)) do 12 i=1,NQ 12 KT(i)=K(i) do 1 i=1,NQ if(nopt(i).gt.ncut)then c redefinition of excited normal mode Qk -> Qk write(6,6008)i,nopt(i) 6008 format(i4,':',i4,' -> 0') EK(i)=dble(nopt(i))*ep(i) noptnew(i)=0 do 11 ii=1,NQ 11 KT(ii)=KT(ii)+J(ii,i)*qt(i) endif 1 continue call dofac(NQ,fac,J,JT,F,FI,G,GP,KT) write(6,300)fac,fac**2*100.0d0 300 format('<0|0*p> = ',g12.4,' (',f6.2,'%)') call newbd(NQ,G,KT,J,JT,FI,GH,GHP,B,D) call wdusch(NQ,N,A,B,C,D,E,JT,KT,eg,ep,sg,se,rg,re,m) endif open(9,file='PSTATE') write(9,600) 600 format(/,' mode freq Qt ne nround nnew EK:') do 31 i=1,NQ 31 write(9,601)i,ep(i)*CM,qt(i),ani(i),nopt(i),noptnew(i),EK(i) 601 format(i4,f12.2,2G12.4,2i6,g14.6) write(9,601)NB close(9) write(6,*)'PSTATE written' if(lmscan)call mscan(noptnew,NQ,fac,C,D,NB,NP,TOL, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ep,EK,LEXCL,isu) return end c ============================================================ subroutine mscan(so,NQ,fac,C,D,NB,NP,TOL, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ep,EK,LEXCL,isu) implicit none real*8 fac,FC,TOL,r,ojmax,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,ep(*), 1C(NQ,NQ),D(NQ),of,EK(*) integer*4 Ni,Nj,so(*),NQ,i,np0,nstart,ii,j,les, 1kk,nnmax,jj,nend,NB,NP,nps,Nm,LEXCL,isu logical lspec integer*4,allocatable::si(:),sj(:),st(:),nbi(:),nn(:,:) real*8,allocatable::ob(:),oj(:) np0=1000000 write(6,*)'scan called' write(6,*)'mother state:' do 3 kk=1,NQ 3 if(so(kk).ne.0)write(6,607)kk,so(kk) 607 format(i4,':',i2,$) write(6,*) Nm=les(NQ,so) write(6,*)Nm,' excited' allocate(sj(Nm+1)) call viz(sj,Nm+1) call puts(NQ,so,sj) of=FC(fac,sj,Nm,np0,C,D,NQ) deallocate(sj) write(6,6093)of,tol 6093 format(' < 0 | mo> = ',e12.4,' tol: ',g12.4) write(6,*) Ni=0 allocate(si(Ni+1),st(NQ),nbi(NQ),nn(NQ,NB),ob(NB),oj(2*NP+1)) call viz(si,Ni+1) open(9,file='PSTATE.TAB') open(91,file='PROFILES.TXT') do 1 i=1,NQ c reference state to st: nstart=max(0,so(i)-NP) do 11 ii=-NP,NP c <0|j>: oj(ii+NP+1)=0.0d0 if(ii+so(i).ge.nstart)then do 10 j=1,NQ 10 st(j)=so(j) st(i)=so(i)+ii c put to short record: Nj=les(NQ,st) allocate(sj(Nj+1)) call viz(sj,Nj+1) call puts(NQ,st,sj) oj(ii+NP+1)=FC(fac,sj,Nj,np0,C,D,NQ) deallocate(sj) endif 11 continue c c select maximum N: nnmax=1 ojmax=0.0d0 do 12 ii=-NP,NP if(dabs(oj(ii+NP+1)).gt.ojmax)then ojmax=dabs(oj(ii+NP+1)) nnmax=so(i)+ii endif 12 continue c buffer with quantum number giving the best overlaps: nbi(i)=0 do 13 ii=-NP,NP if( r=dabs(oj(ii+NP+1))/ojmax if( if(nbi(i).eq.0)then nbi(i)=nbi(i)+1 nn(i,nbi(i))=so(i)+ii ob(nbi(i))=r else do 14 jj=1,nbi(i) 14 if( 141 if(nbi(i).lt.NB)then nbi(i)=nbi(i)+1 nn(i,nbi(i))=so(i)+ii ob(nbi(i))=r endif goto 151 141 nend=min(NB,nbi(i)+1) do 15 kk=nend,jj+1,-1 ob(kk)=ob(kk-1) 15 nn(i,kk)=nn(i,kk-1) ob(jj)=r nn(i,jj)=so(i)+ii nbi(i)=nend 151 continue endif endif endif 13 continue write(9 ,601)i,nnmax,nbi(i),(nn(i,kk),kk=1,nbi(i)) 601 format(100i4) 1 write(91,691)(oj(ii+NP+1),ii=-NP,NP) 691 format(100E10.2) close(9) write(6,*)'PSTATE.TAB written' if(isu.eq.1)call statesum1(fac,NQ,C,D, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ep,EK,LEXCL) if(isu.eq.2)call statesum2(fac,NQ,np0,C,D,NB,nbi,nn, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ep,EK) return end c ============================================================== subroutine viz(v,n) integer*4 v(*),i,n do 1 i=1,n 1 v(i)=0 return end c ============================================================== subroutine puts(NQ,sd,sj) c rewrite vib state from long to compact notation: integer*4 NQ,sd(*),sj(*),kk,i,ii kk=0 do 21 i=1,NQ do 21 ii=1,sd(i) kk=kk+1 21 sj(kk)=i return end c ============================================================== function les(N,s) integer*4 les,N,s(*),u,i u=0 do 1 i=1,N 1 u=u+s(i) les=u return end c ============================================================== function FC(fac,si,Nexc,np0,C,D,N) c FC = Franc Condon factor for <0|si> c fac = <0|0*> c np0 ... dimension of working buffer implicit none integer*4 si(*),Nexc,np,iex,ii,nu,jj,ip,N,ic,jold, 1nuj,jc,kk,np0,iq,jq real*8 FC,fac,D(*),C(N,N),pini real*8,allocatable::p(:) integer*4,allocatable::NN(:),ie(:,:),it(:) np=1 allocate(p(np0),NN(np0),ie(np0,Nexc),it(np0)) p(np)=1.0d0 NN(np)=Nexc do 102 iex=1,NN(np) 102 ie(np,iex)=si(iex) c expand reccurent formula into a sum and shrink back to <0|0> 777 do 101 ii=1,np c term ii - reduce excitation one by one: pini=p(ii) do 101 iex=1,NN(ii) iq=ie(ii,iex) if( c <0| si_nu> reduce to <0| i-1>, <0|i-2>, <0|i-1,j-1>(j<>i) nu=0 do 1032 jj=1,NN(ii) 1032 if(ie(ii,jj) c write term <0|v'-1_iex> into string it: ip=0 ic=0 do 1031 jj=1,NN(ii) if(,jj) ic=ic+1 else ip=ip+1 it(ip)=ie(ii,jj) endif 1031 continue c call digest(np,ie,np0,Nexc,p,NN,it,NN(ii)-1, 1 pini*D(iq)/dsqrt(dble(2*nu))) if( c write term <0|v'-2_iex> into string it: ic=0 ip=0 do 1033 jj=1,NN(ii) if(ie(ii,jj) ic=ic+1 else ip=ip+1 it(ip)=ie(ii,jj) endif 1033 continue call digest(np,ie,np0,Nexc,p,NN,it,NN(ii)-2, 1 pini*dsqrt(dble(nu-1)/dble(nu))*C(iq,iq)) endif jold=0 do 106 jj=1,NN(ii) jq=ie(ii,jj) if( nuj=0 do 1034 kk=1,NN(ii) 1034 if(,kk))nuj=nuj+1 c write term <0|v'-1_iex-1_j, j<>iex> into it: ic=0 jc=0 ip=0 do 1035 kk=1,NN(ii) if(ie(ii,kk) ic=ic+1 else if(ie(ii,kk) jc=jc+1 else ip=ip+1 it(ip)=ie(ii,kk) endif endif 1035 continue call digest(np,ie,np0,Nexc,p,NN,it,NN(ii)-2, 1 pini*dsqrt(dble(nuj)/dble(nu))*C(iq,jq)) endif 106 jold=jq c eliminate the old term and start over do 105 jj=ii,np-1 p(jj)=p(jj+1) NN(jj)=NN(jj+1) do 105 kk=1,NN(jj) 105 ie(jj,kk)=ie(jj+1,kk) np=np-1 goto 777 endif 101 continue if( report('np <> 1') FC=p(1)*fac return end c ============================================================== subroutine digest(np,ie,np0,LEXCL,p,NN,it,iexc,T) implicit none integer*4 je,np,np0,LEXCL,NN(*),it(*),ie(np0,LEXCL),jj,iexc, 1jeje real*8 T,p(*) c does it exist already within 1 ... np?: je=jeje(np,iexc,it,NN,ie,np0,LEXCL) if( c the term already exist in the expansion as je^th - just add it p(je)=p(je)+T else c term not found - add as new term np=np+1 if( report('Too many terms') p(np)=T NN(np)=iexc do 1 jj=1,iexc 1 ie(np,jj)=it(jj) endif return end c ============================================================== function jeje(np,nx,it,NN,ee,np0,LEXCL) implicit none integer*4 np,nx,it(*),NN(*),np0,LEXCL,ee(np0,LEXCL),je,jeje,jj,ie je=0 do 104 jj=1,np if( 104 do 1041 ie=1,NN(jj) 1041 if(it(ie),ie))goto 104 je=jj goto 1042 104 continue 1042 jeje=je return end c ============================================================== subroutine statesum2(fac,NQ,np0,C,D,NB,nbi,nn, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ep,EK) implicit none integer*4 NQ,ii,NB,nbi(*),LEXP,nn(NQ,NB),les,np0,nps real*8 fac,proc,FC,procold,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,CM,dx,EJ, 1C(NQ,NQ),D(NQ),y,ep(*),ECM,emin,emax,EK(*),estart,p8 logical lspec integer*4,allocatable::sj(:),st(:),is(:) integer*8 nt,i8 real*8,allocatable::s(:) allocate(st(NQ),is(NQ)) call viz(is,NQ) estart=e00 do 100 ii=1,NQ 100 estart=estart+EK(ii) proc=0.0d0 CM=219474.630d0 procold=0.0d0 if(lspec)then emin=1.0d99 emax=0.0d0 allocate(s(nps)) call vz(s,nps) dx=(wsmax-wsmin)/dble(nps-1) endif nt=1 do 1 ii=1,NQ 1 nt=int(nt,8)*int(nbi(ii),8) write(6,*)nt,' terms' do 2 i8=1,nt if( p8=100.0d0*dble(i8)/dble(nt) write(6,6000)i8,p8,proc 6000 format(i20,f9.4,'%',f9.4,'%') procold=proc endif call getis(i8,is,st,NQ,nn,NB,nbi) c rewrite final state st into short form in sj: LEXP=les(NQ,st) allocate(sj(LEXP+1)) call puts(NQ,st,sj) c c <0|*> y=FC(fac,sj,LEXP,np0,C,D,NQ)**2 proc=proc+100.0d0*y if(lspec)then c energy: EJ=estart DO 1002 ii=1,LEXP 1002 EJ=EJ+ep(sj(ii)) ECM=EJ*CM if( if( call spread(nps,y,dx,wsmin,ECM,del,s) endif 2 deallocate(sj) if(lspec)then call ws(s,wsmin,dx,nps) write(6,604)emin,emax 604 format(' emin: ',f12.2,' emax: ',f12.2,' cm-1') endif return end c ============================================================== subroutine spread(nps,y,dx,wmin,E,del,s) implicit none real*8 y,dx,wmin,E,del,s(*),x integer*4 nps,i,nc,n3,nstart,nend c closest point, approx: nc=nint((E-wmin)/dx) c points over three delta: n3=nint(3.0d0*del/dx) nstart=max(nc-n3,1) nend =min(nc+n3,nps) x=wmin+dx*dble(nstart-2) do 1 i=nstart,nend x=x+dx 1 s(i)=s(i)+y*exp(-((E-x)/del)**2) return end c ============================================================== subroutine ws(s,wmin,dx,nps) implicit none real*8 s(*),wmin,dx,x,y integer*4 nps,i open(9,file='S.PRN') x=wmin-dx do 1 i=1,nps x=x+dx y=s(i) if(dabs(y).lt.1.0d-10)y=0.0d0 1 write(9,90)x,y 90 format(f10.2,e12.4) close(9) return end c ============================================================== subroutine dofac(NQ,fac,J,JT,F,FI,G,GP,K) integer*4 NQ real*8 fac,G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),K(*),lT,lF,LOGDET,lQ,sp1,sp2, 1F(NQ,NQ),J(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),lJ,f1,sp real*8,allocatable:: T(:,:),TV(:),TU(:) allocate(T(NQ,NQ),TV(NQ),TU(NQ)) call mm(T,G,GP,NQ) lT=LOGDET(T,NQ,NQ) lF=LOGDET(F,NQ,NQ) lJ=LOGDET(J,NQ,NQ) lQ=dble(NQ)*log(2.0d0) f1=exp((lQ+lt/2.0d0+lJ-lF)/2.0d0) call mv(TV,G,K,NQ) sp1=sp(K,TV,NQ) call mv(TU,G,K,NQ) call mv(TV,JT,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,FI,TV,NQ) call mv(TV,J,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,G,TV,NQ) sp2=sp(K,TU,NQ) fac=f1*exp(-0.50d0*(sp1-sp2)) return end c ============================================================== subroutine newbd(NQ,G,K,J,JT,FI,GH,GHP,B,D) implicit none integer*4 NQ,ix real*8 G(NQ,NQ),K(*),JT(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ),D(*), 1B(*),GH(NQ,NQ),J(NQ,NQ) real*8,allocatable::TU(:),TV(:),T(:,:),TP(:,:) allocate(TV(NQ),TU(NQ),T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ)) call mv(TV,G,K,NQ) call mv(TU,JT,TV,NQ) call mv(TV,FI,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,GHP,TV,NQ) do 17 ix=1,NQ 17 D(ix)=-2.0d0*TU(ix) c D= - 2 GP^1/2 Fi Jt G K call mm(T,JT,G,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,J,TP,NQ) do 13 ix=1,NQ 13 T(ix,ix)=T(ix,ix)-1.0d0 call mv(TV,T,K,NQ) call mv(TU,GH,TV,NQ) do 14 ix=1,NQ 14 B(ix)=-2.0d0*TU(ix) c B= - 2 G^1/2 ( J Fi Jt G - I) K return end c ============================================================== subroutine statesum1(fac,NQ,C,D, 1lspec,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,nps,ep,EK,LEXCL) implicit none integer*4 NQ,ii,NB,nm1,nm2,i,ic,iex,iq,jq,Nexc, 1nps,LEXCL,nne,nu,nuj real*8 fac,proc,procold,del,e00,wsmin,wsmax,CM,dx,EJ, 1C(NQ,NQ),D(NQ),y,ep(*),ECM,emin,emax,EK(*),estart,fci logical lspec real*8,allocatable::s(:),fcs(:),fcm1(:),fcm2(:) integer*4,allocatable::si(:),sls(:,:),slm1(:,:),slm2(:,:),sl(:) estart=e00 do 100 ii=1,NQ 100 estart=estart+EK(ii) proc=0.0d0 CM=219474.630d0 procold=0.0d0 call statereport(NQ,LEXCL) if(lspec)then emin=1.0d99 emax=0.0d0 allocate(s(nps)) call vz(s,nps) dx=(wsmax-wsmin)/dble(nps-1) endif c LEXCL: maximal number of excitations nb=NQ**LEXCL allocate(si(LEXCL+1),fcm1(nb),fcm2(nb),slm1(nb,NQ), 1slm2(nb,NQ),fcs(nb),sls(nb,NQ),sl(NQ)) si(1)=0 c lc:current number of excitations c <0|0*>: y=fac**2 proc=100.0d0*y if(lspec)then c energy: EJ=estart ECM=EJ*CM if( if( call spread(nps,y,dx,wsmin,ECM,del,s) endif nm2=0 nm1=0 nne=1 do 77 ii=1,NQ 77 sls(1,ii)=0 fcs(1)=fac fcm1(1)=0 slm1(1,1)=0 do 30000 Nexc=1,LEXCL write(6,6000)NExc,proc 6000 format(i2,f9.4,'%') c rewrite strings: do 71 ii=1,nm1 fcm2(ii)=fcm1(ii) do 71 iq=1,NQ 71 slm2(ii,iq)=slm1(ii,iq) nm2=nm1 do 81 ii=1,nne fcm1(ii)=fcs(ii) do 81 iq=1,NQ 81 slm1(ii,iq)=sls(ii,iq) nm1=nne c number of states Nexc excited nne=0 c distribute Nexc excitations upon centers 1..NQ: c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,Nexc 41 si(iex)=1 50000 nne=nne+1 c transcript to long: call trl(si,Nexc,sl,NQ) fci=0.0d0 c reduce first excitation on center iq iq=si(1) nu=sl(iq) c from <0|i-1>, find it in previous list: do 44 ii=1,nm1 do 441 jq=1,NQ if( if(sl(jq).ne.slm1(ii,jq))goto 44 else if(,jq)+1)goto 44 endif 441 continue fci=fci+D(iq)*fcm1(ii)/dsqrt(dble(2*nu)) goto 442 44 continue 442 continue c from <0|i-2>, find it in pre-previous list: if( do 54 ii=1,nm2 do 541 jq=1,NQ if( if(sl(jq).ne.slm2(ii,jq))goto 54 else if(,jq)+2)goto 54 endif 541 continue fci=fci+C(iq,iq)*fcm2(ii)*dsqrt(dble(nu-1)/dble(nu)) goto 542 54 continue 542 continue endif c from <0|i-1 j-1> do 64 ii=1,nm2 nuj=0 do 641 jq=1,NQ if( if(sl(jq).ne.slm2(ii,jq))then if(,jq)+1)then nuj=sl(jq) goto 641 else goto 64 endif else goto 64 endif else if(,jq)+1)goto 64 endif 641 continue fci=fci+C(iq,jq)*fcm2(ii)*dsqrt(dble(nuj)/dble(nu)) goto 642 64 continue 642 continue c save for later: do 42 ii=1,NQ 42 sls(nne,ii)=sl(ii) fcs(nne)=fci c c <0|*> y=fci**2 proc=proc+100.0d0*y if( write(6,6000)Nexc,proc procold=proc endif if(lspec)then c energy: EJ=estart DO 1002 ii=1,Nexc 1002 EJ=EJ+ep(si(ii)) ECM=EJ*CM if( if( call spread(nps,y,dx,wsmin,ECM,del,s) endif c c find index to be changed do 80000 ic=Nexc,1,-1 80000 if(si(ic).lt.NQ)goto 90000 goto 30000 90000 do 10000 i=ic+1,Nexc 10000 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 50000 30000 continue if(lspec)then call ws(s,wsmin,dx,nps) write(6,604)emin,emax 604 format(' emin: ',f12.2,' emax: ',f12.2,' cm-1') endif return end c ============================================================== subroutine trl(si,Nexc,sl,NQ) integer*4 si(*),Nexc,sl(*),NQ,i do 1 i=1,NQ 1 sl(i)=0 do 2 i=1,Nexc 2 sl(si(i))=sl(si(i))+1 return end c ============================================================== subroutine statereport(N,LEXCL) implicit none integer*4 N,LEXCL integer*8 i,sum integer*8 ,allocatable::NS(:) allocate(NS(LEXCL+1)) NS(1)=1 do 1 i=1,LEXCL 1 NS(i+1)=(NS(i)*(N+i-1))/i WRITE(6,4012)0,NS(1),NS(1) 4012 FORMAT(' Number of states excited',i3,'-times: ',2i20) sum=1 do 2 i=1,LEXCL sum=sum+NS(i+1) 2 WRITE(6,3012)i,NS(i+1),sum 3012 FORMAT(' ',i3,'-times: ',2i20) WRITE(6,5012)sum 5012 FORMAT(' -------- ',/, 1 ' total: ',i20) return end c ============================================================== subroutine wdusch(NQ,N,A,B,C,D,E,JT,K,eg,ep,sg,se,rg,re,m) implicit none integer*4 NQ,N,iq,ix,ia real*8 A(NQ,NQ),B(*),C(NQ,NQ),D(*),E(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),m(*), 1eg(*),ep(*),K(*),sg(N,N),se(N,N),rg(*),re(*),SFAC,bohr real*8,allocatable::ci(:),cj(:) SFAC=0.0234280d0 bohr=0.529177d0 allocate(ci(NQ),cj(NQ)) open(10,FILE='DUSCH.OUT') write(10,*)NQ call wdm(10,NQ,JT,'Duschinsky Matrix') call wdv(10,NQ,K,'Shift Vector') call wdm(10,NQ,A,'A Matrix') call wdv(10,NQ,B,'B Vector') call wdm(10,NQ,C,'C Matrix') call wdv(10,NQ,D,'D Vector') call wdm(10,NQ,E,'E Matrix') call wwm(10,NQ,eg,'Ground w') call wwm(10,NQ,ep,'Excited w') call wds(10,N,NQ,sg,'Ground S-Matrix') call wds(10,N,NQ,se,'Excited S-Matrix') do 20 iq=1,NQ ci(iq)=0.0d0 cj(iq)=0.0d0 do 20 ix=1,N ia=(ix+2)/3 cj(iq)=cj(iq)+(rg(ix)-re(ix))/bohr 1*se(ix,iq)*SFAC*m(ia)*1822.89d0 20 ci(iq)=ci(iq)+(rg(ix)-re(ix))/bohr 1*sg(ix,iq)*SFAC*m(ia)*1822.89d0 write(10,*) write(10,*)' mode SG*dX SE*dX ng ne' do 21 iq=1,NQ 21 write(10,621)iq,ci(iq),cj(iq),ci(iq)**2*eg(iq)/2.0d0, 1cj(iq)**2*ep(iq)/2.0d0 621 format(i5,2f12.6,2f8.1) close(10) write(6,*)' DUSCH.OUT written' return end c ============================================================== subroutine getis(i8,is,st,NQ,nn,NB,nbi) implicit none integer*4 is(*),st(*),NQ,NB,nn(NQ,NB),nbi(*),ii,k,kk integer*8 i8,isum,ifa,ifa2 do 21 ii=NQ,1,-1 isum=i8-int(1,8) do 221 k=1,NQ-ii ifa=int(nbi(1),8) do 223 kk=2,NQ-k 223 ifa=ifa*int(nbi(kk),8) 221 isum=isum-ifa*int(is(NQ-k+1)-1,8) ifa2=1 do 222 k=1,ii-1 222 ifa2=ifa2*int(nbi(k),8) 21 is(ii)=int(isum/ifa2+int(1,8),4) do 224 k=1,NQ 224 st(k)=nn(k,is(k)) return end c ============================================================== subroutine seproj(N,NF,NQ,se,sgf,m) implicit none integer*4 N,NF,NQ,i,j,ix real*8 se(N,N),sgf(N,N),norm,m(*),spm,sij c each mode in se: do 1 i=1,NQ c each deleted mode: do 2 j=1,NF sij=spm(sgf,se,j,i,N,m) do 2 ix=1,N 2 se(ix,i)=se(ix,i)-sij*sgf(ix,j) c previous modes do 3 j=1,i-1 sij=spm(se,se,j,i,N,m) do 3 ix=1,N 3 se(ix,i)=se(ix,i)-sij*se(ix,j) c renormalize: norm=1.0d0/dsqrt(spm(se,se,i,i,N,m)) do 1 ix=1,N 1 se(ix,i)=se(ix,i)*norm write(6,*)NF,' modes projected from se' return end c ============================================================== function spm(s1,s2,i,j,N,m) implicit none integer*4 i,j,N,ix,ia real*8 s1(N,N),s2(N,N),a,m(*),spm a=0.0d0 do 1 ia=1,N/3 do 1 ix=1,3 1 a=a+s1(ix+3*(ia-1),i)*s2(ix+3*(ia-1),j)*m(ia) spm=a return end c ============================================================== subroutine zzz(NQ,JT,K,G,GP,GH,GHP,J,T,TP,F,FI,E2,A,B,TV,TU,C,D, 1E,K0) implicit none integer*4 NQ real*8 JT(NQ,NQ),K(NQ),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ), 1A(NQ,NQ),B(NQ),TV(NQ),TU(NQ),C(NQ,NQ),D(NQ),E(NQ,NQ),K0(NQ) A=0.0d0 B=0.0d0 C=0.0d0 D=0.0d0 E=0.0d0 E2=0.0d0 F=0.0d0 FI=0.0d0 G=0.0d0 GH=0.0d0 GHP=0.0d0 GP=0.0d0 J=0.0d0 JT=0.0d0 K=0.0d0 K0=0.0d0 T=0.0d0 TP=0.0d0 TV=0.0d0 TU=0.0d0 return end subroutine rpl(N,NQ,nat,m,sg,se) implicit none integer*4 N,NQ,nat,ie,ig,ix,ii,ia real*8 m(nat),sg(N,N),se(N,N),cl,sp integer*4 ,allocatable::ige(:),it(:) allocate(ige(NQ),it(NQ)) write(6,600) 600 format(' excited mode / closest ground product') it=0 ie=1 111 ige(ie)=0 cl=0.0d0 do 2 ig=1,NQ if(it(ig).eq.0)then sp=0.0d0 do 21 ia=1,nat do 21 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 21 sp=sp+sg(ii,ig)*m(ia)*se(ii,ie) if(dabs(sp) ige(ie)=ig cl=dabs(sp) endif endif 2 continue if(ige(ie).eq.0)call report('mode cannot be assigned') it(ige(ie))=ie write(6,601)ie,ige(ie),cl 601 format(i5,' /',i5,f6.3,$) if(mod(ie,3).eq.0)write(6,*) do 1 ia=1,nat do 1 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 1 se(ii,ie)=sg(ii,ige(ie)) if( ie=ie+1 goto 111 endif write(6,602)NQ 602 format(i6,' S-vectors replaced') return end