PROGRAM DODCGN IMPLICIT none integer*4 nt0,it,i,N,J,nc,ns,ix,jx,kx,k,ntem,ig,is,NG,nat, 1ierr,ITER,NATB,ii,nm,ivel,imag,ntr,nd,imax,imin,nmol PARAMETER (nt0=3550) c Limits: c nt0 -# of transitions on one chromophore c npar0 -# of parameters to follow c n40 -# of potential sites c nwl0 -# of fitted transitions REAL*8 rc(3),mag(nt0,3),elel(nt0,3),elev(nt0,3),en(nt0), 1en1(nt0,3),A,RTOL,um(3),ue(3),eau,ecm(nt0),eev(nt0),enm(nt0), 1elelc(nt0,3),rcs(3),alr(3,3),gr(3,3),ar(3,3,3),anorm REAL*8,allocatable:: R(:),rn(:) integer*4,allocatable:: id(:) character*80 s80,output character*80,allocatable::listst(:) character*1 prog logical lvel,llen,lene,lmag,lgeo,lttt,ldistr COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),RTOL,NATB,ITER integer*4,allocatable::ntw(:),ics(:),ic(:) real*8,allocatable::alphad(:,:,:,:),Gpd(:,:,:,:), 1Ad(:,:,:,:,:),tw(:,:),XS(:,:),XB(:,:),wc(:) c write(6,6000) 6000 format( 1' Program takes dipoles from gaussian/turbomole outputs,',/, 1' (F.INPs for vibrations),',/, 1' and spreads them on large molecule',/,/, 1' Input: DODCN.CON options',/, 1' outputs listed in DODC.CON',/, 1' BIG.X target molecule',/, 1' FILE.Q.TTT transition polarizabilities',/, 1' group list files listed in DODC.CON',/,/, 1' Output:DC.SC',/) c c Read in transition energies and dipoles from Gaussian or Turbomole: lvel=.false. llen=.false. lene=.false. lmag=.false. lgeo=.false. lttt=.false. c read-in geometry OPEN(2,FILE='BIG.X',STATUS='OLD') read(2,*) read(2,*)N allocate (R(3*N)) allocate (rn(3*N)) do 1 i=1,N 1 READ(2,*)R(1+3*(i-1)),(R(J+3*(i-1)),J=1,3) close(2) write(6,*)N, ' atoms in BIG.X' c open(4,file='DODCN.CON') c gaussian or turbomole: read(4,401)prog 401 format(a1) c velocity (0) magnetic moments (1): read(4,*)ivel,imag if(imag.eq.1)then write(6,*)' magnetic moments added' else write(6,*)' magnetic moments skipped' endif c number of chromophore types: read(4,*)nmol allocate(listst(nmol)) NG=0 do 1101 ii=1,nmol read(4,'(a)')listst(ii) open(11,file=listst(ii)) read(11,*)i NG=NG+i 1101 close(11) c write DC.SC, reread DODC.CON: open(3,file='DC.SC') write(3,*)NG,' total groups' write(6,*)NG,' total groups' write(6,*)nmol,' source molecules' IG=0 do 1000 ii=1,nmol read(4,'(a)')output write(6,'(a)')output,':' read(4,*)imin,imax if(prog.eq.'g'.or.prog.eq.'G')then c gaussian electric: open(30,file=output,status='old') 10 read(30,300,end=949,err=949)s80 300 format(a80) if(s80(12:44).eq.'excited state Transition electric')then call rd(nt0,it,elel,llen) write(6,*)it,' electric dipoles' goto 10 endif if(s80(12:44).eq.'excited state transition electric')then call rd(nt0,it,elel,llen) write(6,*)it,' electric dipoles' goto 10 endif if(s80(12:46).eq.'excited state transition velocity d')then call rd(nt0,it,elev,lvel) write(6,*)it,' electric velocity dipoles' goto 10 endif if(s80(12:44).eq.'excited state transition magnetic')then call rd(nt0,it,mag,lmag) write(6,*)it,' magnetic dipoles' goto 10 endif if(s80(2:15).eq.'Excited State '.and.s80(16:16).ne.'s')then lene=.true. do 203 i=1,79 if(s80(i:i).eq.':')read(s80(15:i-1),*)nd 203 if(s80(i:i+1).eq.'nm')read(s80(i- 9:i-2),*)en(nd) endif if(s80(27:44).eq.'Input orientation:')call roi(rn,nat,lgeo) if(s80(26:46).eq.'Standard orientation:')call ro(rn,nat,lgeo) goto 10 949 close(30) write(6,*)nd,' energy transitions in ',output do 481 i=1,it c nm to hartrees: eau=1.0d7/(8065.54476345045d0*27.211384205943d0)/en(i) do 481 ix=1,3 c correct also gaussian sign: 481 elev(i,ix)=-elev(i,ix)/eau else if(prog.eq.'t'.or.prog.eq.'T')then c turbomole electric: open(30,file=output,status='old') 100 read(30,300,end=9490,err=9490)s80 if(s80(2:46).eq.'Transition dipole moments in length formalism') 1 call rdt(nt0,it,elel,llen) if(s80(2:46).eq.'Transition dipole moments in velocity formali') 1 call rdt(nt0,it,elev,lvel) if(s80(2:28).eq.'Transition magnetic moments') 1 call rdt(nt0,it,mag,lmag) if(s80(2:24).eq.'Energies of Transitions') 1 call rdt(nt0,it,en1,lene) if(s80(2:19).eq.'Atomic coordinates')call rot(rn,nat,lgeo) goto 100 9490 close(30) do 9432 i=1,it 9432 en(i)=en1(i,2) write(6,*)it,' transitions in moments' else if(prog.eq.'f'.or.prog.eq.'F')then c vibrational from F.INP: open(30,file=output,status='old') read(30,*)it,nat,nat allocate(id(nat)) close(30) call rvd(output,nt0,nat,it,rn,id,mag,elel,en) inquire(file='FILE.Q.TTT',exist=lttt) if(lttt)then open(15,file='FILE.Q.TTT') READ(15,*) READ(15,*)nm close(15) allocate(alphad(1,nm,3,3),Gpd(1,nm,3,3),Ad(1,nm,3,3,3), 1 tw(1,nm+1),ntw(1+1)) ntw(1)=nm c read derivatives/transition polarizabilities/, molecular frame CALL READTTTQ(nm,1,alphad,Gpd,Ad,'FILE.Q.TTT',tw,1,ntw,nm) write(6,*)'Normal mode polarizability derivatives read' endif else call report(prog//' unknown option') endif endif endif if('f''F')then if(.not.llen)call report(' Electric length dipoles not found') if(.not.lvel)call report(' Electric velocity dipoles not found') if(.not.lmag)call report(' Magnetic dipoles not found') if(.not.lene)call report(' Energies not found') if(.not.lgeo)call report(' Geometry not found') if(ivel.eq.1)then write(6,*)' velocity dipoles used' do 54 i=1,it do 54 ix=1,3 54 elel(i,ix)=elev(i,ix) else write(6,*)' length dipoles used' endif c transform aus to Bohr magnetons, debyes do 56 i=1,it do 56 ix=1,3 c this is not sure, check the magnetic moment units!: mag(i,ix)=mag(i,ix)/2.0d0*2.541765d0 56 elel(i,ix)=elel(i,ix)*2.541765d0 if(imag.eq.0)then do 55 i=1,it do 55 ix=1,3 55 mag(i,ix)=0.0d0 endif else endif if(lttt)then open(33,file='DC.TT') write(33,*)NG,' total groups' endif c c number of considered chromophore atoms, e.g.: H N C O, and list: read(4,*)nc c distribute the dipoleis over all atoms: nc=abs(nc) backspace 4 allocate(ics(nc),ic(nc),XS(nc,3),XB(nc,3),wc(nc)) read(4,*)ics(1),(ics(i),i=1,nc) write(6,6009)(ics(i),i=1,nc) 6009 format(' atoms ',8i4) c atomic weights for placing of the dipole: read(4,*)(wc(i),i=1,nc) anorm=0.0d0 do 59 i=1,nc 59 anorm=anorm+wc(i) do 60 i=1,nc 60 wc(i)=wc(i)/anorm c make center of the "small" part: call makecenter(rcs,rn,wc,nc,ics) open(8,file=listst(ii)) read(8,*)ntem do 43 j=1,ntem read(8,*)ic(1),(ic(i),i=1,nc) write(6,6019)(ic(i),i=1,nc) 6019 format(' on atoms ',8i4) c make center of the "big" part: call makecenter(rc,R,wc,nc,ic) c write group reference atoms into XS and corresponding ones in XB: do 49 i=1,nc do 49 ix=1,3 XB(i,ix)= R(ix+3*(ic( i)-1))-rc( ix) 49 XS(i,ix)=rn(ix+3*(ics(i)-1))-rcs(ix) NATB=nc c overlap XS,XB, make the rotation matrix, store in A: call domatrix(ierr,nc,XB,XS) if( report('rotation not successful') write(6,*)' Transformation matrix' do 67671 i=1,3 67671 write(6,6767)(A(i,k),k=1,3) 6767 format(3f10.5) c write transition energies and dipoles in temp variables: ntr=0 do 472 i=1,it if( ntr=ntr+1 if('f''F')then enm(ntr)=en(i) ecm(ntr)=1.0d7/enm(ntr) else ecm(ntr)=en(i) enm(ntr)=1.0d7/ecm(ntr) endif eev(ntr)=ecm(ntr)/8065.54093d0 do 473 ix=1,3 c borrow elev variable for magnetic: if(imag.eq.0)mag(i,ix)=0.0d0 elev(ntr,ix)=mag(i,ix) 473 elelc(ntr,ix)=elel(i,ix) endif 472 continue ns=ntr+1 IG=IG+1 if(ldistr)then c indicate distribution of the dipoles over the weighted atoms write(3,*)-IG,' . group:' write(3,1040)(rc(i)/10.0d0,i=1,3) 1040 format(3f15.6,' nm') write(3,*)nc,' sites (atoms):' do 58 i=1,nc 58 write(3,1041)(R(ix+3*(ic(i)-1))/10.0d0,ix=1,3),wc(i) 1041 format(4f15.6) else write(3,*)IG,' . group:' write(3,1040)(rc(i)/10.0d0,i=1,3) endif if(lttt)write(33,*)IG,' . group:' write(3,*)ns,' states' write(3,*) c ground state: write(3,*)'0 0.0' do 48 is=2,ns 48 write(3,1001)is,eev(is-1),ecm(is-1),enm(is-1) 1001 format(i5,f13.6,' eV =',f11.2,' cm-1 =',f11.2,' nm') write(3,*) c write rotated dipole moments: do 52 is=2,ns call rotv(A,ue,is-1,nt0,elelc) call rotv(A,um,is-1,nt0,elev ) 52 write(3,1002)is,(ue(ix),ix=1,3),(um(ix),ix=1,3) 1002 format(i5,6f12.6) if(lttt)then c rotate and write transition polarizabilities: ntr=0 do 57 i=1,it if( ntr=ntr+1 call rot2(A,alr,i,1,1,nm,alphad) call rot2(A,Gr,i,1,1,nm,Gpd) call rot3(A,Ar,i,1,1,nm,Ad) write(33,1003)i,ecm(ntr),tw(1,i), 1 ( (alr(ix,jx ),ix=1,3),jx=1,3), 1 ( (Gr( ix,jx ),ix=1,3),jx=1,3), 1 (((Ar( ix,jx,kx),ix=1,3),jx=1,3),kx=1,3) 1003 format(i5,2f12.2,/,/, 1 3(3f12.6,/),/,3(3f12.6,/),/,9(3f12.6,/),/) endif 57 continue endif 43 continue close(8) 1000 continue c close(3) if(lttt)close(33) close(4) call report('DC.SC written') end c SUBROUTINE REPORT(RS) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) CHARACTER*(*) RS WRITE(6,3000) 3000 FORMAT(/,80(1H*)) WRITE(6,*)RS WRITE(6,3001) 3001 FORMAT(80(1H*),/,/,'PROGRAM STOPPED') STOP END subroutine rd(nt0,it,e,l) implicit none integer*4 nt0,it,i character*80 s80 real*8 e(nt0,3) logical nu,l l=.true. it=0 read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s80 300 format(a80) if(nu(s80(10:10)).or.s80(8:10).eq.'***')then it=it+1 if( report(' too many transitions !') read(s80(11:len(s80)),*)(e(it,i),i=1,3) goto 31 else backspace 30 return endif end subroutine rdt(nt0,it,e,l) implicit none integer*4 nt0,it,i character*10 s10 real*8 e(nt0,3) logical nu,l l=.true. it=0 read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s10 300 format(a10) if(nu(s10(4:4)))then it=it+1 if( write(6,*)' too many transitions !' stop endif backspace 30 read(30,*)(e(it,i),i=1,1),(e(it,i),i=1,3) goto 31 endif backspace 30 return end subroutine ro(rn,nat,l) implicit none integer*4 i,nat character*80 s80 real*8 rn(*) logical nu,l l=.true. nat=0 read(30,*) read(30,*) read(30,*) read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s80 300 format(a80) if(nu(s80(7:7)))then nat=nat+1 read(s80,*)(rn(i+3*(nat-1)),i=1,3),(rn(i+3*(nat-1)),i=1,3) goto 31 endif write(6,*)nat,' atoms in chromophore' return end subroutine roi(rn,nat,l) implicit none integer*4 i,nat character*80 s80 real*8 rn(*) logical nu,l l=.true. nat=0 read(30,*) read(30,*) read(30,*) read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s80 300 format(a80) if(nu(s80(7:7)))then nat=nat+1 read(s80,*)(rn(i+3*(nat-1)),i=1,3),(rn(i+3*(nat-1)),i=1,3) goto 31 endif write(6,*)nat,' atoms in chromophore' return end subroutine rot(rn,nat,l) implicit none integer*4 i,nat character*80 s80 character*15 dum real*8 rn(*) logical l l=.true. nat=0 read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s80 300 format(a80) if(s80(1:15).ne.' ')then nat=nat+1 read(s80,*)dum,(rn(i+3*(nat-1)),i=1,3) goto 31 endif write(6,*)nat,' atoms in chromophore' return end function nu(c) character*1 c logical nu nu=c.eq.'1'.or.c.eq.'2'.or.c.eq.'3'.or.c.eq.'4'.or.c.eq.'5'. 1or.c.eq.'6'.or.c.eq.'7'.or.c.eq.'8'.or.c.eq.'9'.or.c.eq.'0' return end SUBROUTINE domatrix(ierr,nc,XB,XS) C This is a Fortran version of Petr Malon's subroutine Amoeba IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION ANG(3),P(4,3),Y(4),PBAR(3),PR(3),PRR(3) real*8 XS(nc,3),XB(nc,3) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),RTOL,NAT,ITER IERR=0 C STARTING VALUES FOR THE ITERATION: ANG(1)=0.2d0 ANG(2)=0.0d0 ANG(3)=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,3 1 P(1,I)=ANG(I) Y(1)=FU(ANG,nc,XS,XB) ANG(2)=ANG(1) ANG(1)=0.0d0 DO 2 I=1,3 2 P(2,I)=ANG(I) Y(2)=FU(ANG,nc,XS,XB) ANG(3)=ANG(2) ANG(2)=0.0d0 DO 3 I=1,3 3 P(3,I)=ANG(I) Y(3)=FU(ANG,nc,XS,XB) ANG(1)=ANG(3) ANG(2)=ANG(3) ANG(3)=0.0d0 DO 4 I=1,3 4 P(4,I)=ANG(I) Y(4)=FU(ANG,nc,XS,XB) FTOL=0.0000001d0 ITMAX=1500 ITER=0 99999 ILO=1 IF(Y(1).GT.Y(2))THEN IHI=1 INHI=2 ELSE IHI=2 INHI=1 ENDIF DO 5 I=1,4 IF(Y(I).LT.Y(ILO))ILO=I IF(Y(I).GT.Y(IHI))THEN INHI=IHI IHI=I ELSE IF(Y(I).GT.Y(INHI))THEN IF(I.NE.IHI)INHI=I ENDIF ENDIF 5 CONTINUE IF(ABS(Y(IHI))+ABS(Y(ILO)).LT.0.00000000001d0)THEN RTOL=0.0d0 ELSE RTOL=ABS(Y(IHI)-Y(ILO))/(ABS(Y(IHI))+ABS(Y(ILO)))*2.0d0 ENDIF IF(RTOL.LT.FTOL)RETURN IF(ITER.EQ.ITMAX)THEN WRITE(3,*)' Rotation has not converged !' IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF ITER=ITER+1 DO 55 I=1,3 55 PBAR(I)=0.0d0 DO 6 I=1,4 IF(I.NE.IHI)THEN DO 7 J=1,3 7 PBAR(J)=PBAR(J)+P(I,J) ENDIF 6 CONTINUE DO 8 J=1,3 PBAR(J)=PBAR(J)/3.0d0 8 PR(J)=2.0d0*PBAR(J)-P(IHI,J) YPR=FU(PR,nc,XS,XB) IF(YPR.LE.Y(ILO))THEN DO 9 J=1,3 9 PRR(J)=2.0d0*PR(J)-PBAR(J) YPRR=FU(PRR,nc,XS,XB) IF(YPRR.LT.Y(ILO))THEN DO 10 J=1,3 10 P(IHI,J)=PRR(J) Y(IHI)=YPRR ELSE DO 11 J=1,3 11 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF ELSE IF(YPR.GE.Y(INHI))THEN IF(YPR.LT.Y(IHI))THEN DO 12 J=1,3 12 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF DO 13 J=1,3 13 PRR(J)=0.5d0*P(IHI,J)+0.5d0*PBAR(J) YPRR=FU(PRR,nc,XS,XB) IF(YPRR.LT.Y(IHI))THEN DO 14 J=1,3 14 P(IHI,J)=PRR(J) Y(IHI)=YPRR ELSE DO 15 I=1,4 IF(I.NE.ILO)THEN DO 16 J=1,3 PR(J)=0.5d0*(P(I,J)+P(ILO,J)) 16 P(I,J)=PR(J) Y(I)=FU(PR,nc,XS,XB) ENDIF 15 CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE DO 17 J=1,3 17 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF ENDIF GOTO 99999 END FUNCTION FU(ANG,nc,XS,XB) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) real*8 XS(nc,3),XB(nc,3) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),RTOL,NAT,ITER DIMENSION ANG(3) S1=SIN(ANG(1)) S2=SIN(ANG(2)) S3=SIN(ANG(3)) C1=COS(ANG(1)) C2=COS(ANG(2)) C3=COS(ANG(3)) C ang1 = theta C ang2 = phi C ang3 = cappa A(1,1)=C1*C2*C3-S2*S3 A(1,2)=C1*S2*C3+C2*S3 A(1,3)=-S1*C3 A(2,1)=-C1*C2*S3-S2*C3 A(2,2)=-C1*S2*S3+C2*C3 A(2,3)=S1*S3 A(3,1)=S1*C2 A(3,2)=S1*S2 A(3,3)=C1 R=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT TX=A(1,1)*XS(I,1)+A(1,2)*XS(I,2)+A(1,3)*XS(I,3) TY=A(2,1)*XS(I,1)+A(2,2)*XS(I,2)+A(2,3)*XS(I,3) TZ=A(3,1)*XS(I,1)+A(3,2)*XS(I,2)+A(3,3)*XS(I,3) 1 R=R+(TX-XB(I,1))*(TX-XB(I,1))+ 1 (TY-XB(I,2))*(TY-XB(I,2))+(TZ-XB(I,3))*(TZ-XB(I,3)) FU=R RETURN END c c subroutine rvd(fn,nt0,nat,nm,rn,id,m,u,en) implicit none integer nat,nm,ia,id(*),ix,it,nt0 real*8 rn(*),u(nt0,3),m(nt0,3),en(*) character*(*) fn open(30,file=fn,status='old') read(30,*)nm,nat,nat if( report('Too many transitions') do 1 ia=1,nat 1 read(30,*)id(ia),(rn(ix+(ia-1)*3),ix=1,3) do 2 ia=1,2+nat*nm 2 read(30,*) read(30,300)(en(it),it=1,nm) 300 format(6f11.3) do 3 it=1,nm 3 read(30,*)(u(it,ix),ix=1,3),(m(it,ix),ix=1,3) close(30) return end subroutine makecenter(c,r,w,n,ic) implicit none integer*4 n,i,ii,ic(*) real*8 c(*),r(*),w(*),sum sum=0.0d0 do 45 ii=1,n 45 sum=sum+w(ii) do 46 i=1,3 c(i)=0.0d0 do 47 ii=1,n 47 c(i)=c(i)+r(i+3*(ic(ii)-1))*w(ii) 46 c(i)=c(i)/sum return end SUBROUTINE READTTTQ(nm,n,alphad,Gpd,ad,ft,tw,ip,ntw,ntmax) c read normal mode polarizability derivatives IMPLICIT none INTEGER*4 nm,nq,LL,I,J,K,n,ip,ntmax,ntw(*) real*8 alphad(n,nm,3,3),Gpd(n,nm,3,3),Ad(n,nm,3,3,3),tw(n,ntmax) character*(*) ft open(15,file=ft,status='old') READ(15,*) READ(15,*)nq if( report('nq<>ntw') READ(15,*) READ(15,*) DO 1 LL=1,nq READ(15,*)tw(ip,LL),tw(ip,LL) DO 1 I=1,3 1 READ(15,*)alphad(ip,LL,I,1),(alphad(ip,LL,I,J),J=1,3) tw(ip,nq+1)=0.0d0 READ(15,*) READ(15,*) DO 2 LL=1,nq READ(15,*) DO 2 I=1,3 2 READ(15,*)GPD(ip,LL,I,1),(GPD(ip,LL,I,J),J=1,3) READ(15,*) READ(15,*) DO 3 LL=1,nq READ(15,*) DO 3 I=1,3 DO 3 J=1,3 3 READ(15,*)(Ad(ip,LL,I,J,K),K=1,2),(Ad(ip,LL,I,J,K),K=1,3) c first index electric CLOSE(15) RETURN END subroutine rot2(A,G,s,t,n1,nm,e) implicit none integer*4 s,t,i,j,n1,nm real*8 A(3,3),G(3,3),e(n1,nm,3,3),m(3,3) do 1 i=1,3 do 1 j=1,3 1 m(i,j)=A(i,1)*e(t,s,1,j)+A(i,2)*e(t,s,2,j)+A(i,3)*e(t,s,3,j) do 2 i=1,3 do 2 j=1,3 2 G(i,j)=A(j,1)*m(i,1)+A(j,2)*m(i,2)+A(j,3)*m(i,3) return end subroutine rot3(A,G,s,t,n1,nm,e) implicit none integer*4 s,t,i,j,k,n1,nm real*8 A(3,3),G(3,3,3),e(n1,nm,3,3,3),m(3,3,3) do 1 i=1,3 do 1 j=1,3 do 1 k=1,3 1 G(i,j,k)=A(i,1)*e(t,s,1,j,k) 1 +A(i,2)*e(t,s,2,j,k) 2 +A(i,3)*e(t,s,3,j,k) do 2 i=1,3 do 2 j=1,3 do 2 k=1,3 2 m(i,j,k)=A(j,1)*G(i,1,k)+A(j,2)*G(i,2,k)+A(j,3)*G(i,3,k) do 3 i=1,3 do 3 j=1,3 do 3 k=1,3 3 G(i,j,k)=A(k,1)*m(i,j,1)+A(k,2)*m(i,j,2)+A(k,3)*m(i,j,3) return end subroutine rotv(A,u,s,nt0,e) implicit none integer*4 s,ix,nt0 real*8 A(3,3),u(3),e(nt0,3) do 53 ix=1,3 53 u(ix)=A(ix,1)*e(s,1)+A(ix,2)*e(s,2)+A(ix,3)*e(s,3) return end