PROGRAM DODCG IMPLICIT none integer*4 MX,iper,nt0,it,i,N,J,ii,nc,ns,jx,MXB,n6,npar0, 1ig,is,ix,NG,nat,ncs,ierr,ITER,NATB,nwl,nwl0,n4,n40, 2ivel,imag,ntr PARAMETER (MX=4600,nt0=550,MXB=15,npar0=14,n40=6,nwl0=nt0) c Limits: c MX -# of atoms in peptide c nt0 -# of transitions on one chromophore c MXB -# of overlaped atoms c npar0 -# of parameters to follow c n40 -# of potential sites c nwl0 -# of fitted transitions integer*4 ic(MX),ics(MX),ttype(MX),IP(npar0) REAL*8 R(3*MX),rc(3),wc(MX),rn(3*MX),mag(nt0,3),elel(nt0,3), 1elev(nt0,3),en(nt0),sum,w,A,XS,XB,RTOL,um(3),ue(3),dco, 1PG(nt0,npar0),zim(n40),dco0, 1buvcd(nwl0,n40),fi(n40),F(npar0),enc(nt0), 1dcn,dcn0,dhn,dhn0,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ,elelc(nt0,3),rcs(3) character*80 s80 logical*4 lper,lfdp(4) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),XS(MXB,3),XB(MXB,3),RTOL,NATB,ITER c c takes electronic dipoles from G.OUT, spreads them on large peptide c c Input: G.OUT -- TDDFT G Output c --- large molecule c c Read in transition energies and dipoles from gaussian: open(30,file='G.OUT',status='old') 10 read(30,300,end=949,err=949)s80 300 format(a80) if(s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state Transition electric') 1call rd(nt0,it,elel) if(s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition velocity') 1call rd(nt0,it,elev) if(s80(2:44).eq.'Ground to excited state transition magnetic') 1call rd(nt0,it,mag) if(s80(2:14).eq.'Excited State')call re(en) if(s80(26:46).eq.'Standard orientation:')call ro(rn,nat) goto 10 949 close(30) write(6,*)it,' transitions in G.OUT' c read-in geometry OPEN(2,FILE='',STATUS='OLD') read(2,*)N if( report('Too many atoms.') do 1 i=1,N 1 READ(2,2000)(R(J+3*(i-1)),J=1,3),ttype(i) 2000 format(13x,3f12.6,i6) close(2) write(6,*)N, ' atoms in' open(4,file='DODC.CON') read(4,*)ivel,imag if(ivel.eq.1)then write(6,*)' velocity dipoles used' do 48 i=1,it do 48 ix=1,3 48 elel(i,ix)=elev(i,ix) else write(6,*)' radial dipoles used' c c gaussians gives them with wrong sign!: do 481 i=1,it do 481 ix=1,3 481 elel(i,ix)=-elel(i,ix) endif c c transform aus to debyes, debyes*A do 49 i=1,it do 49 ix=1,3 mag(i,ix)=mag(i,ix)*2.541765d0*0.529177d0 49 elel(i,ix)=elel(i,ix)*2.541765d0 if(imag.eq.1)then write(6,*)' magnetic moments added' else write(6,*)' magnetic moments skipped' do 47 i=1,it do 47 ix=1,3 47 mag(i,ix)=0.0d0 endif open(3,file='DC.SC') c nma chromophore: H N C O read(4,*)ncs,(ics(i),i=1,ncs) dco0=dsqrt((rn(1+3*(ics(4)-1))-rn(1+3*(ics(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (rn(2+3*(ics(4)-1))-rn(2+3*(ics(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (rn(3+3*(ics(4)-1))-rn(3+3*(ics(3)-1)))**2) dcn0=dsqrt((rn(1+3*(ics(2)-1))-rn(1+3*(ics(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (rn(2+3*(ics(2)-1))-rn(2+3*(ics(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (rn(3+3*(ics(2)-1))-rn(3+3*(ics(3)-1)))**2) dhn0=dsqrt((rn(1+3*(ics(2)-1))-rn(1+3*(ics(1)-1)))**2+ 1 (rn(2+3*(ics(2)-1))-rn(2+3*(ics(1)-1)))**2+ 1 (rn(3+3*(ics(2)-1))-rn(3+3*(ics(1)-1)))**2) read(4,*)NG write(3,*)NG,' groups' write(6,*)NG,' groups' c c geometry and ES field corrections: read(4,*)(IP(i),i=1,npar0) write(6,6009)(IP(i),i=1,npar0) 6009 format(14i2) read(4,*)ntr do 6 it=1,ntr 6 read(4,*)(PG(it,i),i=1,npar0) c c determine which reference value to use if(IP(1).lt.0)then write(6,*)' Ab initio value of d(C=O):' else dco0=1.231d0 write(6,*)' MD value of d(C=O):' endif write(6,6070)dco0 6070 format(f12.3,' A') if(IP(3).lt.0)then write(6,*)' Ab initio value of d(C=N):' else dcn0=1.335d0 write(6,*)' MD value of d(C=N):' endif write(6,6070)dcn0 c c periodic boundary conditions read(4,*)iper,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ lper=iper.eq.1 c c potential correction: if(IP(npar0).eq.1)then open(55,file='BIJ.SCR',status='old',form='unformatted') read(55)n4,n6,(zim(i),i=1,n4),(lfdp(i),i=1,4) write(6,*)'Zs:' write(6,6071)(zim(i),i=1,n4) 6071 format(6f12.4) if(lfdp(1))read(55) if(lfdp(2))read(55) if(lfdp(3))read(55) if(lfdp(4))read(55)nwl,((buvcd(i,j),i=1,nwl),j=1,n6) close(55) endif do 2 IG=1,NG write(3,*)IG,' . group:' write(6,*)IG,' . group:' c Number of atoms determining center and their numbers: read(4,*)nc,(ic(i),i=1,nc) if( report('nc<>ncs!') c center weights:' read(4,*)(wc(i),i=1,nc) sum=0.0d0 do 321 ii=1,nc 321 sum=sum+wc(ii) do 3 i=1,3 rc(i)=0.0d0 rcs(i)=0.0d0 do 32 ii=1,nc rcs(i)=rcs(i)+rn(i+3*(ics(ii)-1))*wc(ii) 32 rc(i)=rc(i)+R(i+3*(ic(ii)-1))*wc(ii) rcs(i)=rcs(i)/sum 3 rc(i)=rc(i)/sum write(3,1000)(rc(i)/10.0d0,i=1,3) 1000 format(3f15.6,' nm') ns=ntr+1 write(3,*)ns,' states' write(3,*) c c ground state: write(3,*)'0 0.0' c c correct energies and dipoles according to c geometry and ES field:w=w0*(1+dd/d*p) dip=dip0*(1+dd/d*p') c first par-energy, second dipole c do 41 is=2,ns do 46 i=1,npar0 46 F(i)=0.0d0 if(IP(1).ne.0)then dco=dsqrt((R(1+3*(ic(4)-1))-R(1+3*(ic(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (R(2+3*(ic(4)-1))-R(2+3*(ic(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (R(3+3*(ic(4)-1))-R(3+3*(ic(3)-1)))**2) F(1)=(dco-dco0)/dco0*PG(is-1,1) F(2)=(dco-dco0)/dco0*PG(is-1,2) if(is.eq.2)write(6,6001)1,dco,dco0 6001 format(i6,' d(C=O) = ',f10.5,'; D0 = ',f10.5) endif c C=N bond if(IP(3).ne.0)then dcn=dsqrt((R(1+3*(ic(2)-1))-R(1+3*(ic(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (R(2+3*(ic(2)-1))-R(2+3*(ic(3)-1)))**2+ 1 (R(3+3*(ic(2)-1))-R(3+3*(ic(3)-1)))**2) F(3)=(dcn-dcn0)/dcn0*PG(is-1,3) F(4)=(dcn-dcn0)/dcn0*PG(is-1,4) if(is.eq.2)write(6,6003)3,dcn,dcn0 6003 format(i6,' d(C-N) = ',f10.5,'; D0 = ',f10.5) endif c H-N bond if(IP(5).ne.0)then dhn=dsqrt((R(1+3*(ic(2)-1))-R(1+3*(ic(1)-1)))**2+ 1 (R(2+3*(ic(2)-1))-R(2+3*(ic(1)-1)))**2+ 1 (R(3+3*(ic(2)-1))-R(3+3*(ic(1)-1)))**2) F(5)=(dhn-dhn0)/dhn0*PG(is-1,5) F(6)=(dhn-dhn0)/dhn0*PG(is-1,6) if(is.eq.2)write(6,6004)5,dhn,dhn0 6004 format(i6,' d(N-H) = ',f10.5,'; D0 = ',f10.5) endif enc(is-1)=en(is-1)*(1.0d0+F(1)+F(3)+F(5)) do 41 ix=1,3 41 elelc(is-1,ix)=elel(is-1,ix)*(1.0d0+F(2)+F(4)+F(6)) if(IP(npar0).ne.1)then call fw(n6,fi,N,ttype,R,ic(1),ic(2),ic(3),ic(4),lper, 1 DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) do 42 is=2,ns if(en(is-1).gt.200.0d0)then do 43 i=1,4 43 enc(is-1)=enc(is-1)+buvcd(1,i)*fi(i) else do 44 i=1,4 44 enc(is-1)=enc(is-1)+buvcd(2,i)*fi(i) endif 42 continue endif do 4 is=2,ns w=1.0d7/enc(is-1) 4 write(3,1001)is,w/8065.54093D0,w,enc(is-1) 1001 format(i3,f11.6,' eV =',f11.2,' cm-1 =',f11.2,' nm') write(3,*) c c write group reference atoms into XS and corresponding ones in XB: if( report('ncs>MXB') do 5 i=1,ncs do 5 ix=1,3 XB(i,ix)= R(ix+3*(ic(i)-1))-rc(ix) 5 XS(i,ix)=rn(ix+3*(ics(i)-1))-rcs(ix) NATB=ncs c c overlap XS,XB, make the rotation matrix, store in A: call domatrix(ierr) if( report('rotation not successfull') write(6,*)' Transformation matrix' write(6,6767)A 6767 format(3(3f10.5,/)) c c write rotated dipole moments: do 2 is=2,ns do 8 ix=1,3 ue(ix)=0.0d0 um(ix)=0.0d0 do 8 jx=1,3 ue(ix)=ue(ix)+A(ix,jx)*elelc(is-1,jx) 8 um(ix)=um(ix)+A(ix,jx)* mag(is-1,jx) c 2 write(3,1002)is,(ue(ix),ix=1,3),(um(ix),ix=1,3) 1002 format(i3,6f12.6) close(3) close(4) call report('DC.SC written') end c SUBROUTINE REPORT(RS) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) CHARACTER*(*) RS WRITE(6,3000) 3000 FORMAT(/,80(1H*)) WRITE(6,*)RS WRITE(6,3001) 3001 FORMAT(80(1H*),/,/,'PROGRAM STOPPED') STOP END subroutine rd(nt0,it,e) implicit none integer*4 nt0,it,idumm,i character*10 s10 real*8 e(nt0,3) logical nu it=0 read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s10 300 format(a10) if(nu(s10(10:10)))then it=it+1 if( write(6,*)' too many transitions !' stop endif backspace 30 read(30,*)idumm,(e(it,i),i=1,3) goto 31 endif backspace 30 return end subroutine ro(rn,nat) implicit none integer*4 dum,i,nat character*80 s80 real*8 rn(*) logical nu nat=0 read(30,*) read(30,*) read(30,*) read(30,*) 31 read(30,300)s80 300 format(a80) if(nu(s80(5:5)))then nat=nat+1 read(s80,*)dum,dum,dum,(rn(i+3*(nat-1)),i=1,3) goto 31 endif write(6,*)nat,' atoms in chromophore' return end subroutine re(e) implicit none integer*4 it character*80 s80 real*8 e(*) backspace 30 read(30,300)s80 300 format(a80) read(s80(15:18),*)it read(s80(47:55),*)e(it) return end function nu(c) character*1 c logical nu nu=c.eq.'1'.or.c.eq.'2'.or.c.eq.'3'.or.c.eq.'4'.or.c.eq.'5'. 1or.c.eq.'6'.or.c.eq.'7'.or.c.eq.'8'.or.c.eq.'9'.or.c.eq.'0' return end SUBROUTINE DOMATRIX(IERR) C This is a Fortran version of Petr Malon's subroutine Amoeba IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXB=15) DIMENSION ANG(3),P(4,3),Y(4),PBAR(3),PR(3),PRR(3) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),XS(MXB,3),XB(MXB,3),RTOL,NAT,ITER IERR=0 C STARTING VALUES FOR THE ITERATION: ANG(1)=0.2d0 ANG(2)=0.0d0 ANG(3)=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,3 1 P(1,I)=ANG(I) Y(1)=FU(ANG) ANG(2)=ANG(1) ANG(1)=0.0d0 DO 2 I=1,3 2 P(2,I)=ANG(I) Y(2)=FU(ANG) ANG(3)=ANG(2) ANG(2)=0.0d0 DO 3 I=1,3 3 P(3,I)=ANG(I) Y(3)=FU(ANG) ANG(1)=ANG(3) ANG(2)=ANG(3) ANG(3)=0.0d0 DO 4 I=1,3 4 P(4,I)=ANG(I) Y(4)=FU(ANG) FTOL=0.0000001d0 ITMAX=1500 ITER=0 99999 ILO=1 IF(Y(1).GT.Y(2))THEN IHI=1 INHI=2 ELSE IHI=2 INHI=1 ENDIF DO 5 I=1,4 IF(Y(I).LT.Y(ILO))ILO=I IF(Y(I).GT.Y(IHI))THEN INHI=IHI IHI=I ELSE IF(Y(I).GT.Y(INHI))THEN IF(I.NE.IHI)INHI=I ENDIF ENDIF 5 CONTINUE IF(ABS(Y(IHI))+ABS(Y(ILO)).LT.0.00000000001d0)THEN RTOL=0.0d0 ELSE RTOL=ABS(Y(IHI)-Y(ILO))/(ABS(Y(IHI))+ABS(Y(ILO)))*2.0d0 ENDIF IF(RTOL.LT.FTOL)RETURN IF(ITER.EQ.ITMAX)THEN WRITE(3,*)' Rotation has not converged !' IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF ITER=ITER+1 DO 55 I=1,3 55 PBAR(I)=0.0d0 DO 6 I=1,4 IF(I.NE.IHI)THEN DO 7 J=1,3 7 PBAR(J)=PBAR(J)+P(I,J) ENDIF 6 CONTINUE DO 8 J=1,3 PBAR(J)=PBAR(J)/3.0d0 8 PR(J)=2.0d0*PBAR(J)-P(IHI,J) YPR=FU(PR) IF(YPR.LE.Y(ILO))THEN DO 9 J=1,3 9 PRR(J)=2.0d0*PR(J)-PBAR(J) YPRR=FU(PRR) IF(YPRR.LT.Y(ILO))THEN DO 10 J=1,3 10 P(IHI,J)=PRR(J) Y(IHI)=YPRR ELSE DO 11 J=1,3 11 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF ELSE IF(YPR.GE.Y(INHI))THEN IF(YPR.LT.Y(IHI))THEN DO 12 J=1,3 12 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF DO 13 J=1,3 13 PRR(J)=0.5d0*P(IHI,J)+0.5d0*PBAR(J) YPRR=FU(PRR) IF(YPRR.LT.Y(IHI))THEN DO 14 J=1,3 14 P(IHI,J)=PRR(J) Y(IHI)=YPRR ELSE DO 15 I=1,4 IF(I.NE.ILO)THEN DO 16 J=1,3 PR(J)=0.5d0*(P(I,J)+P(ILO,J)) 16 P(I,J)=PR(J) Y(I)=FU(PR) ENDIF 15 CONTINUE ENDIF ELSE DO 17 J=1,3 17 P(IHI,J)=PR(J) Y(IHI)=YPR ENDIF ENDIF GOTO 99999 END FUNCTION FU(ANG) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXB=15) COMMON/MATVAR/A(3,3),XS(MXB,3),XB(MXB,3),RTOL,NAT,ITER DIMENSION ANG(3) S1=SIN(ANG(1)) S2=SIN(ANG(2)) S3=SIN(ANG(3)) C1=COS(ANG(1)) C2=COS(ANG(2)) C3=COS(ANG(3)) C ang1 = theta C ang2 = phi C ang3 = cappa A(1,1)=C1*C2*C3-S2*S3 A(1,2)=C1*S2*C3+C2*S3 A(1,3)=-S1*C3 A(2,1)=-C1*C2*S3-S2*C3 A(2,2)=-C1*S2*S3+C2*C3 A(2,3)=S1*S3 A(3,1)=S1*C2 A(3,2)=S1*S2 A(3,3)=C1 R=0.0d0 DO 1 I=1,NAT TX=A(1,1)*XS(I,1)+A(1,2)*XS(I,2)+A(1,3)*XS(I,3) TY=A(2,1)*XS(I,1)+A(2,2)*XS(I,2)+A(2,3)*XS(I,3) TZ=A(3,1)*XS(I,1)+A(3,2)*XS(I,2)+A(3,3)*XS(I,3) 1 R=R+(TX-XB(I,1))*(TX-XB(I,1))+ 1 (TY-XB(I,2))*(TY-XB(I,2))+(TZ-XB(I,3))*(TZ-XB(I,3)) FU=R RETURN END c subroutine fw(n6,fi,nat,ity,r,iih,iin,iic,iio,lper, 1DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) c find waters and their potentials implicit none integer*4 i,n6,jj,ity(*),ityo,ityh,j1,nh,kk,k1,iih,iin,iic,iio, 1ii,nat logical*4 lper real*8 fi(*),xo,yo,zo,r(*),xh,yh,zh,d2,x1,y1,z1, 1x2,y2,z2,qh,qo,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ,dx2,dy2,dz2 data ityo,ityh,qh,qo/649,650,0.41d0,-0.82d0/ dx2=DPCX/2.0d0 dy2=DPCY/2.0d0 dz2=DPCZ/2.0d0 do 4 i=1,n6 4 fi(i)=0.0d0 do 6 jj=1,nat if(ity(jj).eq.ityo)then j1=3*(jj-1) xo=r(j1+1) yo=r(j1+2) zo=r(j1+3) nh=0 do 7 kk=1,nat if(ity(kk).eq.ityh)then k1=3*(kk-1) xh=r(k1+1) yh=r(k1+2) zh=r(k1+3) d2=(xo-xh)**2+(yo-yh)**2+(zo-zh)**2 if( nh=nh+1 if( report('Too many Hs around one O') if(nh.eq.1)then x1=xh y1=yh z1=zh else x2=xh y2=yh z2=zh endif endif endif 7 continue if(nh.eq.2)then call add(iih ,1,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) call add(iin ,2,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) call add(iic ,3,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) call add(iio ,4,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) c call add(iian,5,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, c 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) c call add(iiac,6,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, c 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) endif endif 6 continue write(6,*)' Potentials:' write(6,1603)(fi(ii),ii=1,n6) 1603 format(8f9.3) return end c subroutine add(ii,ic,r,xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi,qh,qo, 1lper,dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ) implicit none real*8 r(*),xo,yo,zo,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,fi(*),x,y,z,ro,r1,r2,qh,qo, 1dx2,dy2,dz2,DPCX,DPCY,DPCZ integer*4 ii,ic logical lper c x=r(3*(ii-1)+1) y=r(3*(ii-1)+2) z=r(3*(ii-1)+3) if(lper)then if( if( if( if( if( if( endif ro=dsqrt((xo-x)**2+(yo-y)**2+(zo-z)**2) r1=dsqrt((x1-x)**2+(y1-y)**2+(z1-z)**2) r2=dsqrt((x2-x)**2+(y2-y)**2+(z2-z)**2) c fi(ic)=fi(ic)+qh/r1+qh/r2+qo/ro return end