PROGRAM distr IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4(I-N) parameter (ndp0=1200) DIMENSION probd(ndp0) character*80 fin,fout,st C WRITE(6,*)'distribution analysis' iper=0 call getarg(1,fin) call getarg(2,fout) if(iargc().gt.2)then call getarg(3,st) read(st,*)nag call getarg(4,st) read(st,*)ndp call getarg(5,st) read(st,*)xmin call getarg(6,st) read(st,*)xmax if(iargc().gt.6)then call getarg(7,st) read(st,*)per iper=1 write(6,*)'periodic correction' endif else nag=1 ndp=100 xmin=-180.0d0 xmax= 180.0d0 endif dd=(xmax-xmin)/dble(ndp) if( report('too many points') do 10 i=1,ndp 10 probd(i)=0.0d0 an=0.0d0 open(9,file=fin) 1 read(9,*,end=999,err=999)(par,i=1,nag) an=an+1.0d0 if( digest(par,xmin,dd,probd,ndp) if(iper.eq.1)then c try to add and subtract the period, to have smooth ends pp=par+per if( digest(pp,xmin,dd,probd,ndp) pp=par-per if( digest(pp,xmin,dd,probd,ndp) endif goto 1 999 close(9) open(33,file=fout) dd=(xmax-xmin)/dble(ndp) fac=1.0d0/an/dd do 17 j=1,ndp 17 write(33,3333)xmin+dd*dble(2*j-1)/2.0d0,probd(j)*fac 3333 format(2e12.4) close(33) write(6,6009)int(an) 6009 format(i7,' points') end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end subroutine digest(par,xmin,dd,probd,ndp) implicit none real*8 par,xmin,dd,probd(*),c,v,wp,w integer*4 j,jp,ndp j=int((par-xmin)/dd)+1 c center of the grid cell: c=xmin+(dble(j)-0.5d0)*dd v=par-c if( jp=j+1 wp=v/dd else jp=j-1 wp=-v/dd endif w=1.0d0-wp if( .le.ndp)probd(j )=probd(j )+w if( return end