program xsn character*80 s80,fn parameter (nat0=100000) dimension r(nat0,3),jo(nat0),jh(nat0) integer*4 as(nat0),ll(nat0),nll c write(6,600) 600 format(' Extracts solute atomic numbers from FILE.X') c nll ... number of atoms c ll... list of atoms ilone=0 idiat=0 is=0 if(iargc().eq.0)then fn='FILE.X' else call getarg(1,fn) endif open(3,file=fn,status='old') 1 read(3,300,end=999,err=999)s80 300 format(a80) read(3,*,end=999,err=999)nat if( report('too many atoms') is=is+1 c c read in all atoms: do 2 i=1,nat 2 read(3,*)as(i),(r(i,k),k=1,3) nll=0 do 3 i=1,nat xi=r(i,1) yi=r(i,2) zi=r(i,3) c c io, in, ih,it ... how many covalently bond Os,Ns,Hs and any atoms: io=0 in=0 ih=0 it=0 do 4 j=1,nat if( xj=r(j,1) yj=r(j,2) zj=r(j,3) dij=sqrt((xi-xj)**2+(yi-yj)**2+(zi-zj)**2) if( io=io+1 jo(io)=j endif if( if( ih=ih+1 jh(ih)=j endif if(( 1 .or.( it=it+1 if(it.eq.1)ifirst=j endif endif 4 continue c c water oxygen if(as(i).eq.8.and.ih.eq.2)goto 3 c if(as(i) c check hydrogen bond to oxygen: xk=r(jo(1),1) yk=r(jo(1),2) zk=r(jo(1),3) c look for second hydrogen: do 41 jj=1,nat if( xl=r(jj,1) yl=r(jj,2) zl=r(jj,3) doh=sqrt((xk-xl)**2+(yk-yl)**2+(zk-zl)**2) c water hydrogen: if( 3 endif 41 continue endif c c check for diatomic if(it.eq.1)then idia=0 xk=r(ifirst,1) yk=r(ifirst,2) zk=r(ifirst,3) do 51 jj=1,nat if( xl=r(jj,1) yl=r(jj,2) zl=r(jj,3) df=sqrt((xk-xl)**2+(yk-yl)**2+(zk-zl)**2) if(( 1 idia=idia+1 endif 51 continue if(idia.eq.0)then idiat=idiat+1 goto 3 endif endif c c lone atoms: if( ilone=ilone+1 goto 3 endif nll=nll+1 ll(nll)=i 3 continue write(6,6001)is write(6,*) write(6,6001)-nll write(6,*) write(6,6001)(ll(i),i=1,nll) 6001 format(i5,$) write(6,*) c go to next geometry in FILE.X: goto 1 999 close(3) write(6,6003)is,ilone,idiat 6003 format(/,i5,' structures',/, 1 i5,' lone atoms',/, 2 i5,' diatomic cases') stop end subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end