PROGRAM uscale IMPLICIT none integer*4 NAT,N,i,j,ia,ix,ja,jx,ii,jj,ntype,nsum,no,nc,nh,nn,ico parameter (ntype=12) real*8,allocatable::f(:,:),s(:) integer*4,allocatable::q(:),bt(:,:),nt(:) character*20 OK real*8 a,sf(ntype) integer*4 nu(ntype) logical fscale C write(6,609) 609 format(/,' Harmonic force field universal scaling',/,/, 1 ' Input: FILE.X',/, 1 ' OLD.FC',/, 1 ' USCALE.PAR',/, 1 ' Output: FILE.FC',/,/) OK='f' if(iargc().gt.0)then call getarg(1,OK) endif if(OK.eq.'f')then write(6,*)'full scaling' fscale=.true. else write(6,*)'diagonal scaling only' fscale=.false. endif do 102 i=1,ntype nu(i)=0 102 sf(i)=1.0d0 open(9,file='USCALE.PAR',status='old') 101 read(9,'(a)',end=901,err=901)OK if(OK(1:1).eq.'#')then read(9,*)i,a if( report('SF out of range') sf(i)=a endif goto 101 901 close(9) write(6,*)'Parameters from USCALE.PAR read' write(6,*) open(9,file='FILE.X',status='old') read(9,*) read(9,*)nat allocate(q(nat),bt(nat,4),nt(nat),s(nat)) do 2 i=1,nat read(9,*)q(i),a,a,a,(bt(i,j),j=1,4) nt(i)=0 do 2 j=1,4 2 if(bt(i,j).ne.0)nt(i)=nt(i)+1 close(9) write(6,*)'FILE.X ',nat,' atoms' do 3 ia=1,nat if(q(ia).eq.1)then s(ia)=sf(1) nu(1)=nu(1)+1 else if(q(ia).eq.6)then if(nt(ia).eq.2)then s(ia)=sf(2) nu(2)=nu(2)+1 else if(nt(ia).eq.3)then ico=0 no=0 nc=0 nh=0 nn=0 do 31 j=1,nt(ia) if(q(bt(ia,j)).eq.1)nh=nh+1 if(q(bt(ia,j)).eq.6)nc=nc+1 if(q(bt(ia,j)).eq.7)nn=nn+1 if(q(bt(ia,j)).eq.8)then no=no+1 if(nt(bt(ia,j)).eq.1)ico=1 endif 31 continue if(ico.eq.1)then s(ia)=sf(12) nu(12)=nu(12)+1 else s(ia)=sf(3) nu(3)=nu(3)+1 endif else if(nt(ia).eq.4)then s(ia)=sf(4) nu(4)=nu(4)+1 endif endif endif else if(q(ia).eq.7)then if(nt(ia).eq.2)then s(ia)=sf(5) nu(5)=nu(5)+1 else if(nt(ia).eq.3)then s(ia)=sf(6) nu(6)=nu(6)+1 else if(nt(ia).eq.4)then s(ia)=sf(7) nu(7)=nu(7)+1 endif endif endif else if(q(ia).eq.8)then if(nt(ia).eq.1)then s(ia)=sf(8) nu(8)=nu(8)+1 else if(nt(ia).eq.2)then s(ia)=sf(9) nu(9)=nu(9)+1 endif endif else c less frequent cases: if(q(ia).eq.16.and.nt(ia).eq.1)then s(ia)=sf(10) nu(10)=nu(10)+1 endif if(q(ia).eq.16.and.nt(ia).eq.2)then s(ia)=sf(11) nu(11)=nu(11)+1 endif endif endif endif endif 3 continue write(6,*) write(6,903)nu( 1),' H- hydrogens' write(6,903)nu( 2),' -C- carbons ' write(6,903)nu( 3),' >C- carbons ' write(6,903)nu( 4),' >C< carbons ' write(6,903)nu( 5),' =N- nitrogens' write(6,903)nu( 6),' >N- nitrogens' write(6,903)nu( 7),' >N< nitrogens' write(6,903)nu( 8),' =O oxygens ' write(6,903)nu( 9),' -O- oxygens ' write(6,903)nu(10),' =S sulfurs ' write(6,903)nu(11),' -S- sulfurs ' write(6,903)nu(12),' >C= in CO ' 903 format(i6,a14) nsum=0 do 103 i=1,ntype 103 nsum=nsum+nu(i) write(6,*) write(6,*)nat-nsum,' unasigned atoms' write(6,*) N=3*NAT allocate(f(N,N)) OPEN(20,FILE='OLD.FC',STATUS='OLD') CALL READFF(N,f) CLOSE(20) write(6,*)'OLD.FC with force fields read' if(fscale)then do 104 ia=1,nat do 104 ja=1,nat a=dsqrt(s(ia)*s(ja)) do 104 ix=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1)+ix do 104 jx=1,3 jj=3*(ja-1)+jx 104 f(ii,jj)=f(ii,jj)*a else do 105 ia=1,nat a=s(ia) do 105 ix=1,3 ii=3*(ia-1)+ix 105 f(ii,ii)=f(ii,ii)*a endif write(6,*)'FF scaled' OPEN(20,FILE='FILE.FC') CALL WRITEFF(N,f) CLOSE(20) write(6,*)'FILE.FC written' end SUBROUTINE READFF(N,FCAR) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION FCAR(N,N) N1=1 1 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 READ(20,17)(FCAR(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(4X,5D14.6) DO 31 I=1,N DO 31 J=I+1,N 31 FCAR(I,J)=FCAR(J,I) RETURN END SUBROUTINE WRITEFF(N,FCAR) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION FCAR(N,N) N1=1 1 N3=N1+4 IF(N3.GT.N)N3=N DO 130 LN=N1,N 130 WRITE(20,17)LN,(FCAR(LN,J),J=N1,MIN(LN,N3)) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(I4,5D14.6) RETURN END SUBROUTINE report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end