program detsym implicit none real*8,allocatable::r(:),line(:),u(:,:) integer*4,allocatable::q(:),table(:,:) integer*4 ns0,i,nat,n,j,ix,iy,iz,mx,n6,ia,iap,ii,ee,ib,ie,ifa, 1ig,im,ixa,nb,nt,coord,ixp,iip,jj parameter (ns0=10,mx=12,n6=6) real*8 o(ns0,3,3),x,y,z,xs,ys,zs,xp,yp,zp,tol,d,ln,sn character*3 sst(ns0),SSP(ns0,mx),so(ns0) character*1 xyz(3) data xyz/'x','y','z'/ integer*4 CHT(ns0,mx,mx),KG(ns0),se(ns0,mx) logical debug write(6,598) 598 format(/,' Symmetry determination',/) c distance limit = 10-2A, tol=(10-2)^2 tol=1.0d-4 debug=.false. open(9,file='FILE.X') read(9,*) read(9,*)nat n=3*nat allocate(r(n),q(nat)) do 1 i=1,nat 1 read(9,*)q(i),(r(j+3*(i-1)),j=1,3) close(9) write(6,599)nat 599 format(i5,' coord atoms in FILE.X',/) call setel(ns0,o,so) call SETSYM(CHT,sst,KG,SSP,se) c loop over symmetry point groups: c find one with maximum symmetry elements: ifa=0 im=0 do 21 ig=1,n6 if(debug)write(6,6001)ig,sst(ig) 6001 format(i2,' group ',A3) c try all axis combinations: do 21 ix=1,3 iy=ix+1 if(iy.eq.4)iy=1 iz=iy+1 if(iz.eq.4)iz=1 if(debug)write(6,6002)ix,iy,iz 6002 format('xyz:',3i2) c loop over symmetry elements: do 2 ie=1,KG(ig) ee=se(ig,ie) if(debug)write(6,6003)ie,ee 6003 format(i2,' element,',i2,' operation') c loop over atoms: do 31 ia=1,nat x=r(ix+3*(ia-1)) y=r(iy+3*(ia-1)) z=r(iz+3*(ia-1)) c symmetry-related coordinate xs=o(ee,1,1)*x+o(ee,1,2)*y+o(ee,1,3)*z ys=o(ee,2,1)*x+o(ee,2,2)*y+o(ee,2,3)*z zs=o(ee,3,1)*x+o(ee,3,2)*y+o(ee,3,3)*z if(debug)write(6,6004)ia,x,y,z,xs,ys,zs 6004 format(i2,'atom',6f10.3) c is in this position of an atom?: do 3 iap=1,nat xp=r(ix+3*(iap-1)) yp=r(iy+3*(iap-1)) zp=r(iz+3*(iap-1)) d=(xp-xs)**2+(yp-ys)**2+(zp-zs)**2 c it is, go to another atom: 3 if(d.le.tol.and.q(ia).eq.q(iap))goto 31 if(debug)write(6,*)'not found' c it is not, try another symmetry group: goto 21 31 continue c ia 2 continue c ie c now for all symmetry elements atoms could be assigned write(6,601)sst(ig),KG(ig) 601 format(' ',a3,' group found, Nel = ',i2) if(KG(ig) im=KG(ig) ifa=ig ixa=ix endif 21 continue c ig,ix ix=ixa iy=ix+1 if(iy.eq.4)iy=1 iz=iy+1 if(iz.eq.4)iz=1 write(6,602)sst(ifa) 602 format(/,' ',a3,' is the best') c where atoms go under symmetry operations: allocate(table(n,im)) if(debug)write(6,6002)ix,iy,iz table=0 do 4 ie=1,KG(ifa) ee=se(ifa,ie) if(debug)write(6,6003)ie,ee c loop over atoms: do 4 ia=1,nat ii=3*(ia-1) x=r(ix+ii) y=r(iy+ii) z=r(iz+ii) c symmetry-related coordinate xs=o(ee,1,1)*x+o(ee,1,2)*y+o(ee,1,3)*z ys=o(ee,2,1)*x+o(ee,2,2)*y+o(ee,2,3)*z zs=o(ee,3,1)*x+o(ee,3,2)*y+o(ee,3,3)*z if(debug)write(6,6004)ia,x,y,z,xs,ys,zs do 4 iap=1,nat xp=r(ix+3*(iap-1)) yp=r(iy+3*(iap-1)) zp=r(iz+3*(iap-1)) d=(xs-xp)**2+(ys-yp)**2+(zs-zp)**2 if(d.le.tol.and.q(ia).eq.q(iap))then c look at symmetry-related coordinate changes if(o(ee,1,1).gt.0.0d0)then table(ix+ii,ie)= ix+3*(iap-1) else table(ix+ii,ie)=-ix-3*(iap-1) endif if(o(ee,2,2).gt.0.0d0)then table(iy+ii,ie)= iy+3*(iap-1) else table(iy+ii,ie)=-iy-3*(iap-1) endif if(o(ee,3,3).gt.0.0d0)then table(iz+ii,ie)= iz+3*(iap-1) else table(iz+ii,ie)=-iz-3*(iap-1) endif endif 4 continue write(6,603)(so(se(ifa,i)),i=1,KG(ifa)) 603 format(/,' coord atom xyz ',12(a3,' ')) do 5 ia=1,nat do 5 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 5 write(6,604)ii,ia,xyz(ix),(table(ii,i),i=1,KG(ifa)) 604 format(2i7,3x,a1,2x,12i6) c transformation matrix: allocate(u(n,n)) u=0.0d0 c symmetry blocks: allocate(line(n)) nt=0 do 6 ib=1,KG(ifa) write(6,605)SSP(ifa,ib) 605 format(' ',a3) nb=0 do 71 ia=1,nat do 71 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) line=0.0d0 do 7 i=1,KG(ifa) coord=iabs(table(ii,i)) if(table(ii,i).lt.0)then sn=-1.0d0 else sn= 1.0d0 endif 7 line(coord)=line(coord)+sn*dble(CHT(ifa,ib,i)) ln=0.0d0 do 8 ii=1,n 8 ln=ln+line(ii)**2 ln=dsqrt(ln) if( do 9 ii=1,n 9 line(ii)=line(ii)/ln nb=nb+1 nt=nt+1 write(6,606)nb 606 format(i3,$) do 10 iap=1,nat do 10 ixp=1,3 ii=ixp+3*(iap-1) 10 if(dabs(line(ii)).gt.tol)write(6,607)line(ii),iap,xyz(ixp) 607 format(f10.3,i6,a1,$) c check if already defined do 11 iip=1,nt-1 sn=0.0d0 do 111 jj=1,n 111 sn=sn+line(jj)*u(iip,jj) if(dabs(sn).gt.tol)then write(6,610)iip 610 format(' same as number ',i3,', deleted') nb=nb-1 nt=nt-1 goto 71 endif 11 continue if(nt.le.n)then do 12 jj=1,n 12 u(nt,jj)=line(jj) write(6,*)' added' else write(6,*)'Error: too many symmetrized coordinates' stop endif endif 71 continue c ia,ix 6 write(6,608)nb c ib 608 format(i4,' elements') write(6,*) write(6,609)nt 609 format(i4,' in total') end SUBROUTINE SETSYM(CHT,sst,KG,SSP,se) integer*4 ns0,mx parameter (ns0=10,mx=12) integer*4 CHT(ns0,mx,mx),KG(ns0),se(ns0,mx) character*3 sst(ns0),SSP(ns0,mx) character*1 PRIME PRIME=CHAR(39) CHT=1 sst='xxx' se=0 c sst .. point group c KG .. number of symmetry elements c SSP .. symmetry sst(1)='C1 ' KG(1)=1 SSP(1,1)='A ' se(1,1)=1 sst(2)='C2V' KG(2)=4 CHT(2,2,3)=-1 CHT(2,2,4)=-1 CHT(2,3,2)=-1 CHT(2,3,4)=-1 CHT(2,4,2)=-1 CHT(2,4,3)=-1 C 1 1 1 1 A1 C 1 1-1-1 A2 C 1-1 1-1 B1 C 1-1-1 1 B2 SSP(2,1)='A1 ' SSP(2,2)='A2 ' SSP(2,3)='B1 ' SSP(2,4)='B2 ' c E C2Z sigmaxz sigmazy se(2,1)=1 se(2,2)=2 se(2,3)=3 se(2,4)=4 sst(3)='C2H' KG(3)=4 CHT(3,2,2)=-1 CHT(3,2,4)=-1 CHT(3,3,3)=-1 CHT(3,3,4)=-1 CHT(3,4,2)=-1 CHT(3,4,3)=-1 C 1 1 1 1 Ag C 1-1 1-1 Bg C 1 1-1-1 Au C 1-1-1 1 Bu SSP(3,1)='Ag ' SSP(3,2)='Bg ' SSP(3,3)='Au ' SSP(3,4)='Bu ' c E C2Z i sigmah se(3,1)=1 se(3,2)=2 se(3,3)=5 se(3,4)=6 sst(4)='C2 ' KG(4)=2 CHT(4,2,2)=-1 C 1 1 A C 1-1 B SSP(4,1)='A ' SSP(4,2)='B ' c E C2 se(4,1)=1 se(4,2)=2 sst(5)='CS ' KG(5)=2 CHT(5,2,2)=-1 C 1 1 A' C 1-1 A'' SSP(5,1)='AP ' SSP(5,1)(2:2)=PRIME SSP(5,2)='APP' SSP(5,2)(2:2)=PRIME SSP(5,2)(3:3)=PRIME c E sigmah se(5,1)=1 se(5,2)=6 sst(6)='D2H' KG(6)=8 CHT(6,2,3)=-1 CHT(6,2,4)=-1 CHT(6,2,7)=-1 CHT(6,2,8)=-1 CHT(6,3,2)=-1 CHT(6,3,4)=-1 CHT(6,3,6)=-1 CHT(6,3,8)=-1 CHT(6,4,2)=-1 CHT(6,4,3)=-1 CHT(6,4,6)=-1 CHT(6,4,7)=-1 CHT(6,5,5)=-1 CHT(6,5,6)=-1 CHT(6,5,7)=-1 CHT(6,5,8)=-1 CHT(6,6,3)=-1 CHT(6,6,4)=-1 CHT(6,6,5)=-1 CHT(6,6,6)=-1 CHT(6,7,2)=-1 CHT(6,7,4)=-1 CHT(6,7,5)=-1 CHT(6,7,7)=-1 CHT(6,8,2)=-1 CHT(6,8,3)=-1 CHT(6,8,5)=-1 CHT(6,8,8)=-1 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ag 1 C 1 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 B1g 2 C 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 B2g 3 C 1-1-1 1 1-1-1 1 B3g 4 C 1 1 1 1-1-1-1-1 Au 5 C 1 1-1-1-1-1 1 1 B1u 6 C 1-1 1-1-1 1-1 1 B2u 7 C 1-1-1 1-1 1 1-1 B3u 8 SSP(6,1)='Ag ' SSP(6,2)='B1g' SSP(6,3)='B2g' SSP(6,4)='B3g' SSP(6,5)='Au ' SSP(6,6)='B1u' SSP(6,7)='B2u' SSP(6,8)='B3u' c E c2z c2y c2x i xy xz yz se(6,1)=1 se(6,2)=2 se(6,3)=7 se(6,4)=8 se(6,5)=5 se(6,6)=6 se(6,7)=3 se(6,8)=4 RETURN END subroutine setel(ns0,o,so) implicit none integer*4 ns0,j,i real*8 o(ns0,3,3) character*3 so(ns0) o=0.0d0 c 1 identity, E: do 1 i=1,ns0 do 1 j=1,3 1 o(i,j,j) = 1.0d0 so(1)='E ' c 2 C2z: o(2,1,1) = -1.0d0 o(2,2,2) = -1.0d0 so(2)='C2z' c 3 sigmazx: o(3,2,2) = -1.0d0 so(3)='szx' c 4 sigmazy: o(4,1,1) = -1.0d0 so(4)='szy' c 5 inversion o(5,1,1) = -1.0d0 o(5,2,2) = -1.0d0 o(5,3,3) = -1.0d0 so(5)='i ' c 6 sigmaxy: o(6,3,3) = -1.0d0 so(6)='sxy' c 7 C2y: o(7,1,1) = -1.0d0 o(7,3,3) = -1.0d0 so(7)='C2y' c 8 C2x: o(8,2,2) = -1.0d0 o(8,3,3) = -1.0d0 so(8)='C2x' return end