program dusch c Duschinsky transformation implicit none real*8 LOGDET real*8 bohr,u(3,3),proc,fac,sp,sp1,sp2,TOL, 1lT,lJ,lF,lQ,overlap,wmin integer*4 ia,ix,N,nat,NE,NQ,IERR,maxit real*8,allocatable::rg(:),re(:),se(:,:),sg(:,:),JT(:,:), 1eg(:),ep(:),k(:),m(:),F(:,:),G(:,:),GP(:,:),T(:,:),TP(:,:), 1FI(:,:),E2(:,:),GH(:,:),GHP(:,:),A(:,:),TV(:),TU(:), 1B(:),J(:,:),C(:,:),D(:),E(:,:) integer*4,allocatable::z(:) real amas(89) data amas/1.007825,4.002603, 2 6.941, 9.012, 10.810,12.000,14.003074,15.9949,18.998,20.179, 3 22.990,24.305, 26.981,28.086,30.974,32.060,35.453,39.948, 4 39.098,40.080,44.956,47.900,50.941,51.996,54.938,55.847, 4 58.933,58.700,63.546,65.380, 4 69.720,72.590,74.922,78.960,79.904,83.800, 5 85.468,87.620,88.906,91.220,92.906,95.940,98.906,101.070, 5 102.906,106.400,107.868,112.410, 5 114.82,118.69,121.75,127.600,126.905,131.300, 6 132.905,137.330,138.906, 6 140.120,140.908,144.240,145.000,150.400, 6 151.960,157.250,158.925,162.500,164.930,167.260,168.934, 6 173.040,174.970, 6 178.490,180.948,183.850,186.207,190.200,192.220,195.090, 6 196.967,207.590,204.370,207.200,208.980,210.000,210.001, 6 222.02, 7 223.000,226.025,227.028/ logical lit,lwr bohr=0.529177d0 TOL=1.0d-10 call readopt(lit,maxit,lwr,wmin) c c Read Geometry of the ground and excited states: call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',0,nat,z,rg) N=3*nat allocate(rg(N),z(nat),re(N),sg(N,N),se(N,N),eg(N),ep(N),m(nat)) call rdxx('ground/FILE.X',1,nat,z,rg) call rdxx('excited/FILE.X',1,nat,z,re) do 6 ia=1,nat 6 m(ia)=dble(amas(z(ia))) c Find the transformation matrix, transform and shift re to rg: call xst(nat,rg,re,m,z,u) c read the ground (sg) and excited (se) S-matrices: write(6,*)'reading ground state S-matrix' call readsi(N,sg,eg,NQ,'ground/F.INP') write(6,*)'reading excited state S-matrix' call readsi(N,se,ep,NE,'excited/F.INP') if( report('NE<>NQ') call fixmodes(N,NQ,eg,sg,ep,se,amas,z) c transform se to the ground system: call trse(N,se,NQ,u) c Make Duschinsk's and derived matrices and vectors: allocate(JT(NQ,NQ),k(NQ),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ), 1A(NQ,NQ),B(NQ),TV(NQ),TU(NQ),C(NQ,NQ),D(NQ),E(NQ,NQ)) do ix=1,NQ do ia=1,2*NQ E2(ix,ia)=0.0d0 enddo enddo call mz(A,NQ) call vz(B,NQ) call mz(C,NQ) call vz(D,NQ) call mz(E,NQ) call mz(F,NQ) call mz(FI,NQ) call mz(G,NQ) call mz(GH,NQ) call mz(GHP,NQ) call mz(GP,NQ) call mz(J,NQ) call mz(JT,NQ) call vz(K,NQ) call mz(T,NQ) call mz(TP,NQ) call vz(TV,NQ) call vz(TU,NQ) IERR=0 fac=overlap(1,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) proc=fac*fac*100.0d0 write(6,300)fac,proc 300 format('<0|0*> = ',g12.4,' (',f6.2,'%)') write(6,*)sp1,sp2 write(6,*)'NQ',NQ write(6,*)'A',A(1,1),A(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)'B',B(1),B(NQ) write(6,*)'C',C(1,1),C(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)'D',D(1),D(NQ) write(6,*)'E',E(1,1),E(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)'F',F(1,1),F(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)'G',G(1,1),G(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)'GP',GP(1,1),GP(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)' Vertical approximation:' do 19 ix=1,NQ 19 K(ix)=0.0d0 proc=0.0d0 call mm(T,G,GP,NQ) lt=LOGDET(T,NQ,NQ) lF=LOGDET(F,NQ,NQ) lJ=LOGDET(J,NQ,NQ) lQ=dble(NQ)*log(2.0d0) fac=exp((lQ+lt/2.0d0+lJ-lF)/2.0d0) call mv(TV,G,K,NQ) sp1=sp(K,TV,NQ) call mv(TU,G,K,NQ) call mv(TV,JT,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,FI,TV,NQ) call mv(TV,J,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,G,TV,NQ) sp2=sp(K,TU,NQ) fac=fac*exp(-0.50d0*(sp1-sp2)) proc=fac*fac*100.0d0 write(6,300)fac,proc if(lit)call iterate(maxit,NQ,lwr,wmin, 1N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) end c ============================================================== subroutine rdxx(s,ic,n,z,r) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 ic,n,z(*),ia,ix real*8 r(*) open(9,file=s) read(9,*) read(9,*)n if( do 1 ia=1,n 1 read(9,*)z(ia),(r(3*(ia-1)+ix),ix=1,3) endif close(9) return end c ============================================================== function sp(A,C,N) c scalar product of two vectors implicit none integer*4 N,k real*8 A(*),C(*),sp sp=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,N 1 sp=sp+A(k)*C(k) return end c ============================================================== FUNCTION LOGDET(A,N,NQ) c logarithm of a determinant of a matrix IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,I,J,K,NQ logical DETEXISTS real*8 A(N,N),M,TEMP,LOGDET real*8, allocatable::ELEM(:,:) allocate(ELEM(NQ,NQ)) DO 1 I=1,NQ DO 1 J=1,NQ 1 ELEM(I,J)=A(I,J) DETEXISTS=.TRUE. c L=1.0d0 DO 2 K=1,NQ-1 IF(ABS(ELEM(K,K)).LE.1.0d-20)THEN DETEXISTS=.FALSE. DO 3 I=K+1,NQ IF(ELEM(I,K).NE.0.0d0)THEN DO 4 J=1,NQ TEMP=ELEM(I,J) ELEM(I,J)=ELEM(K,J) 4 ELEM(K,J)=TEMP DETEXISTS=.TRUE. c L=-L EXIT ENDIF 3 CONTINUE IF (DETEXISTS.EQV..FALSE.)THEN LOGDET = 0.0d0 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF DO 2 J=K+1,NQ M=ELEM(J,K)/ELEM(K,K) DO 2 I=K+1,NQ 2 ELEM(J,I)=ELEM(J,I)-M*ELEM(K,I) LOGDET =0.0d0 DO 5 I=1,NQ if(ELEM(I,I).lt.0.0d0)then c L=-L LOGDET=LOGDET+log(-ELEM(I,I)) else LOGDET=LOGDET+log( ELEM(I,I)) endif 5 continue RETURN END c ============================================================== subroutine mv(A,B,C,N) c multiplication of matrix B by vector C, A = B . C implicit none integer*4 N,i,k real*8 A(*),B(N,N),C(*) do 1 i=1,N A(i)=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,N 1 A(i)=A(i)+B(i,k)*C(k) return end c ============================================================== subroutine mm(A,B,C,N) c matrix multiplication A = B x C implicit none integer*4 N,i,j,k real*8 A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N A(i,j)=0.0d0 do 1 k=1,N 1 A(i,j)=A(i,j)+B(i,k)*C(k,j) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wdv(io,N,V,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,io,LN real*8 V(*) character*(*) s call wlabel(io,s) write(io,501)1 501 format(i14) DO 130 LN=1,N 130 write(io,500)LN,V(LN) 500 format(i7,1x,D14.6) return end c ============================================================== subroutine ms(A,B,C,N) c matrix sum A = B + C implicit none integer*4 N,i,j real*8 A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N 1 A(i,j)=B(i,j)+C(i,j) return end c ============================================================== subroutine mt(AT,A,N) c matrix transposition AT = A^T implicit none integer*4 N,i,j real*8 A(N,N),AT(N,N) do 1 i=1,N do 1 j=1,N 1 AT(i,j)=A(j,i) return end c ============================================================== subroutine vz(A,N) implicit none integer*4 n,i real*8 A(*) do 3 i=1,N 3 A(i)=0.0d0 return end c ============================================================== subroutine mz(A,N) implicit none integer*4 n,i,j real*8 A(N,N) do 3 i=1,N do 3 j=1,N 3 A(i,j)=0.0d0 return end c ============================================================== subroutine trse(N,s,NQ,t) implicit none integer*4 N,NQ,i,a,ia,ix real*8 s(N,N),t(3,3),v(3) do 1 i=1,NQ do 1 ia=1,N/3 a=3*(ia-1) do 2 ix=1,3 2 v(ix)=s(ix+a,i) do 1 ix=1,3 1 s(ix+a,i)=t(1,ix)*v(1)+t(2,ix)*v(2)+t(3,ix)*v(3) return end c ============================================================== subroutine wlabel(io,s) implicit none character*(*) s integer*4 J,io write(io,*) write(io,101) do 1 J=1,len(s) 1 write(io,103)s(J:J) write(io,*) write(io,101) 101 format(' ',$) do 2 J=1,len(s) 2 write(io,103)'-' 103 format(a1,$) write(io,*) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wwm(io,N,e,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 io,N,i real*8 e(*),CM character*(*) s CM=219474.630d0 call wlabel(io,s) write(io,100)(e(i)*CM,i=1,N) 100 format(6f11.2) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wds(io,N0,N,M,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,N1,N3,io,LN,J,N0 real*8 M(N0,N0) character*(*) s call wlabel(io,s) N1=1 1 N3=min(N1+4,N) write(io,100)(J,J=N1,N3) 100 format(10x,5i14) DO 130 LN=1,N0 130 write(io,200)LN,(M(LN,J),J=N1,N3) 200 format(i7,1x,5e14.6) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE wdm(io,N,M,s) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,N1,N3,io,LN,J real*8 M(N,N) character*(*) s call wlabel(io,s) N1=1 1 N3=min(N1+4,N) write(io,100)(J,J=N1,N3) 100 format(10x,5i14) DO 130 LN=1,N 130 write(io,200)LN,(M(LN,J),J=N1,N3) 200 format(i7,1x,5e14.6) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.N)GOTO 1 return end c ============================================================== subroutine report(s) character*(*) s write(6,*)s stop end c ============================================================== subroutine readopt(lit,maxit,lwr,wmin) IMPLICIT none logical lit,lwr,lex integer*4 maxit real*8 wmin character*3 key lit=.false. wmin=1.0d0 maxit=100 lwr=.true. inquire(file='DUSCH.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(11,file='DUSCH.OPT') 1 read(11,900,end=11,err=11)key 900 format(a3) if(key.eq.'ITE')read(11,*)lit if(key.eq.'LWR')read(11,*)lwr if(key.eq.'MAX')read(11,*)maxit if(key.eq.'WMI')read(11,*)wmin goto 1 11 close(11) endif return end c ============================================================== subroutine fixmodes(N,NQ,g,sg,p,se,amas,z) IMPLICIT none integer*4 N,NQ,I,iz,ifx,j,ix,no,jmin,nblo,z(*) real*8 g(*),p(*),sg(N,N),se(N,N),CM,wlim,dij,dmin,t real amas(*) integer*4,allocatable::bl(:) character*3 key logical lex,lcor,lonly lcor=.false. lonly=.false. nblo=0 wlim=600.0d0 CM=219474.630d0 no=NQ ifx=1 inquire(file='DUSCH.OPT',exist=lex) if(lex)then open(11,file='DUSCH.OPT') 1 read(11,900,end=11,err=11)key 900 format(a3) if(key.eq.'FIX')read(11,*)ifx if(key.eq.'WLI')read(11,*)wlim if(key.eq.'COR')read(11,*)lcor if(key.eq.'ONL')read(11,*)lonly if(key.eq.'BLO')then read(11,*)nblo allocate(bl(nblo)) read(11,*)bl endif goto 1 11 close(11) endif if(lcor)then write(6,*)'Correlating ground and excited state modes' if(lonly)then write(6,*)'Correlation only, no action' do 121 i=NQ,1,-1 call findbest(i,NQ,jmin,dmin,dij,sg,se,N,amas,z) 121 write(6,609)i,jmin,dmin 609 format(' Ground mode',i4,' corresponds to',i4,' s =',f10.4) write(6,*) do 122 i=NQ,1,-1 call findbest(i,NQ,jmin,dmin,dij,se,sg,N,amas,z) 122 write(6,6091)i,jmin,dmin 6091 format(' Exc. mode',i4,' corresponds to',i4,' s =',f10.4) else c loop starting from higher modes that migh be more reliable: do 12 i=NQ,1,-1 c find best match for i within i...1: call findbest(i,i,jmin,dmin,dij,se,sg,N,amas,z) if( t=g(i) g(i)=g(jmin) g(jmin)=t do 15 ix=1,N t=sg(ix,i) sg(ix,i)=sg(ix,jmin) 15 sg(ix,jmin)=t write(6,619)i,jmin,dmin 619 format(' Exc. mode',i4,' corresponds to',i4,' s =',f10.4, 1 ' modes switched') else write(6,6091)i,jmin,dmin endif 12 continue endif endif if(ifx.eq.1)then iz=0 do 2 I=1,NQ if(g(I).lt.0.0d0)then g(I)=100.0d0/CM iz=iz+1 endif if(p(I).lt.0.0d0)then p(I)=100.0d0/CM iz=iz+1 endif 2 continue if(,*)iz,' neg. modes made 100 cm-1 modes' endif if(ifx.eq.2)then iz=0 66 do 3 I=1,NQ if(g(I).lt.0.0d0.or.p(i).lt.0.0d0)then do 4 j=i,NQ-1 g(j)=g(j+1) p(j)=p(j+1) do 4 ix=1,N sg(ix,j)=sg(ix,j+1) 4 se(ix,j)=se(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 66 endif 3 continue if(,*)iz,' neg. modes deleted' endif if(ifx.eq.3)then iz=0 do 5 I=1,NQ if(p(i).lt.0.0d0)then if(g(I).gt.0.0d0)then p(i)=g(i) iz=iz+1 else write(6,*)I call report(' mode cannot be fixed') endif endif if(g(i).lt.0.0d0)then if(p(I).gt.0.0d0)then g(i)=p(i) iz=iz+1 else write(6,*)I call report(' mode cannot be fixed') endif endif 5 continue if(,*)iz,' neg. modes borrowed' endif if(ifx.eq.4)then iz=0 67 do 6 I=1,NQ if(g(I).lt.wlim.or.p(i).lt.wlim)then do 7 j=i,NQ-1 g(j)=g(j+1) p(j)=p(j+1) do 7 ix=1,N sg(ix,j)=sg(ix,j+1) 7 se(ix,j)=se(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 67 endif 6 continue if(,*)iz,' small modes skipped' endif if( do 19 I=1,NQ do 19 j=1,nblo 19 if( iz=0 68 do 17 I=1,NQ if(p(i).eq.-3.333d0)then do 18 j=i,NQ-1 g(j)=g(j+1) p(j)=p(j+1) do 18 ix=1,N sg(ix,j)=sg(ix,j+1) 18 se(ix,j)=se(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 68 endif 17 continue if(,*)iz,' modes blocked (deleted)' endif if(,*)NQ,' modes now' return end SUBROUTINE readsi(N3,S,E,NQ,fn) c switch order of modes to match Gaussian convention: IMPLICIT none integer*4 N3,NQ,nat,i,J,ix,iz real*8 S(N3,N3),E(*),CM character*(*) fn CM=219474.630d0 C 1 a.u.= 2.1947E5 cm^-1 open(4,file=fn) read(4,*)NQ,nat,nat do 1 i=1,NAT 1 read(4,*) read(4,*) DO 2 I=1,NAT DO 2 J=1,NQ 2 read(4,*)(s(3*(i-1)+ix,NQ-J+1),ix=1,2), 1(s(3*(i-1)+ix,NQ-J+1),ix=1,3) read(4,*) READ(4,4000)(E(NQ-J+1),J=1,NQ) 4000 FORMAT(6F11.6) close(4) c write(6,*)NQ,' modes found' iz=0 c delete zero modes if exist: 66 do 6 i=1,NQ if(dabs(E(i)).lt.0.1d0)then do 7 j=i,NQ-1 E(j)=E(j+1) do 7 ix=1,N3 7 s(ix,j)=s(ix,j+1) iz=iz+1 NQ=NQ-1 goto 66 endif 6 continue if(,*)iz,' zero modes: deleted' write(6,*)NQ,' vibrational modes considered' DO 3 I=1,NQ 3 E(I)=E(I)/CM RETURN end c ============================================================== subroutine xst(nat,rgo,re,m,z,t) c standard orientation of re with respect to rg c J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 5326-5333 implicit none integer*4 nat,i,j,ia,IERR,ix,iy,iz,ii,ib,ic,z(*) real*8 rgo(*),re(*),c(3,3),m(*),cc(3,3),r(3,3),l(3),ci(3,3), 1TOL,e(3,6),lrc(3,3),bl(3),rc(3,3),err,t0(3,3),det,t(3,3),em, 1cmg(3),cme(3),mass real*8,allocatable::rn(:),rg(:) TOL=1.0d-10 allocate(rg(3*nat)) c calculate mass centers: do 14 i=1,3 cmg(i)=0.0d0 cme(i)=0.0d0 mass=0.0d0 do 16 ia=1,nat mass=mass+m(ia) cmg(i)=cmg(i)+m(ia)*rgo(i+3*(ia-1)) 16 cme(i)=cme(i)+m(ia)* re(i+3*(ia-1)) cmg(i)=cmg(i)/mass 14 cme(i)=cme(i)/mass write(6,603)cmg,cme 603 format(' Mass centers: g: ',3f12.4,/, 1 ' e: ',3f12.4) c mass-center coordinates: do 15 ia=1,nat do 15 i=1,3 rg(i+3*(ia-1))=rgo(i+3*(ia-1))-cmg(i) 15 re(i+3*(ia-1))= re(i+3*(ia-1))-cme(i) c form C =X M X': do 1 i=1,3 do 1 j=1,3 c(i,j)=0.0d0 do 1 ia=1,nat 1 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+rg(i+3*(ia-1))*m(ia)*re(j+3*(ia-1)) c correction for planar molecules: do 2 i=1,3 2 if(dabs(c(i,i)).lt.1.0d-9)c(i,i)=1.0d0 c C^TC: call mm3(c,c,cc) CALL TRED12(3,cc,r,l,2,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report(' cannot diagonalize C^TC') call INV(3,c,ci,3,TOL,e,IERR) IF(IERR.NE.0)call report(' cannot invert C') c R^TC^-1: call mm3(r,ci,rc) c temporary coordinate string: allocate(rn(3*nat)) c exlore all eight axis switching possibilities: ib=0 ic=0 do 4 ix=-1,1,2 do 4 iy=-1,1,2 do 4 iz=-1,1,2 ic=ic+1 bl(1)=dble(ix) bl(2)=dble(iy) bl(3)=dble(iz) c L l^(1/2)R^TC^-1: do 6 i=1,3 do 6 j=1,3 6 lrc(i,j)=bl(i)*dsqrt(l(i))*rc(i,j) call md(r,lrc,t0) call trx(nat,rn,re,t0) err=0.0d0 do 8 ii=1,3*nat 8 err=err+(rn(ii)-rg(ii))**2 if(ic.eq.1)then em=err do 9 i=1,3 do 9 j=1,3 9 t(i,j)=t0(i,j) ib=ic endif if(det(t0) em=err do 11 i=1,3 do 11 j=1,3 11 t(i,j)=t0(i,j) ib=ic endif 4 write(6,600)ix,iy,iz,err,det(t0) 600 format(3i2,'err:',f10.3,' det:',f10.3) write(6,601)ib 601 format(' Best trial number ',i2) write(6,604)t 604 format(' Transformation matrix:',/,3(3f10.3,/)) call trx(nat,rn,re,t) open(44,file='') write(44,*)'Excited orientation to match the ground:' write(44,*)nat do 13 ia=1,nat do 131 i=1,3 131 re(i+3*(ia-1))=cmg(i)+rn(i+3*(ia-1)) 13 write(44,602)z(ia),(re(i+3*(ia-1)),i=1,3) 602 format(i4,3f12.6) close(44) write(6,*)' written' return end c ============================================================== subroutine trx(nat,n,e,t) implicit none integer*4 nat,ia,i,a real*8 n(*),e(*),t(3,3) do 7 ia=1,nat a=3*(ia-1) do 7 i=1,3 7 n(i+a)=t(1,i)*e(1+a)+t(2,i)*e(2+a)+t(3,i)*e(3+a) return end c ============================================================== function det(t) implicit none real*8 det,t(3,3) det=t(1,1)*(t(2,2)*t(3,3)-t(2,3)*t(3,2)) 1 -t(1,2)*(t(2,1)*t(3,3)-t(2,3)*t(3,1)) 1 +t(1,3)*(t(2,1)*t(3,2)-t(2,2)*t(3,1)) return end c ============================================================== subroutine md(a,b,c) implicit none c c=a.b real*8 a(3,3),b(3,3),c(3,3) integer*4 i,j,ii do 3 i=1,3 do 3 j=1,3 c(i,j)=0.0d0 do 3 ii=1,3 3 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(i,ii)*b(ii,j) return end c ============================================================== subroutine mm3(a,b,c) implicit none c c=aT.b real*8 a(3,3),b(3,3),c(3,3) integer*4 i,j,ii do 3 i=1,3 do 3 j=1,3 c(i,j)=0.0d0 do 3 ii=1,3 3 c(i,j)=c(i,j)+a(ii,i)*b(ii,j) return end c ============================================================== SUBROUTINE TRED12(N,A,Z,D,IEIG,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION A(N,N),Z(N,N),D(*) real*8,allocatable::E(:) allocate(E(N)) IF (IEIG .LT. 0) GO TO 110 DO 100 I = 1, N C DO 100 J = 1, I Z(I,J) = A(I,J) 100 CONTINUE C 110 ICODE = IABS(IEIG) IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 320 C :::::::::: FOR I=N STEP -1 UNTIL 2 DO -- :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = N + 2 - II L = I - 1 H = 0.0D0 SCALE = 0.0D0 IF (L .LT. 2) GO TO 130 C :::::::::: SCALE ROW (ALGOL TOL THEN NOT NEEDED) :::::::::: DO 120 K = 1, L 120 SCALE = SCALE + DABS(Z(I,K)) C IF (DABS(SCALE) .GT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 140 130 E(I) = Z(I,L) GO TO 290 C 140 DO 150 K = 1, L F = Z(I,K) / SCALE Z(I,K) = F H = H + F * F 150 CONTINUE C G = -DSIGN(DSQRT(H),F) E(I) = SCALE * G H = H - F * G Z(I,L) = F - G F = 0.0D0 C DO 240 J = 1, L IF (ICODE .EQ. 2) Z(J,I) = Z(I,J) / (SCALE * H) G = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF A*U :::::::::: DO 180 K = 1, J 180 G = G + Z(J,K) * Z(I,K) C JP1 = J + 1 IF (L .LT. JP1) GO TO 220 C DO 200 K = JP1, L 200 G = G + Z(K,J) * Z(I,K) C :::::::::: FORM ELEMENT OF P :::::::::: 220 E(J) = G / H F = F + E(J) * Z(I,J) 240 CONTINUE C HH = F / (H + H) C :::::::::: FORM REDUCED A :::::::::: DO 260 J = 1, L F = Z(I,J) G = E(J) - HH * F E(J) = G C DO 260 K = 1, J Z(J,K) = Z(J,K) - F * E(K) - G * Z(I,K) 260 CONTINUE C DO 280 K = 1, L 280 Z(I,K) = SCALE * Z(I,K) C 290 D(I) = H 300 CONTINUE C 320 D(1) = 0.0D0 E(1) = 0.0D0 C :::::::::: ACCUMULATION OF TRANSFORMATION MATRICES :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 600 DO 500 I = 1, N L = I - 1 IF (DABS(D(I)) .LT. 1.0D-10) GO TO 380 C DO 360 J = 1, L G = 0.0D0 C DO 340 K = 1, L 340 G = G + Z(I,K) * Z(K,J) C DO 360 K = 1, L Z(K,J) = Z(K,J) - G * Z(K,I) 360 CONTINUE C 380 D(I) = Z(I,I) Z(I,I) = 1.0D0 IF (L .LT. 1) GO TO 500 C DO 400 J = 1, L Z(I,J) = 0.0D0 Z(J,I) = 0.0D0 400 CONTINUE C 500 CONTINUE C 620 CALL TQL12 (N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE,E) RETURN C :::::::::: ALTERNATE FINAL LOOP FOR EIGENVALUES ONLY :::::::::: 600 DO 610 I=1,N 610 D(I) = Z(I,I) GO TO 620 END C SUBROUTINE TQL12(N,Z,D,IERR,ICODE,E) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) DIMENSION Z(N,N),D(*),E(*) REAL*8 MACHEP EPS = 1.0D0 10 EPS = 0.50D0*EPS TOL1 = EPS + 1.0D0 IF((TOL1.GT.1.0D0).AND.(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0)) GO TO 10 IF(TOL1-EPS.EQ.1.0D0) EPS = EPS + EPS MACHEP = EPS C C MACHEP=16.0D0**(-13) C IERR = 0 IF (N .EQ. 1) GO TO 1001 C DO 100 I = 2, N 100 E(I-1) = E(I) C F = 0.0D0 B = 0.0D0 E(N) = 0.0D0 C DO 240 L = 1, N J = 0 H = MACHEP * (DABS(D(L)) + DABS(E(L))) IF (B .LT. H) B = H C :::::::::: LOOK FOR SMALL SUB-DIAGONAL ELEMENT :::::::::: DO 110 M = L, N IF (DABS(E(M)) .LE. B) GO TO 120 C :::::::::: E(N) IS ALWAYS ZERO, SO THERE IS NO EXIT C THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE LOOP :::::::::: 110 CONTINUE C 120 IF (M .EQ. L) GO TO 220 130 IF (J .EQ. 30) GO TO 1000 J = J + 1 C :::::::::: FORM SHIFT :::::::::: L1 = L + 1 G = D(L) P = (D(L1) - G) / (2.0D0 * E(L)) R = DSQRT(P*P+1.0D0) D(L) = E(L) / (P + DSIGN(R,P)) H = G - D(L) C DO 140 I = L1, N 140 D(I) = D(I) - H C F = F + H C :::::::::: QL TRANSFORMATION :::::::::: P = D(M) C = 1.0D0 S = 0.0D0 MML = M - L C :::::::::: FOR I=M-1 STEP -1 UNTIL L DO -- :::::::::: DO 200 II = 1, MML I = M - II G = C * E(I) H = C * P IF (DABS(P) .LT. DABS(E(I))) GO TO 150 C = E(I) / P R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * P * R S = C / R C = 1.0D0 / R GO TO 160 150 C = P / E(I) R = DSQRT(C*C+1.0D0) E(I+1) = S * E(I) * R S = 1.0D0 / R C = C * S 160 P = C * D(I) - S * G D(I+1) = H + S * (C * G + S * D(I)) C :::::::::: FORM VECTOR :::::::::: IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 200 DO 180 K = 1, N H = Z(K,I+1) Z(K,I+1) = S * Z(K,I) + C * H Z(K,I) = C * Z(K,I) - S * H 180 CONTINUE C 200 CONTINUE C E(L) = S * P D(L) = C * P IF (DABS(E(L)) .GT. B) GO TO 130 220 D(L) = D(L) + F 240 CONTINUE C :::::::::: ORDER EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS :::::::::: DO 300 II = 2, N I = II - 1 K = I P = D(I) C DO 260 J = II, N IF (D(J) .LE. P) GO TO 260 K = J P = D(J) 260 CONTINUE C IF (K .EQ. I) GO TO 300 D(K) = D(I) D(I) = P C IF (ICODE .NE. 2) GO TO 300 DO 280 J = 1, N P = Z(J,I) Z(J,I) = Z(J,K) Z(J,K) = P 280 CONTINUE C 300 CONTINUE C GO TO 1001 C :::::::::: SET ERROR -- NO CONVERGENCE TO AN C EIGENVALUE AFTER 30 ITERATIONS :::::::::: 1000 IERR = L 1001 RETURN END C SUBROUTINE INV(nr,a,ai,n,TOL,e,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) dimension ai(nr,nr),a(nr,nr),e(nr,2*nr) C 10000 IERR=0 DO 1 ii=1,n DO 1 jj=1,n e(ii,jj)=a(ii,jj) 1 e(ii,jj+n)=0.0D0 do 13 ii=1,n 13 e(ii,ii+n)=1.0D0 c DO 2 ii=1,n-1 if (ABS(e(ii,ii)).LE.TOL) then DO 3 io=ii+1,n 3 if (ABS(e(io,ii)).GT.TOL) goto 11 IERR=1 write(6,*)ii write(6,*)'tol = ',tol tol=tol*0.50d0 if( 10000 RETURN c 11 CONTINUE DO 4 kk=1,2*n w=e(ii,kk) e(ii,kk)=e(io,kk) 4 e(io,kk)=w ENDIF eii=e(ii,ii) DO 5 jj=ii+1,n e1=e(jj,ii)/eii DO 6 kk=ii+1, 2*n 6 e(jj,kk)=e(jj,kk)-e(ii,kk)*e1 5 e(jj,ii)=0.0D0 2 CONTINUE c DO 7 i2=n,2,-1 eii=e(i2,i2) DO 7 j2=i2-1,1,-1 e1=e(j2,i2)/eii DO 9 kk=1, n 9 e(j2,kk+n)=e(j2,kk+n)-e(i2,kk+n)*e1 7 e(j2,i2)=0.0d0 c DO 10 ii=1,n ei=1.0d0/e(ii,ii) DO 12 jj=1,n 12 ai(ii,jj)=e(ii,jj+n)*ei 10 CONTINUE c RETURN END c ============================================================ subroutine makeG(NQ,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep) implicit none real*8 eg(*),ep(*),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ) integer*4 ix,NQ call mz(G,NQ) call mz(GP,NQ) call mz(GH,NQ) call mz(GHP,NQ) do 10 ix=1,NQ G(ix,ix)=eg(ix) GP(ix,ix)=ep(ix) GH(ix,ix) =dsqrt(eg(ix)) 10 GHP(ix,ix)=dsqrt(ep(ix)) return end c ============================================================ function overlap(ic,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) c calculates <0|0'> c ic ... 0 only the overlap c 1 also write DUSCH.OUT implicit none integer*4 ic,NQ,N,ig,ie,ia,nat,ix,jx,ii,IERR,iq real*8 eg(*),ep(*),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),sg(N,N),se(N,N),m(*),k(*),rg(*),re(*), 2bohr,T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ),TOL, 3A(NQ,NQ),TV(*),TU(*),B(*),C(NQ,NQ),D(*),E(NQ,NQ),overlap, 4sp1,sp2,fac,lt,lF,lJ,lQ,LOGDET,sp,SFAC real*8,allocatable::ci(:),cj(:) call makeG(NQ,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep) do 3 ig=1,NQ do 3 ie=1,NQ JT(ie,ig)=0.0d0 do 3 ia=1,nat do 3 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 3 JT(ie,ig)=JT(ie,ig)+sg(ii,ig)*m(ia)*se(ii,ie) do 4 ig=1,NQ k(ig)=0 do 4 ia=1,nat do 4 ix=1,3 ii=ix+3*(ia-1) 4 k(ig)=k(ig)+sg(ii,ig)*(re(ii)-rg(ii))/bohr 1*m(ia)*dsqrt(1822.89d0) call mt(J,JT,NQ) write(6,*)'J',J(1,1),J(NQ,NQ) write(6,*)'JT',JT(1,1),JT(NQ,NQ) call mm(T,G,J,NQ) write(6,*)'T',T(1,1),T(NQ,NQ) call mm(TP,JT,T,NQ) write(6,*)'TP',TP(1,1),TP(NQ,NQ) call ms(F,TP,GP,NQ) write(6,*)'F',F(1,1),F(NQ,NQ) c F = Jt G J + GP call INV(NQ,F,FI,NQ,TOL,E2,IERR) if( report('Inversion error') call mm(T,JT,GH,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,J,TP,NQ) call mm(TP,GH,T,NQ) do 11 ix=1,NQ do 11 jx=1,NQ 11 A(ix,jx)=2.0d0*TP(ix,jx) do 12 ix=1,NQ 12 A(ix,ix)=A(ix,ix)-1.0d0 c A=2 G^1/2 J Fi Jt G^1/2 - I call mm(T,JT,G,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,J,TP,NQ) do 13 ix=1,NQ 13 T(ix,ix)=T(ix,ix)-1.0d0 call mv(TV,T,K,NQ) call mv(TU,GH,TV,NQ) do 14 ix=1,NQ 14 B(ix)=-2.0d0*TU(ix) c B= - 2 G^1/2 ( J Fi Jt G - I) K call mm(T,FI,GHP,NQ) call mm(TP,GH,T,NQ) do 15 ix=1,NQ do 15 jx=1,NQ 15 C(ix,jx)=2.0d0*TP(ix,jx) do 16 ix=1,NQ 16 C(ix,ix)=C(ix,ix)-1.0d0 c C= 2 GP^1/2 Fi GP^1/2 - I call mv(TV,G,K,NQ) call mv(TU,JT,TV,NQ) call mv(TV,FI,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,GHP,TV,NQ) do 17 ix=1,NQ 17 D(ix)=-2.0d0*TU(ix) c D= - 2 GP^1/2 Fi Jt G K call mm(T,JT,GH,NQ) call mm(TP,FI,T,NQ) call mm(T,GHP,TP,NQ) do 18 ix=1,NQ do 18 jx=1,NQ 18 E(ix,jx)=4.0d0*T(ix,jx) c E= 4 GP^1/2 Fi Jt G^1/2 call mm(T,G,GP,NQ) lt=LOGDET(T,NQ,NQ) lF=LOGDET(F,NQ,NQ) lJ=LOGDET(J,NQ,NQ) lQ=dble(NQ)*log(2.0d0) fac=exp((lQ+lt/2.0d0+lJ-lF)/2.0d0) call mv(TV,G,K,NQ) sp1=sp(K,TV,NQ) call mv(TU,G,K,NQ) call mv(TV,JT,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,FI,TV,NQ) call mv(TV,J,TU,NQ) call mv(TU,G,TV,NQ) sp2=sp(K,TU,NQ) overlap=fac*exp(-0.50d0*(sp1-sp2)) if(ic.eq.1)then open(10,FILE='DUSCH.OUT') write(10,*)NQ call wdm(10,NQ,JT,'Duschinsky Matrix') call wdv(10,NQ,K,'Shift Vector') call wdm(10,NQ,A,'A Matrix') call wdv(10,NQ,B,'B Vector') call wdm(10,NQ,C,'C Matrix') call wdv(10,NQ,D,'D Vector') call wdm(10,NQ,E,'E Matrix') call wwm(10,NQ,eg,'Ground w') call wwm(10,NQ,ep,'Excited w') call wds(10,N,NQ,sg,'Ground S-Matrix') call wds(10,N,NQ,se,'Excited S-Matrix') allocate(ci(NQ),cj(NQ)) SFAC=0.0234280d0 do 20 iq=1,NQ ci(iq)=0.0d0 cj(iq)=0.0d0 do 20 ix=1,N ia=(ix-1)/3 cj(iq)=cj(iq)+(rg(ix)-re(ix))/bohr 1 *se(ix,iq)*SFAC*m(ia)*1822.89d0 20 ci(iq)=ci(iq)+(rg(ix)-re(ix))/bohr 1 *sg(ix,iq)*SFAC*m(ia)*1822.89d0 write(10,*) write(10,*)' mode SG*dX SE*dX ng ne' do 21 iq=1,NQ 21 write(10,621)iq,ci(iq),cj(iq),ci(iq)**2*eg(iq)/2.0d0, 1 cj(iq)**2*ep(iq)/2.0d0 621 format(i5,2f12.6,2f8.1) close(10) write(6,*)' DUSCH.OUT written' endif return end c ============================================================ subroutine iterate(maxit,NQ,lwr,wmin, 1N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) implicit none integer*4 iter,maxit,iw,NQ,ichange,IERR,N,nat real*8 dd,wp,wm,o,om,op,w,CM,wmin,delw,oold real*8 eg(*),ep(*),G(NQ,NQ),GP(NQ,NQ),GH(NQ,NQ),GHP(NQ,NQ), 1J(NQ,NQ),JT(NQ,NQ),sg(N,N),se(N,N),m(*),k(*),rg(*),re(*), 2bohr,T(NQ,NQ),TP(NQ,NQ),F(NQ,NQ),FI(NQ,NQ),E2(NQ,2*NQ),TOL, 3A(NQ,NQ),TV(*),TU(*),B(*),C(NQ,NQ),D(*),E(NQ,NQ),overlap logical lwr CM=219474.630d0 dd=0.5d0 oold=1.0d0 do 1 iter=1,maxit ichange=0 if(lwr)write(6,*)'Iteration ',iter,' of ',maxit if(lwr)write(6,601) 601 format(3x,'iw',11x,'w',10x,'wp',10x,'wm',11x,'o',10x,'op', 110x,'om') do 2 iw=1,NQ w=ep(iw) delw=max(wmin/CM,dd*w) o=overlap(0,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) wp=w+delw ep(iw)=wp op=overlap(0,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) wm=max(wmin/CM,w-delw) ep(iw)=wm om=overlap(0,NQ,N,nat,G,GP,GH,GHP,eg,ep,JT,J,sg,se, 1m,k,rg,re,bohr,T,TP,F,FI,E2,TOL,IERR,A,TV,TU,B,C,D,E) if(lwr)write(6,600)iw,w*CM,wp*CM,wm*CM,o,op,om 600 format(i5,3f12.3,3g12.3) if( if( ep(iw)=wm else ep(iw)=wp endif ichange=ichange+1 else ep(iw)=w endif 2 continue if(ichange.eq.0)dd=dd/2.0d0 if(oold.eq.o)return 1 oold=o return end c ============================================================ function spsv(sg,se,i,j,amas,z,N) implicit none integer*4 N,z(*),i,j,ix real*8 spsv,sg(N,N),se(N,N),dij real amas(*) dij=0.0d0 do 1 ix=1,N 1 dij=dij+sg(ix,i)*se(ix,j)*dble(amas(z((ix-1)/3+1))) spsv=dij return end c ============================================================ subroutine findbest(i,jstart,jmin,dmin,dij,sg,se,N,amas,z) implicit none integer*4 i,jstart,jmin,N,z(*),j real*8 dmin,dij,sg(N,N),se(N,N),spsv real amas(*) c find best match for i within jstart...1 jmin=0 dmin=0.0d0 dij=0.0d0 do 14 j=jstart,1,-1 dij=spsv(sg,se,i,j,amas,z,N) if(dabs(dij).gt.dmin.or.j.eq.jstart)then dmin=dabs(dij) jmin=j endif 14 continue return end