program cfp c coefficients of fractional parentage c II: Racah, G. Phys. Rev. 62, 1942, 438-462. c III: Racah, G. Phys. Rev. 63, 1943, 367-382. implicit none real*8 a,b,c,d,e,f,sw,bw,S,L,Sp,Lp,ll,f6,Spp,Lpp,lmax,k integer*4 ic,n,iwr,dstates character*5 oc(2) data oc/'large','small'/ call InitFac iwr=1 1000 write(6,6001)oc(iwr) 6001 format(/, 1' 1 w(abcd;ef)',/, 1' 2 W(abcd;ef)',/, 1' 3 (6):',/, 1' (s1l1s2l2(SpLp)s3l3SL|s1l1,s2l2s3l3(SppLpp),SL)',/, 1' 4 (9) equation set for CFP:',/, 1' sum(SpLp)(l,ll(SppLpp),SL|l2(SpLp)lSL)',/, 1' x CFP(l2(SpLp)lSL||l3aSL)=0 Spp+Lpp odd',/, 1' 5 (11) equation set for CFP, calculate',/, 1' CFP(l^(n-1)(SpLp) l SL]|l^n aSL)',/, 1' 6 maximum L for n electrons in l-shell',/, 1' 7 (SL||U(k)||SpLp) for n-electrons in l-shell',/, 1' 8 output control: ',a5/, 1' 9 (SL||V(k)||SpLp) for n-electrons in l-shell',/, 1' 10 investigate states in a l^n configuration',/, 1' 11 degeneracy of |S L> state of l^n configuration',/, 1' 0 quit',/, 1' ---------',/) read(5,*)ic if(ic.eq.0)stop if(ic.eq.1)then write(6,501) 501 format(' a b c d e f: ',$) read(5,*)a,b,c,d,e,f,f write(6,*)sw(a,b,c,d,e,f) endif if(ic.eq.2)then write(6,501) read(5,*)a,b,c,d,e,f,f write(6,*)bw(a,b,c,d,e,f) endif if(ic.eq.3)then write(6,503) 503 format(' l Sp Lp S L Spp Lpp: ',$) read(5,*)ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp write(6,*)f6(ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp) endif if(ic.eq.4)then write(6,504) 504 format(' l S L: ',$) read(5,*)ll,S,L call e9(ll,S,L) endif if(ic.eq.5)then write(6,505) 505 format(' n l S L: ',$) read(5,*)n,ll,S,L call e11(n,ll,S,L) endif if(ic.eq.6)then write(6,506) 506 format(' n l: ',$) read(5,*)n,ll write(6,*)' Max L = ',NINT(lmax(ll,n)) endif if(ic.eq.7)then write(6,507) 507 format(' n l S L Sp Lp k: ',$) read(5,*)n,ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,k call U44(n,ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,k,iwr) endif if(ic.eq.8)then iwr=iwr+1 if( endif if(ic.eq.9)then write(6,507) read(5,*)n,ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,k call V44(n,ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,k,iwr) endif if(ic.eq.10)then write(6,510) 510 format(' n l: ',$) read(5,*)n,ll call states(n,ll,iwr) endif if(ic.eq.11)then write(6,511) 511 format(' n l S L: ',$) read(5,*)n,ll,S,L write(6,5111)dstates(n,ll,0,S,L) 5111 format(' Ndeg =',i2) endif goto 1000 end function dstates(nn,ll,iwr,Slook,Llook) c all states in l-shell for n-electrons implicit none integer*4 nn,il,imax,i,j,n,m,NHBIG,iex,ic,orbit,spin,ML,MS, 1smax,mm,smin,S,L,ns,is,ist,iwr,dstates,it,islook,illook real*8 ll,lmax,Slook,Llook character*1 ssy(17) data ssy/'s','p','d','f','g','h','i','k','l','m','n','o','q','r', 1 't','u','v'/ character*1 sy(17) data sy/'S','P','D','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','O','Q','R', 1 'T','U','V'/ integer*4,allocatable::tab(:,:),STATE(:),si(:),lstab(:,:), 1mtab(:,:) it=0 islook=NINT(2.0d0*Slook) illook=NINT(Llook) smin=mod(nn,2) il=NINT(ll) imax=NINT(lmax(ll,nn)) smax=min(nn,2*il+1) if(*il+1)smax=4*il+2-nn if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,6001)ssy(il+1),nn 6001 format(/,a1,'^',i1,/) c -Lmax ...Lmax (ML) values: m=2*imax+1 c -Smax ...Smax (MS) values (multiple of 1/2): n=smax+1 c 2*m ... number of spinorbitals if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,6009)nn,il,imax,smax 6009 format(i2,' electrons,',i2,' = l,',' Lmax =',i2, 1' Smax =',i2,'/2') mm=2*(2*il+1) allocate (tab(m,n),STATE(mm),si(nn),lstab(m,n),mtab(m,n)) do 1 i=1,m do 1 j=1,n 1 tab(i,j)=0 NHBIG=0 c c states Nexc excited, Nexc=nn c distribute Nexc excitations upon centers (N7..N) c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,nn 41 si(iex)=1 5 DO 1966 I=1,mm 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,nn 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 c check that the state is allowed: do 42 I=1,mm 42 if(STATE(I).gt.1)goto 12 MS=0 ML=0 do 11 I=1,mm spin=1-2*mod(I,2) orbit=-il+(I-1)/2 MS=MS+spin *STATE(I) 11 ML=ML+orbit*STATE(I) if(iwr.eq.2)then if(mod(MS,2).eq.0)then write(6,6002)MS/2,ML,(STATE(I),I=1,mm) 6002 format(' MS =',i5,' ML =',i4,2x,30i1) else write(6,6012)MS,ML,(STATE(I),I=1,mm) 6012 format(' MS =',i3,'/2 ML =',i4,2x,30i1) endif endif i=ML+imax+1 j=(MS+smax+2)/2 tab(i,j)=tab(i,j)+1 NHBIG=NHBIG+1 c c find index to be changed 12 do 8 ic=nn,1,-1 8 if(si(ic) 9 goto 3 9 do 10 i=ic+1,nn 10 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 c 3 if(iwr.eq.2)then write(6,6003)NHBIG 6003 format(i6,' states',/,' Table:') do 13 i=1,m 13 write(6,6004)-imax+i-1,(tab(i,j),j=1,n) 6004 format(i3,1x,50i2) endif c extract S^L states: is=0 ist=0 do 14 S=smax,smin,-2 do 14 L=imax,0,-1 c fill SL table: do 15 i=1,m do 15 j=1,n 15 lstab(i,j)=0 do 16 ML=-L,L do 16 MS=-S,S,2 i=ML+imax+1 j=(MS+smax+2)/2 16 lstab(i,j)=lstab(i,j)+1 if(iwr.eq.2)then write(6,*)'LS Table:' do 20 i=1,m 20 write(6,6004)-imax+i-1,(lstab(i,j),j=1,n) endif ns=0 ic=0 c write total to a temporary one: 172 do 18 i=1,m do 18 j=1,n 18 mtab(i,j)=tab(i,j) c try to subtract lstab: do 17 i=1,m do 17 j=1,n if(lstab(i,j).gt.0)then if(mtab(i,j).gt.0)then mtab(i,j)=mtab(i,j)-1 else ic=1 goto 171 endif endif 17 continue 171 if(ic.eq.0)then if(iwr.eq.2)write(6,*)'can' c state could be subtracted, update tab and try again: do 19 i=1,m do 19 j=1,n 19 tab(i,j)=mtab(i,j) if(iwr.eq.2)then write(6,*)'Updated Table:' do 21 i=1,m 21 write(6,6004)-imax+i-1,(tab(i,j),j=1,n) endif ns=ns+1 ist=ist+1 goto 172 else if(iwr.eq.2)write(6,*)'cannot' endif if( is=is+1 if(illook.eq.L.and.islook.eq.S)it=ns if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,6007)is,S+1,sy(L+1),ns 6007 format(i5,i3,'^',a1,i4,' x') endif 14 continue if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,6008)is,ist,NHBIG 6008 format(/,i5,' SL labels',/,i5,' SL states',/, 1i5,' configurations') dstates=it return end subroutine states(nn,ll,iwr) c all states in l-shell for n-electrons implicit none integer*4 nn,il,imax,i,j,n,m,NHBIG,iex,ic,orbit,spin,ML,MS, 1smax,mm,smin,S,L,ns,is,ist,iwr real*8 ll,lmax character*1 ssy(17) data ssy/'s','p','d','f','g','h','i','k','l','m','n','o','q','r', 1 't','u','v'/ character*1 sy(17) data sy/'S','P','D','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','O','Q','R', 1 'T','U','V'/ integer*4,allocatable::tab(:,:),STATE(:),si(:),lstab(:,:), 1mtab(:,:) smin=mod(nn,2) il=NINT(ll) imax=NINT(lmax(ll,nn)) smax=min(nn,2*il+1) if(*il+1)smax=4*il+2-nn write(6,6001)ssy(il+1),nn 6001 format(/,a1,'^',i1,/) c -Lmax ...Lmax (ML) values: m=2*imax+1 c -Smax ...Smax (MS) values (multiple of 1/2): n=smax+1 c 2*m ... number of spinorbitals if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,6009)nn,il,imax,smax 6009 format(i2,' electrons,',i2,' = l,',' Lmax =',i2, 1' Smax =',i2,'/2') mm=2*(2*il+1) allocate (tab(m,n),STATE(mm),si(nn),lstab(m,n),mtab(m,n)) do 1 i=1,m do 1 j=1,n 1 tab(i,j)=0 NHBIG=0 c c states Nexc excited, Nexc=nn c distribute Nexc excitations upon centers (N7..N) c initial indices - all to the first center: do 41 iex=1,nn 41 si(iex)=1 5 DO 1966 I=1,mm 1966 STATE(I)=0 do 4 iex=1,nn 4 state(si(iex))=state(si(iex))+1 c check that the state is allowed: do 42 I=1,mm 42 if(STATE(I).gt.1)goto 12 MS=0 ML=0 do 11 I=1,mm spin=1-2*mod(I,2) orbit=-il+(I-1)/2 MS=MS+spin *STATE(I) 11 ML=ML+orbit*STATE(I) if(iwr.eq.2)then if(mod(MS,2).eq.0)then write(6,6002)MS/2,ML,(STATE(I),I=1,mm) 6002 format(' MS =',i5,' ML =',i4,2x,30i1) else write(6,6012)MS,ML,(STATE(I),I=1,mm) 6012 format(' MS =',i3,'/2 ML =',i4,2x,30i1) endif endif i=ML+imax+1 j=(MS+smax+2)/2 tab(i,j)=tab(i,j)+1 NHBIG=NHBIG+1 c c find index to be changed 12 do 8 ic=nn,1,-1 8 if(si(ic) 9 goto 3 9 do 10 i=ic+1,nn 10 si(i)=si(ic)+1 si(ic)=si(ic)+1 goto 5 c 3 if(iwr.eq.2)then write(6,6003)NHBIG 6003 format(i6,' states',/,' Table:') do 13 i=1,m 13 write(6,6004)-imax+i-1,(tab(i,j),j=1,n) 6004 format(i3,1x,50i2) endif c extract S^L states: is=0 ist=0 do 14 S=smax,smin,-2 do 14 L=imax,0,-1 c fill SL table: do 15 i=1,m do 15 j=1,n 15 lstab(i,j)=0 do 16 ML=-L,L do 16 MS=-S,S,2 i=ML+imax+1 j=(MS+smax+2)/2 16 lstab(i,j)=lstab(i,j)+1 if(iwr.eq.2)then write(6,*)'LS Table:' do 20 i=1,m 20 write(6,6004)-imax+i-1,(lstab(i,j),j=1,n) endif ns=0 ic=0 c write total to a temporary one: 172 do 18 i=1,m do 18 j=1,n 18 mtab(i,j)=tab(i,j) c try to subtract lstab: do 17 i=1,m do 17 j=1,n if(lstab(i,j).gt.0)then if(mtab(i,j).gt.0)then mtab(i,j)=mtab(i,j)-1 else ic=1 goto 171 endif endif 17 continue 171 if(ic.eq.0)then if(iwr.eq.2)write(6,*)'can' c state could be subtracted, update tab and try again: do 19 i=1,m do 19 j=1,n 19 tab(i,j)=mtab(i,j) if(iwr.eq.2)then write(6,*)'Updated Table:' do 21 i=1,m 21 write(6,6004)-imax+i-1,(tab(i,j),j=1,n) endif ns=ns+1 ist=ist+1 goto 172 else if(iwr.eq.2)write(6,*)'cannot' endif if( is=is+1 write(6,6007)is,S+1,sy(L+1),ns 6007 format(i5,i3,'^',a1,i4,' x') endif 14 continue write(6,6008)is,ist,NHBIG 6008 format(/,i5,' SL labels',/,i5,' SL states',/, 1i5,' configurations') return end C subroutine U44(nn,ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,k,iwr) c (j1 j2 j||U(k)||j1 j2p jp) c =(-1)^(j1+k-j2-jp)(j2||U(k)||j2p)sqrt((2j+1)*(2jp+1))) c W(j2 j j2p jp;j1 k) c (Racah II 44b) c c j1=j2=j2p=ll, j=L,jp=Lp: c (ll ll L||U(k)||ll ll Lp) c =(-1)^( k -Lp)(j2||U(k)||j2p)sqrt((2L+1)*(2Lp+1))) c W(j2 j j2p jp;j1 k) implicit none integer*4 nn,N,Np,Nm,Npm,i,j,isol,isolp,iwr real*8 S,Sp,L,ll,Lp,u,k,u44e,l1,s1,l1p,s1p,u44f real*8,allocatable::P(:,:),ls(:),ss(:),Pp(:,:),lsp(:),ssp(:) real*8 z0,tol data z0,tol/0.0d0,1.0d-10/ if(nn.eq.1)then write(6,*)' n=1 not implemented' return endif if( u=z0 else if(nn.eq.2)then u=dble(nn)*u44e(ll,L,Lp,k) else c do CFPs (l^n) for SL and SpLp: call e11(nn,ll,S,L) call e11(nn,ll,Sp,Lp) c read in CFPs for SL: N=0 Nm=0 call open_cfp(ll,nn,S,L) read(11,*,end=992,err=992)N,Nm 992 close(11) allocate(P(N,N),ls(N),ss(N)) call read_CFP(N,Nm,ll,L,S,P,ls,ss,nn) c read in CFPs for SpLp: Np=0 Npm=0 call open_cfp(ll,nn,Sp,Lp) read(11,*,end=991,err=991)Np,Npm 991 close(11) allocate(Pp(Np,Np),lsp(Np),ssp(Np)) call read_CFP(Np,Npm,ll,Lp,Sp,Pp,lsp,ssp,nn) do 1 isol=1,Nm if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,601)isol 601 format(' SL state ',i4) do 1 isolp=1,Npm if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,602)isolp 602 format(' SpLp state ',i4) u=z0 do 2 i=1,N s1=ss(i) l1=ls(i) do 2 j=1,Np s1p=ssp(j) l1p=lsp(j) if(iwr.eq.1) 1 write(6,6005)i, s1, l1, j, s1p, l1p,P(isol,i),Pp(isolp,j), 1 u44f(l1,l1p,ll,L,Lp,k) 6005 format(i2,2f4.1,i2,2f4.1,3f8.4) 2 if(dabs(s1-s1p).lt.tol.and.dabs(l1-l1p).lt.tol) 1 u=u+P(isol,i)*Pp(isolp,j)*u44f(l1,l1p,ll,L,Lp,k) u=dble(nn)*u 1 write(6,600)u return endif endif write(6,600)u 600 format(' u = ',f12.6) return end subroutine V44(nn,ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,k,iwr) c (j1 j2 j||U(k)||j1 j2p jp) c =(-1)^(j1+k-j2-jp)(j2||U(k)||j2p)sqrt((2j+1)*(2jp+1))) c W(j2 j j2p jp;j1 k) c (Racah II 44b) c c j1=j2=j2p=ll, j=L,jp=Lp: c (ll ll L||U(k)||ll ll Lp) c =(-1)^( k -Lp)(j2||U(k)||j2p)sqrt((2L+1)*(2Lp+1))) c W(j2 j j2p jp;j1 k) implicit none integer*4 nn,N,Np,Nm,Npm,i,j,isol,isolp,iwr real*8 S,Sp,L,ll,Lp,u,k,u44e,l1,s1,l1p,s1p,u44f real*8,allocatable::P(:,:),ls(:),ss(:),Pp(:,:),lsp(:),ssp(:) real*8 z0,half,one,tol data z0,half,one,tol/0.0d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,1.0d-10/ if(nn.eq.1)then write(6,*)' n=1 not implemented' return endif if(nn.eq.2)then u=dble(nn)*u44e(ll,L,Lp,k)*u44e(half,S,Sp,one) else c do CFPs (l^n) for SL and SpLp: call e11(nn,ll,S,L) call e11(nn,ll,Sp,Lp) c read in CFPs for SL: N=0 Nm=0 call open_cfp(ll,nn,S,L) read(11,*,end=992,err=992)N,Nm 992 close(11) allocate(P(N,N),ls(N),ss(N)) call read_CFP(N,Nm,ll,L,S,P,ls,ss,nn) c read in CFPs for SpLp: Np=0 Npm=0 call open_cfp(ll,nn,Sp,Lp) read(11,*,end=991,err=991)Np,Npm 991 close(11) allocate(Pp(Np,Np),lsp(Np),ssp(Np)) call read_CFP(Np,Npm,ll,Lp,Sp,Pp,lsp,ssp,nn) do 1 isol=1,Nm if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,601)isol 601 format(' SL state ',i4) do 1 isolp=1,Npm if(iwr.eq.1)write(6,602)isolp 602 format(' SpLp state ',i4) u=z0 do 2 i=1,N s1=ss(i) l1=ls(i) do 2 j=1,Np s1p=ssp(j) l1p=lsp(j) if(iwr.eq.1) 1 write(6,6005)i, s1, l1, j, s1p, l1p,P(isol,i),Pp(isolp,j), 1 u44f(l1,l1p,ll,L,Lp,k) 6005 format(i2,2f4.1,i2,2f4.1,3f8.4) 2 if(dabs(s1-s1p).lt.tol.and.dabs(l1-l1p).lt.tol) 1 u=u+P(isol,i)*Pp(isolp,j)*u44f(l1,l1p,ll,L,Lp,k) c (L1 ll L||U(k)||L1p ll Lp) u=dble(nn)*u 1 write(6,600)u return endif write(6,600)u 600 format(' v = ',f12.6) return end function u44e(ll,L,Lp,k) c (Racah II 44b) c (j1 j2 j||U(k)||j1 j2p jp) c (ll ll L||U(k)||ll ll Lp) implicit none real*8 u44e,si,ll,L,Lp,k,bw real*8 one,two data one,two/1.0d0,2.0d0/ if(mod(NINT(k)-NINT(Lp),2).eq.0)then si=one else si=-one endif c (j2||U(k)||j2p)=delta(j2,j2p)=delta(ll,ll)=1="one" in the next line u44e=si*one*dsqrt((two*L+one)*(two*Lp+one))*bw(ll,L,ll,Lp,ll,k) return end function u44f(L1,L1p,ll,L,Lp,k) c (Racah II 44b) c (j1 j2 j||U(k)||j1 j2p jp) c (L1 ll L||U(k)||L1p ll Lp) implicit none real*8 u44f,si,ll,L,Lp,k,L1,L1p,bw real*8 z0,one,two,tol data z0,one,two,tol/0.0d0,1.0d0,2.0d0,1.0d-10/ if(dabs(L1-L1p).gt.tol)then u44f=z0 else if(mod(NINT(L1+k-ll-Lp),2).eq.0)then si=one else si=-one endif u44f=si*dsqrt((two*L+one)*(two*Lp+one))*bw(ll,L,ll,Lp,L1,k) endif return end subroutine e11(nn,ll,S,L) implicit none c calculate coefficients of fractional parentage c (ll^(nn-1)(apSpLp)ll SL]|ll^nn aSL) based on c III: Racah, G. Phys. Rev. 63, 1943, 367-382. Eq. (11) integer*4 nn,tn,N,NP,dstates real*8 ll,S,L,Sp,Lp,spmin,spmax,lpmin,lpmax,lmax real*8,allocatable::ls(:),ss(:),P(:,:) real*8 z0,half,one,two,tol data z0,half,one,two,tol/0.0d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,2.0d0,1.0d-10/ c nn=1 ... CFP not relevant c nn=2 ... CFP = 1, but some state not allowed (S+L odd) c write all possible L S: Sp=-one 101 Sp=Sp+one Lp=-one 102 Lp=Lp+one if(mod(NINT(Lp+Sp),2).eq.0)then N=1 NP=1 allocate(ss(1),ls(1),P(1,1)) ss(1)=half ls(1)=ll P(1,1)=one call write_CFP(1,N,N,NP,ll,Lp,Sp,P,ls,ss,2,0) deallocate(ss,ls,P) endif if(*ll-tol)goto 102 if( 101 if( return endif c for (ll^n-1 (LpSp) ll (LS)]| ll^n SL) c need to know all under c for (ll^tn-1 (LppSpp) ll (LpSp)]| ll^tn SpLp) do 1 tn=3,nn-1 if(mod(tn,2).ne.0)then spmin=half else spmin=z0 endif lpmin=z0 spmax=dble(tn)*half lpmax=lmax(ll,tn) Sp=spmin-one 103 Sp=Sp+one Lp=lpmin-one 104 Lp=Lp+one if(dstates(tn,ll,0,Sp,Lp).gt.0)call e11_a(tn,ll,Sp,Lp) if( 104 if( 103 1 continue c finally, get the required ones: call e11_a(tn,ll,S,L) return end subroutine e11_a(tn,ll,S,L) c III: Racah, G. Phys. Rev. 63, 1943, 367-382. Eq. (11) c calculate and save (ll^nn-1 (apLpSp) ll (LS)]| ll^nn SL) implicit none integer*4 N,M,IER,i,j,IP,JP,NP,Nm,NPm,nn,tn,nmax,izl,ii,k,M0, 1npos,dstates,code,tcd,nd real*8 ll,S,L,sstart,send,lstart,lend,Sp,Lp,Spp,Lpp,f6g,anorm, 1getdet,SIJ,tem,sppp,lppp,suml,lmax,lij,pnorm real*8,allocatable::a(:,:),P(:,:),e(:,:),ai(:,:),ls(:),ss(:), 1C(:),Pm(:,:),lsm(:),ssm(:),at(:,:),ati(:,:),et(:,:),v(:), 2Ptem(:) logical lt integer*4,allocatable::cd(:) real*8 z0,half,one,two,tol data z0,half,one,two,tol/0.0d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,2.0d0,1.0d-10/ character*1 sy(17) data sy/'S','P','D','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','O','Q','R', 1 'T','U','V'/ nn=tn write(6,609)nint(ll),nn-1,nint(ll),nn,S,NINT(L),NINT(two*S+one), 1sy(NINT(L)+1) 609 format(/,'** setting equations for', 1i2,'^',i1,'|]',i1,'^',i1,' (',f3.1,' ',i2,' = ',i1,'^', 2a1,') **',/) if(,nn))then write(6,*)' L > Lmax, no solution' return endif c if on disk, do not do anything: call open_cfp(ll,nn,S,L) N=0 Nm=0 read(11,*,end=992,err=992)N,Nm 992 close(11) if( write(6,*)'Found on disk' return endif c find how many allowed: npos=dstates(nn,ll,0,S,L) if( write(6,*)'Impossible combination' return endif sstart=dabs(S-half) send=S+half lstart=dabs(L-ll) lend=min(L+ll,lmax(ll,nn-1)) c how many coefficients will we have (alphap,Sp,Lp): N=0 Sp=Sstart-one 101 Sp=Sp+one Lp=lstart-one 102 Lp=Lp+one c read (ll^nn-2 (appLppSpp) ll (LpSp)]| ll^nn-1 apSpLp) call open_cfp(ll,nn-1,Sp,Lp) Nm=0 Npm=0 read(11,*,end=991,err=991)Nm,Npm 991 close(11) if( N=N+Npm write(6,601)Npm,Sp,Lp,nn-1, NINT(two*Sp+one),sy(NINT(Lp)+1) 601 format(i10,' CFPs for Sp Lp nn: ',2f4.1,i2,i3,'^',a1) endif if( 102 if( 101 c set maximum M: M=0 Sppp=-one 107 Sppp=sppp+one Lppp=-one 108 Lppp=Lppp+one c block odd (Lppp+Sppp) states: if(mod(nint(Sppp+Lppp),2).ne.0)M=M+1 if(*ll-tol)goto 108 if( 107 write(6,*)'N M: ',N,M nmax=max(M,N) allocate(a(nmax,nmax),P(nmax,nmax),ai(nmax,nmax), 1e(nmax,2*nmax),ls(nmax),ss(nmax),C(nmax),cd(nmax)) do 21 i=1,nmax do 21 j=1,nmax 21 A(i,j)=0.0d0 write(6,604) 604 format(' f6g Pm M N i j l S L Sp Lp', 1' Spp Lpp Sppp Lppp') N=0 c (Lp Sp): Sp=Sstart-one 1 Sp=Sp+one Lp=lstart-one 2 Lp=Lp+one c read (ll^nn-2 (appLppSpp) ll (LpSp)]| ll^nn-1 apSpLp) call open_cfp(ll,nn-1,Sp,Lp) Nm=0 Npm=0 read(11,*,end=99,err=99)Nm,Npm,tcd 99 close(11) if( allocate(Pm(Nm,Nm),lsm(Nm),ssm(Nm)) call read_CFP(Nm,NPm,ll,Lp,Sp,Pm,lsm,ssm,nn-1) c (alpfap): do 111 j=1,Npm N=N+1 ss(N)=Sp ls(N)=Lp cd(N)=tcd M=0 sppp=-one 7 sppp=sppp+one lppp=-one 8 lppp=lppp+one if(mod(nint(Sppp+Lppp),2).ne.0)then M=M+1 c sum (alphapp): c sum (Spp Lpp): do 20 i=1,Nm Spp=ssm(i) Lpp=lsm(i) if(lt(Sppp,Spp,S),half,Sp),half,S).and. 1 lt(Lppp,Lpp,L),ll ,Lp),ll ,L))then write(6,603)f6g(Spp,half,half,Lpp,ll,ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Sppp,Lppp), 1 Pm(j,i),M,N,i,j,NINT(ll),S,NINT(L),Sp,NINT(Lp),Spp,NINT(Lpp), 2 Sppp,NINT(Lppp) 603 format(2f8.4,2i2,1x,3i2,1x,4(f4.1,i2)) a(M,N)=a(M,N) 1 +f6g(Spp,half,half,Lpp,ll,ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Sppp,Lppp)*Pm(j,i) endif 20 continue endif if(*ll-tol)goto 8 if( 7 111 continue deallocate(Pm,lsm,ssm) endif if( 2 if( 1 call wmtrio(6,a,nmax,M,N) c delete zero lines izl=0 i=0 22 i=i+1 suml=z0 do 23 j=1,N 23 suml=suml+dabs(A(i,j)) if( izl=izl+1 do 24 ii=i,M-1 do 24 j=1,N 24 A(ii,j)=A(ii+1,j) M=M-1 i=i-1 endif if( 22 if( write(6,*)izl,' zero lines deleted' write(6,*)'m-matrix:' call wmtrio(6,a,nmax,M,N) if( write(6,*)' M > N' M0=M M=N 201 tem=getdet(a,nmax,M) write(6,*)M,' x ',M,' determinant: ',tem if(dabs(tem).gt.tol)then allocate(at(M,M),ati(M,M),et(M,2*M),v(M)) do 202 i=1,M do 202 j=1,M 202 at(i,j)=a(j,i) call INV(M,At,AtI,M,tol,et,IER) c check that remaining lines can be obtained as lin . c combination: do 203 i=M+1,M0 c line i: do 205 k=1,M v(k)=z0 do 205 j=1,M 205 v(k)=v(k)+Ati(k,j)*a(i,j) write(6,*)'i:',i write(6,*)'v:' write(6,*)(v(k),k=1,M) c is it for all N?: do 203 j=1,N lij=z0 do 204 k=1,M 204 lij=lij+a(k,j)*v(k) if(dabs(lij-a(i,j)).gt.tol)then write(6,*)i,j,lij,a(i,j),' no lin dep, no solution' return endif 203 continue deallocate(at,ati,et,v) write(6,*)' additional lines linear dependent and forgotten' else if( M=M-1 goto 201 else write(6,*)' M > N, no solution' return endif endif else c complete to square matrix: do 19 i=M+1,N do 19 j=1,N 19 a(i,j)=a(M,j) write(6,*)' m completed' endif tem=getdet(a,nmax,N) write(6,*)'determinant: ',tem if(dabs(tem).gt.tol)then write(6,*)'No solution' return endif M=N NP=0 c NP ... number of possible solutions 12 M=M-1 NP=NP+1 do 6 IP=1,NP DO 6 i =N-NP+1,N 6 P(IP,i)=z0 do 13 IP=1,NP 13 P(IP,N-IP+1)=one if(dabs(getdet(a,nmax,M)) 12 do 25 j=1,N 25 write(6,*)'N:',j,' Sp:',ss(j),'LP:',NINT(ls(j)),' code: ',cd(j) if( call INV(nmax,A,AI,M,tol,e,IER) if(IER.eq.0)then if(NP.eq.1)then write(6,*)NP,' solution possible' else write(6,*)NP,' solutions possible' endif if( write(6,*)'warning: only ',npos,' allowed' c write(6,*)NP-npos,' forgotten' c NP=npos code=npos else code=0 endif do 3 IP=1,NP DO 15 i=1,M C(i)=z0 do 15 j=M+1,N 15 C(i)=C(i)-A(i,j)*P(IP,j) do 3 i=1,M P(IP,i)=z0 do 3 j=1,M 3 P(IP,i)=P(IP,i)+AI(i,j)*C(j) else write(6,*)'no inversion' return endif endif c orthonormalize: do 11 IP=1,NP SIJ=z0 do 18 JP=1,IP-1 do 17 i=1,N 17 SIJ=SIJ+P(IP,i)*P(JP,i) do 18 i=1,N 18 P(IP,i)=P(IP,i)-SIJ*P(JP,i) anorm=z0 do 10 i=1,N 10 anorm=anorm+P(IP,i)**2 do 11 i=1,N 11 P(IP,i)=P(IP,i)/dsqrt(anorm) do 26 j=1,N Sp=ss(j) Lp=ls(j) if(cd(j).gt.0)then nd=1 do 27 jp=j+1,N 27 if(ss(jp) if(nd.eq.2.and.code.eq.0.and.NP.eq.1)then write(6,*)'Repairing substate:' write(6,*)'N:',j,' Sp:',Sp,'Lp:',NINT(Lp),' code: ',cd(j) call open_cfp(ll,nn-1,Sp,Lp) Nm=0 Npm=0 read(11,*,end=991,err=991)Nm,Npm close(11) allocate(Pm(Nm,Nm),lsm(Nm),ssm(Nm),Ptem(Nm)) call read_CFP(Nm,NPm,ll,Lp,Sp,Pm,lsm,ssm,nn-1) pnorm=z0 do 29 i=1,nd write(6,*)'jp P(1,jp)',j+i-1,P(1,j+i-1) 29 pnorm=pnorm+P(1,j+i-1)**2 pnorm=dsqrt(pnorm) write(6,*)'pnorm: ',pnorm do 28 jp=1,Nm Ptem(jp)=z0 do 28 i=1,nd 28 Ptem(jp)=Ptem(jp)+P(1,j+i-1)*Pm(i,jp)/pnorm do 30 jp=1,Nm 30 Pm(1,jp)=Ptem(jp) Npm=1 call write_CFP(1,Nm,Nm,Npm,ll,Lp,Sp,Pm,lsm,ssm,nn-1,0) write(6,*)'Repairing state:' if(P(1,j).lt.z0)then P(1,j)=-pnorm else P(1,j)= pnorm endif do 31 jp=j+1,N-1 P(1,jp)=P(1,jp+1) ss(jp)=ss(jp+1) 31 ls(jp)=ls(jp+1) deallocate(Pm,lsm,ssm,Ptem) N=N-1 endif endif 26 continue call write_CFP(1,nmax,N,NP,ll,L,S,P,ls,ss,nn,code) close(11) return end subroutine e9(ll,S,L) implicit none c III: Racah, G. Phys. Rev. 63, 1943, 367-382. Eq. (9) integer*4 N,M,ic,Mmax,IER,i,j,IP,JP,NP,Ndim real*8 ll,S,L,sstart,send,lstart,lend,Sp,Lp,Spp,Lpp,f6,anorm, 1getdet,SIJ,tem real*8,allocatable::a(:,:),P(:,:),e(:,:),ai(:,:),ls(:),ss(:), 1C(:) real*8 z0,half,one,two,tol data z0,half,one,two,tol/0.0d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,2.0d0,1.0d-10/ character*1 sy(17) data sy/'S','P','D','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','O','Q','R', 1 'T','U','V'/ write(6,609)nint(ll),3,nint(ll),2 609 format('** setting equations for',i2,'^',i1,'|]',i1,'^',i1,' **') sstart=dabs(S-half) send=S+half lstart=dabs(L-ll) lend=L+ll do 1000 ic=1,2 Mmax=0 N=0 if(ic.eq.2)write(6,*)' Sp Lp:' Sp=Sstart-one 1 Sp=Sp+one Lp=lstart-one 2 Lp=Lp+1 if(mod(nint(Sp+Lp),2).eq.0)then if(*ll+tol)then c this is allowed (aantisymmetric) state, and we want its CFPs: N=N+1 if(ic.eq.2)then write(6,600)Sp,NINT(Lp),NINT(two*Sp+one),sy(NINT(Lp)+1) 600 format(f3.1,i3,' (',i1,'^',a1,')',/,12x,'Spp Lpp:') ss(N)=Sp ls(N)=Lp endif M=0 spp=sstart-one 7 spp=spp+one lpp=lstart-one 8 lpp=lpp+1 if(mod(nint(Spp+Lpp),2).ne.0)then if(*ll+tol)then c block this state: M=M+1 if(ic.eq.2)then a(M,N)=f6(ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp) write(6,602)Spp,NINT(Lpp),NINT(two*Spp)+1, 1 sy(NINT(Lpp)+1),f6(ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp) 602 format(17x,f3.1,i3,' (',i1,'^',a1,') ',f10.4) endif endif endif if( 8 if( 7 if( endif endif if( 2 if( 1 if(ic.eq.1)then write(6,*)' number of CFPs ',N write(6,*)' number of equations ',Mmax Ndim=max(Mmax,N) N=Ndim allocate(a(N,N),P(N,N),ai(N,N),e(N,2*N),ls(N),ss(N),C(N)) else if( write(6,*)' M > N, no solution' return else c complete to square matrix: do 19 i=Mmax+1,Ndim do 19 j=1,N 19 a(i,j)=a(Mmax,j) endif endif 1000 continue write(6,*)'m-matrix:' call wmtrio(6,a,N,N,N) tem=getdet(a,N,N) write(6,*)'determinant: ',tem if(dabs(tem).gt.tol)then write(6,*)'No solution' return endif M=N NP=0 c NP ... number of possible solutions 12 M=M-1 NP=NP+1 do 6 IP=1,NP DO 6 i =N-NP+1,N 6 P(IP,i)=z0 do 13 IP=1,NP 13 P(IP,N-IP+1)=one if(dabs(getdet(a,N,M)) 12 if( call INV(N,A,AI,M,tol,e,IER) if(IER.eq.0)then write(6,*)NP,' solutions possible' do 3 IP=1,NP DO 15 i=1,M C(i)=z0 do 15 j=M+1,N 15 C(i)=C(i)-A(i,j)*P(IP,j) do 3 i=1,M P(IP,i)=z0 do 3 j=1,M 3 P(IP,i)=P(IP,i)+AI(i,j)*C(j) else write(6,*)'no inversion' return endif endif c orthonormalize: do 11 IP=1,NP SIJ=z0 do 18 JP=1,IP-1 do 17 i=1,N 17 SIJ=SIJ+P(IP,i)*P(JP,i) do 18 i=1,N 18 P(IP,i)=P(IP,i)-SIJ*P(JP,i) anorm=z0 do 10 i=1,N 10 anorm=anorm+P(IP,i)**2 do 11 i=1,N 11 P(IP,i)=P(IP,i)/dsqrt(anorm) call write_CFP(1,N,N,NP,ll,L,S,P,ls,ss,3,0) return end SUBROUTINE INV(nr,a,ai,n,TOL,e,IERR) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) dimension ai(nr,nr),a(nr,nr),e(nr,2*nr) C 10000 IERR=0 DO 1 ii=1,n DO 1 jj=1,n e(ii,jj)=a(ii,jj) 1 e(ii,jj+n)=0.0D0 do 13 ii=1,n 13 e(ii,ii+n)=1.0D0 c DO 2 ii=1,n-1 if (ABS(e(ii,ii)).LE.TOL) then DO 3 io=ii+1,n 3 if (ABS(e(io,ii)).GT.TOL) goto 11 IERR=1 write(6,*)ii write(6,*)'tol = ',tol tol=tol*0.50d0 if( 10000 RETURN c 11 CONTINUE DO 4 kk=1,2*n w=e(ii,kk) e(ii,kk)=e(io,kk) 4 e(io,kk)=w ENDIF eii=e(ii,ii) DO 5 jj=ii+1,n e1=e(jj,ii)/eii DO 6 kk=ii+1, 2*n 6 e(jj,kk)=e(jj,kk)-e(ii,kk)*e1 5 e(jj,ii)=0.0D0 2 CONTINUE c DO 7 i2=n,2,-1 eii=e(i2,i2) DO 7 j2=i2-1,1,-1 e1=e(j2,i2)/eii DO 9 kk=1, n 9 e(j2,kk+n)=e(j2,kk+n)-e(i2,kk+n)*e1 7 e(j2,i2)=0.0d0 c DO 10 ii=1,n ei=1.0d0/e(ii,ii) DO 12 jj=1,n 12 ai(ii,jj)=e(ii,jj+n)*ei 10 CONTINUE c RETURN END subroutine wmtrio(io,A,n0,n,m) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (I-N) dimension A(n0,n0) N1=1 1 N3=MIN(N1+4,M) WRITE(io,18)(I,I=N1,N3) 18 FORMAT(4X,5I14) DO 130 LN=1,N 130 WRITE(io,17)LN,(A(LN,J),J=N1,N3) N1=N1+5 IF(N3.LT.M)GOTO 1 17 FORMAT(I4,5D14.6) return end function f6(ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp) c (s1l1s2l2(SpLp)s3l3SL|s1l1,s2l2s3l3(SppLpp),SL) c Racah III (6) c si=0.5,li=ll implicit none real*8 ll,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp,f6,bw real*8 half,one,two data half,one,two/0.5d0,1.0d0,2.0d0/ f6=dsqrt((two*Sp+one)*(two*Spp+one)*(two*Lp+one)*(two*Lpp+one)) 1*bw(half,half,S,half,Sp,Spp)*bw(ll,ll,L,ll,Lp,Lpp) return end function f6g(s1,s2,s3,l1,l2,l3,Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp) c general (s1l1s2l2(SpLp)s3l3SL|s1l1,s2l2s3l3(SppLpp),SL) c Racah III (6) implicit none real*8 Sp,Lp,S,L,Spp,Lpp,f6g,bw,s1,s2,s3,l1,l2,l3 real*8 one,two data one,two/1.0d0,2.0d0/ f6g=dsqrt((two*Sp+one)*(two*Spp+one)*(two*Lp+one)*(two*Lpp+one)) 1*bw(s1,s2,S,s3,Sp,Spp)*bw(l1,l2,L,l3,Lp,Lpp) 600 format(2f8.4,6f4.1,1x,6f4.1) return end function sw(a,b,c,d,e,ff) c Racah II (36) implicit none integer*4 a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,z real*8 a,b,c,d,e,ff,sw,si,s integer*4 nfac0 parameter (nfac0=100) real*8 f0,f common/npar/f0,f(nfac0) s=0.0d0 si=-1.0d0 do 1 z=0,nint(a+b+c+d)+1 si=-si a1=nint(a + b+ c+d)+1-z a2=nint(a + b- e)-z a3=nint(c + d- e)-z a4=nint(a + c-ff)-z a5=nint(b + d-ff)-z a6=nint(e +ff- a-d)+z a7=nint(e +ff- b-c)+z 1 if( 1 2 s+si*f(a1)/f(a2)/f(a3)/f(a4)/f(a5)/f(z)/f(a6)/f(a7) sw=s return end function bw(a,b,c,d,e,ff) c Racah II, eq. 36' implicit none integer*4 a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16 real*8 a,b,c,d,e,ff,sw,bw integer*4 nfac0 parameter (nfac0=100) real*8 f0,f common/npar/f0,f(nfac0) a1 =nint(a+b-e) a2 =nint(a+e-b) a3 =nint(b+e-a) a4 =nint(c+d-e) a5 =nint(c+e-d) a6 =nint(d+e-c) a7 =nint(a+c-ff) a8 =nint(a+ff-c) a9 =nint(c+ff-a) a10=nint(b+d-ff) a11=nint(b+ff-d) a12=nint(d+ff-b) a13=nint(a+b+ e)+1 a14=nint(c+d+ e)+1 a15=nint(a+c+ff)+1 a16=nint(b+d+ff)+1 if(a1 .ge.0.and.a2 .ge.0.and.a3 .ge.0.and.a4 .ge.0.and. 1 a5 .ge.0.and.a6 .ge.0.and.a7 .ge.0.and.a8 .ge.0.and. 1 a9 1 bw=dsqrt(f(a1)*f(a2)*f(a3)*f(a4)*f(a5)*f(a6)*f(a7)*f(a8)*f(a9) 1 *f(a10)*f(a11)*f(a12)/f(a13)/f(a14)/f(a15)/f(a16)) 2 *sw(a,b,c,d,e,ff) else bw=0.0d0 endif return end Function Fac(n) implicit none integer*4 n,ii real*8 Fac,bb bb=1.0d0 do 1 ii=2 , n 1 bb=bb*dble(ii) fac=bb return end Function DFac(n) c double factorial = n!! implicit none integer*4 n,ii real*8 DFac,bb if(n.eq.-1.or.n.eq.0)then bb=1.0d0 else bb=dble(n) if(mod(n,2).ne.0)then do 1 ii=n-2,1,-2 1 bb=bb*dble(ii) else do 2 ii=n-2,2,-2 2 bb=bb*dble(ii) endif endif dfac=bb return end subroutine Initfac implicit none integer*4 nfac0,i parameter (nfac0=100) real*8 f0,factorial,fac common/npar/f0,factorial(nfac0) real*8 dm,d0,df,dfac common/dpar/dm,d0,df(nfac0) do 1 i=0 , nfac0 1 factorial(i)=fac(i) do 2 i=-1, nfac0 2 df(i)=dfac(i) return end FUNCTION getdet(A,N0,N) IMPLICIT none INTEGER*4 N, N0, I, J, K REAL*8 A(N0,N0),T, TEMP,L,getdet LOGICAL DETEXISTS REAL*8,allocatable:: ELEM(:,:) allocate(ELEM(N,N)) DO 1 I=1,N DO 1 J=1,N 1 ELEM(I,J)=A(I,J) DETEXISTS = .TRUE. L = 1.0d0 c CONVERT TO UPPER TRIANGULAR FORM DO 3 K = 1, N-1 IF (DABS(ELEM(K,K)).LE.1.0D-10) THEN DETEXISTS = .FALSE. DO 4 I = K+1, N IF (dabs(ELEM(I,K)).gt.1.0d-10) THEN DO 2 J = 1, N TEMP = ELEM(I,J) ELEM(I,J)= ELEM(K,J) 2 ELEM(K,J) = TEMP DETEXISTS = .TRUE. L=-L EXIT ENDIF 4 continue IF (DETEXISTS .EQV. .FALSE.) THEN getdet = 0.0d0 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF DO 3 J = K+1, N T = ELEM(J,K)/ELEM(K,K) DO 3 I = K, N 3 ELEM(J,I) = ELEM(J,I) - T*ELEM(K,I) !CALCULATE DETERMINANT BY FINDING PRODUCT OF DIAGONAL ELEMENTS getdet = L DO 5 I = 1, N 5 getdet = getdet * ELEM(I,I) END subroutine open_cfp(ll,n,S,L) implicit none real*8 ll,S,L integer*4 il,jl,n character*10 ss il=NINT(ll) jl=NINT(L) write(ss(1:1),607)il 607 format(i1) ss(2:2)='^' write(ss(3:3),607)n ss(4:4)='_' write(ss(5:7),608)S 608 format(f3.1) ss(8:8)='_' write(ss(9:10),609)jl 609 format(i2) if(ss(9:9).eq.' ')ss(9:9)='_' open(11,file=ss) return end subroutine write_CFP(ic,n0,N,NP,ll,L,S,P,ls,ss,nn,code) implicit none integer*4 N,NP,ic,il,jl,IP,i,nn,n0,code real*8 ll,L,S,ls(*),ss(*) real*8 one,two,P(n0,n0) data one,two/1.0d0,2.0d0/ character*1 sy(17),ssy(17) c index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c 15 16 17 c L: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 c 14 15 16 data sy/'S','P','D','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','O','Q','R', 1 'T','U','V'/ data ssy/'s','p','d','f','g','h','i','k','l','m','n','o','q','r', 1 't','u','v'/ c call open_cfp(ll,nn,S,L) il=NINT(ll) jl=NINT(L) write(11,1100)N,NP,code 1100 format(3i4) c N number of nn-1 basis functions c NP number of solutions (additional quantum number) for ll^nn SL c code 0 if ok, 1 if solution is incomplete if(ic.eq.1)then write(6,603)il,nn,S,NINT(L),ssy(il+1),nn,NINT(two*S+one),sy(jl+1) write(6,604) do 1 IP=1,NP write( 6,606)IP do 1 i=1,N 1 write( 6,605)i,ssy(il+1),nn-1,ss(i),NINT(ls(i)), 1NINT(two*ss(i)+one),sy(NINT(ls(i))+1),P(IP,i) endif write(11,603)il,nn,S,NINT(L),ssy(il+1),nn,NINT(two*S+one),sy(jl+1) 603 format(/,' Term |l^n,S,L> = |',i1,'^',i1,',',f3.1,',',i1, 1'> = |l^n M^L> = |',a1,'^',i1,' ',i1,'^',a1,'>:',/) write(11,604) 604 format( 1' |l^n-1 (Sp Lp)=(M^L) l> x (l^n SL|[l^n-1 (Sp Lp) l SL)') do 9 IP=1,NP write(11,606)IP 606 format(/,' Solution ',i2,':',/) do 9 i=1,N 9 write(11,605)i,ssy(il+1),nn-1,ss(i),NINT(ls(i)), 1NINT(two*ss(i)+one),sy(NINT(ls(i))+1),P(IP,i) 605 format(i3,' |',a1,'^',i1, 1' (',f3.1,i2,')=(',i1,'^',a1,')',f22.15) close(11) return end subroutine read_CFP(N,NP,ll,L,S,P,ls,ss,nn) implicit none integer*4 N,NP,IP,i,nn,ils real*8 ll,L,S,ls(*),ss(*) real*8 P(N,N) call open_cfp(ll,nn,S,L) do 1 i=1,5 1 read(11,*) do 9 IP=1,NP do 2 i=1,3 2 read(11,*) do 9 i=1,N read(11,605)ss(i),ils,P(IP,i) 9 ls(i)=dble(ils) 605 format(3x,10x,f3.1,i2,3x,1x,1x,1x,1x,f22.15) close(11) return end function lmax(ll,nn) c maximum L in ll-shell with nn electrons implicit none real*8 ll,lc,lmax integer*4 nn,m,ie,ic ie=0 lc=0.0d0 do 1 m=NINT(ll),-NINT(ll),-1 do 1 ic=1,2 if( ie=ie+1 lc=lc+dble(m) else goto 2 endif 1 continue 2 lmax=lc return end function lt(a,b,c) c checks triangle conditions implicit none real*8 a,b,c,tol logical lt data tol/1.0d-10/ 1 1 return end