program bordel implicit none real*8 frandom,x,y,z,d,half,dx,dy,dz,s(100),ave,a2,dd,h,p,pi,o integer*4 i,ix,iy,iz,nat,iq,j,n character*80 s80 common /randc/ ix, iy, iz ix=1 iy=1000 iz=99 pi=4.0d0*datan(1.0d0) half=0.5d0 s=0.0d0 ave=0.0d0 a2=0.0d0 if(iargc().ne.1)then write(6,*)'Usage: bordel ' stop endif call getarg(1,s80) read(s80,*)d dd=d/100.0d0 o=0.2d0*d open(9 ,file='FILE.X') open(91,file='B.X') read(9,90)s80 90 format(a80) write(91,90)s80 read(9,*)nat write(91,*)nat n=0 do 1 i=1,nat read(9,*)iq,x,y,z n=n+3 h=(dble(n)/d*dd)/d/dsqrt(pi) 100 dx=d*(half-frandom(i)) j=nint((dx+half*d)/dd) if(s(j).gt.h*exp(-(dx/o)**2))goto 100 if( 101 dy=d*(half-frandom(i)) j=nint((dy+half*d)/dd) if(s(j).gt.h*exp(-(dy/o)**2))goto 101 if( 102 dz=d*(half-frandom(i)) j=nint((dz+half*d)/dd) if(s(j).gt.h*exp(-(dz/o)**2)) goto 102 if( ave=ave+dx+dy+dz a2=a2+dx**2+dy**2+dz**2 1 write(91,91)iq,x+dx,y+dy,z+dz 91 format(i6,3f12.6,' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0') close(9) close(91) open(9,file='distr.prn') do 3 i=1,100 3 write(9,92)-d*half+dble(i)*dd,s(i) 92 format(f10.4,f12.2) close(9) ave=ave/dble(3*nat) a2 =a2 /dble(3*nat) write(6,60)ave,dsqrt(a2-ave**2) 60 format(' Average: ',f12.6,', RMS:',f12.6) end function frandom(i) implicit none real*8 frandom integer*4 i c c Algorithm AS 183 Appl. Statist. (1982) vol.31, no.2 c c Returns a pseudo-random number rectangularly distributed c between 0 and 1. The cycle length is 6.95E+12 (See page 123 c of Applied Statistics (1984) vol.33), not as claimed in the c original article. c c IX, IY and IZ should be set to integer values between 1 and c 30000 before the first entry. c integer*4 ix, iy, iz common /randc/ ix, iy, iz c ix = mod(171 * ix, 30269) iy = mod(172 * iy, 30307) iz = mod(170 * iz, 30323) frandom = mod(dble(ix) / 30269.0d0 + dble(iy) / 30307.0d0 + 1 dble(iz) / 30323.0d0, 1.0d0) return end